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Integrated environmental evaluation of heavy metals and metalloids bioaccumulation in invertebrates and seaweeds from different marine coastal areas of sardinia, mediterranean sea
Corrias, Francesco | Atzei, Alessandro | Addis, Piero | Secci, Marco | Russo, Mariateresa | Angioni, Alberto
In this work, three gastropods Patella vulgata, Osilinus turbinata, and Tahis clavigera, one echinoderm Parancetrotus lividus, one coelenterate Anemonia sulcata, and two seaweed Padina pavonica, and Cystoseira mediterranea were collected from three different marine areas of Sardinia in the Mediterranean sea and studied for heavy metals and metalloid content and accumulation trends.Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) was used for the determination of Al, AS, B, Ba, Be, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, Sn, Sr, Te, Ti, V and Zn in the selected samples. The results showed that gastropods were capable of accumulating Al, Ba, Cu, Fe, Sr, and Zn; seaweeds can better concentrate Al, Fe, and Zn than all other species. At the same time, echinoderms and coelenterate had limited ability to store specific metals, showing a much more homogeneous distribution. PCA analysis allowed us to discriminate among the sites and the species. Cala Zafferano was the area with the higher values of accumulation of all metals in all species as expected, considering its proximity to industrial sites. The results of the analysis showed clearly that heavy metal and metalloid accumulation was different for each species studied. Therefore, for a correct environmental assessment of a given area, a comprehensive approach is strongly recommended by exploiting the different properties of both accumulation and concentration of the metals by different aquatic species.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Rivers of waste: Anthropogenic litter in intermittent Sardinian rivers, Italy (Central Mediterranean)
Palmas, Francesco | Cau, Alessandro | Podda, Cinzia | Musu, Alessio | Serra, Melissa | Pusceddu, Antonio | Sabatini, Andrea
While the increasing accumulation of anthropogenic litter in the marine environment has received considerable attention over the last decade, litter occurrence and distribution in rivers, the main source of marine litter, have been comparatively less investigated. Moreover, little information is available about the amount and typology of Riverine Anthropogenic Macro-litter (RAM) entering marine environments from intermittent rivers in low populated areas of the Mediterranean basin. To provide insights on this issue, we investigated density and composition of RAM accumulated over a total of 133 riverbanks, belonging to 37 river basins in the Sardinia Island (Mediterranean Sea). We report here that plastics, especially single-use items, represent the most frequent and abundant RAM category in all investigated basins. Statistical modelling revealed that occurrence of lightweight RAM (especially plastic) is mostly explained by levels of urban (12.3% of the relative contribution) and agricultural (12%) land use of the territory, whereas the proximity of bridges to the sampling point (21%) and the local population density (19.8%) are best predictors of heavy weighted RAM items (i.e., large metal items, appliances) occurrence. Our results confirm that plastics represent an important component of RAM and pinpoint that, beside plastic reduction policies and better waste management, actions aimed at abating and monitoring litter contamination should be localized on the proximity of bridges, whatever the local population density. Finally, to fill existing knowledge gaps in understanding the severity of litter discharge and accumulation in the Mediterranean Sea, land-to-sea systematic monitoring campaigns at appropriate spatial and temporal scales should be put in place.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]A novel approach based on multiple fish species and water column compartments in assessing vertical microlitter distribution and composition
Palazzo, Luca | Coppa, Stefania | Camedda, Andrea | Cocca, Mariacristina | De Falco, Francesca | Vianello, Alvise | Massaro, Giorgio | de Lucia, Giuseppe Andrea
The assessment of the distribution and composition of microlitter in the sea is a great challenge. Biological indicators can be an irreplaceable tool since they measure microlitter levels in their environments in a way that is virtually impossible to replicate by direct physical measurements. Furthermore, trends can provide policymakers with statistically robust analysis. We looked into the capacity of multiple fish species to describe the distribution and composition of microlitter vertically across different compartments of the water column. A total of 502 individuals from six selected species (Scomber scombrus, Oblada melanura, Spicara smaris, Boops boops, Merluccius merluccius and Mullus barbatus) were collected on the western side of Sardinia island and allocated to three compartments: surface, mid-water and bottom. The species of the surface exhibited a higher frequency of occurrence (41.89%) of microlitter ingestion, compared to those of the mid-water and bottom (19.60%; 22.58%). A significant difference in the average number of ingested microlitter was found between the surface and the bottom compartment. All the microlitter fragments found were analysed through Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). The comparison of the expected buoyancies of the polymers identified puth faith in the allocation of the species to the respective compartments. Therefore, considering the Marine Strategy Framework Directive objective, this approach could be useful in assessing microlitter distribution and composition vertically across the water column.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Microplastics in the crustaceans Nephrops norvegicus and Aristeus antennatus: Flagship species for deep-sea environments?
Cau, Alessandro | Avio, Carlo Giacomo | Dessì, Claudia | Follesa, Maria Cristina | Moccia, Davide | Regoli, Francesco | Pusceddu, Antonio
Ingestion of microplastics (MPs) has been documented in several marine organisms, but their occurrence in deep-sea species remains almost unknown. In this study, MPs were investigated in two economically and ecologically key crustaceans of the Mediterranean Sea, the Norwegian lobster Nephrops norvegicus and the shrimp Aristeus antennatus. Both the species were collected from 14 sites around Sardinia Island, at depths comprised between 270 and 660 m. A total of 89 and 63 stomachs were analysed for N. norvegicus and A. antennatus respectively, and more than 2,000 MPs-like particles were extracted and sorted for identification and characterization by μFT-IR. In N. norvegicus, 83% of the specimens contained MPs, with an average abundance of 5.5 ± 0.8 MPs individual−1, while A. antennatus showed a lower frequency of ingestion (67%) and a lower mean number of MPs (1.66 ± 0.1 MPs individual−1). Composition and size of particles differed significantly between the two species. The non-selective feeding strategy of N. norvegicus could explain the 3–5 folds higher numbers of MPs in its stomach, which were mostly composed of films and fragments derived by polyethylene and polypropylene single-use plastic items. Contrarily, most MPs in the stomachs of A. antennatus were polyester filaments. The MPs abundance observed in N. norvegicus is among the highest detected in Mediterranean species considering both fish and invertebrates species, and provides novel insights on MPs bioavailability in deep-sea habitats. The overall results suggest that both N. norvegicus and A. antennatus, easily available in common fishery markets, could be valuable bioindicators and flagship species for plastic contamination in the deep-sea.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]The bivalve Ruditapes decussatus: A biomonitor of trace elements pollution in Sardinian coastal lagoons (Italy)
Esposito, Giuseppe | Meloni, Domenico | Abete, Maria Cesarina | Colombero, Giorgio | Mantia, Martino | Pastorino, Paolo | Prearo, Marino | Pais, Antonio | Antuofermo, Elisabetta | Squadrone, Stefania
The anthropogenic contamination of water bodies with metals via fertilizer, industrial sewage and urban wastewater has resulted in widespread problems in aquatic organisms, but also poses a risk to consumer health. Shellfish from coastal and estuarine environments bioaccumulate toxic metals in their tissues due to their ability to concentrate inorganic contaminants several orders of magnitude above ambient levels. The aim of this study was to evaluate the presence of trace elements in adult specimens of indigenous clams (Ruditapes decussatus). To this end, wild clams were collected from four different brackish areas of Sardinia (Western Mediterranean Sea, Italy) devoted to extensive aquacultural practices. The concentration of 16 trace elements (Al, Ag, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Se, Sn, Tl and Zn) in the tissues of the clams was quantified. The legal limits set by European Regulations for cadmium; mercury and lead were never exceeded. However, unexpectedly high values for aluminium and iron (mean 207 mg kg⁻¹ and 113 mg kg⁻¹ wet weight) were found in Santa Gilla lagoon, which is close to industrial settlements and had the highest values for the majority of chemical elements investigated. The highest values of the metalloid arsenic (As) were reported in the Porto Pozzo and San Teodoro lagoons (9.6 and 6.8 mg kg⁻¹ w.w., respectively). The clam R. decussatus confirmed the capacity of bivalves as suitable bioindicators of trace elements pollution. Further investigations are necessary for constant monitoring of clams, 32 which constitute an important traditional resource for the fishing activity in Sardinia.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Occurrence of microplastics in the gastrointestinal tract of benthic by–catches from an eastern Mediterranean deep–sea environment
Esposito, Giuseppe | Prearo, Marino | Renzi, Monia | Anselmi, Serena | Cesarani, Alberto | Barceló, Damià | Dondo, Alessandro | Pastorino, Paolo
Concern about microplastic pollution little is known about levels in deep-sea species; to fill this knowledge gap, levels of microplastics in the gastrointestinal (GI) tracts of 34 fish from eight different deep–sea by–catches: blackmouth catshark, lesser spotted dogfish, and velvet belly, armless snake eel, hollowsnout grenadier, phaeton dragonet, royal flagfin, and slender snipe eel were measured. All were collected at the same site (east Sardinia, Mediterranean Sea; 40°10′12.49″N, 9°44′12.31″E) using a bottom gillnet at depths between −820/250 and −1148 ft./350 m. Microplastics (MPs) were retrieved in 16 out of 34 fish. At least one microplastic item was found in 48% (33%, E. spinax - 75%, G. melastomus) of the samples. The most frequent was polyethylene (PE), with nine items (filaments, films, fragments) found in five specimens. This preliminary study of by–catches adds new data on MPs ingestion by species inhabiting a deep–sea environment of the Mediterranean.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]A predictive approach to benthic marine habitat mapping: Efficacy and management implications
The availability of marine habitats maps remains limited due to difficulty and cost of working at sea. Reduced light penetration in the water hampers the use of optical imagery, and acoustic methods require extensive sea-truth activities. Predictive spatial modelling may offer an alternative to produce benthic habitat maps based on complete acoustic coverage of the seafloor together with a comparatively low number of sea truths. This approach was applied to the coralligenous reefs of the Marine Protected Area of Tavolara - Punta Coda Cavallo (NE Sardinia, Italy). Fuzzy clustering, applied to a set of observations made by scuba diving and used as sea truth, allowed recognising five coralligenous habitats, all but one existing within EUNIS (European Nature Information System) types. Variable importance plots showed that the distribution of habitats was driven by distance from coast, depth, and lithotype, and allowed mapping their distribution over the MPA. Congruence between observed and predicted distributions and accuracy of the classification was high. Results allowed calculating the occurrence of the distinct coralligenous habitats in zones with different protection level. The five habitats are unequally protected since the protection regime was established when detailed marine habitat maps were not available. A SWOT (Strengths-Weaknesses-Opportunities-Threats) analysis was performed to identify critical points and potentialities of the method. The method developed proved to be reliable and the results obtained will be useful when modulating on-going and future management actions in the studied area and in other Mediterranean MPAs to develop conservation efforts at basin scale.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]An ecotoxicological approach to evaluate the effects of tourism impacts in the Marine Protected Area of La Maddalena (Sardinia, Italy)
Moschino, V. | Schintu, M. | Marrucci, A. | Marras, B. | Nesto, N. | Da Ros, L.
In the Marine Protected Area of La Maddalena Archipelago, environmental protection rules and safeguard measures for nautical activities have helped in reducing anthropogenic pressure; however, tourism related activities remain particularly significant in summer. With the aim of evaluating their impacts, the biomarker approach using transplanted Mytilus galloprovincialis as sentinel organisms coupled with POCIS deployment was applied. Mussels, translocated to four marine areas differently impacted by tourism activities, were sampled before, during and after the tourist season. Moreover, endocrine disruptors in passive samplers POCIS and the cellular toxicity of whole POCIS extracts on mussel haemocytes were evaluated to integrate ecotoxicological information. Lysosomal biomarkers, condition index and mortality rate, as well as metals in tissues suggested an alteration of the health status of mussels transplanted to the most impacted sites. The cellular toxicity of POCIS extracts was pointed out, notwithstanding the concentrations of the examined compounds were always below the detection limits.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Interpretation of coastal sediment quality based on trace metal and PAH analysis, benthic foraminifera, and toxicity tests (Sardinia, Western Mediterranean)
Schintu, Marco | Buosi, Carla | Galgani, François | Marrucci, Alessandro | Marras, Barbara | Ibba, Angelo | Cherchi, A. (Antonietta)
An integrated approach for the assessment of coastal sediment quality was utilised in three areas of Sardinia (Western Mediterranean, Italy). Sediments were analysed for trace metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), while benthic foraminifera were used as bioindicators. Furthermore, the embryo-toxicity test was used to provide ecologically relevant information using rapid and cost-effective screening tools. The aim was to evaluate the usefulness of coupling different analytical tools. The results revealed the presence of polluted sediments in areas exposed to petrochemical industries, smelters or military settlements. However, while foraminifera have presented similar indications for chemical analysis of contamination levels in the different areas, the toxicity test exhibited a poor relationship with the contaminants measured individually. The results raise questions concerning the bioavailability of contaminants released by sediments in the water column. Overall, the toxicity rate was significant in many samples in comparison with other sites studied in other Mediterranean regions.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]The marine sedimentary record of natural and anthropogenic contribution from the Sulcis-Iglesiente mining district (Sardinia, Italy)
Romano, Elena | De Giudici, Giovanni | Bergamin, Luisa | Andreucci, Stefano | Maggi, Chiara | Pierfranceschi, Giancarlo | Celia Magno, Maria | Ausili, Antonella
Intensive exploitation of base metal deposits in the Sulcis-Iglesiente district (Sardinia, Italy), lasted from the 1850s to the 1990s, determined a high environmental impact on the coastal area, but the effects on marine environment have never been investigated. A marine sediment core, dated with 14C, was characterized for grain size, chemical and mineralogical composition, in order to reconstruct the sedimentary history of the area and to assess the environmental impact of mining. The comparison of chemical and mineralogical characteristics of recent sediments with those of pre-industrial age allowed discriminating the real anthropogenic impact from the natural metal enrichment. The correspondence, in the upper core, of anthropogenic trace metal enrichment with the presence of mine waste minerals is attributed to the exploiting over industrial scale; the still high metal enrichment in sediment surface levels suggests a still existing impact due to mine dumps and tailings weathering.
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