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Fluoride in weathered rock aquifers of southern India: managed aquifer recharge for mitigation
Brindha, Karthikeyan | Jagadeshan, G. | Kalpana, L. | Elango, L.
Climatic condition, geology, and geochemical processes in an area play a major role on groundwater quality. Impact of these on the fluoride content of groundwater was studied in three regions-part of Nalgonda district in Telangana, Pambar River basin, and Vaniyar River basin in Tamil Nadu, southern India, which experience semi-arid climate and are predominantly made of Precambrian rocks. High concentration of fluoride in groundwater above 4 mg/l was recorded. Human exposure dose for fluoride through groundwater was higher in Nalgonda than the other areas. With evaporation and rainfall being one of the major contributors for high fluoride apart from the weathering of fluoride rich minerals from rocks, the effect of increase in groundwater level on fluoride concentration was studied. This study reveals that groundwater in shallow environment of all three regions shows dilution effect due to rainfall recharge. Suitable managed aquifer recharge (MAR) methods can be adopted to dilute the fluoride rich groundwater in such regions which is explained with two case studies. However, in deep groundwater, increase in fluoride concentration with increase in groundwater level due to leaching of fluoride rich salts from the unsaturated zone was observed. Occurrence of fluoride above 1.5 mg/l was more in areas with deeper groundwater environment. Hence, practicing MAR in these regions will increase the fluoride content in groundwater and so physica or chemical treatment has to be adopted. This study brought out the fact that MAR cannot be practiced in all regions for dilution of ions in groundwater and that it is essential to analyze the fluctuation in groundwater level and the fluoride content before suggesting it as a suitable solution. Also, this study emphasizes that long-term monitoring of these factors is an important criterion for choosing the recharge areas.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Hydrogeochemical characterisation and health hazards of fluoride enriched groundwater in diverse aquifer types
Hossain, Mobarok | Patra, Pulak Kumar
High concentration of fluoride (up to 20.9 mg/L) in groundwater with significant variation (p = 5.9E-128) among samples was reported from Birbhum district, an acknowledged fluoride endemic region in India. The groundwater samples (N = 368) were grouped based on their hydrochemical properties and aquifer geology for hydro-geochemical characterization. Friedman’s test showed p < 0.0001 confidence level which indicates that fluoride concentration among geological groups and water groups are independent. Bland-Altman plot was used to study the inter-relationships among the groups through bias value (∂) and limit of agreement (LoA). Among the geological groups, laterites and granite-gneiss groups exhibited statistically significantly difference in fluoride geochemistry; whereas the younger and older alluvium groups displayed similar characteristics. The fluoride concentration was found to be in the order Lateritic > Granite-gneiss > Older alluvium ≥ Younger alluvium. Dissolution of minerals (such as fluorite, biotite) in laterite sheeted basalt, and granite-gneiss is the main source of groundwater fluoride in the region. Fluoride concentration is also influenced by depth of water table. Hydrochemical study indicated that fluoride concentration was higher in Na–HCO₃ than in Ca–SO₄ and Ca–HCO₃ type of groundwater. The fluoride concentration were positively correlated with Na⁺ and pH and negatively correlated with the Ca²⁺ and Mg²⁺ signifying linkage with halite dissolution and calcite, dolomite precipitation. Geostatistical mapping of WQI through empirical bayesian kriging (EBK) with respect to regional optimal guideline value (0.73 mg/L) classified that groundwater in some parts of the district are unfit for drinking purpose. Health survey (N = 1767) based on Dean’s criteria for dental fluorosis indicated presence of slight to moderate dental hazard. Besides, providing baseline data for management of groundwater quality in the study area, the study demonstrated the applicability of Bland-Altman analysis and empirical bayesian kriging (EBK) in delineation and interpolation of fluoride contaminated region.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Groundwater assessment and environmental impact in the abandoned mine of Kettara (Morocco)
Moyé, Julien | Picard-Lesteven, Tanguy | Zouhri, Lahcen | El Amari, Khalid | Hibti, Mohamed | Benkaddour, Abdelfattah
Many questions about the soil pollution due to mining activities have been analyzed by numerous methods which help to evaluate the dispersion of the Metallic Trace Elements (MTE) in the soil and stream sediments of the abandoned mine of Kettara (Morocco). The transport of these MTE could have an important role in the degradation of groundwater and the health of people who are living in the vicinity. The present paper aims to evaluate the groundwater samples from 15 hydrogeological wells. This evaluation concerns the hydrogeological parameters, pH, Electrical conductivity, temperature and the groundwater level, and the geochemical assessment of Mg, Ca, Ti, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Zn, Cu, As, Se, Cd, Sb, Tl and Pb. Furthermore, the Metallic Trace Elements are transported in the saturated zone via the fractures network. The groundwater flow is from the north-east to south-west. The spatial distribution of As, Fe, Zn and Mn is very heterogeneous, with high values observed in the north, upstream, of the mine site. This distribution is maybe related to: i) the existence of hydrogeological structures (dividing and drainage axes); ii) the individualization of the fractures network that affects the shaly lithostratigraphical formation; iii) the transport of the contaminants from the soil towards groundwater; and iv) interaction water/rocks. Some MTE anomalies are linked to the lithology and the fracturation system of the area. Therefore, the groundwater contamination by Arsenic is detected in the hydrogeological wells (E1 and E2). This pollution which is higher than guideline standards of Moroccan drinking water could affect the public health. The hydrogeological and geochemical investigations favor the geological origin (mafic rocks) of this contamination rather than mining activities.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Total and methyl mercury concentrations in sediment and water of a constructed wetland in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region
Oswald, Claire J. | Carey, Sean K.
In the Athabasca Oil Sands Region in northeastern Alberta, Canada, oil sands operators are testing the feasibility of peatland construction on the post-mining landscape. In 2009, Syncrude Canada Ltd. began construction of the 52 ha Sandhill Fen pilot watershed, including a 15 ha, hydrologically managed fen peatland built on sand-capped soft oil sands tailings. An integral component of fen reclamation is post-construction monitoring of water quality, including salinity, fluvial carbon, and priority pollutant elements. In this study, the effects of fen reclamation and elevated sulfate levels on mercury (Hg) fate and transport in the constructed system were assessed. Total mercury (THg) and methylmercury (MeHg) concentrations in the fen sediment were lower than in two nearby natural fens, which may be due to the higher mineral content of the Sandhill Fen peat mix and/or a loss of Hg through evasion during the peat harvesting, stockpiling and placement processes. Porewater MeHg concentrations in the Sandhill Fen typically did not exceed 1.0 ng L−1. The low MeHg concentrations may be a result of elevated porewater sulfate concentrations (mean 346 mg L−1) and an increase in sulphide concentrations with depth in the peat, which are known to suppress MeHg production. Total Hg and MeHg concentrations increased during a controlled mid-summer flooding event where the water table rose above the ground surface in most of the fen. The Hg dynamics during this event showed that hydrologic fluctuations in this system exacerbate the release of THg and MeHg downstream. In addition, the elevated SO42− concentrations in the peat porewaters may become a problem with respect to downstream MeHg production once the fen is hydrologically connected to a larger wetland network that is currently being constructed.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Persistent and emerging micro-organic contaminants in Chalk groundwater of England and France
Lapworth, D.J. | Baran, N. | Stuart, M.E. | Manamsa, K. | Talbot, J.
The Chalk aquifer of Northern Europe is an internationally important source of drinking water and sustains baseflow for surface water ecosystems. The areal distribution of microorganic (MO) contaminants, particularly non-regulated emerging MOs, in this aquifer is poorly understood. This study presents results from a reconnaissance survey of MOs in Chalk groundwater, including pharmaceuticals, personal care products and pesticides and their transformation products, conducted across the major Chalk aquifers of England and France. Data from a total of 345 sites collected during 2011 were included in this study to provide a representative baseline assessment of MO occurrence in groundwater. A suite of 42 MOs were analysed for at each site including industrial compounds (n=16), pesticides (n=14) and pharmaceuticals, personal care and lifestyle products (n=12). Occurrence data is evaluated in relation to land use, aquifer exposure, well depth and depth to groundwater to provide an understanding of vulnerable groundwater settings.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Tracing decadal environmental change in ombrotrophic bogs using diatoms from herbarium collections and transfer functions
Poulíčková, Aloisie | Hájková, Petra | Kintrová, Kateřina | Bat'ková, Romana | Czudková, Markéta | Hájek, Michal
Central European mountain bogs, among the most valuable and threatened of habitats, were exposed to intensive human impact during the 20th century. We reconstructed the subrecent water chemistry and water-table depths using diatom based transfer functions calibrated from modern sampling. Herbarium Sphagnum specimens collected during the period 1918–1998 were used as a source of historic diatom samples. We classified samples into hummocks and hollows according to the identity of dominant Sphagnum species, to reduce bias caused by uneven sampling of particular microhabitats. Our results provide clear evidence for bog pollution by grazing during the period 1918–1947 and by undocumented aerial liming in the early 90-ies. We advocate use of herbarized epibryon as a source of information on subrecent conditions in recently polluted mires.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Ammonium release from a blanket peatland into headwater stream systems
Daniels, S.M. | Evans, M.G. | Agnew, C.T. | Allott, T.E.H.
Hydrochemical sampling of South Pennine (UK) headwater streams draining eroded upland peatlands demonstrates these systems are nitrogen saturated, with significant leaching of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), particularly ammonium, during both stormflow and baseflow conditions. DIN leaching at sub-catchment scale is controlled by geomorphological context; in catchments with low gully densities ammonium leaching dominates whereas highly gullied catchments leach ammonium and nitrate since lower water tables and increased aeration encourages nitrification. Stormflow flux calculations indicate that: approximately equivalent amounts of nitrate are deposited and exported; ammonium export significantly exceeds atmospheric inputs. This suggests two ammonium sources: high atmospheric loadings; and mineralisation of organic nitrogen stored in peat. Downstream trends indicate rapid transformation of leached ammonium into nitrate. It is important that low-order headwater streams are adequately considered when assessing impacts of atmospheric loads on the hydrochemistry of stream networks, especially with respect to erosion, climate change and reduced precipitation.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Comprehensive assessment of nitrous oxide emissions and mitigation potentials across European peatlands
Lin, Fei | Zuo, Hongchao | Ma, Xiaohong | Ma, Lei
European natural peatlands have undergone long-term anthropogenic drainage activities that have severely decreased their functions, such as carbon sequestration. Recent rewetting has been conducted to restore the ecosystem services of peatlands and mitigate the emissions of potent greenhouse gases such as nitrous oxide (N₂O). However, the magnitudes and spatial patterns of annual N₂O fluxes and their mitigation potentials across European peatlands remain unknown. Here, we synthesized 492 annual N₂O flux data points from 77 in situ studies across European peatlands and found that the soil annual N₂O fluxes varied extensively from −1.08 to 33.40 kg N₂O–N ha⁻¹ yr⁻¹; these results were significantly and interactively (P < 0.05) affected by the peatland status, climatic regime and nutrient supply type. Drainage significantly (P < 0.05) stimulated soil N₂O emissions from natural minerotrophic rather than ombrotrophic peatlands, regardless of the climatic regime. Similarly, rewetting significantly (P < 0.05) reduced soil N₂O emissions from drained minerotrophic rather than ombrotrophic peatlands, demonstrating that the high N₂O emissions were driven by a simultaneous decline in the water table depth and increase in the soil nitrogen (N) availability. Magnitudes of the increases or decreases in N₂O emissions due to drainage or rewetting were also significantly influenced by the land-use and drainage history before rewetting and in the years following drainage/rewetting, respectively. The estimated annual mean N₂O emission total was found to be 90.42 (95% confidence interval: 64.49–122.57) Gg N₂O–N in 2020 from European peatlands. Scenario analysis showed that drained peatlands should be rewetted expeditiously; postponing rewetting would cause larger emissions from continued N₂O emissions from drained peatlands. Fully rewetting the drained peatlands used for forestry and peat extraction and partially rewetting those used for agriculture and grassland comprise a strategy for mitigating drained peatland N₂O emissions without compromising food security.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]High levels of organochlorine pesticides in drinking water as a risk factor for type 2 diabetes: A study in north India
Tyagi, Shipra | Siddarth, Manushi | Mishra, Brijesh Kumar | Banerjee, Basu Dev | Urfi, Abdul Jamil | Madhu, Sri Venkata
Organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) are well known synthetic pesticides widely used in agricultural practices and public health program. Higher toxicity, slow degradation, and bioaccumulation are the significant challenges of OCPs. Due to its uses in agricultural and public health, contamination of drinking water and water table also increases day by day. Contaminated drinking water has become a significant issue and alarming signal for public health globally. The purpose of this study was to assess the recent trend of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) level in drinking water and blood samples of the North Indian population and also to find out its association with glucose intolerance, lipid metabolism, and insulin resistance, which are known risk factors of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). A case-control study was conducted on 130 Non-Glucose intolerance (NGT), 130 pre-diabetes and 130 recently diagnosed T2DM subjects of the age group of 30–70 years. Patients consuming drinking water from the same source for at least ten years were included in this study for blood and water samples collection. Significantly higher levels of α-HCH, β-HCH, γ-HCH, p,p’-DDE, and o,p’-DDT were found in groundwater samples. However, in tap water samples, the level of α-HCH was found to be slightly higher than the permissible limit of 0.001. Among all recruited subjects consuming contaminated groundwater, 42% had T2DM, 38% pre-diabetes, and the remaining 20% were found normal. We also observed that OCP contamination in groundwater is higher than tap and filter water. The levels of β-HCH, p,p’-DDE, and o,p’-DDT were higher in the pre-diabetes and T2DM group than the NGT group. With an increase of OCPs level in groundwater, the blood OCPs level tends to increase T2DM risk. It depicts that the elevated OCPs level in consumed groundwater may contribute to increased risk for the development of T2DM after a certain period of exposure.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]The influence of wetting-drying alternation on methylmercury degradation in Guangzhou soil
Xie, Mengying | Zhang, Caixiang | Liao, Xiaoping | Huang, Changsheng
In one of our previous studies, the mechanisms of radical-initiated methylmercury (MeHg) degradation in soil with coexisting Fe and Cu have been reported. In this work, various environmental factors, including water table fluctuation, pH and major ions, are discussed to clarify the behavior of MeHg in subsurface environments. Soil column experiments were set up to simulate the degradation of MeHg in the soil with an iron-bearing mineral (annite), which has often undergone repeating wetting-drying cycles, resulting from the local climate. The results indicate that wetting-drying alternation can initiate MeHg degradation in the soil with the annite mineral. Additionally, the majority of the major ions (K⁺, Na⁺, Mg²⁺, Fe³⁺, Cl⁻, SO₄²⁻, NO₃⁻) in the interstitial soil had little effect in the degradation of MeHg with the exception of Cu, which improved the degradation depending on the pH. At acidic pHs Cu increased the production of hydroxyl radical while at more alkaline pHs there was oxidation to Cu(III). The products including Hg(II) and Hg(0) of MeHg degradation were also identified in this work. This study reveals that the geochemical cycle of MeHg is closely linked to local climate and pedosphere processes.
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