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Systematic review of reptile reproductive toxicology to inform future research directions on endangered or threatened species, such as sea turtles
Barraza, Arthur D. | Finlayson, Kimberly A. | Leusch, Frederic D.L. | van de Merwe, Jason P.
Threatened or endangered reptiles, such as sea turtles, are generally understudied within the field of wildlife toxicology, with even fewer studies on how contaminants affect threatened species reproduction. This paper aimed to better inform threatened species conservation by systematically and quantitatively reviewing available research on the reproductive toxicology of all reptiles, threatened and non-threatened. This review found 178 studies that matched our search criteria. These papers were categorized into location conducted, taxa studied, species studied, effects found, and chemicals investigated. The most studied taxa were turtles (n = 87 studies, 49%), alligators/crocodiles (n = 54, 30%), and lizards (n = 37, 21%). Maternal transfer, sex steroid alterations, sex reversal, altered sexual development, developmental abnormalities, and egg contamination were the most common effects found across all reptile taxa, providing guidance for avenues of research into threatened species. Maternal transfer of contaminants was found across all taxa, and taking into account the foraging behavior of sea turtles, could help elucidate differences in maternal transfer seen at nesting beaches. Sex steroid alterations were a common effect found with contaminant exposure, indicating the potential to use sex steroids as biomarkers along with traditional biomarkers such as vitellogenin. Sex reversal through chemical exposure was commonly found among species that exhibit temperature dependent sex determination, indicating the potential for both environmental pollution and climate change to disrupt population dynamics of many reptile species, including sea turtles. Few studies used in vitro, DNA, or molecular methodologies, indicating the need for more research using high-throughput, non-invasive, and cost-effective tools for threatened species research. The prevalence of developmental abnormalities and altered sexual development and function indicates the need to further study how anthropogenic pollutants affect reproductive output in threatened reptiles.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Accumulation of coal combustion residues and their immunological effects in the yellow-bellied slider (Trachemys scripta scripta)
Haskins, David L. | Hamilton, Matthew T. | Jones, Amanda L. | Finger, John W. | Bringolf, Robert B. | Tuberville, Tracey D.
Anthropogenic activities such as industrial processes often produce copious amounts of contaminants that have the potential to negatively impact growth, survival, and reproduction of exposed wildlife. Coal combustion residues (CCRs) represent a major source of pollutants globally, resulting in the release of potentially harmful trace elements such as arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), and selenium (Se) into the environment. In the United States, CCRs are typically stored in aquatic settling basins that may become attractive nuisances to wildlife. Trace element contaminants, such as CCRs, may pose a threat to biota yet little is known about their sublethal effects on reptiles. To assess the effects of CCR exposure in turtles, we sampled 81 yellow-bellied sliders (Trachemys scripta scripta) in 2014–2015 from CCR-contaminated and uncontaminated reference wetlands located on the Savannah River Site (Aiken, SC, USA). Specific aims were to (1) compare the accumulation of trace elements in T. s. scripta claw and blood samples between reference and CCR-contaminated site types, (2) evaluate potential immunological effects of CCRs via bacterial killing assays and phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) assays, and (3) quantify differences in hemogregarine parasite loads between site types. Claw As, Cd, copper (Cu), and Se (all p ≤ 0.001) and blood As, Cu, Se, and strontium (Sr; p ≤ 0.015) were significantly elevated in turtles from CCR-contaminated wetlands compared to turtles from reference wetlands. Turtles from reference wetlands exhibited lower bacterial killing (p = 0.015) abilities than individuals from contaminated sites but neither PHA responses (p = 0.566) nor parasite loads (p = 0.980) differed by site type. Despite relatively high CCR body burdens, sliders did not exhibit apparent impairment of immunological response or parasite load. In addition, the high correlation between claw and blood concentrations within individuals suggests that nonlethal tissue sampling may be useful for monitoring CCR exposure in turtles.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Influence of relative trophic position and carbon source on selenium bioaccumulation in turtles from a coal fly-ash spill site
Van Dyke, James U. | Hopkins, William A. | Jackson, Brian P.
Selenium (Se) is a bioaccumulative constituent of coal fly-ash that can disrupt reproduction of oviparous wildlife. In food webs, the greatest enrichment of Se occurs at the lowest trophic levels, making it readily bioavailable to higher consumers. However, subsequent enrichment at higher trophic levels is less pronounced, leading to mixed tendencies for Se to biomagnify. We used stable isotopes (15N and 13C) in claws to infer relative trophic positions and relative carbon sources, respectively, of seven turtle species near the site of a recently-remediated coal fly-ash spill. We then tested whether Se concentrations differed with relative trophic position or relative carbon source. We did not observe a strong relationship between δ15N and Se concentration. Instead, selenium concentrations decreased with increasing δ13C among species. Therefore, in an assemblage of closely-related aquatic vertebrates, relative carbon source was a better predictor of Se bioaccumulation than was relative trophic position.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Multi-decadal trends in mercury and methylmercury concentrations in the brown watersnake (Nerodia taxispilota)
Haskins, David L. | Brown, M Kyle | Qin, Chongyang | Xu, Xiaoyu | Pilgrim, Melissa A. | Tuberville, Tracey D.
Mercury (Hg) is an environmental contaminant that poses a threat to aquatic systems globally. Temporal evaluations of Hg contamination have increased in recent years, with studies focusing on how anthropogenic activities impact Hg bioavailability in a variety of aquatic systems. While it is common for these studies and ecological risk assessments to evaluate Hg bioaccumulation and effects in wildlife, there is a paucity of information regarding Hg dynamics in reptiles. The goal of this study was to investigate temporal patterns in total mercury (THg) and methylmercury (MeHg) concentrations across a 36-year period, as well as evaluate relationships among and between destructive (kidney, liver, muscle) and non-destructive (blood, tail) tissue types in a common watersnake species. To accomplish this, we measured THg and MeHg concentrations in multiple tissues from brown watersnakes (Nerodia taxispilota) collected from Steel Creek on the Savannah River Site (SRS; Aiken, SC, USA) from two time periods (1983–1986 and 2019). We found significant and positive relationships between tail tips and destructive tissues. In both time periods, THg concentrations varied significantly by tissue type, and destructive tissues exhibited higher but predictable THg values relative to tail tissue. Methylmercury concentrations did not differ among tissues from the 1980s but was significantly higher in muscle compared to other tissues from snakes collected in 2019. Percent MeHg of THg in N. taxispilota tissues mirrored patterns reported in other reptiles, although the range of % MeHg in liver and kidney differed between time periods. Both THg and MeHg concentrations in N. taxispilota declined significantly from the 1980s to 2019, with average values 1.6 to 4-fold lower in contemporary samples. Overall, our data add further evidence to the utility of watersnakes to monitor Hg pollution in aquatic environments and suggest attenuation of this contaminant in watersnakes in our study system.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Sea turtles across the North Pacific are exposed to perfluoroalkyl substances
Wood, Cathryn | Balazs, George H. | Rice, Marc | Work, Thierry M. | Jones, T Todd | Sterling, Eleanor | Summers, Tammy M. | Brooker, John | Kurpita, Lauren | King, Cheryl S. | Lynch, Jennifer M.
Perfluorinated alkyl substances (PFASs) are global, persistent, and toxic contaminants. We assessed PFAS concentrations in green (Chelonia mydas) and hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata) turtles from the North Pacific. Fifteen compounds were quantified via liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry from 62 green turtle and 6 hawksbill plasma samples from Hawai’i, Palmyra Atoll, and the Northern Marianas Islands. Plasma from 14 green turtles severely afflicted with fibropapillomatosis, and eggs from 12 Hawaiian hawksbill nests from 7 females were analyzed. Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) predominated in green turtle plasma; perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA) predominated in hawksbill tissues. Concentrations were greater in hawksbill than green turtle plasma (p < 0.05), related to trophic differences. Green turtle plasma PFOS concentrations were related to human populations from highest to lowest: Hawai’i, Marianas, Palmyra. Influence on fibropapillomatosis was not evident. PFASs were maternally transferred to hawksbill eggs, with decreasing concentrations with distance from airports and with clutch order from one female. A risk assessment of PFOS showed concern for immunosuppression in Kailua green turtles and alarming concern for hawksbill developmental toxicity. Perfluoroundecanoic (PFUnA) and perfluorotridecanoic (PFTriA) acid levels were correlated with reduced emergence success (p < 0.05). Studies to further examine PFAS effects on sea turtle development would be beneficial.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Assessment and rehabilitation of wildlife affected by an oil spill in Puerto Rico
Mignucci-Giannoni, A.A. (Red Caribena de Varamientos, Caribbean Stranding Network and University of Puerto Rico, PO Box 361715, San Juan, 00936 (Puerto Rico))
Effects of DDT ground-spraying against tsetse flies on lizards in NW Zimbabwe
Lambert, M.R.K. (Natural Resources Institute, Central Avenue, Chatham Maritime, Chatham, Kent, ME4 4TB (United Kingdom))
Amphibians and reptiles communities in the forest habitats affected by air polluants
Homolka, M. (Akademie Ved, Brno (Czech Republic). Ustav Ekologie Krajiny) | Kokes, J.