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Anthropogenic underwater vibrations are sensed and stressful for the shore crab Carcinus maenas
Aimon, Cassandre | Simpson, Stephen D. | Hazelwood, Richard A. | Bruintjes, Rick | Urbina, Mauricio A.
Acoustic pollution in aquatic environments has increased with adverse effects on many aquatic organisms. However, little work has been done considering the effects of the vibratory component of acoustic stimuli, which can be transmitted in the substrate and propagated into the aquatic medium. Benthic marine organisms, including many invertebrates, are capable of sensing seabed vibration, yet the responses they trigger on organism have received little attention. This study investigates the impact of underwater vibration on the physiology and behaviour of a ubiquitous inhabitant of coastal areas of the northern hemisphere, the shore crab Carcinus maenas. We developed a novel vibratory apparatus with geophones supported on a softly sprung frame to induce a seabed vibration of 20 Hz frequency, as observed during dredging, piling and other anthropogenic activities. The geophone internal mass caused the frame to vibrate in a controlled manner. Our results show that transition from ambient to anthropogenic vibrations induced an increase in activity and antennae beats in shore crabs, indicating perception of the vibratory stimulus and a higher stress level. There was also a trend on sex-specific responses to anthropogenic vibration, with males showing a higher activity level than females. However, no effect of anthropogenic vibrations was found upon oxygen consumption. These results show that anthropogenic underwater vibration induces behavioural responses in Carcinus maenas. This highlights the importance of evaluating man-made vibratory activities on coastal invertebrates and the necessity of evaluating anthropogenic effects on both sexes.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Pollution ecology of estuarine invertebrates
Hart, C. W. | Fuller, Samuel L. H.
Potential for acoustic masking due to shipping noise in the European lobster (Homarus gammarus)
Jézéquel, Youenn | Bonnel, Julien | Chauvaud, Laurent
Marine traffic is the most pervasive underwater anthropogenic noise pollution which can mask acoustic communication in marine mammals and fish, but its effect in marine invertebrates remains unknown. Here, we performed an at sea experiment to study the potential of shipping noise to mask and alter lobster acoustic communication. We used hydrophones to record buzzing sounds and accelerometers to detect lobster carapace vibrations (i.e. the buzzing sounds' sources). We demonstrated that male individuals produced carapace vibrations under various ambient noise conditions, including heavy shipping noise. However, while the associated waterborne buzzing sounds could be recorded under natural ambient noise levels, they were masked by shipping noise. Additionally, lobsters significantly increased their call rates in presence of shipping noise, suggesting a vocal compensation due to the reduction of intraspecific communication. This study reports for the first time the potential acoustic masking of lobster acoustic communication by chronic anthropogenic noise pollution, which could affect ecologically important behaviors.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Transgenerational acclimation to changes in ocean acidification in marine invertebrates
Lee, Young-Hwan | Jeong, Chang-Bum | Wang, Minghua | Hagiwara, A. (Atsushi) | Lee, Jae-seong
The rapid pace of increasing oceanic acidity poses a major threat to the fitness of the marine ecosystem, as well as the buffering capacity of the oceans. Disruption in chemical equilibrium in the ocean leads to decreased carbonate ion precipitation, resulting in calcium carbonate saturation. If these trends continue, calcifying invertebrates will experience difficultly maintaining their calcium carbonate exoskeleton and shells. Because malfunction of exoskeleton formation by calcifiers in response to ocean acidification (OA) will have non-canonical biological cascading results in the marine ecosystem, many studies have investigated the direct and indirect consequences of OA on ecosystem- and physiology-related traits of marine invertebrates. Considering that evolutionary adaptation to OA depends on the duration of OA effects, long-term exposure to OA stress over multi-generations may result in adaptive mechanisms that increase the potential fitness of marine invertebrates in response to OA. Transgenerational studies have the potential to elucidate the roles of acclimation, carryover effects, and evolutionary adaptation within and over generations in response to OA. In particular, understanding mechanisms of transgenerational responses (e.g., antioxidant responses, metabolic changes, epigenetic reprogramming) to changes in OA will enhance our understanding of marine invertebrate in response to rapid climate change.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Biodiversity hotspot for marine invertebrates around the Dokdo, East Sea, Korea: Ecological checklist revisited
Song, Sung Joon | Park, Jinsoon | Ryu, Jongseong | Rho, Hyun Soo | Kim, Wŏn | Khim, Jong Seong
We extensively reviewed the macrozoobenthos around Dokdo, Korea, by analyzing metadata collected over the past 50years. The Dokdo macrozoobenthos was represented by 578 species belonging to 243 families from 12 phyla, where four major phyla (or classes) collectively accounted for 86% to total. Mollusks, arthropods, and cnidarians were semi-equally occurred in intertidal and subtidal areas, while polychetes dominated the subtidal zone. The northern most region of Dokdo had the greatest biodiversity (173 species). The taxonomic distinctness analysis (delta+) indicated a close association between species by region, although the number of species varied greatly. About half of the species did not occur cross the locations (n=20), indicating strong habitat preferences of Dokdo macrofaunal assemblages. Overall, the diversity of Dokdo was greater than that of Ulleung Island (east coast), but comparable to that of the well-developed tidal flats in the western Korean waters, highlighting its status as a biodiversity hotspot.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Marine biofouling organisms on beached, buoyant and benthic plastic debris in the Catalan Sea
Subías-Baratau, Arnau | Sanchez-Vidal, Anna | Di Martino, Emanuela | Figuerola, Blanca
Plastic debris provides long-lasting substrates for benthic organisms, thus acting as a potential vector for their dispersion. Its interaction with these colonizers is, however, still poorly known. This study examines fouling communities on beached, buoyant and benthic plastic debris in the Catalan Sea (NW Mediterranean), and characterizes the plastic type. We found 14 specimens belonging to two phyla (Annelida and Foraminifera) on microplastics, and more than 400 specimens belonging to 26 species in 10 phyla (Annelida, Arthropoda, Brachiopoda, Bryozoa, Chordata, Cnidaria, Echinodermata, Mollusca, Porifera and Sipuncula) on macroplastics. With 15 species, bryozoans are the most diverse group on plastics. We also report 17 egg cases of the catshark Scyliorhinus sp., and highlight the implications for their dispersal. Our results suggest that plastic polymers may be relevant for distinct fouling communities, likely due to their chemical structure and/or surface properties. Our study provides evidence that biofouling may play a role in the sinking of plastic debris, as the most abundant fouled plastics had lower densities than seawater, and all bryozoan species were characteristic of shallower depths than those sampled. More studies at low taxonomic level are needed in order to detect new species introduction and potential invasive species associated with plastic debris.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Tropical CO2 seeps reveal the impact of ocean acidification on coral reef invertebrate recruitment
Allen, Ro | Foggo, Andrew | Fabricius, Katharina | Balistreri, Annalisa | Hall-Spencer, Jason M.
Rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations are causing ocean acidification by reducing seawater pH and carbonate saturation levels. Laboratory studies have demonstrated that many larval and juvenile marine invertebrates are vulnerable to these changes in surface ocean chemistry, but challenges remain in predicting effects at community and ecosystem levels. We investigated the effect of ocean acidification on invertebrate recruitment at two coral reef CO2 seeps in Papua New Guinea. Invertebrate communities differed significantly between ‘reference’ (median pH7.97, 8.00), ‘high CO2’ (median pH7.77, 7.79), and ‘extreme CO2’ (median pH7.32, 7.68) conditions at each reef. There were also significant reductions in calcifying taxa, copepods and amphipods as CO2 levels increased. The observed shifts in recruitment were comparable to those previously described in the Mediterranean, revealing an ecological mechanism by which shallow coastal systems are affected by near-future levels of ocean acidification.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]First comprehensive ecological checklist of Brachyura in Korea: 1879–2020
Lee, Sang-Kyu | Lee, Changkeun | Noh, Junsung | Song, Sung Joon | Khim, Jong Seong
The increasing concerns and management needs on marine biodiversity have escalated the requirement for timely documentation of the marine taxa. We first established a comprehensive ecological checklist of Korean Brachyura through a meta-analysis of 74 documents (since the 1870s). A total of 247 species inhabiting the Korean coastal waters are listed with some key ecological information; habitat, substrate, distribution, and delta +. The crabs predominated on Jejudo Island, at the southernmost point of Korea, followed by the South Sea, West Sea, and East Sea. Portunus trituberculatus and Hemigrapsus sanguineus were cosmopolitan species widely distributed across the three seas. Dynamic oceanographic settings of the South Sea, such as archipelago, Rias coast, varied habitats, and (in)direct influence of Kuroshio warm current, seemed to support high crab diversity. The rocky and subtidal habitats represented biodiversity hotspots. The present study would be a useful baseline for gathering further ecological information of globally important marine taxa in Korea and elsewhere.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Diversity of culturable yeasts associated with zoanthids from Brazilian reef and its relation with anthropogenic disturbance
Paulino, Gustavo Vasconcelos Bastos | Félix, Ciro Ramon | Broetto, Leonardo | Landell, Melissa Fontes
Some of the main threats to coral reefs come from human actions on marine environment, such as tourism, overfishing and pollution from urban development. While several studies have demonstrated an association between bacteria and corals, demonstrating how these communities react to different anthropogenic stressors, yeast communities associated with corals have received far less attention from researchers. The aim of this work was therefore to describe cultivable yeasts associated with three coral species and to evaluate the influence of sewage discharge on yeasts community. We obtained 130 isolates, mostly belonging to phylum Ascomycota and many of them had previously been isolated from human samples or are considered pathogens. The mycobiota was more similar among corals collected from the same reef, indicating that the composition of reef yeast community is more influenced by environmental conditions than host species. We suggest further studies to elucidate which factors are most influential on the composition of the coral-associated yeast community.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Trace element and stable isotope analysis of fourteen species of marine invertebrates from the Bay of Fundy, Canada
English, Matthew D. | Robertson, Gregory J. | Mallory, Mark L.
The Bay of Fundy, Canada, is a macrotidal bay with a highly productive intertidal zone, hosting a large abundance and diversity of marine invertebrates. We analysed trace element concentrations and stable isotopic values of δ15N and δ13C in 14 species of benthic marine invertebrates from the Bay of Fundy's intertidal zone to investigate bioaccumulation or biodilution of trace elements in the lower level of this marine food web. Barnacles (Balanus balanus) consistently had significantly greater concentrations of trace elements compared to the other species studied, but otherwise we found low concentrations of non-essential trace elements. In the range of trophic levels that we studied, we found limited evidence of bioaccumulation or biodilution of trace elements across species, likely due to the species examined occupying similar trophic levels in different food chains.
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