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Результаты 151-160 из 773
Pteris vittata - Revisited: Uptake of As and its speciation, impact of P, role of phytochelatins and S
Vetterlein, Doris | Wesenberg, Dirk | Nathan, Petra | Bräutigam, Anja | Schierhorn, Angelika | Mattusch, Jürgen | Jahn, Reinhold
Pteris vittata is known to hyperaccumulate As but the mechanism is poorly understood. We found an increase of As concentration with increasing soil solution As concentrations, but P application had no impact, although plant P concentrations responded to different rates of P supply. As in fronds was dominantly (82-89%) present in the form of AsIII. In roots we detected 45% as AsIII which is higher than reported in previous studies and supports substantial As-reduction to take place in roots. We detected PC2/3GS-AsIII, PC2-GS-AsIII and (PC2)2-AsIII in increasing amounts with application of As. The total amount of PC was in the range reported previously and far too small to assign a significant role in As detoxification to PCs. The close correlation between S and As in fronds and the lack of data on sulphur uptake and metabolism indicates the need for a detailed investigation on sulphur nutritional status and As metabolism in P. vittata. As-PC complexes were detected in increasing amounts with increasing As availability, but total amounts were small and do not explain the close correlation between S and As in fronds.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Outlier identification and visualization for Pb concentrations in urban soils and its implications for identification of potential contaminated land
Zhang, Chaosheng | Tang, Ya | Luo, Lin | Xu, Weilin
Outliers in urban soil geochemical databases may imply potential contaminated land. Different methodologies which can be easily implemented for the identification of global and spatial outliers were applied for Pb concentrations in urban soils of Galway City in Ireland. Due to its strongly skewed probability feature, a Box-Cox transformation was performed prior to further analyses. The graphic methods of histogram and box-and-whisker plot were effective in identification of global outliers at the original scale of the dataset. Spatial outliers could be identified by a local indicator of spatial association of local Moran's I, cross-validation of kriging, and a geographically weighted regression. The spatial locations of outliers were visualised using a geographical information system. Different methods showed generally consistent results, but differences existed. It is suggested that outliers identified by statistical methods should be confirmed and justified using scientific knowledge before they are properly dealt with. Outliers in urban geochemical databases can be detected to provide guidance for identification of potential contaminated land.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]The algal toxicity of silver engineered nanoparticles and detoxification by exopolymeric substances
Miao, Ai-Jun | Schwehr, Kathy A. | Xu, Chen | Zhang, Sai-Jin | Luo, Zhiping | Quigg, Antonietta | Santschi, Peter H.
In this study, we report that silver ions (Ag+) from the oxidative dissolution of silver engineered nanoparticles (Ag-ENs) determined the EN toxicity to the marine diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii. Most of the Ag-ENs formed non-toxic aggregates (>0.22 μm) in seawater. When the free Ag+ concentration ([Ag+]F) was greatly reduced by diafiltration or thiol complexation, no toxicity was observed, even though the Ag-ENs were better dispersed in the presence of thiols with up to 1.08 x 10⁻⁵ M Ag-ENs found in the <0.22 μm fraction, which are orders of magnitude higher than predicted for the natural aquatic environment. The secretion of polysaccharide-rich algal exopolymeric substances (EPS) significantly increased at increasing [Ag+]F. Both dissolved and particulate polysaccharide concentrations were higher for nutrient-limited cells, coinciding with their higher Ag+ tolerance, suggesting that EPS may be involved in Ag+ detoxification. Ag-ENs were found to only have indirect toxic effects on marine phytoplankton as a result of their rapid Ag+ release.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Phytoremediation potential of the novel atrazine tolerant Lolium multiflorum and studies on the mechanisms involved
Merini, Luciano J. | Bobillo, Cecilia | Cuadrado, Virginia | Corach, Daniel | Giulietti, Ana M.
Atrazine impact on human health and the environment have been extensively studied. Phytoremediation emerged as a low cost, environmental friendly biotechnological solution for atrazine pollution in soil and water. In vitro atrazine tolerance assays were performed and Lolium multiflorum was found as a novel tolerant species, able to germinate and grow in the presence of 1 mg kg⁻¹ of the herbicide. L. multiflorum presented 20% higher atrazine removal capacity than the natural attenuation, with high initial degradation rate in microcosms. The mechanisms involved in atrazine tolerance such as mutation in psbA gene, enzymatic detoxification via P₄₅₀ or chemical hydrolysis through benzoxazinones were evaluated. It was demonstrated that atrazine tolerance is conferred by enhanced enzymatic detoxification via P₄₅₀. Due to its atrazine degradation capacity in soil and its agronomical properties, L. multiflorum is a candidate for designing phytoremediation strategies for atrazine contaminated agricultural soils, especially those involving run-off avoiding. Finding of a novel atrazine-tolerant species, as a potential candidate for phytoremediating herbicide-contaminated agriculture soils and elucidation of the mechanisms involved in tolerance.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Seasonal fluxes and temperature-dependent accumulation of persistent organic pollutants in lakes: The role of internal biogeochemical cycling
Meijer, Sandra N. | Grimalt, Joan O. | Fernández, Pilar | Dachs, Jordi
A dynamic flux model for lakes taking into account the interactions between atmospheric depositional and biogeochemical processes (BIODEP model) was used to assess the importance of internal cycling and biogeochemical processes with respect to accumulation of four different polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) (congeners 28, 52, 101 and 153) in Lake Redo, a high-altitude lake in the Spanish Pyrenees. To investigate the effect of temperature on sediment accumulation, the model was run at different temperatures and corresponding sediment inventories were plotted vs. reciprocal temperature. In line with measurements from a previous study looking at sediment inventories of 19 European high-altitude lakes (MOLAR study), we found a stronger temperature dependence of lake sediment concentrations for the less volatile/less soluble PCBs. Seasonal and annual mass balances were investigated and highlighted the importance of internal lake processes controlling the differences in sediment accumulation for the different PCB congeners. For example, the higher temperature dependence of sediment inventories for the high chlorinated congeners is due to the fast dynamics of water-to-sediment transport in comparison to atmospheric deposition processes. A dynamic flux model was used to assess the importance of internal lake processes in controlling sediment accumulation for different PCB congeners.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Mercury contamination in vicinity of secondary copper smelters in Fuyang, Zhejiang Province, China: Levels and contamination in topsoils
Yin, Xuebin | Yao, Chunxia | Song, Jing | Li, Zhibo | Zhang, Changbo | Qian, Wei | Bi, De | Li, Chenxi | Teng, Ying | Wu, Longhua | Wan, Hongdong | Luo, Yongming
In the present study, we aim to investigate the extent of soil contamination by Hg, particularly by anthropogenic Hg, and tentatively estimate the total Hg (HgT) accumulation in topsoils (0-15 cm) in Fuyang, Zhejiang Province--a secondary Cu smelter of China. The results show that the levels of soil Hg in the vicinity of the smelters have been substantially elevated following local smelting activities. The spatial distribution of soil Hg in this area reveals a rapid decrease as the distance from the smelter reaches 1.5 km, which is probably due to the quick deposition process of particulate Hg and reactive gaseous Hg emitted from the smelters. The total accumulation of HgT in the topsoils of the study area of 10.9 km² is approximately 365-561 kg and of which 346-543 kg might be contributed by anthropogenic emission alone with an annual emission of 17.3-27.2 kg Hg to the topsoils. Secondary copper smelters in Fuyang release a considerable amount of mercury into topsoils.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Application of bioassays to evaluate a copper contaminated soil before and after a pilot-scale electrokinetic remediation
Wang, Quan-Ying | Zhou, Dong-Mei | Cang, Long | Sun, Tian-Ran
Remediation programmes are considered to be complete when human risk-based criteria are met. However, these targets are often unsatisfied with the ecological parameters that may be important with regard to future soil use. Five soil subsamples, collecting along a pilot-scale soil column after electrokinetic treatment, were studied, from which about 42.0%-93.3% soil Cu had been successfully removed. A series of biological assays including soil microbial biomass carbon, basal soil respiration, soil urease activity, earthworm assays, and seed assays were used to evaluate their ecological risks. The results showed that the bioassay data from the treatment variants did not supposedly reflecting the decreased soil Cu concentrations after the electrokinetic treatment, but were highly correlated with some soil physicochemical characteristics. It suggests that bioassays are necessary to assess the ecotoxicity of soil after electrokinetic treatment.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Suitability of a magnetic particle immunoassay for the analysis of PBDEs in Hawaiian euryhaline fish and crabs in comparison with gas chromatography/electron capture detection-ion trap mass spectrometry
Xu, Ting | Cho, Ii Kyu | Wang, Dongli | Rubio, Fernando M. | Shelver, Weilin L. | Gasc, Anne M.E. | Li, Ji | Li, Qing X.
A gas chromatograph/electron capture detector-ion trap mass spectrometer (GC/ECD-ITMS) was used for the determination of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in euryhaline fish and crabs. GC/ECD-ITMS results showed that average recoveries from the spiked fish samples are in a range of 58-123% with relative standard deviations (RSDs) of 5-19%. PBDE concentrations obtained from GC/ECD-ITMS ranged from 28 ng/g to 1845 ng/g lipid weight (lw) in all aquatic species collected from Hawaiian brackish waters. The general BDE congener concentration profile observed in this study is BDE-47 > BDE-100 > BDE-154 > BDE-99 > BDE-153 > BDE-28 > BDE-183. The ELISA results expressed as BDE-47 equivalents correlated well with those of GC/ECD-ITMS, with a correlation coefficient (R2 = 0.68) and regression coefficient (slope = 0.82). Comparison of ELISA with GC/ECD-ITMS results demonstrated that ELISA provides a timely and cost-effective method to screen PBDEs in fish and crab samples. PBDEs (with the most abundant being BDE-47) at concentrations of 28-1845 ng/g lipid weight in fish and crabs from Hawaiian freshwater were detected with both ELISA and GC/MS.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Source identification of copper, lead, nickel, and zinc loading in wastewater reclamation plant influents from corrosion of brass in plumbing fixtures
Kimbrough, David Eugene
A natural experiment indicated that a link between the presence and concentration of four elements, copper, lead, nickel, and zinc in the influent to two wastewater reclamation plants to the presence and concentrations of the same four elements in the tap water of residential properties. There were 36 populations of results that were assessed for the normality of their distribution, the difference in their median concentrations, the similarity in the ratios of their median concentrations, and the correlations of the concentrations. The results of this study suggest that brass corrosion is the major source of these four elements in the water reclamation plants influent and that there are two distinct populations of brass sources, those in the early stages of dezincification where the release of the non-copper elements is dominant and those in the later stages where the release of copper dominates and the type of brass that is corroding. Statistical analysis of residential tap waters and water reclamation plant influent showed that metals found in both came from brass corrosion.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Binding of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by humic acids formed during composting
Plaza, César | Xing, Baoshan | Fernández, José M. | Sensesi, Nicola | Polo, Alfredo
Binding of two model polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), phenanthrene and pyrene, by humic acids (HAs) isolated from an organic substrate at different stages of composting and a soil was investigated using a batch fluorescence quenching method and the modified Freundlich model. With respect to soil HA, the organic substrate HA fractions were characterized by larger binding affinities for both phenanthrene and pyrene. Further, isotherm deviation from linearity was larger for soil HA than for organic substrate HAs, indicating a larger heterogeneity of binding sites in the former. The composting process decreased the binding affinity and increased the heterogeneity of binding sites of HAs. The changes undergone by the HA fraction during composting may be expected to contribute to facilitate microbial accessibility to PAHs. The results obtained also suggest that bioremediation of PAH-contaminated soils with matured compost, rather than with fresh organic amendments, may result in faster and more effective cleanup. Composting of organic materials decreases the binding affinity of the humic acid fraction for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.
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