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Environmental impact of highway deicing
Struzeski, Ed
Deicing agents for removal of ice and snow from highways and streets are essential to wintertime road maintenance in most areas of the U.S. Due to the ever-increasing use of highway deicing materials, there has been growing concern as to environmental effects resulting from these practices. The state-of-the-art report critically reviews the available information on methods, equipment and materials used for snow and ice removal; chlorides found in rainfall and municipal sewage during the winter; salt runoff from streets and highways; deicing compounds found in surface streams, public water supplies, groundwater, farm ponds and lakes; special additives incorporated into deicing agents; vehicular corrosion and deterioration of highway structures and pavements; and effects on roadside soils, vegetation and trees. Highway deicing can cause injury and damage across a wide environmental spectrum. Recommendations describe future research, development and demonstration efforts necessary to assess and reduce the adverse impact of highway deicing.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Water pollution control legislation-- 1971 (proposed amendments to existing legislation)
Evaluation of storm standby tanks, Columbus, Ohio
The operation of three storm standby tanks contiguous to an intercepting sewer which serves both combined sewers and sanitary sewers was investigated to determine the effectiveness of the tanks in improving the quality of the waste water prior to its discharge into the river. Based on influent and effluent sampling data collected during the study period, storm standby tank facilities reduce significantly concentration of the solids and B.O.D. in the waste water in storm runoff periods. The extent of reduction is dependent to a major degree on the detention time of flow passing through the tanks. Improvement of dissolved oxygen resulting from passage of waste water through the tanks is very substantial, especially during periods when the dissolved oxygen content of the influent is low.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Mercury pollution and enforcement of the Refuse act of 1899 | Refuse act of 1899
The economics of water supply and quality
Dortman, R. | Jacoby, H.
Oxygen consumption in continuous biological culture
O'Brien, Walter J. | Burkhead, Carl E.
To aid in the further development of sewage treatment by activated sludge, a continuous flow automatically recording respirometer was used to study the response of aeration only and aeration with sludge return completely mixed activated sludge systems (CMAS) to step changes in the influent substrate. The experiments were conducted at 25 C with glucose; a mixture of glucose, glutamate, and acetate; and a mixture of sewage solids plus Metrecal. Influent substrate concentrations were doubled in the 3-hour and tripled in the 6-hour mean residence time aeration only experiments without increasing the soluble COD in the effluent. Decreases in the influent substrate concentrations produced rapid decreases in the rate of oxygen utilization. A procedure for calculating the rate of oxygen uptake by a CMAS system at any time during a step transient was developed.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Lake and river pollution; an annotated bibliography
Sinha, Evelyn
Interaction of herbicides and soil microorganisms
The introduction of microorganisms with specific degradative capacities into the soil was shown to be a possible means of ridding the soil of contaminating chemicals. An investigation of the interactions of soil microorganisms and several groups of herbicidal compounds, primarily chlorinated derivatives, was made. In pure culture and in soils the addition of 2,3,5,6-tetrachloroterephthalate (DCPA) had little effect upon bacterial growth, and several microorganisms appeared to use the herbicide as a carbon source. The encouragement of the soil microflora by the addition of nutrient broths resulted in a reduction of toxicity to plants of a number of herbicides. Isopropyl N-phenylcarbamate (IPC) degrading organisms, when added to soil, accelerated the degradation of IPC and related compounds. A membrane 'biologicalilter' device for reducing waterborne biodegradable pollutants was also demonstrated using these organisms.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Acid mine drainage formation and abatement
The ecology of diatoms in hardwater habitats
Dodd, John Durrance
Diatoms comprise the major group of algae in Iowa waters. Their ecological significance, important in pollution evaluation studies, cannot be fully appreciated without a thorough knowledge of their taxonomy. A scale for abundance rating was used giving at least a rough estimate if data permitted. The names of 50 diatom genera occurring in Iowa are listed and for each genus, the number of taxa in the master list and the number in the 'more common' list are presented. A pollen analysis is tabulated; the samples in this analysis extended through 35 ft. of sediment to the postglacial interface at Little Miller's Bay, Lake West Okoboji. Dating was conducted by the radiocarbon technique for samples taken between 34 ft. and 35 ft. in the sediment core. Since this level had the maximum spruce pollen concentration and the pollen percentage decreased progressively above this level, it was considered as the postglacial interface. Some interesting problems lie in consideration of those diatoms which have disappeared from the original lake flora and those which have become common only since the middle of the postglacial period.
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