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Polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs) in the Canadian environment: Sources and emissions
Berthiaume, A. | Galarneau, E. | Marson, G.
Twenty-five years after the first look at polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs) in Canada, this article presents current knowledge on Canadian PAC emission sources. The analysis is based on national inventories (the National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) and the Air Pollutant Emissions Inventory (APEI)), an analysis of Canadian forest fires, and several air quality model-ready emissions inventories. Nationally, forest fires continue to dominate PAC emissions in Canada, however there is uncertainty in these estimates. Though forest fire data show a steady average in the total annual area burned historically, an upward trend has developed recently. Non-industrial sources (home firewood burning, mobile sources) are estimated to be the second largest contributor (∼6-8 times lower than forest fires) and show moderate decreases (25%–65%) in the last decades. Industrial point sources (aluminum production, iron/steel manufacturing) are yet a smaller contributor and have seen considerable reductions (90% +) in recent decades. Fugitive emissions from other industrial sources (e.g. disposals by the non-conventional oil extraction and wastewater sectors, respectively) remain a gap in our understanding of total PAC emissions in Canada. Emerging concerns about previously unrecognized sources such as coal tar-sealed pavement run-off, climate change are discussed elsewhere in this special issue. Results affirm that observations at the annual/national scale are not always reflective of regional/local or finer temporal scales. When determining which sources contribute most to human and ecosystem exposure in various contexts, examination at regional and local scales is needed. There is uncertainty overall in emissions data stemming in part from various accuracy issues, limitations in the scope of the various inventories, and inventory gaps, among others.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Biomass fuel burning and its implications: Deforestation and greenhouse gases emissions in Pakistan
Tahir, S.N.A. | Rafique, M. | Alaamer, A.S.
Pakistan is facing problem of deforestation. Pakistan lost 14.7% of its forest habitat between 1990 and 2005 interval. This paper assesses the present forest wood consumption rate by 6000 brick kilns established in the country and its implications in terms of deforestation and emission of greenhouse gases. Information regarding consumption of forest wood by the brick kilns was collected during a manual survey of 180 brick kiln units conducted in eighteen provincial divisions of country. Considering annual emission contributions of three primary GHGs i.e., CO2, CH4 and N2O, due to burning of forest wood in brick kiln units in Pakistan and using IPCC recommended GWP indices, the combined CO2-equivalent has been estimated to be 533019 t y-1.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Human health risk and potential environmental damage of organic and conventional Nicotiana tobaccum production
Zappe, Ana Letícia | Fernandes de Oliveira, Priscila | Boettcher, Ricardo | Rodriguez, Adriane Lawisch | Machado, Ênio Leandro | Mantey dos Santos, Pâmela Andréa | Rodriguez Lopez, Diosnel Antonio | Amador de Matos, Manuel Arlindo
Tobacco is the most widespread non-food crop in the world. In Brazil, tobacco cultivation is one of the main commodities of the southern region. However, its production is associated with environmental impacts and risks to human health, which have yet to be quantified. This paper uses midpoint and endpoint life cycle assessment (LCA) to analyze the potential environmental damage and human health risk associated with agricultural production of conventional Virginia (CV), organic Virginia (OV), and Burley (BU) tobacco varieties. Organic tobacco production substitutes synthetic fertilizers and pesticides with organic compounds in the cropping stage. The results show that for one ton of dried tobacco, BU, CV, and OV emit 1,610, 1,426, and 1,091 kg CO₂ eq, respectively. For organic production, greater impacts are linked to the land use (LU) impact category. The endpoint results showed that OV production resulted in a higher potential for human and environmental damage than BU and CV. The drying of green OV and CV tobacco requires the burning of firewood, which emits high levels of particulate matter and is associated with human health (HH) damage. Overall, the HH damage category accounts for 68%, 82%, and 78% of the total score points associated with the production of BU, CV, and OV.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Household air pollution and personal exposure from burning firewood and yak dung in summer in the eastern Tibetan Plateau
Ye, Wenlu | Saikawa, Eri | Avramov, Alexander | Cho, Seung-Hyun | Chartier, Ryan
This study assessed the sources, magnitudes, and chemical compositions of household air pollution (HAP) and personal exposure in traditional Tibetan households. We measured 24-h personal exposures to PM₂.₅ and kitchen area black carbon (BC) concentrations, using MicroPEMs and microAeths, respectively. Particulate polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) and inorganic element concentrations were quantified via post analyses of a subset of MicroPEM sample filters. Household surveys regarding participant demographics, cookstove usage, household fuel, cooking behaviors, and lifestyles were collected. The results reaffirm that burning firewood and yak dung, mainly for cooking, leads to high PM₂.₅ and BC exposures. The geometric mean concentration (95% confidence interval, CI) was 74.3 (53.6, 103) μg/m³ for PM₂.₅ and the arithmetic mean ± standard deviation (SD) concentration was 4.90 ± 5.01 μg/m³ for BC and 292 ± 364 ng/m³ for 15 identified PAHs, respectively. The arithmetic mean ± SD of mass concentrations of 24 detected elements ranged from 0.76 ± 0.91 ng/m³ (Co) to 1.31 ± 1.35 μg/m³ (Si). Our statistical analyses further illustrated that the high concentrations of PM₂.₅, BC, and most PAHs and metals, are significantly associated with nomadic village, poorer stove/chimney conditions and yak dung burning. The results from this study show that substantial HAP exposure is prevalent in Tibetan households and requires immediate actions to mitigate potential negative environmental health impacts. The observational data also revealed the possibility of other important sources (e.g. traffic and garbage burning) that have contributed to personal exposures. These findings improve our understanding of HAP exposure and potential health risks in Tibetan communities and will help inform strategies for reducing HAP in Tibetan households and beyond.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Distribution characteristics of and personal exposure with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and particulate matter in indoor and outdoor air of rural households in Northern China
Zhang, JiaoDi | Liu, Weijian | Xu, YunSong | Cai, ChuanYang | Liu, Yang | Tao, Shu | Liu, Wenxin
Gaseous and particulate polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and size-segregated particulate matter (PM) in indoor air and outdoor air, along with personal exposure, were monitored in rural households of Northern China. The daily average concentrations of 28 species were 1310 ± 811, 738 ± 321, 465 ± 247, and 655 ± 250 ng/m3 in kitchen air, bedroom air, and outdoor air, and for personal exposure, respectively. PAHs tended to occur in the particulate phase with increasing molecular weight. Absorption by particulate organic carbon was dominant in the gas-particle partitioning process. The daily averaged concentrations of PM2.5 and PM1.0 were 104 ± 39.5 and 88.4 ± 39.3 μg/m3 in kitchen air, 79.0 ± 63.2 and 65.7 ± 57.5 μg/m3 in bedroom air, 52.9 ± 16.5 and 41.5 ± 12.5 μg/m3 in outdoor air, and 71.7 ± 30.8 and 61.5 ± 28.4 μg/m3 for personal exposure, respectively. The non-priority components contributed 5.5 ± 2.8% to the total PAHs, while their fraction of carcinogenic risk reached 85.6 ± 6.9%. The mean cancer risk posed to rural residents via inhalation exposure to PAHs exceeded the current acceptable threshold of 1.0 × 10−6 and the national average estimated in China. The personal exposure levels of PAHs and PM in households using clean energy were lower than those in households using traditional biomass by 30.0%, 29.4%, and 38.5% for PAH28, PM2.5, and PM1.0, respectively. However, the cancer risk of personal inhalation exposure to PAH28 from using liquid petroleum gas (LPG) was higher than that from using firewood, implying the adoption of LPG may not effectively reduce the cancer risk despite the decreasing exposure levels of PAH28 and PM with respect to the use of firewood. Cooking individuals suffered higher exposure levels of PAH28 and PM1.0 compared with non-cooking individuals, and the cancer risk of personal inhalation exposure to PAH28 for cooking individuals was 1.7 times that for non-cooking individuals. Cooking was a critical factor that affected the personal exposure levels of the local male and female residents.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]CO variability and its association with household cooking fuels consumption over the Indo-Gangetic Plains
Pandey, Alok Kumar | Mishra, Amit Kumar | Kumar, Ritesh | Berwal, Shivesh | Devadas, Rakhesh | Huete, Alfredo | Kumar, Krishan
This study examines the spatio-temporal trends obtained from decade long (Jan 2003–Dec 2014) satellite observational data of Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) and Measurements of Pollution in the Troposphere (MOPITT) on carbon monoxide (CO) concentration over the Indo-Gangetic Plains (IGP) region. The time sequence plots of columnar CO levels over the western, central and eastern IGP regions reveal marked seasonal behaviour, with lowest CO levels occurring during the monsoon months and the highest CO levels occurring during the pre-monsoon period. A negative correlation between CO levels and rainfall is observed. CO vertical profiles show relatively high values in the upper troposphere at ∼200 hPa level during the monsoon months, thus suggesting the role of convective transport and advection in addition to washout behind the decreased CO levels during this period. MOPITT and AIRS observations show a decreasing trend of 9.6 × 1015 and 1.5 × 1016 molecules cm−2 yr−1, respectively, in columnar CO levels over the IGP region. The results show the existence of a spatial gradient in CO from the eastern (higher levels) to western IGP region (lower levels). Data from the Census of India on the number of households using various cooking fuels in the IGP region shows the prevalence of biomass-fuel (i.e. firewood, crop residue, cowdung etc.) use over the eastern and central IGP regions and that of liquefied petroleum gas over the western IGP region. CO emission estimates from cooking activity over the three IGP regions are found to be in the order east > central > west, which support the existence of the spatial gradient in CO from eastern to the western IGP region. Our results support the intervention of present Indian government on limiting the use of biomass-fuels in domestic cooking to achieve the benefits in terms of the better air quality, household health and regional/global climate change mitigation.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Impact of partial fuel switch on household air pollutants in sub-Sahara Africa
Tumwesige, Vianney | Okello, Gabriel | Semple, Sean | Smith, Jo
Over 700 million people in Sub-Saharan Africa depend on solid biomass fuel and use simple cookstoves in poorly ventilated kitchens, which results in high indoor concentrations of household air pollutants. Switching from biomass to biogas as a cooking fuel can reduce airborne emissions of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and carbon monoxide (CO), but households often only partially convert to biogas, continuing to use solid biomass fuels for part of their daily cooking needs. There is little evidence of the benefits of partial switching to biogas. This study monitored real-time PM2.5 and CO concentrations in 35 households in Cameroon and Uganda where biogas and firewood (or charcoal) were used. The 24 h mean PM2.5 concentrations in households that used: (1) firewood and charcoal; (2) both firewood (mean 54% cooking time) and biogas (mean 46% cooking time); and (3) only biogas, were 449 μg m⁻³, 173 μg m⁻³ and 18 μg m⁻³ respectively. The corresponding 24 h mean CO concentrations were 14.2 ppm, 2.7 ppm and 0.5 ppm. Concentrations of both PM2.5 and CO were high and exceeded the World Health Organisation guidelines when firewood and charcoal were used. Partially switching to biogas reduced CO exposure to below the World Health Organisation guidelines, but PM2.5 concentrations were only below the 24 h recommended limits when households fully converted to biogas fuel. These results indicate that partial switching from solid fuels to biogas is not sufficient and continues to produce concentrations of household air pollution that are likely to harm the health of those exposed. Programmes introducing biogas should aim to ensure that household energy needs can be fully achieved using biogas with no requirement to continue using solid fuels.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]The Shoreline Video Assessment Method (S-VAM): Using dynamic hyperlapse image acquisition to evaluate shoreline mangrove forest structure, values, degradation and threats
Mackenzie, Jock R. | Duke, Norman C. | Wood, Apanie L.
Climate change with human direct pressures represent significant threats to the resilience of shoreline habitats like mangroves. A rapid, whole-of-system assessment strategy is needed to evaluate such threats, better linking innovative remote sensing with essential on-ground evaluations. Using the Shoreline Video Assessment Method, we surveyed around 190km of the mostly mangrove-fringed (78%) coastline of Kien Giang Province, Vietnam. The aim was to identify anthropogenic drivers of degradation, establishing baseline for specific rehabilitation and protection strategies. Fish traps occupy at least 87% of shoreline mangroves, around which there were abundant human activities – like fishing, crabbing, farming, plus collecting firewood and foliage. Such livelihoods were associated with remnant, fringing mangrove that were largely degraded and threatened by erosion retreat, herbivory, and excessive cutting. Our assessment quantified associated threats to shoreline stability, along with previous rehabilitation intervention measures. The method offers key opportunities for effective conservation and management of vulnerable shoreline habitats.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Particle size distributions of ultrafine combustion aerosols generated from household fuels
Tiwari, Mahesh | Sahu, Sanjay Kumar | Bhangare, Rahul Chindhu | Yousaf, Ajmal | Pandit, Gauri Girish
In the present study, the number size distributions of aerosols generated from five commonly and widely used household fuels namely firewood, coal, dung cake, kerosene stove and LPG stove were investigated using scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS). Important parameters of PSD such as total number concentration, geometric mean (GM) and geometric standard deviation (GSD) for tested fuels were evaluated and compared. It was found that solid biomass (firewood and dung cake) generates higher particle number concentrations then non-solid fuels i.e. kerosene and LPG stove. For all biomass fuels the number concentrations were in the order of 107 particle/cm3. The geometric mean diameter was highest for dung cake generated aerosols, while LPG and coal generated aerosol showed lower GM diameter. The geometric mean diameter varied between 48nm and 152nm for all tested fuels. The geometric standard deviation values of all tested fuels revealed that in solid biomass combustion, there was more dispersion in aerosol sizes than non-solid fuels. The number concentration emitted by LPG was found to be the lowest among all fuels and the GSD was also the lowest.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Nexus between indigenous ecological knowledge and ecosystem services: a socio-ecological analysis for sustainable ecosystem management
Das, Manob | Das, Arijit | Seikh, Selim | Pandey, Rajiv
The well-being of the human society cannot be ensured and sustainable unless the flow of Ecosystem Services (ESs) would be matching with their consistent demand. The consistent flow of ESs required sustainable management of ecological resources of the ecosystem. The management of ecosystem can be ensured with variety of approaches. Integration of indigenous ecological knowledge (IEK) in management prescription with the view that IEK-based extraction of ESs ensures removal of resources from the ecosystem within the limit thereby ensuring the sustainability of ecosystem. The present study is an evaluation to understand the nexus between ESs and IEK for sustainable environmental management. The focus of the study was a tribal dominated socio-ecological patch of Barind Region of Malda district, Eastern India. The assessment of ESs and IEK was based on the data collected from the randomly selected tribal households following the pre-tested questionnaire containing questions on ESs as per millennium ecosystem assessment. The data were analyzed following social preference approach, and statistical tests (Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney). General linear model (GLM) has also been used to examine the impact of socio-demographic attributes on the perceived valuation of ESs. The results revealed that the provisioning ESs (such as water, fuel wood, medical plants) were most preferred followed by cultural and regulating ESs by tribal. Differential importance of ESs was observed among tribal and accounted by gender, education as well as age of the tribe. A gap between the actual accessibility and evaluation of ESs by the tribal communities was also apparent. The socio-demographic attributes have an immense impact on the valuation of ESs and also governed based on the IEK. Various types of indigenous ecological belief systems were closely linked with conservation of ecosystem and sustainable supply of ESs. The present study can contribute to understand socio-ecological nexus with the lens of IEK in tribal dominated ecological landscapes for improved ecosystem and environmental management besides ensuring sustainability of flow of ESs.
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