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Evaluation of First Flush for Indicator Bacteria and Total Suspended Solids in Urban Stormwater Runoff
Hathaway, Jon M. | Hunt, W. F. (William Frederick)
An urban watershed in Raleigh, NC, was evaluated for Escherichia coli (E. coli), fecal coliform, enterococci, and total suspended solids (TSS) over 20 storm events. Sampling procedures allowed collection of multiple discrete samples per event, resulting in a relatively detailed description of microbe and TSS export for each storm. Data were evaluated to determine if a first flush effect was present for indicator bacteria and TSS in stormwater runoff. Analyses suggested there was a significant first flush effect for fecal coliform and TSS, although the first flush effect for fecal coliform was relatively weak. For E. coli and enterococci, no significant first flush effect was noted. Overall, the first flush effect was not always present for indicator bacteria and, if present, tended to be weak. The first flush effect for TSS was substantially stronger than that of any indicator bacteria. Further analysis showed poor correlation between first flush strength and antecedent climate variables, storm characteristics, and flow characteristics. However, seasonal differences for first flush strength were noted. Specifically, winter storms showed a stronger first flush effect for all indicator bacteria. The results of this study indicate that stormwater runoff presents a potential public health hazard due to elevated indicator bacteria levels for all portions of the storm event. Further, stormwater management practices cannot be expected to treat proportionally more indicator bacteria when sized for the water quality event. Instead, removal will simply be a function of a management practice’s volume capture and microbe sequestration efficiency.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Source and Fate of Heavy Metals in Marine Sediments from a Semi-Enclosed Deep Embayment Subjected to Severe Anthropogenic Activities
González-Fernández, Daniel | Garrido-Pérez, M Carmen | Nebot Sanz, Enrique | Sales, D. (Diego)
Urban and industrial activities are major sources of pollution to marine environments. Sediments can act as sink and reservoir for a wide range of contaminants, including heavy metals. Environmental quality assessment in this compartment can provide useful information to control pollution in coastal areas. Lately, implementation of Environmental Legislative Frameworks within the European Community is increasing awareness about the importance of marine sediment quality in order to achieve a “Good Environmental Status.” In this work, the study of superficial marine sediments allowed assessment of source and fate of heavy metals in a semi-enclosed deep embayment that is subjected to severe anthropogenic activities. Results indicated that accumulation of heavy metals takes place mainly in proximity to anthropogenic sources (industrial area and harbors), but pollution can also spread to greater depths affecting the whole ecosystem. Multivariate statistics helped identify source and fate of several elements, showing evidence of pollutants transfer from urban wastewaters, industrial effluents, and atmospheric emissions to marine sediments. Results provided useful information for the implementation and development of Environmental Management Strategies under European Legislative Frameworks.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Differential Sex, Morphotype and Tissue Accumulation of Mercury in the Crab Carcinus maenas
Costa, Sónia | Viegas, Ivan | Pereira, Eduarda | Duarte, Armando C. | Palmeira, Carlos M. | Pardal, Miguel A.
Carcinus maenas is an invasive species of recognised economical and ecological importance in which mercury accumulation could be a pathway for bioamplification through food webs. Little information is available about differential accumulation between crab sexes and morphotypes. Taking this in mind, a set of different industrial discharge scenarios were investigated in 96-h laboratory experiments for assessing the accumulation of inorganic mercury from contaminated seawater into the tissues of C. maenas. Three groups of crabs (green males, green and red females) where exposed to 5, 50 and 250 μg Hg L−1. Differences among sexes, morphotypes and tissues were detected, depending on the mercury concentration. The muscle did not show differential accumulation between sexes or morphotypes. For mercury-exposed crabs, the contaminant was accumulated preferably in the gills (more than 75%) while, in control experiments, it was in the internal organs, muscle and hepatopancreas, and gills corresponded to less than 31% of the total mercury quantified. The different tissue contamination seems dependent on the major pathway of exposure, diet or water. Mercury accumulation by the crab was a rapid process and could represent a risk for the environment only after 96 h. In a scenario of a discharge point of 250 μg L−1, all tissues of crabs exposed would attain a very close, or even exceed the threshold concentration value for human consumption (0.5 mg kg−1).
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Exploring Ground Vegetation Change for Different Deposition Scenarios and Methods for Estimating Critical Loads for Biodiversity Using the ForSAFE-VEG Model in Switzerland and Sweden
Belyazid, Salim | Sverdrup, Harald | Kurz, Daniel | Braun, Sabine
The ForSAFE-VEG model was used to investigate the impacts of climate change and air pollution scenarios on soil chemistry and ground vegetations composition. In particular, the model involves a ground vegetation model incorporating plant changes to ambient site conditions in terms of climate and chemistry, but the model also incorporate competition between the different plant groups. The model was validated against observed values and reproduced observations of tree growth, soil chemistry, and ground vegetation compositions to satisfaction. The results show that the ground vegetation reacts strongly to changes in air pollution, in particular nitrogen as well as to climate change with major shifts in plant composition. A procedure for estimating critical loads for nitrogen, using ground vegetation biodiversity as criterion, was tested and the method seems operable. It suggests that if we want to protect the present biodiversity of the ground vegetation, this will face significant difficulties because of permanent climate change that induced changes in the ecosystem. We conclude that the reference state for ground vegetation biodiversity is rather to be sought for in the future, hopefully using models, than in the past or present.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Characterisation, Availability, and Risk Assessment of the Metals in Sediment after Aging
Velimirović, Milica B. | Prica, Miljana Dj | Dalmacija, Božo D. | Rončević, Srđan D. | Dalmacija, Milena B. | Bečelić, Milena Dj | Tričković, Jelena S.
The behavior of metals in sediments after their disposal to land has important implications for the environmental management. The sediment from the Carska Bara (Serbia) was polluted with adequate metal salts in order to reach severe contamination based on the pseudo-total metal content of Pb, Cd, Ni, Zn, Cu, and Cr according to the corresponding Dutch standards and Canadian guidelines. The toxicity and fate of the metal in sediment depend on its chemical form, and therefore, quantification of the different forms of a metal is more meaningful than the estimation of its total concentration. In this study, fractionation of metals in sediment has been investigated to determine its speciation and ecotoxic potential, as well as evaluation of metal potential toxicity based on the simultaneously extracted metals (SEMs) and acid volatile sulfides (AVSs) analysis at the beginning of the experiment and after 5 weeks of sediment aging. The investigations suggest that Cd, Pb, and Zn have a tendency to associate with labile fraction, the most mobile and most dangerous fraction for the environment. Risk assessment code revealed their high risk. Copper and chromium showed low to medium risk to the aquatic environment. Nickel showed no risk to the aquatic environment. This was the case at the beginning and after 5 weeks of aging. Aging yielded an increased mobility of all metals based on the increased proportion in mobile fractions. The Σ[SEM i ]/[AVS] ratio was found to be >1 both at the beginning and after 5 weeks of aging, with the ratio showing an increase with time. This ratio indicates the potential availability/toxicity and, according to the US EPA criteria, the samples belong to the group with probable negative effect. If particular metals are considered, only the Σ[SEM i ]/[AVS] ratio for zinc was >1 at the beginning. After 5 weeks, the ratio was >1 for zinc, lead, and copper. Comparison of the results of sequential extraction and the results of SEM and AVS analysis showed good agreement for lead and zinc.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Geochemistry of Mercury Along a Soil Profile Compared to Other Elements and to the Parental Rock: Evidence of External Input
Fiorentino, Janaina Correa | Enzweiler, Jacinta | Angélica, Romulo S.
The vertical distribution of mercury along a weathering profile derived from a diabase was compared to the main geochemical and mineralogical characteristics of the soil and its parental rock. The sampling site was in a metropolitan area, nearby to an active quarry and relatively close to an industrial park. The samples of a 6-m-deep fresh exposure of the soil profile and also of fresh rock were collected during the dry season. Kaolinite, goethite, hematite, and residual primary minerals were identified in the soil samples. Typically, the concentrations of Hg in the soil are low. Whole samples contained between 1 (rock) and 37 μg kg−1 Hg, while the < 63-μm soil fraction had up to 52 μg kg−1 Hg. The higher values of Hg corresponded to the upper layers of A (0–10 cm) and B (200–220 cm) soil horizons. Elemental gains and losses calculated against Zr resulted in the following order: Hg>>Pb > Zr > LREE > Nb > HREE > Al > Ti > Fe > Cr. Total organic carbon in soil samples varied between 0.2 and 5.1 g dm−3, and correlation with Hg concentrations was moderate. The acid pH (4.2–5.5) of the soil samples favors the sorption Hg species by predominant secondary phases like goethite and kaolinite. The Hg concentration of the rock is insufficient to explain the large enrichment of Hg along the soil profile, indicating that exogenic Hg, via atmospheric deposition, contributed to the measured Hg concentrations of the soil.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Removal of Silver and Lead Ions from Water Wastes Using Azolla filiculoides, an Aquatic Plant, Which Adsorbs and Reduces the Ions into the Corresponding Metallic Nanoparticles Under Microwave Radiation in 5 min
Elmachliy, Smadar | Chefetz, Benny | Tel-Or, Elisha | Vidal, Lorena | Canals, Antonio | Gedanken, Aharon
Pollution of water bodies with heavy metal ions is a major worldwide environmental problem. The objective of this study was to elucidate the mechanism in which metallic ions are adsorbed and reduced to metallic nanoparticles onto plant materials using microwave radiation. In this research, we have fabricated metallic silver and lead nanoparticles from their corresponding ions using the aquatic plants Azolla filiculoides and Pistia stratiotes (since identical results are obtained for both plants, the emphasis will be on the Azolla) under microwave radiation. Our data show that metallic silver and metallic lead nanoparticles were completely removed from the polluted solution and were embedded in the A. filiculoides surface after 5 min of microwave reaction. It was also found that, for both metals, reduction of the metallic ions was accomplished by the plant matrix without the need of an external reducing agent. Most of the particles had a spherical shape within the 10–50 nm size range. Mass balance data clearly indicate that most of the silver particles were found on the surface of the plant and not in the clean water. Pectin and α-glucuronic acid did not reduce the silver or lead ions under microwave radiation. We therefore hypothesize that perhaps the proteins or sugar alcohols in the plant matrix were serving as the reducing agents. We believe that this technique in which adsorption and reduction are combined using microwave radiation can be applied for removing and recycling metallic ions from contaminated water and industrial wastewater.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Transfer of 137Cs and 40K from Agricultural Soils to Food Products in Terrestrial Environment of Tarapur, India
Panchal, Rajesh H. | Rao, Devendar D. | Mehta, Bipin H.
The 137Cs and 40K activities and transfer factors from soil to vegetables, grass, and milk from villages located around Tarapur Atomic Power Station (TAPS) were determined using high-resolution gamma spectrometry. A total of 32 soil, 21 vegetable, 23 dry paddy grass, and 23 milk samples were collected from 23 different agricultural farms from various villages around TAPS to determine transfer factors for natural environment. The mean concentration values for 137Cs and 40K in soil, grass, and milk were 2.39â±â0.86 Bq kg−1, 0.31â±â0.23 Bq kg−1, and 12.4â±â5.7 mBq L−1 and 179â±â31 Bq kg−1, 412â±â138 Bq kg−1, and 37.6â±â9.3 Bq L−1, respectively, for soil–grass–milk pathway. In the soil–vegetation pathway, the mean concentrations values for 137Cs and 40K were 2.15â±â1.04 Bq kg−1, 16.5â±â7.5 mBq kg−1, and 185â±â24, 89â±â50 Bq kg−1, respectively. The evaluated mean transfer factors from soil–grass, grass–milk, and soil–vegetation for 137Cs were 0.14, 0.0044, and 0.0073 and that of 40K were 2.42, 0.0053, and 0.49, respectively. Only 15 out of total 44 milk and vegetable samples were detected positive for 137Cs, indicating a very low level of bioavailability.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Dynamics of Atmospheric Aerosol Number Size Distributions in the Eastern Mediterranean During the “SUB-AERO” Project
Ždímal, Vladimir | Smolík, Jiri | Eleftheriadis, Kostas | Wagner, Zdeněk | Housiadas, Christos | Mihalopoulos, Nikos | Mikuška, Pavel | Večeřa, Zbynek | Kopanakis, Ilias | Lazaridis, Mihalis
Measurements of number size distributions of submicron aerosols have been performed at the Eastern part of Mediterranean as part of an extensive measurement campaign to study photo-oxidants and aerosols (SUB-AERO Project). The measurements were made at the Finokalia station on the island of Crete (Greece) and onboard the research vessel “Aegaeon”. Two campaigns were performed during July 2000 and January 2001 using two scanning mobility particle sizers. The particle distributions measured in the range between 7.8 < d p < 327 nm during the summer measurements and between 7.5 < d p < 316 nm during the winter measurements, where d p is the mobility particle diameter. The concentration of ultrafine particles (7.5 < d p < 30 nm) was higher during the winter period and varied mainly between 5 × 10¹ and 2 × 10³ cm⁻³ with concentration peak values for this mode exceeding 1 × 10⁴ cm⁻³. During the summer campaign, an average number concentration of 1 × 10² cm⁻³ at Finokalia and about 5 × 10¹ cm⁻³ aboard the “Aegaeon” vessel was measured. An average concentration of 1 × 10³ cm⁻³ was measured for the particles in the size range between 30 and 100 nm, whereas in the size range 100-300 nm, the measured concentration ranged between 1 × 10² and 5 × 10³ cm⁻³. Diurnal patterns in number concentrations were observed in connection with the transport of air masses and local sources. During the winter period, three nucleation events were observed in connection with the appearance of a particle mode at 20 nm.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Observing Changes in Riparian Buffer Strip Soil Properties Related to Land Use Activities in the River Njoro Watershed, Kenya
Enanga, E. M. | Shivoga, W. A. | Maina-Gichaba, C. | Creed, I. F.
Riparian buffer strip guidelines are under scrutiny in the River Njoro Watershed in Kenya. This study investigated soil properties (bulk density, carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus) in different land use types (small scale agriculture in recent settlements, mixed agriculture in established peri-urban settlements, large-scale commercial agriculture, and the gazetted forest reference condition) and their adjacent buffer strips. Bulk density, carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus within 30-m riparian buffer strips adjacent to recent settlement land use areas were similar to those of the gazetted forest reference condition, but only bulk density of the buffer strips adjacent to peri-urban and commercial agriculture land use areas were similar to the gazetted forest reference condition. Phosphorus is a sensitive indicator of the impacts of human activity, as increased concentrations were observed with increasing scale of land use activity. For riparian buffers adjacent to recent settlements, soil phosphorus was significantly higher in buffers narrower than 30 m (5.01 mg P kg−1) than gazetted forest (3.40 mg P kg−1) but not significantly different for riparian buffers wider than 30 m (3.81 mg P kg−1) compared to gazetted forest. Based on the research, it is recommended that policies governing riparian buffer strips become (1) stricter, with the current “maximum” of 30 m considered a minimum; and (2) adaptive, with 30 m used in small-scale agricultural areas, and wider riparian buffer strips used in medium- and large-scale agricultural areas.
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