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Chlordane contamination in selected estuarine and coastal marine finfish and shellfish of New Jersey, USA


Kennish, M.J. | Ruppel, B.E. (Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ 08903 (USA))

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - United Kingdom

Ultrastructural changes in the respiratory lamellae of the catfish, Heteropneustes fossilis after sublethal exposure to malathion


Dutta, H.M. | Munshi, J.S.D. | Roy, P.K. | Singh, N.K. | Adhikari, S. | Killius, J. (Department of Biological Sciences, Kent State University, Kent, OH 44242 (USA))

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - United Kingdom

Assessment and rehabilitation of wildlife affected by an oil spill in Puerto Rico


Mignucci-Giannoni, A.A. (Red Caribena de Varamientos, Caribbean Stranding Network and University of Puerto Rico, PO Box 361715, San Juan, 00936 (Puerto Rico))

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - United Kingdom

Uptake from water, release and tissue distribution of sup(54)Mn in the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum)


Adam, C. | Garnier-Laplace, J. | Baudin, J.P. (Institut de Protection et de Surete Nucleaire, Departement de Protection de l'Environnement, Laboratoire de Radioecologie Experimentale, 13108 Saint-Paul-Lez-Durance Cedex (France))

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - United Kingdom

Toxicity of acid-sulphate soil leachate and aluminium to the embryos and larvae of Australian bass (Macquaria novemaculeata) in estuarine water


Hyne, R.V. | Wilson, S.P. (Ecotoxicology Section, Environment Protection Authority NSW, at EPA/UTS Centre for Ecotoxicology, University of Technology - Sydney, Westbourne St., Gore Hill, NSW 2065 (Australia))

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - United Kingdom

Persistent organochlorines in beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas) from the St Lawrence River estuary - I. Concentrations and patterns of specific PCBs, chlorinated pesticides and polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans


Muir, D.C.G. | Ford, C.A. | Rosenberg, B. | Norstrom, R.J. | Simon, M. | Beland, P. (Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Freshwater Institute, 501 University Crescent, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 2N6 (Canada))

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - United Kingdom

Organochlorine pesticides and hexachlorobenzene in tissues of fish and invertebrates caught near a sewage outfall


Miskiewicz, A.G. | Gibbs, P.J. (Australian Water Technologies, Environment Management and Investigations, PO Box A53, Sydney South, NSW 2000 (Australia))

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - United Kingdom

Concentrations of alkyphenol polyethoxylates entering UK estuaries


Blackburn, M.A. | Kirby, S.J. | Waldock, M.J. (Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science, Burnham on Crouch, Essex CM0 8HA (United Kingdom))

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - United Kingdom

Toxicopathic hepatic lesions as biomarkers of chemical contaminant exposure and effects in marine bottomfish species from the northeast and Pacific Coasts, USA


Myers, M.S. | Johnson, L.L. | Olson, O.P. | Stehr, C.M. | Horness, B.H. | Collier, T.K. | Mccain, B.B. (Environmental Conservation Division, Northwest Fisheries Science Center, National Marine Fisheries Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 2725 Montlake Boulevard E., Seattle, WA 98112)

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - United Kingdom

Use of ivermectin in marine fish farms: Some concerns


Grant, A. | Briggs, A.D. (School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich NR4 7TJ (United Kingdom))

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - United Kingdom