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[ Опубликовано в: Pollution ]
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Результаты 1-10 из 22

Distribution of pesticides and some of their transformation products in a small lentic waterbody: Fish, water, and sediment contamination in an agricultural watershed


Slaby, Sylvain | Le Cor, François | Dufour, Vincent | Auger, Lucile | Pasquini, Laure | Cardoso, Olivier | Curtet, Laurence | Baudoin, Jean-Marc | Wiest, Laure | Vulliet, Emmanuelle | Feidt, Cyril | Dauchy, Xavier | BANAS, Damien

Institut national de la recherche agronomique - France

Cadmium distribution in mature durum wheat grains using dissection, laser ablation-ICP-MS and synchrotron techniques *


Yan, Bofang | Isaure, Marie-Pierre | Mounicou, Sandra | Castillo-Michel, Hiram | De Nolf, Wout | Nguyen, Christophe | Cornu, Jean-Yves

Institut national de la recherche agronomique - France

Trace element distribution in marine microplastics using laser ablation-ICPMS


El Hadri, Hind | Gigault, Julien | Mounicou, Sandra | Grassl, Bruno | Reynaud, Stephanie

Institut national de la recherche agronomique - France

Remediation of PAH-contaminated soils: Experimental analysis and modeling of hydrodynamics and mass transfer in a soil-slurry bioreactor.


Pino Herrera, Douglas Oswaldo | Pechaud, Yoan | Huguenot, David | Fayolle, Y. | Pageot, S. | Oturan, Nihal | Esposito, Giovanni | Van Hullebusch, Eric D. | Oturan, Mehmet A.

Institut national de la recherche agronomique - France

Could benthic biofilm analyses be used as a reliable proxy for freshwater environmental health?


Pu, Yang | Ngan, Wing Yui | Yao, Yuan | Habimana, Olivier

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Evaluating legacy contaminants and emerging chemicals in marine environments using adverse outcome pathways and biological effects-directed analysis


Hutchinson, Thomas H. | Lyons, Brett P. | Thain, John E. | Law, Robin J.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

The role of Cymodocea nodosa on the dynamics of trace elements in different marine environmental compartments at the Mar Menor Lagoon (Spain)


Serrano, Raquel | Gras, Luis | Giménez-Casalduero, Francisca | del-Pilar-Ruso, Yoana | Grindlay, Guillermo | Mora, Juan

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Combining Biological and Chemical Screenings to Assess Cytotoxicity of Emerging Contaminants in Discharges into Surface Water


Etteieb, Selma | Cherif, Semia | Kawachi, Atsushi | Han, Junkyu | Elayni, Foued | Tarhouni, Jamila | Isoda, Hiroko

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

New ternary water-soluble support from self-assembly of β-cyclodextrin-ionic liquid and an anionic polymer for a dialysis device


Bouyahya, Asmaa | Sembo-Backonly, Berthe-Sandra | Favrelle-Huret, Audrey | Balieu, Sébastien | Guillen, Frédéric | Mesnage, Valérie | Karakasyan-Dia, Carole | Lahcini, Mohammed | Le Cerf, Didier | Gouhier, Géraldine

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

On the use of metal-organic frameworks for the extraction of organic compounds from environmental samples


Manousi, Natalia | Zachariadis, George A. | Deliyanni, Eleni A.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America