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Ambient ozone (O3) in three class I wilderness areas in the northeastern USA: measurements with Ogawa passive samplers.
Manning W.J. | Krupa S.V. | Bergweiler C.J. | Nelson K.I.
Accumulation of aluminum and iron by bryophytes in streams affected by acid-mine drainage.
Engleman C.J. Jr. | McDiffett W.F.
Organic contaminants in sediments from San Quintin Bay, Baja California, Mexico.
Galindo E.A.G. | Celaya J.A.V. | Munoz G.F. | Sericano J.L.
Novel toxic dinoflagellate causes epidemic disease in estuarine fish [USA].
Noga E.J. | Khoo L. | Stevens J.B. | Fan Z. | Burkholder J.M.
Organochlorine pesticide residues in marine sediment and biota from the Northern Florida reef tract.
Glynn P.W. | Rumbold D.G. | Snedaker S.C.
Organotin levels in seafood
Belfroid, A.C. | Purperhart, M. | Ariese, F.
In situ air sparging: lessons learned from applications and research in the United States
Johnson, P.C. (Arizona State Univ. (USA))
Mobility of Zn, Cd and Pb in soils as affected by poultry litter extract-II. Redistribution among soil fractions
Li ZhenBin | Shuman, L.M. (Department of Crop and Soil Science, Georgia Experiment Station, University of Georgia, Griffin, GA 30223-1797 (USA))
Mobility of Zn, Cd and Pb in soils as affected by poultry litter extract-I. Leaching in soil columns
Li ZhenBin | Shuman, L.M. (Department of Crop and Soil Science, Georgia Experiment Station, University of Georgia, Griffin, GA 30223-1797 (USA))
Vertical gradients of ozone and carbon dioxide within a deciduous forest in central Pennsylvania
Skelly, J.M. | Fredericksen, T.S. | Savage, J.E. | Snyder, K.R. (Department of Plant Pathology, Pennsylvania State University, 108 Buckhout Laboratory, University Park, PA 16802 (USA))