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Результаты 171-180 из 4,926
Fluoride-induced unrestored arrest during haploid period of spermatogenesis via the regulation of DDX25 in rats
Han, Yongli | Yu, Yuxiang | Liang, Zhen | Shi, Yan | Zhu, Yuchen | Zheng, Heping | Wang, Jundong | Zhang, Jianhai
The effect of fluoride as an ongoing topic has attracted much attentions due to the decline in overall human fertility worldwide. However, whether fluorine causes a temporary stimulus or permanent damage to the male reproductive system, as well as the mechanism of fluoride influencing spermatogenesis remained unclear. 48 adult male rats were randomly divided into four groups (twelve each). Control group received the distilled water, while the other three groups were treated with 25, 50, 100 mg/L NaF via drinking water for 8 weeks. Six rats from each group were selected randomly to detect the levels of various indices related to spermatogenesis. The remaining rats were given only distilled water and left for recovery of a period of 2 weeks. Results showed that the levels of serum CK, ALP, CHE, BUN, UA, and Cr, testis morphology and the ultrastructure of sperm acrosome and chromatoid body (CB) were significantly changed by fluoride. Interestingly, the elongated spermatid counts, spermatids elongation ratio, and mRNA expressions of Prm1/2 and MIWI, TDRD1, TDRD 6, TDRD7, PABP, and Hsp72 related to CB decreased markedly in fluoride treatment groups compared to the control. Furthermore, the expression levels of DDX25 and associated regulatory proteins like CRM1, HMG2, H4, TP2, and PGK2 were down-regulated by fluoride. After 2-weeks withdrawal period, out of the 19 altered spermatogenesis indicators, 15 indicators in 100 mg/L group and 3 indicators in 50 mg/L group still exhibited a significant change, while none showed change in 25 mg/L group. These results proved that the reversibility of fluoride toxicity is dose-dependent on the male reproductive system. Meanwhile, fluoride caused unrestored arrest during the haploid period of spermatogenesis, where reduced DDX25 and associated regulatory proteins play a crucial role in this process, which could provide the underlying insights to the toxic mechanism of fluoride induced male reproductive toxicity.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Timber harvest alters mercury bioaccumulation and food web structure in headwater streams
Willacker, James J. | Eagles-Smith, Collin A. | Kowalski, Brandon M. | Danehy, Robert J. | Jackson, Allyson K. | Adams, Evan M. | Evers, David C. | Eckley, Chris S. | Tate, Michael T. | Krabbenhoft, David P.
Timber harvest has many effects on aquatic ecosystems, including changes in hydrological, biogeochemical, and ecological processes that can influence mercury (Hg) cycling. Although timber harvest's influence on aqueous Hg transformation and transport are well studied, the effects on Hg bioaccumulation are not. We evaluated Hg bioaccumulation, biomagnification, and food web structure in 10 paired catchments that were either clear-cut in their entirety, clear-cut except for an 8-m wide riparian buffer, or left unharvested. Average mercury concentrations in aquatic biota from clear-cut catchments were 50% higher than in reference catchments and 165% higher than in catchments with a riparian buffer. Mercury concentrations in aquatic invertebrates and salamanders were not correlated with aqueous THg or MeHg concentrations, but rather treatment effects appeared to correspond with differences in the utilization of terrestrial and aquatic basal resources in the stream food webs. Carbon and nitrogen isotope data suggest that a diminished shredder niche in the clear-cut catchments contributed to lower basal resource diversity compared with the reference of buffered treatments, and that elevated Hg concentrations in the clear-cut catchments reflect an increased reliance on aquatic resources in clear-cut catchments. In contrast, catchments with riparian buffers had higher basal resource diversity than the reference catchments, indicative of more balanced utilization of terrestrial and aquatic resources. Further, following timber harvest THg concentrations in riparian songbirds were elevated, suggesting an influence of timber harvest on Hg export to riparian food webs. These data, coupled with comparisons of individual feeding guilds, indicate that changes in organic matter sources and associated effects on stream food web structure are important mechanisms by which timber harvest modifies Hg bioaccumulation in headwater streams and riparian consumers.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Spatiotemporal variations of air pollutants in western China and their relationship to meteorological factors and emission sources
Yang, Junhua | Ji, Zhenming | Kang, Shichang | Zhang, Qianggong | Chen, Xintong | Lee, Shao-Yi
We have carried out a comprehensive analysis of six air pollutants (particles with an aerodynamic diameter less than 2.5 μm (PM₂.₅) and less than 10 μm (PM₁₀), carbon monoxide (CO), sulfur dioxide (SO₂), nitrogen dioxide (NO₂), and ozone (O₃)) in western China, including the spatiotemporal characteristics of air pollutants, their relationship with meteorological factors and emission sources, and the efficiency of emission control strategies for the region. Based hourly observations at 23 sites in western China from June 2016 to May 2017, concentrations of most pollutants were higher outside the Tibetan Plateau, lowest in summer and highest in winter, the exception being O₃. This was partially because meteorological conditions in winter were found to the most unfavorable to pollutant dispersion and dilution than other seasons. Pollutant concentrations at most sites were correlated with the residential emissions which were higher in winter, but anti-correlated with the industrial emissions which were lower during the winter holiday period. The Weather Research and Forecasting with Chemistry (WRF-Chem) simulations of four pollution control strategies indicated that reduction of residential emissions is crucial to alleviate PM₂.₅, PM₁₀, and CO pollution in western China, although reduction of industrial and transport emissions can reduce SO₂ and NO₂, respectively. Since PM₂.₅ and PM₁₀ were also found to be the species most and next frequently responsible for extremely serious pollution in western China, respectively, we recommend pollution control regulations that target residential emissions.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Effects of ingested polystyrene microplastics on brine shrimp, Artemia parthenogenetica
Wang, Ying | Zhang, Dian | Zhang, Mingxing | Mu, Jingli | Ding, Guanghui | Mao, Zheng | Cao, Yifei | Jin, Fei | Cong, Yi | Wang, Lijun | Zhang, Weiwei | Wang, Juying
Microplastics are a contaminant of emerging concern which enter the marine environment from a variety of sources. The ingestion and toxic effects of microplastics on marine life, especially for filter feeders, are a cause of concern in view of their ubiquitous nature and their similar size as food sources. To assess the toxic effects of microspheres ingested by brine shrimp larvae, we exposed Artemia parthenogenetica to 10 μm polystyrene microspheres at different concentrations. These concentrations were approximate to the extrapolated marine aquatic environmentally relevant concentrations. The lowest polystyrene concentrations at which ingestion was visualized in A. parthenogenetica were 12 ± 0.57 particles/mL (6.7 ± 0.32 μg/L) and 1.1 ± 0.16 particles/mL (0.61 ± 0.088 μg/L), respectively. There were no significant impacts on the survival, growth or development in A. parthenogenetica occurring over the 14-d exposure across a range of polystyrene nominal concentrations (1–1000 particles/mL or 0.55–550 μg/L). However, abnormal ultrastructures of intestinal epithelial cells were observed upon exposure to polystyrene microspheres, including fewer and disordered microvilli, an increased number of mitochondrion and the appearance of autophagosome. These phenomena could affect nutrition absorption and energy metabolism. Although no major acute or chronic toxicity effects on A. parthenogenetica were observed over 24-h or 14-d exposures, this study provides evidence that the ingestion of polystyrene microplastics at extrapolated environmentally relevant concentrations can be visualized through a microscope to be causing a series of responses in intestinal epithelial cells.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Response of aerosol chemistry to clean air action in Beijing, China: Insights from two-year ACSM measurements and model simulations
Zhou, Wei | Gao, Meng | He, Yao | Wang, Qingqing | Xie, Conghui | Xu, Weiqi | Zhao, Jian | Du, Wei | Qiu, Yanmei | Lei, Lu | Fu, Pingqing | Wang, Zifa | Worsnop, Douglas R. | Zhang, Qiang | Sun, Yele
Despite substantial mitigation of particulate matter (PM) pollution during the past decade in Beijing, the response of aerosol chemistry to clean air action and meteorology remains less understood. Here we characterized the changes in aerosol composition as responses to emission reductions by using two-year long-term measurements in 2011/2012 and 2017/2018, and WRF-Chem model. Our results showed substantial decreases for all aerosol species except nitrate from 2011/2012 to 2017/2018. Chloride exhibited the largest decrease by 65–89% followed by organics (37–70%), mainly due to reductions in coal combustion emissions in winter and agriculture burning in June. Primary and secondary organic aerosol (SOA) showed comparable decreases by 61–70% in fall and winter, and 34–63% in spring and summer, suggesting that reductions in primary emissions might also suppress SOA formation. The changes in nitrate were negligible and even showed increases due to less reductions in NOₓ emissions and increased formation potential from N₂O₅ heterogeneous reactions. As a result, nitrate exceeded sulfate and became the major secondary inorganic aerosol species in PM with the contribution increasing from 14–21% to 22–32%. Further analysis indicated that the reductions in aerosol species from 2011/2012 to 2017/2018 were mainly caused by the decreases of severely polluted events (PM₁ > 100 μg m⁻³). WRF-Chem simulations suggested that the decreases in OA and sulfate in fall and winter were mainly resulted from emission reductions (27–36% and 25–43%) and favorable meteorology (4–10% and 19–30%), while they were dominantly contributed by emission changes in spring and summer. Comparatively, the changes in nitrate were mainly associated with meteorological variations while the contributions of emissions changes were relatively small. Our results highlight different chemical responses of aerosol species to emission changes and meteorology, suggesting that future mitigation of air pollution in China needs species-targeted control policy.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Composition and endocrine effects of water collected in the Kibale national park in Uganda
Spirhanzlova, Petra | Fini, Jean-Baptiste | Demeneix, Barbara | Lardy-Fontan, Sophie | Vaslin-Reimann, Sophie | Lalere, Béatrice | Guma, Nelson | Tindall, Andrew | Krief, Sabrina
Pesticides are used worldwide with potential harmful effects on both fauna and flora. The Kibale National Park in Uganda, a site renowned for its biodiversity is surrounded by tea, banana and eucalyptus plantations as well as maize fields and small farms. We previously showed presence of pesticides with potential endocrine disruptive effects in the vicinity. To further investigate the water pollution linked to agricultural pressure in this protected area, we implemented a complementary monitoring strategy based on: analytical chemistry, effects based methods and the deployment of Polar Organic Chemical Integrative Samplers (POCIS). Chemical analysis of the POCIS extracts revealed the presence of 13 pesticides: carbofuran, DEET, 2.4-D amine, carbaryl, ametryn, isoproturon, metolachlor, terbutryn, dimethoate, imidacloprid, picaridin, thiamethoxam, carbendazim, with the first three being present in the largest quantities. Water samples collected at the POCIS sampling sites exhibited thyroid and estrogen axis disrupting activities in vivo, in addition to developmental and behaviour effects on Xenopus laevis tadpoles model. Based on our observations, for the health of local human and wildlife populations, further monitoring as well as actions to reduce agrochemical use should be considered in the Kibale National Park and in regions exposed to similar conditions.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Zinc and lead encapsulated in amorphous ferric cements within hardpans in situ formed from sulfidic Cu-Pb-Zn tailings
Liu, Yunjia | Wu, Songlin | Southam, Gordon | Nguyen, Tuan A.H. | Kopittke, Peter M. | Paterson, David J. | Huang, Longbin
Hardpans are massively indurated layers formed at the top layer of sulfidic tailings dams, which develop cementation structures and result in heavy metal immobilization. However, the micro-structural and complex forms of the cementing materials are not fully understood, as well as the mechanisms by which Zn and Pb are stabilized in the hardpans. The present study deployed synchrotron-based X-ray fluorescence microscopy (XFM) to have characterized the cementing structures, examined the distribution of Fe, Zn and Pb, and obtained laterally-resolved speciation of Zn within the hardpans using fluorescence X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) imaging. The XFM analyses revealed that the Fe-rich cement layers consisted of Fe (oxyhydr)oxides coupled with amorphous Si materials, immobilizing Zn and Pb. Through laterally-resolved XANES imaging analyses, Zn-ferrihydrite-like precipitates were predicted to account for >76% of the total Zn within the Fe-rich cement layers. In contrast, outside of the cement layers, 9–63% of the Zn was estimated as labile ZnSO4.7H2O, with the remainder in the form of Zn-sulfide. These findings demonstrated that the Fe-rich cement layers were critical in immobilizing Zn and Pb within hardpans via mineral passivation and encapsulation, as the basis for long-term geochemical stability in the hardpan layer of sulfidic mine tailings.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]The interaction of mercury and methylmercury with chalcogenide nanoparticles
Wang, Xudong | Seelen, Emily | Mazrui, Nashaat | Kerns, Peter | Suib, Steven L. | Zhao, Jing | Mason, Robert
Mercury (Hg) and methylmercury (CH3Hg) bind strongly to micro and nano (NP) particles and this partitioning impacts their fate and bioaccumulation into food webs, and, as a result, potential human exposure. This partitioning has been shown to influence the bioavailability of inorganic Hg to methylating bacteria, with NP-bound Hg being more bioavailable than particulate HgS, or organic particulate-bound Hg. In this study we set out to investigate whether the potential interactions between dissolved ionic Hg (HgII) and CH3Hg and NPs was due to incorporation of Hg into the core of the cadmium selenide and sulfide (CdSe; CdS) nanoparticles (metal exchange or surface precipitation), or due purely to surface interactions. The interaction was assessed based on the quenching of the fluorescence intensity and lifetime observed during HgII or CH3Hg titration experiments of these NP solutions. Additional analysis using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry of CdSe NPs and the separated solution, obtained after HgII additions, showed that there was no metal exchange, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy confirmed this and further indicated that the Hg was bound to cysteine, the NP capping agent. Our study suggests that Hg and CH3Hg adsorbed to the surfaces of NPs would have different bioavailability for release into water or to (de)methylating organisms or for bioaccumulation, and provides insights into the behavior of Hg in the environment in the presence of natural or manufactured NPs.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Application of sodium titanate nanofibers as constructed wetland fillers for efficient removal of heavy metal ions from wastewater
Zhao, Min | Wang, Sen | Wang, Hongsheng | Qin, Peirui | Yang, Dongjiang | Sun, Yuanyuan | Kong, Fanlong
Constructed wetlands are an environmentally friendly and economically efficient sewage treatment technology, with fillers playing an important role in treatment processes. However, traditional wetland fillers (e.g. zeolite) are known to be imperfect because of their low adsorption capacity. In this paper, the adsorbent sodium titanate nano fillers (T3-F) was synthesized as an alternative to traditional filler with sodium titanate nanofibers (T3) as the raw material, epoxy adhesive as the adhesive agent and NH₄HCO₃ as the pore-making agent. The properties of T3-F were characterized by powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscope-energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM-EDX), porosity. The effect of different parameters such as pH, co-existing ions, contact time, initial metal ion concentrations and temperature was investigated for heavy metal adsorption. The results showed that the adsorption of heavy metal by T3-F followed the pseudo-second-order kinetic and Langmuir isotherm models. The maximum adsorption capacities for Cu²⁺, Pb²⁺, Zn²⁺, Cd²⁺ were about 1.5–1.98 mmol/g, which were 4–5 times that of zeolite, the traditional commonly used filler. Moreover, T3-F could entrap toxic ions irreversibly and maintain structural stability in the adsorption process, which solved the issue of secondary pollution. In the presence of competing ions, the adsorption efficiency for Pb²⁺ was not reduced significantly. Adsorption was strongest at high pH. From the results and characterization, an adsorption mechanism was suggested. This study lays a foundation for the practical application of T3-F as a constructed wetland filler in the future.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Multi-factor identification and modelling analyses for managing large river algal blooms
Xia, Rui | Zhang, Yuan | Wang, Gangsheng | Zhang, Yongyong | Dou, Ming | Hou, Xikang | Qiao, Yunfeng | Wang, Qiang | Yang, Zhongwen
River algal blooms have become a newly emerging global environmental issue in recent decades. Compared with water eutrophication in lakes and reservoirs, algal blooms in large river systems can cause more severe consequences to watershed ecosystems at the watershed scale. However, reveal the causes of river algal blooms remains challenging in the interdisciplinary of hydrological-ecological-environmental research, due to its complex interaction mechanisms impacted by multiple factors. In addition, there were still considerable uncertainties on the characteristics, impacts, driving factors, as well as the applicable water system models for river algal blooms. In this paper, we reviewed existing literature to elaborate the definition and negative effects of river algal blooms. We analyzed sensitive factors including nutrient, hydrological and climatic elements. We also discussed the application of ecohydrological models under complicated hydrological conditions. Finally, we explored the essence of the river algal bloom by the interaction effects of physical and biogeochemical process impacted by of climate change and human activities. The model-data integration accounting for multi-factor effects was expected to provide scientific guidance for the prevent and control of algal blooms in large river systems.
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