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Plant-derived saponin enhances biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons in the rhizosphere of native wild plants
Hoang, Son A. | Lamb, Dane | Sarkar, Binoy | Seshadri, Balaji | Lam, Su Shiung | Vinu, Ajayan | Bolan, Nanthi S.
Plant-derived saponins are bioactive surfactant compounds that can solubilize organic pollutants in environmental matrices, thereby facilitating pollutant remediation. Externally applied saponin has potential to enhance total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) biodegradation in the root zone (rhizosphere) of wild plants, but the associated mechanisms are not well understood. For the first time, this study evaluated a triterpenoid saponin (from red ash leaves, Alphitonia excelsa) in comparison to a synthetic surfactant (Triton X-100) for their effects on plant growth and biodegradation of TPH in the rhizosphere of two native wild species (a grass, Chloris truncata, and a shrub, Hakea prostrata). The addition of Triton X-100 at the highest level (1000 mg/kg) in the polluted soil significantly hindered the plant growth (reduced plant biomass and photosynthesis) and associated rhizosphere microbial activity in both the studied plants. Therefore, TPH removal in the rhizosphere of both plant species treated with the synthetic surfactant was not enhanced (at the lower level, 500 mg/kg soil) and even slightly decreased (at the highest level) compared to that in the surfactant-free (control) treatment. By contrast, TPH removal was significantly increased with saponin application (up to 60% in C. truncata at 1000 mg/kg due to enhanced plant growth and associated rhizosphere microbial activity). No significant difference was observed between the two saponin application levels. Dehydrogenase activity positively correlated with TPH removal (p < 0.001) and thus this parameter could be used as an indicator to predict the rhizoremediation efficiency. This work indicates that saponin-amended rhizoremediation could be an environmentally friendly and effective biological approach to remediate TPH-polluted soils. It was clear that the enhanced plant growth and rhizosphere microbial activity played a crucial role in TPH rhizoremediation efficiency. The saponin-induced molecular processes that promoted plant growth and soil microbial activity in the rhizosphere warrant further studies.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Effects of plastic particles on germination and growth of soybean (Glycine max): A pot experiment under field condition
Li, Bintao | Huang, Shan | Wang, Haoming | Liu, Mengjuan | Xue, Sha | Tang, Darrell | Cheng, Wanli | Fan, Tinglu | Yang, Xiaomei
Plastic residues have become a serious environmental problem in areas where agricultural plastic film are used intensively. Although numerous of studies have been done to assess its impacts on soil quality and crop yields, the understanding of meso-plastic particles effects on plant is still limited. In this study, low density polyethylene (PE) and biodegradable plastic (Bio) mulch film were selected to study the effects of meso-plastic debris on soybean germination and plant growth with the accumulation levels of 0%, 0.1%, 0.5% and 1% in soil (w: w, size ranging 0.5–2 cm) by a pot experiment under field condition. Results showed that the germination viability of soybean seeds was reduced to 82.39%, 39.44% and 26.06% in the treatments with 0.1%, 0.5% and 1% added plastic debris compared to the control (CK), respectively, suggesting that plastic residues in soil inhibit the viability of soybean seed germination. The plastic debris had a significant negative effect on plant height and culm diameter during the entire growth stage of soybean. Similarly, the leaf area at harvest was reduced by 1.97%, 6.86% and 11.53% compared to the CK in the treatments with 0.1%, 0.5% and 1% plastic debris addition, respectively. In addition, the total plant biomass under plastic addition was reduced in both the flowering and harvesting stages, compared to the CK. For the different type of plastic residues, plant height, leaf area and root/shoot ratio at group PE were significantly lower than those of groups treated by Bio. In conclusion, PE debris had a greater negative effects on plant height, culm diameter, leaf area and root/shoot ratio while Bio debris mainly showed the adverse effects on germination viability and root biomass especially at the flowering stage. Therefore, further research is required to elaborate plastic particles’ effects on different stages of crops and soil quality.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Efficient utilization of Iris pseudacorus biomass for nitrogen removal in constructed wetlands: Combining alkali treatment
Gu, Xushun | He, Shengbing | Huang, Jungchen
Aquatic plant biomass like Iris pseudacorus can be used as electron donor to improve denitrification performance in subsurface constructed wetlands. However, the phenomenon that the nitrogen removal rate declined in the terminal stage restricted the utilization of litters. In terms of this problem, this study investigated the performance of the used biomass through alkali treatment on nitrogen removal and analyzed the effect of alkali treatment on the component and structure of biomass and microbial community. The results showed that the alkali-treated biomass could further enhance the nitrogen removal by nearly 15% compared with used ones. The significant damage of cell walls and compact fibers containing cellulose and lignin through alkali treatment mainly resulted in the improvement of carbon release and nitrogen removal. With the addition of alkali-treated biomass, the richness index of microbes was higher compared with other biomass materials. Furthermore, the abundance of denitrification related genera increased and the abundance of genera for nitrification was maintained. Based on these finds, a mode of a more efficient Iris pseudacorus self-consumed subsurface flow constructed wetlands was designed. In this mode, the effluent total nitrogen could be stabilized below 5 mg L⁻¹ for nine months and the weight of litters could be further cut down by 75%. These findings would contribute to efficient utilization of plant biomass for nitrogen removal enhancement and final residue reduction in the wetlands.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Comparison of ashing and pyrolysis treatment on cadmium/zinc hyperaccumulator plant: Effects on bioavailability and metal speciation in solid residues and risk assessment
Zhang, Jin | Wu, Shuai | Xu, Jialin | Liang, Peng | Wang, Minyan | Naidu, R. | Liu, Yanju | Man, Yu Bon | Wong, Ming Hung | Wu, Shengchun
Phytoremediation of metal(loid)s contaminated sites is widely used, while there is scarce of investigation on the metal-enriched biomass waste safely disposal which resulted in risks of causing secondary pollution to the soil and water bodies and even to human health. Thus, this study compared the effects of ashing and pyrolysis treatments on cadmium (Cd) and zinc (Zn) hyperaccumulation plant Sedum plumbizincicola. Chemical speciation, the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP), and diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid (DTPA) extraction were employed to characterize the bioavailability and leachability of Cd and Zn in the solid residues after pyrolysis and ashing. The risk assessment code (RAC) and potential ecological risk index (RI) were subsequently used to evaluate the risk of the solid residues to the environment. The results showed that both ashing and pyrolysis treatments could transform the bioavailable Cd and Zn in S. plumbizincicola into a more stable form, and the higher the temperature the greater the stablility. Pyrolysis converted a maximum of 80.0% of Cd and 70.3% of Zn in S. plumbizincicola to the oxidisable and residual fractions, compared with ashing which achieved only a ∼42% reduction. The pyrolysis process minimised the risk level of Cd and Zn to the environment based on the RAC and RI assessments. The results of the TCLP test, and DTPA extraction confirmed that the leaching rate and the bioavailable portion of Cd and Zn in the biochars produced by pyrolysis were invariably significantly (p < 0.05) lower than the solid residues produced by ashing, and reached the lowest at 650 °C. In other words, pyrolysis was better than ashing for thermal treatment of the metal-enriched hyperaccumulator plant, in view of minimising the bioavailability and leachability of Cd and Zn from the solid residues to the environment. This study provides fundamental data on the choice of treatments for the disposal of metal-enriched plant biomass.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Influence of exposure time on phosphorus composition and bioavailability in wetland sediments from Poyang lake, since the operation of the Three Gorges Dam
Ni, Zhaokui | Wang, Shengrui | Wu, Yue | Liu, Xiaofei | Lin, Ripeng | Liu, Zhezhe
The role of exposure time on wetland sediment-bound phosphorus (P) biogeochemical behavior is studied in Lake Poyang after the operation of the Three Gorges Dam (TGD). The multiple P compounds primarily include orth–P (88.3%), mono–P (8.9%), DNA–P (2.1%), and pyro–P (0.8%) in the exposed sediments. A significant decreasing trend of orth–P occurred after the operation of the Three Gorges Dam (TGD), with the mean concentration decreasing from 175.9 to 142.5 mg kg⁻¹ from 2007 to 2012 (ANOVA: P < 0.05), whereas the temporal change in biogenic P showed great variability. The plant distribution pattern and the increase in plant biomass due to decreased water levels might be the reason that caused variations in the P species. Furthermore, the content of orth–P, mono–P, DNA–P, and pyro–P showed increasing trends as sediment exposure time increased. However, the enzyme hydrolysis rate of DNA–P decreased with exposure time and may cause the bioavailability of biogenic P to decrease. Despite the fact that the bioavailability of biogenic P might decline in the short term, the favorable environmental conditions for P release in sediment rewetting processes, together with the increase in orth–P and biogenic P due to extended exposure time, indicate that these large additions of P would enter the overlying water and cause water quality decline once the sediment is submerged underwater during the next wet season. An environmental process analysis showed that the increased exposure time induced sediment environmental conditions changes that played an important role in the biogeochemical cycle of P and may be an important way of P replenishment in Lake Poyang. The results of this study help provide a better understanding of the role of sediment drying/wetting cycles in nutrient biogeochemical behavior and fates in wetland ecosystems.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Elevated ozone and nitrogen deposition affect nitrogen pools of subalpine grassland
Bassin, Seraina | Käch, David | Valsangiacomo, Alain | Mayer, J. (Jochen) | Oberholzer, Hans-Rudolf | Volk, Matthias | Fuhrer, Jürg
In a free-air fumigation experiment with subalpine grassland, we studied long-term effects of elevated ozone (O3) and nitrogen (N) deposition on ecosystem N pools and on the fate of anthropogenic N. At three times during the seventh year of exposure, N pools and recovery of a stable isotope tracer (15N) were determined in above- and belowground plant parts, and in the soil. Plants were much better competitors for 15N than soil microorganisms. Plant N pools increased by 30–40% after N addition, while soil pools remained unaffected, suggesting that most of the extra N was taken up and stored in plant biomass, thus preventing the ecosystem from acquiring characteristics of eutrophication. Elevated O3 caused an increase of N in microbial biomass and in stabilized soil N, probably resulting from increased litter input and lower litter quality. Different from individual effects, the interaction between the pollutants remained partly unexplained.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Ecotoxicity of sewage sludge- or sewage sludge/willow-derived biochar-amended soil
Godlewska, Paulina | Jośko, Izabela | Oleszczuk, Patryk
Co-pyrolysis of sewage sludge (SL) with plant biomass gains attention as a way to minimize SL-derived biochar drawbacks, such as high amount of toxic substances, low specific surface area and carbon content. The toxicity of soil amended with SL- (BCSL) or SL/biomass (BCSLW)-derived biochar was evaluated in long-term pot experiment (180 days). The results were compared to SL-amended soil. Biochars produced at 500, 600, or 700 °C were added to the soil (podzolic loamy sand) at a 2% (w/w) dose. Samples were collected at four different time points (at the beginning, after 30, 90 and 180 days) to assess the potential toxicity of SL-, BCSL- or BCSLW-amended soil. The bacteria Aliivibrio fischeri (luminescence inhibition – Microtox), the plant Lepidium sativum (root growth and germination inhibition test – Phytotoxkit F), and the invertebrate Folsomia candida (mortality and reproduction inhibition test – Collembolan test) were used as the test organisms. Depending on the organism tested and the sample collection time point variable results were observed. In general, SL-amended soil was more toxic than soil with biochars. The leachates from BCSLW-amended soil were more toxic to A. fischeri than leachate from BCSL-amended soil. A different tendency was observed in the case of phytotoxicity. Leachate from BCSL-amended soil was more toxic to L. sativum compared to BCSLW-amended soil. The effect of biochars on F. candida was very diversified, which did not allow a clear trend to be observed. The toxic effect of SL-, BCSL- or BCSW-amended soil to particular organisms was observed in different time, point's periods, which may suggest the different factors affecting this toxicity.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Effects of plant growth regulator and chelating agent on the phytoextraction of heavy metals by Pfaffia glomerata and on the soil microbial community
Huang, Rong | Cui, Xiaoying | Luo, Xianzhen | Mao, Peng | Zhuang, Ping | Li, Yongxing | Li, Yingwen | Li, Zhian
Pfaffia glomerata is a candidate for the remediation of heavy metal-contaminated soil, but phytoremediation efficiency requires enhancement. In this study, we evaluated how application of DA-6, EDTA, or CA affected the growth and heavy metal accumulation of P. glomerata and soil microorganisms. We found that P. glomerata removed more Cd and Zn than Pb or Cu from contaminated soil. When compared to the control, application of DA-6, CA, or CA + DA-6 increased plant biomass and increased stem Cd concentration by 1.28-, 1.20-, and 1.31-fold respectively; increased leaf Cd concentration by 1.25-, 1.28-, and 1.20-fold, respectively; and increased the total quantity of Cd extracted by 1.37-, 1.37-, and 1.38-fold, respectively. When compared to the control, application EDTA or EDTA + DA-6 significantly increased the soil available metal and Na concentrations, which harmed plant growth. Application of EDTA or EDTA + DA-6 also significantly decreased the Cd concentration in roots and stems. 16S rRNA high-throughput sequencing analysis revealed that application of EDTA or CA alone to soil significantly reduced the richness and diversity of soil bacteria, while foliar spraying of DA-6 combined with EDTA or CA slightly alleviated this reduction. EDTA or CA addition significantly changed the proportion of Actinobacteria and Proteobacteria. In addition, EDTA or CA addition caused changes in soil properties (e.g. heavy metal availability, K concentration, Na concentration, soil pH, soil CEC, and soil DOC concentration) that were associated with changes in the bacterial community. EDTA addition mainly affected the soil bacterial community by changing soil DOC concentration, the soil available Pb and Na concentration, and CA addition mainly affected the soil bacterial community by changing the soil available Ca concentration.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Responses of the growth and physiological characteristics of Myriophyllum aquaticum to coexisting tetracyclines and copper in constructed wetland microcosms
Guo, Xuan | Liu, Mingming | Zhong, Hua | Li, Peng | Zhang, Chengjun | Wei, Dan | Zhao, Tongke
Antibiotic and heavy metal pollution of aquatic environments are issues of serious concern, and the macrophyte Myriophyllum aquaticum may provide a viable solution for the removal of these contaminants. However, the toxic effects of coexisting tetracyclines (TCs) and Cu(II) on this plant species are currently unclear. In the present study, we constructed wetland microcosms planted with M. aquaticum and spiked these with three TCs (tetracycline, oxytetracycline, and chlortetracycline) and Cu(II) at concentrations ranging from 100 to 10,000 μg/L to investigate how Cu(II) influences the growth and tolerance responses of plants to TCs. After 12 weeks, we found that TCs had accumulated in the plants, and that plant growth and characteristics were significantly affected by the levels of both TCs and Cu(II). While low Cu(II) levels had a synergistic effect on the accumulation of TCs, high levels were observed to reduce accumulation. However, low levels of TCs and Cu(II) had a hormesis effect on plant growth, with plant biomass and leaf chlorophyll content decreasing and the malondialdehyde content and activities of antioxidant enzymes gradually increasing with an increase in TC dosage. The coexistence of low levels of Cu(II) was, however, found to alleviate these adverse effects. Principal component analysis revealed a close relationship among plant biomass, chlorophyll content, malondialdehyde content, and antioxidant enzyme activities. Considering that the Cu/TC ratio was shown to markedly affect M. aquaticum growth, the respective proportions of these pollutants should be taken into consideration in the future design of constructed wetlands.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Chronic nitrogen addition promotes dissolved organic carbon accumulation in a temperate freshwater wetland
Mao, Rong | Zhang, Xin-Hou | Song, Chang-Chun
Temperate wetlands have been undergoing increased nitrogen (N) inputs in the past decades, yet its influence on dissolved organic carbon (DOC) dynamics is still elusive in these ecosystems. Here, using a field multi-level N addition (0, 6, 12, and 24 g N m⁻² year⁻¹) experiment, we investigated the changes in aboveground plant biomass, DOC production from plant litters, DOC biodegradation, and DOC concentration in surface water and soil pore water (0–15 cm depth) following 10 years of N addition in a freshwater marsh of Northeast China. We observed that, irrespective of N addition levels, N addition caused an increase in DOC production from plant litters under both non-flooded and flooded conditions. Conversely, DOC biodegradation was inhibited by N addition in both surface water and soil pore water. Because of enhanced DOC production from plant litters and declined DOC biodegradation, N addition elevated DOC concentration in surface water and soil pore water across the growing season. In addition, long-term N addition increased aboveground plant biomass, but decreased species richness. Our results suggest that long-term N enrichment promotes DOC accumulation through the contrasting effects on litter-derived DOC production and microbial decomposition of DOC in temperate wetlands.
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