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[ Опубликовано в: Pollution ]
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Результаты 1-10 из 98

Marine heatwaves hamper neuro-immune and oxidative tolerance toward carbamazepine in Mytilus galloprovincialis


Nardi, Alessandro | Mezzelani, Marica | Costa, Silvana | d’Errico, Giuseppe | Benedetti, Maura | Gorbi, Stefania | Freitas, Rosa | Regoli, Francesco

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Long-term PM0.1 exposure and human blood lipid metabolism: New insight from the 33-community study in China


Zhang, Wangjian | Gao, Meng | Xiao, Xiang | Xu, Shu-Li | Lin, Shao | Wu, Qi-Zhen | Chen, Gong-Bo | Yang, Bo-Yi | Hu, Liwen | Zeng, Xiao-Wen | Hao, Yuantao | Dong, Guang-Hui

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Lipid responses to environmental perfluoroalkyl substance exposure in a Taiwanese Child cohort


Lee, Sheng-Han | Tseng, Wei-Chen | Du, Zhi-Yi | Lin, Wan-Yu | Chen, Mei-Huei | Lin, Ching-Chun | Lien, Guang-Wen | Liang, Hao-Jan | Wen, Hui-Ju | Guo, Yue-Leon | Chen, Pau-Chung | Lin, Jingyu

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Gradual effects of gradient concentrations of polystyrene nanoplastics on metabolic processes of the razor clams


Jiang, Qichen | Zhang, Wenyi

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Responses of the reproduction, population growth and metabolome of the marine rotifer Brachionus plicatilis to tributyl phosphate (TnBP)


Zhang, Xin | Tang, Xuexi | Yang, Yingying | Sun, Zijie | Ma, Wenqian | Tong, Xin | Wang, Chengmin | Zhang, Xinxin

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

The effect of toxic components on metabolomic response of male SD rats exposed to fine particulate matter


Geng, Ningbo | Song, Xiaoyao | Cao, Rong | Luo, Yun | A, Mila | Cai, Zhengang | Yu, Kejie | Gao, Yuan | Ni, Yuwen | Zhang, Haijun | Chen, Jiping

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Toxic effects of exposure to microplastics with environmentally relevant shapes and concentrations: Accumulation, energy metabolism and tissue damage in oyster Crassostrea gigas


Teng, Jia | Zhao, Jianmin | Zhu, Xiaopeng | Shan, Encui | Zhang, Chen | Zhang, Wenjing | Wang, Qing

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Chronic exposure to PPCPs mixture at environmentally relevant concentrations (ERCs) altered carbohydrate and lipid metabolism through gut and liver toxicity in zebrafish


Hamid, Naima | Junaid, Muhammad | Wang, Yan | Pu, Shi-Ya | Jia, Pan-Pan | Pei, De-Sheng

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Wild longnose dace downstream of wastewater treatment plants display an obese phenotype


Lazaro-Côté, Analisa | Faught, Erin | Jackson, Leland J. | Vijayan, Mathilakath M.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

6:2 Cl-PFESA has the potential to cause liver damage and induce lipid metabolism disorders in female mice through the action of PPAR-γ


Pan, Zihong | Miao, Wenyu | Wang, Caiyun | Tu, Wenqing | Jin, Cuiyuan | Jin, Yuanxiang

National Agricultural Library - United States of America