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Aquatic macroinvertebrates - bioindicators of Drina River [Serbia] water quality | Akvatični makrobeskičmenjaci – bioindikatori kvaliteta vode reke Drine [Srbija]
Tomović, J., Institut za biološka istraživanja Siniša Stanković, Beograd (Serbia) | Marković, V., Institut za biološka istraživanja Siniša Stanković, Beograd (Serbia) | Vasiljević, B., Institut za biološka istraživanja Siniša Stanković, Beograd (Serbia) | Atanacković, A., Institut za biološka istraživanja Siniša Stanković, Beograd (Serbia) | Vranković, J., Institut za biološka istraživanja Siniša Stanković, Beograd (Serbia) | Paunović, M., Institut za biološka istraživanja Siniša Stanković, Beograd (Serbia)
This paper presents aquatic macroinvertebrate community composition at six investigated localities of Drina River. Sampling was performed during 2004. Field data together with characteristics of the community were used to estimate the status of the river. According to our results good water quality, within the limits of the 2nd category, was evaluated for Drina River.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]The succession makrozoobentos in the River Stara Moravica [Serbia] and him application in the assessment [of] water quality | Сукцесија макрозообентоса у реци Моравици [Srbija] и његова примена у процени квалитета вода
Живић, Н., Природно-математички факултет, Косовска Митровица (Serbia) | Миљановић, Б., Природно-математички факултет, Нови Сад (Serbia) | Јакшић, Т., Природно-математички факултет, Косовска Митровица (Serbia)
In the spring/summer and autumn season of 2010 dynamics of macrozoobenthos structure of Moravica River was investigated after the changes in habitat caused by floods. It was found that macroinvertebrates are represented with 13 groups and 64 taxa from 54 genera. Trichoptera fauna was represented by 11 species, Diptera 10, 8 Ephemeroptera, Odonata 5, 6 Oligocheata, Gastropoda 5, Crustacea 3, 2 Hirudinea, Bivalvia 2 and Turbellaria 1. In average 11 taxa was identified in samples. Most abundant were Gammarus pulex fossarum, Grammarus balcanicus, Asellus aquaticus and Chironomus thumma. Abundance of macroinvertebrates at the downstream direction was increasing and was correlated with decreasing number of taxa especially in the spring season. Species are equal in number to the initial sites, and downstream a smaller number of species dominated. Average value of N-index was 2.1 which points to relatively favorable structure of macroinvertebrates. Average value of C of 0.32 indicates increased dominance of individual species. Saprobity index ranged from 1.6 to 3.5 at average of 2.3.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Water quality of Danube River in Serbia | Kvalitet vode Dunava u Srbiji
Takić, Lj., Tehnološki fakultet, Leskovac (Serbia) | Krstić, I., Fakultet zaštite na radu, Niš (Serbia) | Lazarević, V., Centar za preventivnu medicinsku zaštitu, Niš (Serbia)
This paper presents the results of the Danube River water quality analysis based on the calculated SWQI index values, using the data set provided by the Hydrometeorological service of the Republic of Serbia for the year 2009. The relevant parameters are sampled once a month on average, at 16, measuring stations of the River Danube along the flow through Serbia. Data grouped on the sampling site basis, averaged on a yearly level, resulting in a median SWQI for each sampling station, are employed to obtain a synthesized quality indicator. Research shows that the overall quality of the water of the Danube in Serbia, SWQI = 85 for the given one-year period and to match the descriptive indicator very good water quality.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Usability evaluation of water from Detailed Channel Network during 2010 | Ocena upotrebljivosti voda DKM tokom 2010. godine
Belić, S., Poljoprivredni fakultet, Novi Sad (Serbia) | Vranešević, M., Poljoprivredni fakultet, Novi Sad (Serbia)
Land reclamation activity, such as irrigation, requires monitoring in order to create conditions for a stable and highly productive crop production. It is necessary to monitor the use of water for irrigation in order to prevent or mitigate the consequences of unfavorable, poor quality water on soil irrigation, cultivated crops or equipment. In the province of Vojvodina, the Detailed Channel Network has a great potential. The specificities of this source of water for irrigation need to be observed in the usability of water. In 2010 the sampling was conducted in selected localities in middle Backa and Banat. The results indicate that water quality does not always meet the requirements proposed by the applied classification. What is particularly unfavorable is the fact that the worst quality was registered during the survey conducted at the beginning of the irrigation season on all sites.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Microbiological quality of groundwater of water source of the city of Novi Sad [Serbia] | Mikrobiološki kvalitet podzemnih voda izvorišta vode za piće grada Novog Sada [Srbija]
Petrović, O., Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Novi Sad (Serbia) | Knežević, P., Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Novi Sad (Serbia) | Simeunović, J., Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Novi Sad (Serbia) | Aleksić, V., Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Novi Sad (Serbia) | Petrušić, M., Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Novi Sad (Serbia)
The paper presents results of microbiological quality of three drinking water sources – Ratno ostrvo, Petrovaradinska ada and Strand. The following analyses were carried out in 2010: total count of aerobic mesophilic bacteria at 37 deg C, count of organotrophs (categorization according to Kohl), aerobic facultative organotrophs, lipolytic and hydrocarbon oxidizing bacteria. Organotrophic count was determined on low nutritive R2A medium. Enzymatic activity of water was also determined and water was categorized according to index of phosphatase activity (IFA).
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Concentration of heavy metals in the Cystoseira algae at the Montenegrin coast | Koncentracija nekih teških metala u algama roda Cystoseira u Crnogorskom podmorju
Mačić, V., Institut za biologiju mora, Kotor (Montenegro) | Stanković, S., Tehnološko-metalurški fakultet, Beograd (Serbia) | Joksimović, D., Institut za biologiju mora, Kotor (Montenegro) | Kljajić, Z., Institut za biologiju mora, Kotor (Montenegro)
Concentration of lead (Pb), lame (Cr), copper (Cu) and cadmium (Cd) were detrmined in Cystoseira algae collected from the Montenegrin mediolittoroal, during the spring 2007. Samples of three species of Cystoseira algae (C. amentacea, C. barbata and C. compressa) were analyzed in order to have information on bioaccumulation of these elements and possibility to use these algae as biomonitors for heavy metal pollution. The data obtained for heavy metals were similar with other area of Mediterranean Sea, with exception for significantly higher concentration of copper, on Budva location.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Length-weight relationship of the most common cephalopod species in Montenegrin trawl | Dužinsko-težinski odnos najzastupljenijih vrsta cephalopoda u kočarskom ribolovu na Crnogorskom primorju
Ikica, Z., Institut za biologiju mora, Kotor (Montenegro) | Kasalica, O., Institut za biologiju mora, Kotor (Montenegro) | Mandić, M., Institut za biologiju mora, Kotor (Montenegro) | Đurović, M., Institut za biologiju mora, Kotor (Montenegro)
A length-weight relationship (LW) for five cephalopod species, of which three decapod (Illex coindetii, Loligo vulgaris, Sepia officianlis) and two octopod species (Eledone cirrhosa, Eledone moschata) is given in this paper. The mean exponent b was found to be significantly lower than 3.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Bioecological quality of coastal waters of Boka Kotorska Bay [Montenegro] for breeding edible mussels | Bioekološki kvalitet priobalnih voda Bokokotorskog zaliva [Crna Gora] za uzgoj jestivih školjaka
Redžić, A., Institut za biologiju mora, Kotor (Montenegro) | Drakulović, D., Institut za biologiju mora, Kotor (Montenegro) | Joksimović, D., Institut za biologiju mora, Kotor (Montenegro) | Vuksanović, N., Institut za biologiju mora, Kotor (Montenegro) | Mandić, S., Institut za biologiju mora, Kotor (Montenegro)
In this work physico-chemical and microbiological indicators of coastal waters of Boka Kotorska Bay were presented. As results these parameters of waters quality for mariculture were estimated, especially for breeding of high quality species: mussels-Mytilus galloprovincialis and oyster-Ostrea edulis. The data of primary production which is important for food chain for these organisms were presented. Investigated locations are suitable for mariculture which was requested from Public Enterprise Coastal zone. Temporary, higher eutrophic level was noticed as result of anthropogenic influence. The data are from one year period (2010- montly and seasonally intervals) by monitoring on 10 locations.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]The importance of BDOC test for delivery of biostable water to consumers | Značaj BDOC za isporuku biostabilne vode do potrošača
Ugarčina-Perović, S., Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Novi Sad (Serbia) | Rajić, Lj., Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Novi Sad (Serbia) | Tubić, A., Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Novi Sad (Serbia) | Dalmacija, B., Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Novi Sad (Serbia)
A contemporary biostability assessment of raw and treated water requires determination of biodegradable organic matter fraction responsible for bacterial growth. BDOC test allows monitoring of bacterial growth by assaying chemical changes in the test-water and thereby determine the content of biodegradable dissolved organic carbon (BDOC). The aim of this study was to optimize the required period for performance of BDOC tests, and to examine the use effectiveness of different biofilm carrier. The results indicate that the BDOC test with sand-inoculation is more effective compared to the anthracite, and recommendations for monitoring of biodegradation process are a period of 3-5 days.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Spatial distribution of available water resources in Serbia according to the latest hydro meteorological research | Prostorna raspodela raspoloživih vodnih resursa Srbije prema najnovijim hidrometeorološkim istraživanjima
Prohaska, S., Institut za vodoprivredu Jaroslav Černi, Beograd (Serbia) | Kapor, B., Republički hidrometeorološki zavod Srbije, Beograd (Serbia) | Đukić, D., Republički hidrometeorološki zavod Srbije, Beograd (Serbia) | Ilić, A., Institut za vodoprivredu Jaroslav Černi, Beograd (Serbia) | Bartoš-Divac, V., Institut za vodoprivredu Jaroslav Černi, Beograd (Serbia) | Marjanović, S., Republički hidrometeorološki zavod Srbije, Beograd (Serbia) | Ćatović, S., Republički hidrometeorološki zavod Srbije, Beograd (Serbia) | Koprivica, A., Institut za vodoprivredu Jaroslav Černi, Beograd (Serbia)
Institute for Development of Water Resources Jaroslav Černi and the Republc Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia carried out detailed processing and analysis of available hydrometeorological data within the amendments of the draft for Water Management Master Plan of Serbia in 2009. In this particular case, the most important characteristics of time series of hydrological and meteorological parameters on key sections of hydrological and meteorological stations, their conventional processing and analysis was completed and updated. The final goal of amendments of the draft of Water Management Master Plan is to provide elements to define the balance of available water resources in the territory of the Republic of Serbia, necessary for defining the strategy of water use and defining the conditions for integrated and rational management. This paper presents the most important elements of water balance using modern GIS technology.
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