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Plastic-derived contaminants in sediments from the coastal zone of the southern Baltic Sea
Lubecki, Ludwik | Kowalewska, Grażyna
Plastics may leach out harmful chemicals, such as plastic additives and monomers, to the environment. This study focused on three intrinsic plastic-derived contaminants, viz. bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP), bisphenol A (BPA), and styrene, based on surface (0–5 cm) sediment samples taken from transition areas located in the human-impacted coastal zone of the southern Baltic Sea. The concentrations of DEHP in the sediments from the Gulf of Gdańsk and the Szczecin Lagoon ranged from 38 to 228 ng/g d.w. and from 494 to 807 ng/g d.w., respectively. The levels of sedimentary BPA varied from <1 to 32 ng/g d.w., whereas styrene was not detected in any of the samples studied. Compared to worldwide data, the levels of plastic-derived contaminants in the sediments from the Gulf of Gdańsk and the Szczecin Lagoon were generally not high. However, according to sediment quality guidelines, some adverse environmental effects are probable.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Mid-long term oil spill forecast based on logistic regression modelling of met-ocean forcings
Chiri, Helios | Abascal, Ana Julia | Castanedo, Sonia | Medina, Raul
Past major oil spill disasters, such as the Prestige or the Deepwater Horizon accidents, have shown that spilled oil may drift across the ocean for months before being controlled or reaching the coast. However, existing oil spill modelling systems can only provide short-term trajectory simulations, being limited by the typical met-ocean forecast time coverage. In this paper, we propose a methodology for mid-long term (1–6 months) probabilistic predictions of oil spill trajectories, based on a combination of data mining techniques, statistical pattern modelling and probabilistic Lagrangian simulations. Its main features are logistic regression modelling of wind and current patterns and a probabilistic trajectory map simulation. The proposed technique is applied to simulate the trajectory of drifting buoys deployed during the Prestige accident in the Bay of Biscay. The benefits of the proposed methodology with respect to existing oil spill statistical simulation techniques are analysed.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Physiological responses of a coccolithophore to multiple environmental drivers
Jin, Peng | Liu, Nana | Gao, Kunshan
Ocean acidification is known to affect primary producers differentially in terms of species and environmental conditions, with controversial results obtained under different experimental setups. In this work we examined the physiological performances of the coccolithophore Gephyrocapsa oceanica that had been acclimated to 1000 μatm CO₂ for ~400 generations, and then exposed to multiple drivers, light intensity, light fluctuating frequency, temperature and UV radiation. Here, we show that increasing light intensity resulted in higher non-photochemical quenching and the effective absorption cross-section of PSII. The effective photochemical efficiency (Fv′/Fm′) decreased with increased levels of light, which was counterbalanced by fluctuating light regimes. The greenhouse condition acts synergistically with decreasing fluctuating light frequency to increase the Fv′/Fm′ and photosynthetic carbon fixation rate. Our data suggest that the coccolithophorid would be more stressed with increased exposures to solar UV irradiances, though its photosynthetic carbon fixation could be enhanced under the greenhouse condition.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Shades of grey: Marine litter research developments in Europe
Maes, Thomas | Perry, Joe | Alliji, Khatija | Clarke, Charlotte | Birchenough, Silvana N.R.
European research efforts to address concerns in relation to increasing levels of marine litter and potential effects on ecosystems and human health have been launched. We assessed a total of 52 European projects which researched or contributed to the implementation of European marine litter legislation. These projects ranged from national initiatives, to large scale programmes involving multiple EU member states. The best represented topics within those European projects were ‘Policy, Governance and Management’ and ‘Monitoring’. Comparatively ‘Risk Assessment’, ‘Fragmentation’ and ‘Assessment Tools’ were underrepresented. The analyses showed that West-European countries have contributed more to marine litter research and therefore received more funding. As a result, thematic hotspots were present, and scientific capacity is concentrated by topic and countries. The results indicate the need to continue to support initiatives to cover clearly identified gaps, either geographic or thematic, to deliver risk assessments and recommendations to address the marine litter issue.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Impact of emission control areas on atmospheric pollutant emissions from major ocean-going ships entering the Shanghai Port, China
Wan, Zheng | Zhang, Qiang | Xu, Zhipeng | Chen, Jihong | Wang, Qin
Ocean-going ships are mostly driven by high‑sulfur heavy fuel oil, which poses public health and environmental concerns. Emission control areas (ECA) have been developed for the regulatory control of the sulfur content in fuel. We tracked 28 sample vessels that entered and exited Shanghai Port, to understand how air pollutants, including oxysulfides (SOx), nitric oxide (NOx), and particulate matter smaller than 10 μm (PM₁₀), would change under the ECA regulations. Emission reductions vary with the types and sizes of the ships. In our sample pool, oil/chemical tankers and container ships have the highest decline rates of SOx emissions at 26.8%–56.4% and 17.4%–56.6%, respectively. Cruise ships, container ships, and liquefied gas carriers occupy the highest share ratios of pollutant emissions in the sample pool because of the higher average gross tonnage and correspondingly higher-rated power of the ships' main engines. As expected, SOx and PM₁₀ emissions under hoteling conditions (operations while stationary at dock) can be considerably reduced by switching to low-sulfur fuel. Using fuel with the much lower sulfur content of 0.1% m/m in the ECA, the SOx and PM₁₀ emissions of our sample pool could be reduced considerably by up to 94.4% and 78.3%, respectively, compared to the 0.5% m/m sulfur content used during ship hoteling.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Influence of plume advection and particle settling on wastewater dispersion and distribution
Tate, Peter M. | Holden, C.J. | Tate, D.J.
Oceanographic processes are examined and used to assess their effect on the movement and dilution of wastewater discharged from Sydney's three deepwater ocean outfalls. Such processes link wastewater discharges with observed changes in biological communities and the accumulation of contaminants in the sediments. The East Australian Current, coastal trapped waves and local winds contribute 40%, 20% and 10% respectively to the total spectral energy in the along-shore currents off Sydney. Median dilutions at the edge of the initial dilution zone range between 185:1 and 347:1. Plumes remain submerged 95% of the time, surfacing only in the middle of winter and during large storms. Negatively buoyant particles sink from the plumes and first reach the ocean floor within 10 km of the discharge location. Resuspension of the sediments due to currents occurs 2.5% of the time and due to waves 1%–4% of the time.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Zooplankton distribution and influencing factors in the South Yellow Sea in spring
Wang, Xiao | Xu, Qinzeng | Jiang, Meijie | Liu, Ping | Wang, Zongling
Zooplankton were studied in the largest scale investigation in the South Yellow Sea in spring 2007 by using large plankton net when the green tide hasn't yet occurred. Ninety-six zooplankton species were identified. Copepods, pelagic larvae and hydromedusae were comprised of the largest number of species; Calanus sinicus, Paracalanus parvus, Aidanosagitta crassa, Euphausiidae larvae, Oithona plumifera and Corycaeus affinis were dominant species and their abundance comprised 81.65% of total abundance. Three high abundance areas contained with an average of 224.31 ± 247.93 individual/m³, with an average total biomass of 674.33 ± 1696.92 mg/m³; The average of Shannon-Wiener diversity, Pielou evenness and Margalef richness was 1.96 ± 0.61, 0.50 ± 0.14 and 2.31 ± 0.95, respectively. The Shannon-Wiener diversity and Pielou evenness showed positive correlation with bottom temperature, while Shannon-Wiener diversity and Margalef richness were positively correlated with bottom salinity. Additionally, Pielou evenness and Margalef richness showed negative correlation with total abundance which indicated that sampling efforts might affect the findings.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Effects of desalination brine and seawater with the same elevated salinity on growth, physiology and seedling development of the seagrass Posidonia australis
Cambridge, Marion L. | Zavala-Perez, Andrea | Cawthray, Greg R. | Statton, John | Mondon, Julie | Kendrick, Gary A.
Desalination has the potential to provide an important source of potable water to growing coastal populations but it also produces highly saline brines with chemical additives, posing a possible threat to benthic marine communities. The effects of brine (0%, 50%, 100%) were compared to seawater treatments with the same salinity (37, 46, 54 psu) for seagrass (Posidonia australis) in mesocosms over 2 weeks. There were significant differences between brine and salinity treatments for photosynthesis, water relations and growth. Germinating seedlings of P. australis were also tested in brine treatments (0%, 25%, 50%, 100%) over 7 weeks followed by 2.5 weeks recovery in seawater. Growth was severely inhibited only in 100% brine. These experiments demonstrated that brine increased the speed and symptoms of stress in adult plants compared to treatments with the same salinity, whereas seedlings tolerated far longer brine exposure, and so could potentially contribute to seagrass recovery through recruitment.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Depositional environment classification based on environmental variables of South Korea's Nakdong River Estuary barrier-lagoon system
Choi, Jae Ung | Kang, Jeongwon | Lee, Jun-Ho | Woo, Han Jun
Anthropogenic activities have altered the geomorphological and ecological conditions of the Nakdong River Estuary (NRE) dramatically over the last century. The objectives of this study were to classify NRE sub-environments and to identify their unique ecological functions. The first step in classification was the establishment of 14 a priori sub-environmental groups based on landscape factors. Surface sediments obtained for these groups were analyzed for factors related to grain size and organic matter. Based on the results, the NRE was divided into two primary estuarine environment divisions: (1) a mixed marine and terrestrial environment influenced primarily by land; and (2) a principally marine environment influenced primarily by the ocean. Using multivariate analysis, we subdivided these primary estuarine divisions into six sub-environments, including Sub-1 and -2 in the former and Sub-3, -4, -5, and -6 in the latter.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Blood plasma levels of heavy metals and trace elements in white sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) and potential health consequences
Merly, Liza | Lange, Lucia | Meyer, Michael | Hewitt, Adrian Michael | Koen, Pieter | Fischer, Chris | Müller, Johann | Schilack, Volker | Wentzel, Mauritz | Hammerschlag, Neil
Heavy metals may adversely affect health in marine organisms. As top predators, sharks may be especially vulnerable to exposure over long lifespans. Here we evaluate plasma levels of 14 heavy metals and 12 trace elements in white sharks, Carcharodon carcharias, in South Africa to determine whether they are related to sex, body size, and/or body condition and other health parameters. High levels of mercury and arsenic were found in shark blood at levels considered toxic in other vertebrates. Heavy metal concentrations were not related to body size or sex. Metal concentrations were not related to body condition with exception of copper, which was positively correlated. Protective effects of elements such as selenium, zinc, and iron were not detected. No negative effects on health parameters, such as total leukocytes or granulocyte to lymphocyte ratios were observed. Results suggest that sharks may have protective mechanisms that mitigate harmful effects of heavy metal exposure, providing new opportunities for future studies.
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