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Size-dependent effects of polystyrene plastic particles on the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans as related to soil physicochemical properties
Kim, Shin Woong | Kim, Dasom | Jeong, Seung-Woo | An, Youn-Joo
Plastic polymers are widely used in various applications and are thus prevalent in the environment. Over time, these polymers are slowly degraded into nano- and micro-scale particles. In this study, the free-living nematode, Caenorhabditis elegans, was exposed to polystyrene particles of two different sizes (42 and 530 nm) in both liquid and soil media. The number of offspring significantly (p < 0.05) decreased at polystyrene concentrations of 100 mg/L and 10 mg/kg in liquid and soil media, respectively. In soil media, but not liquid media, C. elegans was more sensitive to the larger particles (530 nm) than the smaller particles (42 nm), and the median effective concentration (EC₅₀) values of the 42 and 530 nm-sized particles were found to be > 100 and 14.23 (8.91–22.72) mg/kg, respectively. We performed the same toxicity bioassay on five different field-soil samples with different physicochemical properties and found that the size-dependent effects were intensified in clay-rich soil samples. A principal component analysis showed that the bulk density, cation exchange capacity, clay content, and sand content were the dominant factors influencing the toxicity of the 530 nm-sized polystyrene particles. Therefore, we conclude that the soil composition has a significant effect on the toxicity induced by these 530 nm-sized polystyrene particles.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Long-term impact of fertigation with treated sewage effluent on the physical soil quality
Coelho, Anderson Prates | Silva, Matheus Flavio da | Faria, Rogério Teixeira de | Fernandes, Carolina | Dantas, Geffson de Figueiredo | Santos, Gilmar Oliveira
In agriculture, wastewater is used as an alternative source to meet the water and nutritional requirements of plants. However, long-term application of wastewater may degrade soil attributes. This study aimed to evaluate the soil physical quality of Oxisol fertigated with treated sewage effluent (TSE). The experiment was conducted in an area under TSE application for 4 years in Oxisol (625 g kg⁻¹ clay) cultivated with Urochloa brizantha. The treatments consisted of six levels of TSE in irrigation depth, 0%, 11%, 31%, 60%, 87%, and 100%, with four repetitions. Undisturbed and disturbed soils samples were collected in three layers (0.00–0.10 m; 0.10–0.20 m, and 0.20–0.30 m). Aggregation, porosity and water infiltration attributes were evaluated. This work concludes a long-term study on the effects of TSE application on soil properties and on the Urochloa brizantha crop. In other works, carried out in the experimental area of the present study, it was found that TSE fertigation increases the yield and quality of Urochloa brizantha, increases soil fertility and does not lead to soil heavy metal contamination. We note the TSE fertigation does not change the aggregation, porosity, water infiltration rate and organic carbon content in the soil. Irrigation with TSE is recommended in areas with clayey soil and those cultivated with perennial grasses as it does not cause any damage to the physical quality of the soil. Thus, the TSE fertigation can be used on many crops as a source of water and nutrients, reducing the environmental contamination potential.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Effect of long-term equilibration on the toxicity of molybdenum to soil organisms
van Gestel, Cornelis A.M. | McGrath, Steve P. | Smolders, Erik | Ortiz, Maria Diez | Borgman, Eef | Verweij, Rudo A. | Buekers, Jurgen | Oorts, Koen
To determine if long-term equilibration may alleviate molybdenum toxicity, earthworms, enchytraeids, collembolans and four plant species were exposed to three soils freshly spiked with Na₂MoO₄.2H₂O and equilibrated for 6 or 11 months in the field with free drainage. Total Mo concentrations in soil decreased by leaching, most (up to 98%) in sandy soil and less (54–62%) in silty and clayey soils. Changes in residual Mo toxicity with time were inconclusive in sandy soil. In the other two soils, toxicity of residual total Mo was significantly reduced after 11 months equilibration with a median 5.5-fold increase in ED50s. Mo fixation in soil, i.e. the decrease of soil solution Mo concentrations at equivalent residual total soil Mo, was maximally a factor of 2.1 only. This experiment shows natural attenuation of molybdate ecotoxicity under field conditions is related to leaching of excess Mo and other ions as well as to slow ageing reactions.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Variations in aggregate-associated organic carbon and polyester microfibers resulting from polyester microfibers addition in a clayey soil
Zhang, G.S. | Zhang, F.X.
Organic carbon is an essential element for sustainable soil management. While the effects of microplastics on soil physical and biological properties are presenting, it remains unclear whether the organic carbon dynamics of soil are altered by increased microplastic accumulation. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the influences of different polyester microfiber (PMF 0, 0.1% and 0.3% of soil dry weight) and organic material (OM 0, 1%, 2% and 3% of soil dry weight) addition levels on soil organic carbon and to determine the PMF distribution in aggregates from a pot experiment. After 75 days of incubation under 6 wet-dry cycles, the concentrations of soil total organic carbon did not differ significantly between the PMF (9.7 ± 6.6 g kg⁻¹) and control (9.7 ± 6.9 g kg⁻¹) treatments. However, PMF addition significantly reduced the organic carbon concentration in the large (>2 mm) macro-aggregates compared to the control treatment (10.6 ± 4.8 g kg⁻¹ vs. 11.7 ± 4.4 g kg⁻¹), but the results were opposite in the small (2–0.25 mm)macro-aggregates (10.2 ± 4.9 g kg⁻¹ vs. 8.4 ± 3.8 g kg⁻¹). In this study, less than 30% of added PMFs were incorporated into soil aggregates. In addition, the abundance and average length of aggregate-associated PMF in the large (2210 ± 180 particles per g aggregate and 2.08 ± 0.17 mm) and small (1820 ± 150 particles per g aggregate and 1.68 ± 0.11 mm) macro-aggregates were significantly greater than those in the micro-aggregates (1010 ± 70 particles per g aggregate and 0.72 ± 0.05 mm). Our results demonstrate that the distribution of organic carbon in soil macro-aggregates is affected by PMFs addition. Thus, we propose that the behavior of microplastics inside soil aggregates should be further explored to clarify their effects on the physical protection of soil organic carbon.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Electrokinetic remediation of contaminants of emergent concern in clay soil: Effect of operating parameters
Guedes, Paula | Lopes, Vanda | Couto, Nazaré | Mateus, Eduardo P. | Pereira, Cristina Silva | Ribeiro, Alexandra B.
The potential of electrokinetic (EK) remediation to remove from soils one particular group of contaminants - contaminants of emergent concern (CECs), remains largely overlooked. The present study aimed to evaluate the efficiency of the EK process for the remediation of an agricultural clay soil containing CECs. The soil was spiked with four CECs - sulfamethoxazole, ibuprofen, triclosan and caffeine - and their status (i.e. residual amounts and spatial distribution) evaluated at the seventh day of EK treatment at a defined current intensity, directionality and duration of void period. The characterization of the soil physicochemical properties was also undertaken. The results showed similar degradation trends in all applied EK strategies, which were suchlike to that of the natural attenuation (biotic control): sulfamethoxazole > ibuprofen ≥ triclosan ≥ caffeine. The removal of the CECs was higher under a 10 mA constant current application than in the natural attenuation (up to 2.8 times higher; from 13 to 85%). Caffeine was the exception with its best removal efficiency being achieved when the ON/OFF switch mode with a void period duration of 12 h was used (36%). The use of electro-polarization reversal mode did not favour the remediation. The soil pH variations resulting from EK application were determinant for triclosan remediation, which increased with soil pH increase. The only EK condition that promoted the removal of all CECs was the ON/OFF switch mode of 12 h (removals between 36 and 72%), in which only minor physicochemical disturbances of the soil were observed. This is in accordance with a potential application of EK in-situ. The last is reinforced by the low estimated electrical cost of the best EK technology - 2.33 €/m³ for the 7 days. Overall the EK remediation processes are a promising technology to stimulate in situ the removal of CECs from agricultural soils.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Enhanced degradation of 14C-HCB in two tropical clay soils using multiple anaerobic–aerobic cycles
Kengara, Fredrick Orori | Doerfler, Ulrike | Welzl, Gerhard | Rüth, Bernhard | Munch, Jean Charles | Schroll, Reiner
The aim of the study was to induce and enhance the degradation of hexachlorobenzene (HCB), a highly-chlorinated persistent organic pollutant, in two ecologically different tropical soils: a paddy soil (PS) and a non-paddy soil (FS). The degradation of HCB was enhanced using two anaerobic–aerobic cycles in model laboratory experiments. There was greater degradation of HCB in the PS (half-life of 224 days) relative to the FS (half-life of 286 days). It was further shown that soils amended with compost had higher metabolite concentrations relative to the non-amended soils. In the first cycle, there was little degradation of HCB in both soils. However, in the second cycle, there was enhanced mineralization in the PS under aerobic conditions, with the compost-treated samples showing higher mineralization. There was also extensive volatilization in both soils. The metabolite pattern revealed that the increased mineralization and volatilization was due to the formation of lower chlorinated benzenes.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]The influence of organic matter on sorption and fate of glyphosate in soil - Comparing different soils and humic substances
Albers, Christian N. | Banta, Gary T. | Hansen, Poul Erik | Jacobsen, Ole S.
Soil organic matter (SOM) is generally believed not to influence the sorption of glyphosate in soil. To get a closer look on the dynamics between glyphosate and SOM, we used three approaches: I. Sorption studies with seven purified soil humic fractions showed that these could sorb glyphosate and that the aromatic content, possibly phenolic groups, seems to aid the sorption. II. Sorption studies with six whole soils and with SOM removed showed that several soil parameters including SOM are responsible for the strong sorption of glyphosate in soils. III. After an 80 day fate experiment, ~40% of the added glyphosate was associated with the humic and fulvic acid fractions in the sandy soils, while this was the case for only ~10% of the added glyphosate in the clayey soils. Glyphosate sorbed to humic substances in the natural soils seemed to be easier desorbed than glyphosate sorbed to amorphous Fe/Al-oxides.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Long-term desorption of trichloroethylene from flint clay using multiplexed optical detection
Stager, M.P. | Perram, G.P. (Air Force Institute of Technology/ENP, Department of Engineering Physics, 2950 P Street, Bldg 640, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH 45433-7765 (USA))
Leaching of dichlorprop and nitrate in structured soil
Bergstrom, L. (Department of Soil Sciences, University of Agricultural Scieences, PO Box 7072, 75007 Uppsala (Sweden))
Diffuse and point source leaching of pesticides in a clayey till groundwater catchment
Joergensen, P.R. | Spliid, N.H. | Brehmer, A. | Hansen, M.