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[Long term perspectives of increased nitrogen input in forest ecosystems: is eutrophication threatening?]
Beese, F. (Goettingen Univ. (Germany, F.R.). Inst. fuer Bodenkunde und Waldernaehrung) | Matzner, E.
[Soil and fine root inventory on the experimental plots of the site "Postturm" forest district Farchau/Ratzeburg]
Murach, D. (Goettingen Univ. (Germany, F.R.). Inst. fuer Waldbau) | Rapp, C. | Ulrich, B.
[Studies on the mycological aspects of forest damages with special regard to the mycorrhizae]
Lelley, J. (Versuchsanstalt fuer Pilzanbau, Krefeld (Germany, F.R.)) | Schmitz, D. | Rieth, C. | Willenborg, A.
Investigations on nematode populations in forest decline affected ecosystems with particular reference to genera with plant parasitic and virus vector characteristics
Sikora, R.A. (Bonn Univ. (Germany, F.R.). Inst. fuer Pflanzenkrankheiten)
Soil fungi and other microorganisms
Paulus, W. | Bresinsky, A.
[The application of mycorrhiza fungi for counteracting forest damages]
Fabig, W. (Fraunhofer-Institut fuer Umweltchemie Oekotoxikologie, Schmallenberg (Germany, F.R.))
Investigations on fine roots and mycorrhizae on the ARINUS-plots
Haug, I. (Tuebingen Univ. (Germany). Spezielle Botanik) | Pritsch, K. | Oberwinkler, F.
Uptake and localization of minerals in ectomycorrhizae of forest trees
Kottke, I. (Tuebingen Univ. (Germany, F.R.). Inst. fuer Botanik, Spezielle Botanik und Mykologie) | Oberwinkler, F.
Aspects of the chemical microcompartimentation in forest soils
Hildebrand, E.E. (Forstliche Versuchs- und Forschungsanstalt Baden-Wuerttemberg, Freiburg (Germany, F.R.))
Effects of K, Mg and N-fertilization on fine roots and mycorrhizae
Haug, I. (Tuebingen Univ. (Germany, F.R.). Inst. fuer Spezielle Botanik und Mykologie) | Oberwinkler, F.