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Toxic effects of the antifouling agent Irgarol 1051 on periphyton communities in coastal water microcosms
Dahl, B. | Blanck, H. (Goteborg University, Department of Plant Physiology, Botanical Institute, Carl Skottsbergs gata 22, S-413 19 Goteborg (Sweden))
Contamination of Mediterranean (Cote d'Azur) coastal waters by organotins and Irgarol 1051 used in antifouling paints
Tolosa, I. | Readman, J.W. | Blaevoet, A. | Ghilini, S. | Bartocci, J. | Horvat, M. (International Atomic Energy Agency - Marine Environment Laboratory, 19 avenue des Castellans, P.O. Box 800, MC 98012 (Monaco))
[Comparative study of ecosystem modifications of coastal waters subject to pollutants in the Gulf and Port of Patras]
Castritsi-Catharios, J. | Ganias, G. | Panagopoulos, D. (Athens Univ. (Greece). Lab. de Zoologie)
Changes in the benthic communities due to various pollutants in Izmir Bay (Turkey)
Kocatas, A. | Ergen, Z. | Katagan, T. (Ege Univ., Izmir (Turkey). Faculty of Science)
[Study of the benthic communities of a disturbed environment: the port of Algiers]
Bakalem, A. | Romano, J.C.
[The effect of pollution on the benthic communities of the rocky substrata of the Port of Augusta (east Sicily)]
Di Geronimo, S.I. (Catania Univ. (Italy). Ist. di Scienze della Terra)