AGRIS — международная информационная система по сельскохозяйственным наукам и технологиям

[ Опубликовано в: Pollution ]
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Результаты 131-140 из 423

Influence of oyster culture practices and environmental conditions on the ecological status of intertidal mudflats in the Pertuis Charentais (SW France): A multi-index approach


Bouchet, Vincent | Sauriau, Pierre-guy

Ifremer - France

Reducing power dependent on metabolic changes as an indicator for ozone effective phytotoxicity


Dizengremel, Pierre, | Jolivet, Yves, | Le Thiec, Didier, | Hasenfratz-Sauder, Marie-Paule | Bagard, Mathieu

Institut national de la recherche agronomique - France

Water-use efficiency in trees : techniques, scales and diversity


Dreyer, Erwin | Brendel, Oliver | Roussel, Magali | Douthe, Cyril, | Epron, Daniel, | Guehl, Jean-Marc,

Institut national de la recherche agronomique - France

Cs-137 baseline levels in the Mediterranean and Black Sea: A cross-basin survey of the CIESM Mediterranean Mussel Watch programme


Thebault, Herve | Baena, A | Andral, Bruno | Barisic, D | Albaladejo, J | Bologa, A | Boudjenoun, R | Delfanti, R | Egorov, V | Khoukhi, T | Florou, H | Kniewald, G | Noureddine, A | Patrascu, V | Pham, M | Scarpato, A | Stokozov, N | Topcuoglu, S | Warnau, M

Ifremer - France

Cellular distribution of metals in a liverwort and in a moss transplanted to two streams of differing acidity.


Thiebaut, Gabrielle | Giamberini, Laure | Ghanbaja, Jaafar

Institut national de la recherche agronomique - France

PM10, O₃, CO Concentrations and Elemental Analysis of Airborne Particles in a School Building


Triantafyllou, A. G | Zoras, S | Evagelopoulos, V | Garas, S

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Use of Sterol and Bile Acid Biomarkers to Identify Domesticated Animal Sources of Fecal Pollution


Tyagi, Punam | Edwards, Dwayne R. | Coyne, Mark S.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Double Health Risk in Arsenic Contaminated Drinking Water - Evidence of Enhanced Alpha Radioactivity


Ghosh, Dipak | Deb, Argha | Patra, Kanchan Kumar | Sengupta, Rosalima | Bera, Sukumar

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Response to Chemical Alarm Cues under Weakly Acidic Conditions: A Graded Loss of Antipredator Behaviour in Juvenile Rainbow Trout


Leduc, Antoine O.H.C. | Lamaze, Fabien C. | McGraw, Lindsay | Brown, Grant E.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Investigation of Pentachlorophenol Vertical Transportation in Soil Column During its Phototransformation on the Soil Surface


Wang, Jingxian | Chen, Shuo | Quan, Xie | Zhao, Yazhi

National Agricultural Library - United States of America