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Microcystin-LR exposure decreased the fetal weight of mice by disturbance of placental development and ROS-mediated endoplasmic reticulum stress in the placenta
Zhao, Sujuan | Zhong, Shengzheng | Wang, Fang | Wang, Honghui | Xu, Dexiang | Li, Guangyu
The placenta is essential for sustaining the growth of the fetus. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of the placenta in MCLR-induced significant reduction in fetal weight, especially the changes in placental structure and function. Pregnant mice were intraperitoneally injected with MCLR (5 or 20 μg/kg) from gestational day (GD) 13 to GD17. The results showed MCLR reduced fetal weight and placenta weight. The histological specimens of the placentas were taken for light and electron microscopy studies. The internal space of blood vessels decreased obviously in the placental labyrinth layer of mice treated with MCLR. After the ultrastructural examination, the edema and intracytoplasmic vacuolization, dilation of the endoplasmic reticulum and corrugation of the nucleus were observed. In addition, maternal MCLR exposure caused a reduction of 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 (HSD11B2) expression in placentae, a critical regulator of fetal development. Several genes of placental growth factors, such as Vegfα and Pgf and several genes of nutrient transport pumps, such as Glut1 and Pcft were depressed in placentas of MCLR-treated mice, however nutrient transporters Fatp1 and Snat4 were promoted. Moreover, significant increases in malondialdehyde (MDA) revealed the occurrence of oxidative stress caused by MCLR, which was also verified by remarkable decrease in the glutathione levels, total antioxidant capacity (T-AOC) as well as the activity of antioxidant enzymes. Real-time PCR and western blot analysis revealed that GRP78, CHOP, XBP-1, peIF2α and pIRE1 were remarkable increased in placentas of MCLR-treated mice, indicating that endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress pathway was activated by MCLR. Furthermore, oxidative stress and ER stress consequently triggered apoptosis which contributed to the impairment of placental development. Collectively, these results suggest maternal MCLR exposure results in reduced fetal body weight, which might be associated with ROS-mediated endoplasmic reticulum stress and impairment in placental structure and function.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Mechanism study of sulfur fertilization mediating copper translocation and biotransformation in rice (Oryza sativa L.) plants
Sun, Lijuan | Yang, Jianjun | Fang, Huaxiang | Xu, Chen | Peng, Cheng | Huang, Haomin | Lu, Lingli | Duan, Dechao | Zhang, Xiangzhi | Shi, Jiyan
Metabolism of sulfur (S) is suggested to be an important factor for the homeostasis and detoxification of Cu in plants. We investigated the effects of S fertilizers (S0, Na2SO4) on Cu translocation and biotransformation in rice plants by using multiple synchrotron-based techniques. Fertilization of S increased the biomass and yield of rice plants, as well as the translocation factor of Cu from root to shoot and shoot to grain, resulting in enhanced Cu in grain. Sulfur K-edge X-ray near edge structure (XANES) analysis showed that fertilization of S increased the concentration of glutathione in different rice tissues, especially in rice stem and leaf. Copper K-edge XANES results indicated that a much higher proportion of Cu (I) species existed in rice grain than husk and leaf, which was further confirmed by soft X-ray scanning transmission microscopy results. Sulfur increased the proportion of Cu (I) species in rice grain, husk and leaf, suggesting the inducing of Cu (II) reduction in rice tissues by S fertilization. These results suggested that fertilization of S in paddy soils increased the accumulation of Cu in rice grain, possibly due to the reduction of Cu (II) to Cu (I) by enhancing glutathione synthesis and increasing the translocation of Cu from shoot to grain.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Changes in nutrient transport from the Yangtze River to the East China Sea linked to the Three-Gorges Dam and water transfer project
Wang, Hua | Yan, Huaiyu | Zhou, Fengnian | Li, Bao | Zhuang, Wei | Shen, Yuhan
River-sea transition plays a key role in global geochemical cycles. The Yangtze River Estuary of China was selected as the research area, and the Section-Segmented Method was applied to determine the nutrient discharge from the Yangtze River to the East China Sea. A 3-D numerical model for the estuary was established and validated against the field investigated data. By numerical experiments the dynamics of hydrology and nutrient from 1950 to 2016 were simulated under four varied schemes. The individual and combined impacts on the nutrient flux induced by the Three-Gorges Dam (TGD) and the South-to-North Water Transfer Project (SNWTP) were explored. The following results were observed: (1) During the Pre-TGD period, the Yangtze River delivered the loads of 1.32 Tg/yr and 0.08 Tg/yr for TN and TP, respectively. July and Feb. were characterized by the highest and lowest monthly flux, respectively. (2) TGD played a significant role in regulating the temporal nutrient deliveries. After the closing of TGD, the discharges of TN and TP in the dry season respectively went up to 0.55 Tg and 0.032 Tg, with a mean increase of 28.3%. (3) SNWTP reduced the nutrient transport at a relatively stable level, and the total loads of 40.66 Gg and 2.4 Gg were reduced per year for TN and TP, respectively. (4) The combined impacts of TGD and SNWTP varied with seasons. October was characterized by the greatest cumulative effects. In dry seasons, the reduction caused by SNWTP was leveled by TGD-induced increase, limiting the flux variation linked to project operations.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Foliar versus root exposure of AgNPs to lettuce: Phytotoxicity, antioxidant responses and internal translocation
Wu, Juan | Wang, Guiyin | Vijver, Martina G. | Bosker, Thijs | Peijnenburg, Willie J.G.M.
Whether toxicity of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) to organisms originates from the nanoparticles themselves or from the dissolved Ag-ions is still debated, with the majority of studies claiming that extracellular release of Ag-ions is the main cause of toxicity. The objective of this study was to determine the contributions of both particles and dissolved ions to toxic responses, and to better understand the underlying mechanisms of toxicity. In addition, the pathways of AgNPs exposure to plants might play an important role and therefore are explicitly studied as well. We systematically assessed the phytotoxicity, internalization, biodistribution, and antioxidant responses in lettuce (Lactuca sativa) following root or foliar exposure to AgNPs and ionic Ag at various concentrations. For each endpoint the relative contribution of the particle-specific versus the ionic form was quantified. The results reveal particle-specific toxicity and uptake of AgNPs in lettuce as the relative contribution of particulate Ag accounted for more than 65% to the overall toxicity and the Ag accumulation in whole plant tissues. In addition, particle toxicity is shown to originate from the accumulation of Ag in plants by blocking nutrient transport, while ion toxicity is likely due to the induction of excess ROS production. Root exposure induced higher toxicity than foliar exposure at comparable exposure levels. Ag was found to be taken up and subsequently translocated from the exposed parts of plants to other portions regardless of the exposure pathway. These findings suggest particle related toxicity, and demonstrate that the accumulation and translocation of silver nanoparticles need to be considered in assessment of environmental risks and of food safety following consumption of plants exposed to AgNPs by humans.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Spatio-temporal variations of nitrogen in an agricultural watershed in eastern China: Catchment export, stream attenuation and discharge
Chen, Dingjiang | Lu, Jun | Shen, Yena | Gong, Dongqin | Deng, Ouping
Using the monthly hydrogeochemical data of ChangLe River system from 2004 to 2008, total nitrogen (TN) export load (Sₙ) from nonpoint sources (NPS) to stream and in-stream attenuation load (AL) was estimated by the inverse and forward format of an existing in-stream nutrient transport equation, respectively. Estimated Sₙ contributed 96±2% of TN entering the river system, while AL reduced the input TN by 23±14% in average. In-stream TN attenuation efficiency in high flow periods (10±5% in average for the entire river system) was much lower than that in low flow periods (39±17%). TN attenuation efficiency in tributaries (28±16% in average) was much higher than that in mainstream (11±8%). Hydrological conditions are important in determining the spatio-temporal distributions of NPS TN export, stream attenuation and discharge. Increasing the water residence time might be a practical method for mitigating stream TN.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Intra- and inter-seasonal variations in the hydrological characteristics and nutrient conditions in the southwestern Yellow Sea during spring to summer
Wang, Junjie | Yu, Zhigang | Wei, Qinsheng | Yang, Fuxia | Dong, Mingfan | Li, Dandan | Gao, Zhimei | Yao, Qingzhen
Based on field survey in the southwestern Yellow Sea (SWYS) during April–September 2017, the spatiotemporal variations in the hydrological characteristics and nutrient conditions were coupled and analyzed; the intra-seasonal variations in the upwelling in the front of the Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass (YSCWM) and impacts on nutrient transport were explored. The coastal area was controlled by the low-salinity high-nutrient Lubei Coastal Current, Subei Coastal Current, and Yangtze River Diluted Water from north to south; at bottom, the northeastern SWYS was controlled by the low-temperature high-salinity high-nutrient YSCWM. Temperature, salinity and nutrient fronts formed around YSCWM. The upwelling velocity in the front increased during April to late June and decreased in early September; the upwelled fluxes of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (0.29×10³-7.77×10³ μmol·m⁻²d⁻¹), phosphate (0.02×10³-0.27×10³ μmol·m⁻²d⁻¹) and silicate (0.98×10³-8.75×10³ μmol·m⁻²d⁻¹) showed similar variations during April–September. The upwelled nutrients could potentially contribute to local green tide development and phytoplankton growth during spring–summer.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Modelling of natural organic matter transport processes in groundwater
Mas-Pla, J. | Yeh, T.C.J. | McCarthy, J.F. | Williams, T.M. (Department of Geology, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Bellaterra (Spain))
[Measurement and modelling of evaporation from a forest area [SVAT modelling, TDR, Time Domain Reflectometry]]
Schelde, K.
The relationship between foliar injury, nitrogen metabolism, and growth parameters in ozonated soybeans
Smith, G. | Neyra, C. | Brennan, E. (Department of Plant Pathology, New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station, New Brunswick, NJ 08903 (USA))
Increased expression of apoptotic markers in human full-term placenta after exposure to elevated environmental cadmium levels during pregnancy
Phuapittayalert, Laorrat | Tanasrivaroottanun, Nathamon | Hipkaeo, Wiphawi | Supanpaiboon, Wisa | Sakulsak, Natthiya
Cadmium (Cd), a toxic heavy metal, produces various forms of environmental contaminations and health problems in human. In this study, we aimed to examine the localization of several apoptotic markers in human placentas from pregnant women who were environmentally exposed to Cd. Twelve pregnant women participated in this analysis and they were divided into 2 groups according to their living areas: high-Cd (H-Cd) and low-Cd (L-Cd) groups. After delivery, the placentas were immediately harvested, and the placental width, length, and weight were measured. The placental Cd concentration was determined by using ICP-MS. The expression of three apoptotic markers, cleaved caspase-3, cleaved lamin A/C, and TUNEL, was examined in immunohistochemistry. In results, the placental Cd concentration in the H-Cd group was higher than that in the L-Cd group. In contrast, a significant decrease in the BW (birth weight):PW (placenta weight) ratio representing the placental nutrient transport function was found in the H-Cd group, and an inverse correlation between placental Cd concentration and BW:PW ratio was demonstrated. Additionally, significant elevations in the expression of cleaved caspase-3, cleaved lamin A/C proteins, and TUNEL were shown in the H-Cd placenta. Moreover, positive correlations were found between the placental Cd concentration and the expression of cleaved caspase-3 and TUNEL. Collectively, our findings suggest that the exposure of pregnant women to environmental Cd might induce Cd to be transferred to the body and then accumulated in the placenta, resulting in disturbance of the placental function and eventual apoptosis.
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