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Multiphase CFD simulation of the nearshore spilled oil behaviors
Raznahan, Mohammadmehdi | An, Chunjiang | Li, S Samuel | Geng, Xiaolong | Boufadel, Michel
Oil spills are a serious environmental problem. To better support risk assessment and pollution control for oil spills, a good understanding of oil transport in the environment is required. This study focused on the numerical simulation of the nearshore oil behaviors based on computational fluid dynamics. Based on the Navier-Stokes momentum equations for an incompressible viscous fluid and volume of fluid (VOF) method, a 3D numerical model of three-phase transient flow was developed. The wave number, averaged flow velocity and oil properties would affect the oil spread extent and the oil volume fraction. The higher the averaged flow velocity and wave number, the lower the oil concentration, and the faster the horizontal movement of the oil. The spilled oil may move to contact the seafloor by increasing the averaged flow velocity at the inlet boundary. Through increasing the wave number, the oil would stay near the water surface. In the nearshore, where the wave is the main seawater motion, the oil containment boom should be set preferentially to the direction of wave transmission for oil cleaning. This study shows that by doubling the wave number and increasing the averaged flow velocity (ten times) at the same time, the maximum oil volume fraction would be reduced by around 32%. Finally, the water temperature had no significant impact on the oil migration, and the impact of evaporation should be considered in the simulation.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Development of a calibration chamber to evaluate the performance of low-cost particulate matter sensors
Sayahi, T. | Kaufman, D. | Becnel, T. | Kaur, K. | Butterfield, A. | Collingwood, S. | Zhang, Y. | Gaillardon, P.-E. | Kelly, K.E.
Low-cost particulate matter (PM) air quality sensors are becoming widely available and are being increasingly deployed in ambient and home/workplace environments due to their low cost, compactness, and ability to provide more highly resolved spatiotemporal PM concentrations. However, the PM data from these sensors are often of questionable quality, and the sensors need to be characterized individually for the environmental conditions under which they will be making measurements. In this study, we designed and assessed a cost-effective (∼$700) calibration chamber capable of continuously providing a uniform PM concentration simultaneously to multiple low-cost PM sensors and robust calibration relationships that are independent of sensor position. The chamber was designed and evaluated with a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model and a rigorous experimental protocol. We then used this new chamber to calibrate 242 Plantower PMS 3003 sensors from two production lots (Batches I and II) with two aerosol types: ammonium nitrate (for Batches I and II) and alumina oxide (for Batch I). Our CFD models and experiments demonstrated that the chamber is capable of providing uniform PM concentration to 8 PM sensors at once within 6% error and with excellent reliability (intraclass correlation coefficient > 0.771). The study identified two malfunctioning sensors and showed that the remaining sensors had high linear correlations with a DustTrak monitor that was calibrated for each aerosol type (R2 > 0.978). Finally, the results revealed statistically significant differences between the responses of Batches I and II sensors to the same aerosol (P-value<0.001) and the Batch I sensors to the two different aerosol types (P-value<0.001). This chamber design and evaluation protocol can provide a useful tool for those interested in systematic laboratory characterization of low-cost PM sensors.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Coupling dynamics and chemistry in the air pollution modelling of street canyons: A review
Zhong, Jian | Cai, Xiao-Ming | Bloss, William James
Air pollutants emitted from vehicles in street canyons may be reactive, undergoing mixing and chemical processing before escaping into the overlying atmosphere. The deterioration of air quality in street canyons occurs due to combined effects of proximate emission sources, dynamical processes (reduced dispersion) and chemical processes (evolution of reactive primary and formation of secondary pollutants). The coupling between dynamics and chemistry plays a major role in determining street canyon air quality, and numerical model approaches to represent this coupling are reviewed in this article. Dynamical processes can be represented by Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) techniques. The choice of CFD approach (mainly the Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) and Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) models) depends on the computational cost, the accuracy required and hence the application. Simplified parameterisations of the overall integrated effect of dynamics in street canyons provide capability to handle relatively complex chemistry in practical applications. Chemical processes are represented by a chemical mechanism, which describes mathematically the chemical removal and formation of primary and secondary species. Coupling between these aspects needs to accommodate transport, dispersion and chemical reactions for reactive pollutants, especially fast chemical reactions with time scales comparable to or shorter than those of typical turbulent eddies inside the street canyon. Different approaches to dynamical and chemical coupling have varying strengths, costs and levels of accuracy, which must be considered in their use for provision of reference information concerning urban canopy air pollution to stakeholders considering traffic and urban planning policies.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Microclimate simulation and model optimization of the effect of roadway green space on atmospheric particulate matter
Deng, Shixin | Ma, Jiang | Zhang, Lili | Jia, Zhongkui | Ma, Lüyi
Urban green spaces have the potential to mitigate and regulate atmospheric pollution. However, existing studies have primarily focused on the adsorption effect of different plants on atmospheric particulate matter (PM), whereas the effect of green space on PM has not been adequately addressed. In this study, the effect of different urban green space structures and configurations on PM was investigated through the 3D computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model ENVI-met by treating the green space as a whole based on field monitoring, and at the same time, the regulatory effect of green space on PM was examined by integrating information about the forest stand, PM concentration, and meteorological factors. The results show that the green space primarily affected wind speed but had no significant effect on relative humidity, temperature, or wind direction (P > 0.05). The PM concentration was significantly positively correlated with the relative humidity (P < 0.01), significantly negatively correlated with temperature (P < 0.05), but not significantly correlated with wind speed and direction (P > 0.05). Comparison with the measured values reveals that the ENVI-met model well reflected the differences in PM concentrations between different green spaces and the effect of green space on PM. In different green space structures, the uniform-type structure performed rather poorly at purifying PM, the concave-shaped structure performed the best, and the purifying effectiveness of the incremental-type and convex-shaped structure of green space was higher in the rear region than in the front region; in contrast, the degressional-type green space structure was prone to cause aggregation of the PM in the middle region. Broadleaf and broadleaf mixed forests had a better purifying effectiveness on PM than did coniferous forests, mixed coniferous forests, and coniferous broadleaf mixed forests. The above results are of great significance for urban planning and maximizing the use of urban green space resources.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Silver nanoparticle uptake in the human lung assessed through in-vitro and in-silico methods
Jalink, Kathryn | Cheng, Sammi Sham Yin | Ben Ireland, S. | Louise Meunier, M.A.F.
Silver nanoparticles (AgNP) are commonly used in medical, cosmetics, clothing, and industrial applications for their antibacterial and catalytic properties. As AgNP become more prevalent, the doses to which humans are exposed may increase and pose health risks, particularly through incidental inhalation. This exposure was evaluated through in-vitro methods simulating lung fluids and lung epithelium, and through computational fluid dynamics (CFD) methods of AgNP transport. A high-dose scenario simulated a short-term inhalation of 10 μg AgNP/m³, based on an exposure limit recommended by the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health for the case of a health-care worker who handles AgNP-infused wound dressings, and regularly wears AgNP-imbedded clothing. Bioaccessibility tests were followed by a Parallel Artificial Membrane Permeability Assay (PAMPA) and supported by CFD models of the lung alveoli, membrane, pores, and blood capillaries. Results indicate that such exposure produces an average and maximum AgNP flux of approximately 4.7 × 10⁻²¹ and 6.5 × 10⁻¹⁹ mol m⁻²·s⁻¹ through lung tissue, respectively, yielding a blood-silver accumulation of 0.46–64 mg per year, which may exceed the lowest adverse effect level of 25 mg for an adult male. Results from in-silico simulations were consistent with values estimated in vitro (within an order of magnitude), which suggest that CFD models may be used effectively to predict silver exposure from inhaled AgNP. Although the average short-term exposure concentrations are 3 orders of magnitude smaller than the reported threshold for mammalian cytotoxicity effects (observed at 5000 ppb), cumulative effects resulting from constant exposure to AgNP may pose risks to human health in the long-term, with predicted bioaccumulation reaching potential toxic effects after only five months of exposure, based on maximum flux.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]On the use of numerical modelling for near-field pollutant dispersion in urban environments − A review
Lateb, M. | Meroney, R.N. | Yataghene, M. | Fellouah, H. | Saleh, F. | Boufadel, M.C.
This article deals with the state-of-the-art of experimental and numerical studies carried out regarding air pollutant dispersion in urban environments. Since the simulation of the dispersion field around buildings depends strongly on the correct simulation of the wind-flow structure, the studies performed during the past years on the wind-flow field around buildings are reviewed. This work also identifies errors that can produce poor results when numerically modelling wind flow and dispersion fields around buildings in urban environments. Finally, particular attention is paid to the practical guidelines developed by researchers to establish a common methodology for verification and validation of numerical simulations and/or to assist and support the users for a better implementation of the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) approach.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Modeling and experimental analysis of packed column for SO2 emission control process
Maheswari, Chenniappan | Krishnamurthy, Kasilingam | Parameshwaran, Rathinasamy
Sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions from chemical process plants are increasing at an alarming rate. It is necessary to implement the best methodology to reduce the SO2 emissions. This paper presents physical modeling, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis, and experimental analysis of a packed column used for flue gas desulfurization (FGD) process to reduce SO2 emission at a greater extent. The packed column parameters such as liquid/gas (L/G) ratio, diameter, packed height and total height were determined using physical modeling with two–film gas–liquid absorption theory. Simulation model of the packed column is developed by GAMBIT 2.2.30 and analysis is carried out by FLUENT 6.2.16. In CFD analysis, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) (with different concentrations) was used as an absorbent. CFD simulation result ensures that when H2O2 is used as a reactant, better removal efficiency is obtained. Based on the physical modeling and CFD analysis, a lab scale packed column was developed. Experimental result showed that 95% SO2 removal efficiency is achieved for 0.1M H2O2 as a reactant. Experimental results agreed excellently with the developed CFD model and can be used for designing industrial packed columns.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]3D CFD simulations of trailing suction hopper dredger plume mixing: A parameter study of near-field conditions influencing the suspended sediment source flux
de Wit, Lynyrd | Talmon, A.M. | van Rhee, C.
Frequency, duration and intensity of stresses like turbidity and sedimentation caused by dredging must be known to determine the environmental impact of dredging projects. These stresses depend on the amount of sediment spill from a dredger and on how much of this spill still is in suspension near environmentally sensitive areas. Near-field mixing close to a dredger influences the deposition behaviour of the sediment spill. This is investigated systematically with computational fluid dynamics simulations for 136 different conditions of trailing suction hopper dredger overflow sediment plume mixing. Most important influences are found for the ambient depth and the crossflow velocity (vector sum of the dredging speed and the ambient velocity), which can result in a completely different suspended sediment source flux behind the dredger. The simulation results are translated into mathematical relations to predict the suspended sediment source flux without computational effort.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]A numerical investigation of reactive air pollutant dispersion in urban street canyons with tree planting
Moradpour, Maryam | Afshin, Hossein | Farhanieh, Bijan
Vegetation acts as a momentum and thermal sink, affecting the mixing of species and temperature-dependent constants of reaction rates. Numerical simulations were performed to investigate the effects of vegetation on the dispersion of reactive pollutants using a computational fluid dynamic (CFD) model coupled with NO-NO2-O3 photochemistry. Moreover, characteristics of temperature and flow fields were analyzed for different aspect ratios and leaf area densities. The results showed that flow is reversed in the presence of trees, and it enhances as leaf area density (LAD) increases; additionally, vegetation creates downward and vortex flows. The results also revealed that the dispersion of nitrogen oxides is influenced by the flow patterns; nevertheless, chemical reactions are significant for the dispersion of ozone. In addition, the vegetation is observed to weaken ventilation efficiency of NO and NO2; however, ventilation efficiency of O3 improves in LAD = 0.5 and 1.0. Aspect ratios and leaf area densities are also found to interact with each other; consequently, the optimum LAD is different for each aspect ratio. The larger regions with maximum concentrations of nitrogen oxides at the height of 2 m for aspect ratios of 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 correspond to LAD = 2.0, 1.5, and 1.0, respectively. Furthermore, vegetation as compared to tree-free environment, mostly leads to a better chemical equilibrium.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Sample port design for ballast water sampling: Refinement of guidance regarding the isokinetic diameter
Wier, Timothy P. | Moser, Cameron S. | Grant, Jonathan F. | First, Matthew R. | Riley, Scott C. | Robbins-Wamsley, Stephanie H. | Drake, Lisa A.
By using an appropriate in-line sampling system, it is possible to obtain representative samples of ballast water from the main ballast line. An important parameter of the sampling port is its “isokinetic diameter” (DISO), which is the diameter calculated to determine the velocity of water in the sample port relative to the velocity of the water in the main ballast line. The guidance in the U.S. Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) program protocol suggests increasing the diameter from 1.0× DISO (in which velocity in the sample port is equivalent to velocity in the main line) to 1.5–2.0× DISO. In this manner, flow velocity is slowed—and mortality of organisms is theoretically minimized—as water enters the sample port. This report describes field and laboratory trials, as well as computational fluid dynamics modeling, to refine this guidance. From this work, a DISO of 1.0–2.0× (smaller diameter sample ports) is recommended.
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