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Identification and quantification of microplastic particles in drinking water treatment sludge as an integrative approach to determine microplastic abundance in a freshwater river
Siegel, Henrik | Fischer, Franziska | Lenz, Robin | Fischer, Dieter | Jekel, Martin | Labrenz, Matthias
Microplastic (MP) has been detected ubiquitously in freshwater systems. Until now MP sampling, however, is predominantly based on short-term net or pumping and filtration systems which can only provide snapshots of MP abundance; especially in flowing water bodies. To improve representativeness in the determination of MP occurrences in these aquatic compartments, an integrative approach that covers larger water volumes for a longer period of time is required. In this regard, surface water supplied drinking water treatment plants (DWTPs) represent an opportunity. In DWTPs, suspended solids from thousands of cubic metres of raw water are continuously removed over several hours and enriched in coagulation/flocculation and filtration processes. Our hypothesis was that MP is also removed to a full extent, like suspended solids, and that an integrative approach for identification and quantification in raw water can be derived from the analysis of MP in the treatment sludge. To prove this hypothesis, treatment sludge from a riverside DWTP (Warnow river, North-Eastern Germany) was analysed for MP > 50 μm. A sample purification protocol overcoming potential matrix effects caused by coagulants and flocculants was developed and validated. MP was analysed using micro-Raman spectroscopy. MP occurrence determined for the Warnow river was compared with in situ reference sampling using an established pumping and filtration system at relatively stable flow conditions. As result, the number of MP particles derived from treatment sludge was extrapolated to 196 ± 42 m⁻³ for the Warnow river and is statistically insignificantly different from 233 ± 36 m⁻³ identified by conventional water sampling. In addition, the polymer distribution and particles shape indicated the validity of the integrative concept. Consequently, the determination of MP abundance for freshwater systems based on DWTP treatment sludge represents an adequate method to estimate MP concentrations in flowing waters in an integrative way.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Treatment of biodigested coffee processing wastewater using Fenton’s oxidation and coagulation/flocculation
Gomes de Barros, Valciney | Rodrigues, Carmen S.D. | Botello-Suárez, Wilmar Alirio | Duda, Rose Maria | Alves de Oliveira, Roberto | da Silva, Eliana S. | Faria, Joaquim L. | Boaventura, Rui A.R. | Madeira, Luis M.
Biodigested coffee processing wastewater (CPW) presents a high organic load and does not meet the limits imposed by legislation (namely in Brazil) for discharge into water bodies. Anaerobic digestion generally cannot provide a satisfactory organic matter reduction in CPW as a significant fraction of recalcitrant compounds still persists in the treated effluent. So, this study aims to find alternative ways to remove refractory organic compounds from this wastewater in order to improve the biodegradability and reduce the toxicity, which will allow its recirculation back into the anaerobic digester. Three treatment approaches (Fenton’s oxidation - Approach 1, Coagulation/flocculation (C/F) - Approach 2, and the combination of C/F with Fenton’s process - Approach 3) were selected to be applied to the biodigested CPW in order to achieve that objective.The application of the Fenton process under the optimal operating conditions (initial pH = 5.0; T = 55 °C, [Fe³⁺] = 1.8 g L⁻¹ and [H₂O₂] = 9.0 g L⁻¹) increased the biodegradability (the BOD₅:COD ratio raised from 0.34 ± 0.02 in biodigested CPW to 0.44 ± 0.01 after treatment) and eliminated the toxicity (0.0% of Vibrio fischeri inhibition) along with moderate removals of organic matter (51.3%, 55.7% and 39.7% for total organic carbon – TOC, chemical oxygen demand – COD and biochemical oxygen demand - BOD₅, respectively). The implementation of a coagulation/flocculation process upstream from Fenton’s oxidation, under the best operating conditions (pH 10–11 and [Fe³⁺] = 250 mg L⁻¹), also allowed to slightly increase the biodegradability (from 0.34 to 0.47) and reduce the toxicity, whereas providing a higher removal of organic matter (TOC = 76.2%, COD = 76.5 and BOD₅ = 66.3% for both processes together). Approach 1 and Approach 3 showed to be the best ones, implying similar operating costs (∼74 R$ m⁻³/∼17 € m⁻³) and constitute an attractive option for managing biodigested CPW.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Revealing the ability of a novel polysaccharide bioflocculant in bioremediation of heavy metals sensed in a Vibrio bioluminescence reporter assay
Sajayan, Arya | Seghal Kiran, G. | Priyadharshini, S. | Poulose, Navya | Selvin, Joseph
A bioflocculant-producing bacterial strain, designated MSI021, was isolated from the marine sponge Dendrilla nigra and demonstrated 94% flocculation activity in a kaolin clay suspension. MSI021 was identified as Bacillus cereus based on phylogenetic affiliation and biochemical characteristics. The purified extra-cellular bioflocculant was chemically elucidated as a polysaccharide molecule. The polysaccharide bioflocculant was stable under both acidic and alkaline conditions (pH 2.0–10.0) and temperatures up to 100 °C. The purified bioflocculant efficiently nucleated the formation of silver nanoparticles which showed broad spectrum antibacterial activity. The ability of the bioflocculant to remediate heavy metal toxicity was evaluated by measuring the inhibition of bioluminescence expression in Vibrio harveyi. Enrichment of heavy metals such as zinc, mercury and copper at concentrations of 1, 2 and 3 mM in culture media showed significant reduction of bioluminescence in Vibrio, whereas media enriched with heavy metals and bioflocculant showed dose dependent improvement in the expression of bioluminescence. The assay results demonstrated that the polysaccharide bioflocculant effectively mitigates heavy metal toxicity, thereby improving the expression of bioluminescence in Vibrio. This bioluminescence reporter assay can be developed into a high-throughput format to monitor and evaluate of heavy metal toxicity. The findings of this study revealed that a novel polysaccharide bioflocculant produced by a marine B. cereus demonstrated strong flocculating performance and was effective in nucleating the formation antibacterial silver nanoparticles and removing heavy metals. These results suggest that the MSI021 polysaccharide bioflocculant can be used to develop greener waste water treatment systems.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Influences of binding to dissolved organic matter on hydrophobic organic compounds in a multi-contaminant system: Coefficients, mechanisms and ecological risks
Li, Yi-Long | He, Wei | Liu, Wen-Xiu | Kong, Xiang-Zhen | Yang, Bin | Yang, Chen | Xu, Fu-Liu
The complexation flocculation (CF) method was successfully employed to identify binding coefficients (Kdoc) of specific organic contaminants to dissolved organic matter (DOM, often indicated by dissolved organic carbon, DOC) in a multi-contaminant hydrophobic organic contaminant (HOC) system. Kdoc values were obtained for most of the evaluated 33 HOCs, indicating the feasibility and applicability of the CF method in a multi-contaminant system. Significant positive correlations were observed between binding coefficients and octanol–water partition coefficients (Kow) for organic halogen compounds, such as polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) (R2 = 0.95, p < 0.05) and organic chlorine pesticides (OCPs) (methoxychlor excluded, R2 = 0.82, p < 0.05). The positive correlations identified between the lgKdoc and lgBCF (bioconcentration factor) for PBDEs and OCPs, as well as the negative correlation observed for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), indicated that different binding or partition mechanisms between PAHs and organic halogen compounds exist. These differences further result in discriminative competition partitions of HOCs between DOM and organisms. Assuming that only freely dissolved HOCs are bioconcentrative, the results of DOM-influenced bioconcentration factor (BCFDOM) and DOM-influenced lowest observed effect level (LOELDOM) indicate that the ecological risk of HOCs is decreased by DOM.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Behavior of pharmaceuticals and drugs of abuse in a drinking water treatment plant (DWTP) using combined conventional and ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis (UF/RO) treatments
Boleda, M(a) Rosa | Galceran, M(a) Teresa | Ventura, Francesc
The behavior along the potabilization process of 29 pharmaceuticals and 12 drugs of abuse identified from a total of 81 compounds at the intake of a drinking water treatment plant (DWTP) has been studied. The DWTP has a common treatment consisting of dioxychlorination, coagulation/flocculation and sand filtration and then water is splitted in two parallel treatment lines: conventional (ozonation and carbon filtration) and advanced (ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis) to be further blended, chlorinated and distributed. Full removals were reached for most of the compounds. Iopromide (up to 17.2 ng/L), nicotine (13.7 ng/L), benzoylecgonine (1.9 ng/L), cotinine (3.6 ng/L), acetaminophen (15.6 ng/L), erythromycin (2.0 ng/L) and caffeine (6.0 ng/L) with elimination efficiencies ≥94%, were the sole compounds found in the treated water. The advanced treatment process showed a slightly better efficiency than the conventional treatment to eliminate pharmaceuticals and drugs of abuse.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Adverse effects of erythromycin on the structure and chemistry of activated sludge
Louvet, J.N. | Giammarino, C. | Potier, O. | Pons, M.N.
This study examines the effects of erythromycin on activated sludge from two French urban wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). Wastewater spiked with 10 mg/L erythromycin inhibited the specific evolution rate of chemical oxygen demand (COD) by 79% (standard deviation 34%) and the specific N–NH4+ evolution rate by 41% (standard deviation 25%). A temporary increase in COD and tryptophan-like fluorescence, as well as a decrease in suspended solids, were observed in reactors with wastewater containing erythromycin. The destruction of activated sludge flocs was monitored by automated image analysis. The effect of erythromycin on nitrification was variable depending on the sludge origin. Erythromycin inhibited the specific nitrification rate in sludge from one WWTP, but increased the nitrification rate at the other facility. Erythromycin toxicity on activated sludge is expected to reduce pollution removal.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]An integrated method for removal of harmful cyanobacterial blooms in eutrophic lakes
Wang, Zhicong | Li, Dunhai | Qin, Hongjie | Li, Yinxia
As the eutrophication of lakes becomes an increasingly widespread phenomenon, cyanobacterial blooms are occurring in many countries. Although some research has been reported, there is currently no good method for bloom removal. We propose here a new two-step integrated approach to resolve this problem. The first step is the inactivation of the cyanobacteria via the addition of H₂O₂. We found 60 mg/L was the lowest effective dose for a cyanobacterial concentration corresponding to 100 μg/L chlorophyll-a. The second step is the flocculation and sedimentation of the inactivated cyanobacteria. We found the addition of lake sediment clay (2 g/L) plus polymeric ferric sulfate (20 mg/L) effectively deposited them on the lake bottom. Since algaecides and flocculants had been used separately in previous reports, we innovatively combined these two types of reagents to remove blooms from the lake surface and to improve the dissolved oxygen content of lake sediments.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Polyacrylamide preparations for protection of water quality threatened by agricultural runoff contaminants
Entry, J.A. | Sojka, R.E. | Watwood, M. | Ross, C.
Waste streams associated with a variety of agricultural runoff sources are major contributors of nutrients, pesticides and enteric microorganisms to surface and ground waters. Water soluble anionic polyacrylamide (PAM) was found to be a highly effective erosion-preventing and infiltration-enhancing polymer, when applied at rates of 1-10 g m (super -3) in furrow irrigation water. Water flowing from PAM treated irrigation furrows show large reductions in sediment, nutrients and pesticides. Recently PAM and PAM+CaO and PAM+Al(SO (sub 4) ) (sub 3) mixtures have been shown to filter bacteria, fungi and nutrients from animal wastewater. Low concentrations of PAM [175-350 g PAM ha (super -1) as PAM or as PAM+CaO and PAM+Al(SO (sub 4) ) mixture] applied to the soil surface, resulted in dramatic decreases (10 fold) of total, coliform and fecal streptococci bacteria in cattle, fish and swine wastewater leachate and surface runoff. PAM treatment also filtered significant amounts of NH (sub 4) , PO (sub 4) and total P in cattle and swine wastewater. This points to the potential of developing PAM as a water quality protection measure in combination with large-scale animal feeding operations. Potential benefits of PAM treatment of animal facility waste streams include: (1) low cost, (2) easy and quick application, (3) suitability for use with other pollution reduction techniques. Research on the efficacy of PAM for removal of protozoan parasites and viruses and more thorough assessment of PAM degradation in different soils is still needed to completely evaluate PAM treatment as an effective waste water treatment. We will present analysis and feasibility of using PAM, PAM+Al(SO (sub 4) ) (sub 3) , and PAM+CaO application for specific applications. Our results demonstrate their potential efficacy in reducing sediment, nutrients and microorganisms from animal production facility effluents. Abstract
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Effects of soluble organics on the settling rate of modified clay and development of improved clay formulations for harmful algal bloom control
Jiang, Wenbin | Yu, Zhiming | Cao, Xihua | Jiang, Kaiqin | Yuan, Yongquan | Anderson, Donald M. | Song, Xiuxian
For many years, the dispersal of modified clay (MC) has been used to control harmful algal blooms (HABs) in coastal waters of China. MC flocculation efficiency can be influenced by many factors in variable and complex natural environments, including high concentrations of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in the water to be treated. Since many HABs occur in nearshore waters where DOM concentrations are high, this is a significant problem that requires urgent attention. This study involved the use of humic acid as a representative form of DOM to study the influence of organic matter on the MC flocculation process. At high concentrations, humic acid was adsorbed onto MC particles, resulting in a decrease in surface potential and an increase in electrostatic repulsion between the clay particles; this decreased the MC settling rate and increased the water clarification time. Flocs were characterized by their relatively small particle size, high particle concentration, and low collision efficiency, which together resulted in slow clarification of the water after MC spraying. Based on the mechanism of the DOM-MC interaction and combined with the Derjaguin-Landau-Verwey-Overbeek theory and theoretical considerations of clay surface modification, the “ionic atmosphere compression” method was used to improve MC flocculation efficiency in high-organic water. This method increased the ionic strength of the clay stock solution by adding salt, thereby compressing the ionic atmosphere of MC particles and lowering the potential barrier, allowing the MC particles in the treated water to flocculate rapidly and form large flocs, followed by further floc growth and rapid settling via differential sedimentation. The settling rate of MCs improved by a factor of two and the removal efficiency of the HAB cells increased by 7–28%. This study provides important baseline information that will extend the application of MC to HAB control in water bodies with high organic loadings.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Algicidal mechanism of Raoultella ornithinolytica against Microcystis aeruginosa: Antioxidant response, photosynthetic system damage and microcystin degradation
Li, Dongpeng | Kang, Xin | Chu, Linglong | Wang, Yifei | Song, Xinshan | Zhao, Xiaoxiang | Cao, Xin
Water eutrophication caused by harmful algal blooms (HABs) occurs worldwide. It causes huge economic losses and has serious and potentially life-threatening effects on human health. In this study, the bacterium Raoultella sp. S1 with high algicidal efficiency against the harmful algae Microcystis aeruginosa was isolated from eutrophic water. The results showed that Raoultella sp. S1 initially flocculated the algae, causing the cells to sediment within 180 min and then secreted soluble algicidal substances that killed the algal cells completely within 72 h. The algicidal activity was stable across the temperature range −85.0 to 85.0 °C and across the pH range 3.00–11.00. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) revealed the crumpling and fragmentation of cells algal cells during the flocculation and lysis stages. The antioxidant system was activated under conditions of oxidative stress, causing the increased antioxidant enzymes activities. Meanwhile, the oxidative stress response triggered by the algicidal substances markedly increased the malondialdehyde (MDA) and glutathione (GSH) content. We investigated the content of Chl-a and the relative expression levels of genes related to photosynthesis, verifying that the algicidal compounds attack the photosynthetic system by degrading the photosynthetic pigment and inhibiting the expression of key genes. Also, the results of photosynthetic efficiency and relative electric transport rate confirmed that the photosynthetic system in algal cells was severely damaged within 24 h. The algicidal effect of Raoultella sp. S1 against Microcystis aeruginosa was evaluated by analyzing the physiological response and photosynthetic system impairment of the algal cells. The concentration of microcystin-LR (MC-LR) slightly increased during the process of algal cells ruptured, and then decreased below its initial level due to the biodegradation of Raoultella sp. S1. To further investigate the algicidal mechanism of Raoultella sp. S1, the main components in the cell-free supernatant was analyzed by UHPLC-TOF-MS. Several low-molecular-weight organic acids might be responsible for the algicidal activity of Raoultella sp. S1. It is concluded that Raoultella sp. S1 has the potential to control Microcystis aeruginosa blooms.
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