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Urban Air Quality Nexus: PM2.5 Bound-Heavy Metals and their Alarming Implication for Incremental Lifetime Cancer Risk
Attiq, Abu Bakar | Nawaz, Rab | Irshad, Muhammad | Nasim, Iqra | Nasim, Marriyam | Latif, Maria | Shah, Syed Imran | Fatima, Aiman
Fine particulate matter (PM2.5) have not only detrimental impacts on air quality but also acts as a source for a range of heavy metals that worsen the potential risks to public health. Notably, previous studies on PM2.5-bound heavy metals in Pakistan have primarily focused on individual cities. This study offers a comprehensive analysis of pollution characteristics related to PM2.5-bound heavy metals, including lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), zinc (Zn), and nickel (Ni), in ten cities of Pakistan. Data was collected from a wide range of reliable sources spanning from 2013 to 2023. Additionally, the human health risk assessment methodology endorsed by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) was employed to evaluate both carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic risks for adults (males and females) and children. Findings of the present study revealed that children faced a greater risk associated with PM2.5-bound heavy metals as compared to adults. Cadmium, zinc, and nickel were found as the top three contributors to the average non-carcinogenic risk, while lead, cadmium, and nickel showed the highest carcinogenic risks. Based on these findings, this study strongly recommend that the government should strengthen the management of industrial and vehicular emissions. Furthermore, there is an imperative need to establish a real-time monitoring system capable of tracking toxic heavy metal pollutants transported through the atmosphere. Additionally, policymakers should seriously contemplate regional collaborations with the goal of creating metropolitan initiatives for pollution control, thereby effectively addressing these paramount environmental and public health concerns.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Application of Electrochemical Disinfection Process Using Aluminum Electrodes for Efficient Removal of Coliforms from Wastewater
Nabi Bidhendi, Amir | Mehrdadi, Nasser | Karbassi, Abdolreza
In this work, it was attempted to evaluate and demonstrate disinfection effectiveness of an electrochemical process to entirely remove coliform from wastewater effluent following secondary treatment. For the tests, an experimental bench-scale batch electrochemical cell was constructed, and aluminum electrodes were employed in the electro-disinfection reactor. In the electric disinfection phase, wastewater samples were put in the reactor/disinfector and a direct current (DC) was applied to it. According to findings, a significant decrease occurred in the total number of coliforms in the treated wastewater, and a high improvement occurred in the effluent properties. At a contact time of 15 min and a current density of 5.5 mA/cm2, led to a bacterial killing effectiveness of 97.7% or above. As the current density and contact time increased, a general increase occurred in the bacterial killing efficiency, and the effect of the two above-mentioned factors was much greater than the effect of salinity. Moreover, according to the experimental data, the removal efficiency of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and total suspended solids (TSS) by the aluminum electrodes were 78.50% and 99.93%, respectively. The findings indicate the applicability of the proposed electrochemical treatment to wastewater effluent. Nevertheless, to be able to apply this system at an industrial scale in the future, it is necessary to conduct more research into the optimum operation conditions and make an in-depth comparison of energy consumptions between the electrochemical treatment and the conventional approaches.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Wastewater Treatment using Oxidation Ditch Microalgae Chlorella sp.: Insight into the Effect of Intermittent Aeration and Characteristic of Effluent Organic Matter
Cahyonugroho, Okik | Hidayah, Euis | Rahma, Emira
Wastewater treatment with microalgae such as oxidation ditch algae reactor (ODAR) could reduce organic matter, however, the process might produce by-products that are toxic when dissolved in water. Effluent organic matter and algae organic matter are by-products of the microalgae process, that are released as well in ODAR system.The presence of these compounds in water can be a precursor for the formation of disinfection by-products (DBPs). The aim of this study is to determine the characteristics of effluent organic matter contained in domestic ODAR using the microalgae Chlorella sp. under variations of oxic and oxic-anoxic conditions. Microalgae were applied in ODAR under oxic for 24 hours of aeration and oxic-anoxic through a brush aerator on for 7 hours and off for 3 hours with a ratio of waste volume to microalgae 1:1 with sampling time up to 5 hours. The results showed that BOD concentration tends to decrease up to 45% and 67% for oxic-anoxic and oxic, respectively. The UV254 value increased up to 110% and 147% for oxic-anoxic and oxic, respectively. Further, fluorescence excitation-emission matrix (FEEM) analysis identified the changing of four organic fractions as measured by the fluorescence regional index (FRI). The results indicate a decrease of aromatic protein-like significantly up to 62% and a decrease in soluble microbial products up to 30%. While humic acid-like and fulvic acid-like tends to increase by about 25-29% and 44-46%.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Assessment of commute-related emission reduction scenarios for administrative services
Oveisi, Shima | Moeinaddini, Mazaher
Mobile sources from administrative service commutes significantly contribute to air pollutant emissions in metropolises, underscoring the need for travel demand management (TDM) and referral reduction strategies. A software-oriented approach is crucial in metropolises like Karaj due to the high commuting volume. Evaluating pollutant emissions across scenarios offers insights for effective air pollution reduction strategies. Scenarios aim to assess air pollution management, considering software and hardware aspects. Data collection involved field interviews and questionnaires for individuals commuting to administrative offices. These challenges and considerations informed the classification of the studied vehicle fleet based on system types, production years, emission standards, fuel types, and vehicle classes. We designed scenarios to minimize standard pollutants by reducing in-person visits to administrative offices and replacing the fleet with hybrid and natural gas vehicles. Results were compared with the baseline scenario, computing emissions using the International Vehicle Emission Model (IVE). The comparative analysis highlighted that substantial pollutant reduction comes from combined commuting reduction and a decrease in referral numbers. TDM emerged as the most cost-effective strategy, executed with principled planning. In conclusion, this study's scenario exploration provides insights for policymakers and urban planners. Adopting a software-oriented approach to mitigate air pollutant emissions through commute reduction and strategic TDM can significantly enhance air quality and curb traffic-related pollution in cities like Karaj.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Examination of Medicinal Plants for Radionuclide Absorption and their Health Implications
Popoola, Felix | Isola, Oladotun | Fakeye, Oluseye | Owolabi, Tunde | Sanyaolu, Modupe | Owoyemi, Sheu | Elijah, Isaac
This study examined the concentrations of 40K, 238U, and 232Th radionuclides and evaluated the possible radiological health risks to medicinal plants found in Ewu, Edo State, Nigeria, using a NaI(Tl) gamma spectrometer. The six selected medicinal plants were Mangifera indica, Dacryodes edulis, Terminalia catappa, Cymbopogon citratus, Anacardium occidentale, and Persea Americana. The results showed that the activity concentrations for 40K ranged from 146.59 ± 4.81 in Persea americana to 296.08 3.42 Bq/kg in Cymbopogon citratus, with a mean of 209.43 ± 5.14 Bq/kg; 238U ranged from 2.25 ± 0.06 to 5.57 ± 0.15 Bq/kg, with a mean of 4.73 ± 0.15 Bq/kg; and 232Th varied from 4.50 ± 0.35 to 12.07 ± 0.57 Bq/kg, with a mean of 8.00 ± 0.40 Bq/kg. The maximum and minimum activity concentrations of both 238U and 232Th were found in Mangifera indica and Cymbopogon citratus, respectively. The calculated average committed effective dose ECED was 0.130 μSv/yr and the excess lifetime cancer risk (ELCR) has a mean of 0.00913 (×〖10〗^(-3)). The radiological hazard assessment of the investigated medicinal plants was well within the internationally recommended safe limits of 0.3 mSv/yr and >〖10〗^(-4) for ECED and ELCR respectively. 232Th contributes 54.91% of the total ECED, while 238U contributes the least to 6.35%. 232Th exhibits a very strong, positive, and significant relationship with ECED and the ELCR, and it contributes largely to the ECED and ELCR due to ingestion of the examined herbal plant. Therefore, these medicinal plants are radiologically safe for human consumption.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Mercuric oxide nanoparticles deferred germination and devastated root anatomy of maize
Hassan, Yasser | AbdElgawad, Hamada | Zaki, Ayman | Hammouda, Ola | Khodary, Salah-Eldin
Given the widespread use of mercuric oxide NPs (HgO-NPs), they have become increasingly prevalent in the soil ecosystem. Consequently, it is important to promptly evaluate their phytotoxic impacts. To this end, we have investigated the effects of HgO-NPs (0-200 mg/L) on germination and early growth of maize. Moreover, we have evaluated the interactive influences of HgO-NPs toxicity on the elongation and anatomical structures of primary roots. Relative to control, HgO-NPs decreased the germination percentage, speed and rate, but increased the mean germination time, mean daily germination time and time to 50% germination. The length and biomass of root and shoot and seedling vigour indices have significantly deteriorated. The inhibitory impacts of HgO-NPs on growth parameters were more pronounced in root than in shoot. The response of root was concomitant with dose and time-dependent inhibitions in root elongation and significant drops in root diameter, stele size, cortex size, and cortical cells count. The consequences of HgO-NPs were dose-dependent. For instance, the decrease of maize germination, growth, root elongation, and anatomy were more evident at 200 mg/L HgO-NPs compared to other doses and control. Overall, this study suggests that the presence of HgO-NPs leads to phytotoxic effects on germination and growth of young seedlings, highlighting a noteworthy challenge and environmental concern.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Removal of microplastics from synthetic wastewater via sono-electrocoagulation process: modeling and optimization by central composite design
Ghadami, Mahshid | asadi-Ghalhari, Mahdi | Izanloo, Hassan | Alasvand, Shokoufeh | Tabatabaei, fatameh sadat | Mostafaloo, Roqiyeh | Omidi Oskouei, Alireza | Ghafouri, Nasim
Wastewater treatment plants are an important pathway for microplastics (MPs) to enter the environment. In recent decades, hybrid treatment technologies such as sono-electrocoagulation have been used to treat various types of wastewater. This study aimed to remove polypropylene microplastics from synthetic wastewater by sono-electrocoagulation process using central composite design. The central composite design was utilized to investigate the relationship among four independent variables including the number of MPs (0.003-0.03 MPs/L), sodium sulfate concentration (180-9000 mol/L), voltage (1-15 V) and reaction time (20-180 min) on the efficiency of polypropylene microplastic. Design Expert 13 software and central composite design method were used to design and analyze the experiments and results. The optimum number of concentration of MPs, sodium sulfate concentration, voltage, and reaction time were found to be 6343.36 MPs/L, 0.0181924 mol/L, 10.0356 V, and 62.21 min, respectively. In optimal conditions, polypropylene removal was found to be %90.34. Central composite design proposed a quadratic model for this process. Adequacy of the model using lack of fit statistical tests values, p-values, and F-values was checked, yielding the values of were 1.76, 0.0001 ˂, 19.51, respectively. The R2, R2 adjusted, R2 predicted values which were 0.9367, 0.8776, 0.6959, respectively. Considering the proper removal efficiency, the sono-electrocoagulation process can be used to remove microplastics.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Treatment of Textile Wastewater Through Constructed Wetland Coupled Microbial Fuel Cell by Canna indica
Sheoran, Deepika | Singh, Simranjeet
Constructed wetland coupled microbial fuel cell (CW-MFC) encompasses both aerobic and anaerobic zones to produce electrical energy while facilitating the oxidative breakdown of pollutants. In this study, we ascertained the effective setup of CW-MFC in order to assess the pollutant removal efficiency and electricity generation. The CW-MFC system was initially filled with textile wastewater. Stainless steel mesh with granular activated carbon as the anode and graphite rods as the cathode were used. Soil and gravel were used as substrates and Canna indica as macrophyte. Over the course of 4 weeks, regular assessments were conducted every 3rd day to monitor the alternations in the wastewater properties. Throughout the treatment phase, the planted CW-MFC system achieved a significant reduction in phosphate, nitrate, BOD, COD, and chloride as compared to the unplanted CW-MFC system. From this study, the results also show that planted CW-MFC produce maximum peak voltage (0.112V) and current (1.12 mA) in comparison to CW-MFC without plants. Consequently, the finding suggests that Canna indica possesses the capacity to treat textile wastewater.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Localized Environmental Pricing of Noise Pollution in Iran
Amini, Fariba | Karbassi, Abdolreza | Amiri, Mohammadjavad
Noise pollution has detrimental negative externalities which Scholars have attempted to evaluate the noise externalities economically, but environmental pricing has not been considerably applied to assess economically noise pollution. The present research aims to quantify the economic cost of noise pollution using the environmental pricing framework proposed by the Delft University. To realize environmental pricing frameworks, this study estimates the costs of noise pollution in the area of Tehran metropolitan. The study attempts to apply the environmental prices framework to local conditions with the assistance of GDP and Gini coefficient. The results demonstrate that the Localized Environmental Prices (LEP) mechanism is capable of internalizing environmental prices. The research indicates that LEP demonstrates the significance of noise pollution necessity to reduction. The results of present investigation show that the sum of environmental prices for noise pollution at Tehran is 56271911 €/year. It also offers a useful foundation for planners and policymakers to make more rational decisions.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]The geochemistry of strontium-90 in peatlands of the European Subarctic of Russia
Lukoshkova, Anna | Yakovlev, Evgeny | Orlov, Alexander
The subject of this research is the vertical migration of strontium-90 in peatlands of the European Subarctic region of Russia. The activity level of strontium-90 has been determined in peat samples, and the physicochemical parameters of peat deposits have been studied. The specific activity of the radionuclide has been determined using beta radiometric methods with radiochemical preparation according to the methodology. The physicochemical parameters of the peat have been determined using weight-based methods according to the specified procedures. The influence of physicochemical parameters on the vertical migration of the radionuclide in peatlands has been evaluated using correlation analysis. The results have shown that the specific activity of strontium-90 in peat deposits ranges from 0.25 to 7.7 Bq/kg. The results are consistent with typical values for all soils in Russia. The average value of the specific activity of strontium-90 in peat deposits is estimated to be 1.5±0.02 Bq/kg, which is below the established minimum values and average parameters for all soils in Russia. The pathways of vertical migration of strontium-90 in peat deposits demonstrate a downward direction with various trajectories. These pathways serve as a trace of past global atmospheric radioactive fallout. The vertical migration of strontium-90 in peat is associated with the organic matter content, ash content in peatlands, and recent local atmospheric fallout from nuclear fuel facilities. The research results provide valuable information for predicting the migration of strontium-90 into aquifers under changing environmental conditions due to the Arctic's rapid climate warming.
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