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Isotopic evidence for the shift of nitrate sources and active biological transformation on the western coast of Guangdong Province, South China
Lao, Qibin | Chen, Fajin | Liu, Guoqiang | Chen, Chunqing | Jin, Guangzhe | Zhu, Qingmei | Wei, Chunlei | Zhang, Chunhua
Dual isotope nitrate (NO₃⁻) analysis was performed on the western coast of Guangdong Province to investigate seasonal changes in the main nitrate sources and their biogeochemical processing, which are due to the rapid development of the local economy. In the nearshore area, significant seasonal variations of nitrate sources occurred. The dominant nitrate sources, originating from manure and sewage, suggested that the nitrate along the west coast of Guangdong Province was mainly influenced by local cities despite the westward flow of diluted Pearl River water. In the offshore area, the nitrate loss in the upper and mid water during both two seasons mainly caused by phytoplankton assimilation, whereas coupled nitrification-denitrification could be responsible for the nitrate loss in the bottom waters during summer. Our results suggest that, with the rapid development of local economy, the nitrate sources in the coastal area have shifted to manure and sewage from the local cities.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Establishment of a NORM baseline for selected seafood in the Gulf of Mexico
Wilson, Charles A. | Hamideh, Amin M. | Wang, Wei-Hsung
Naturally occurring radioactive material was characterized in selected seafood samples from three areas in the Gulf of Mexico. Relatively desirable and abundant fish such as Red Snapper, Red Drum, Northern Whiting, and Spotted Trout as well as oysters were collected and analyzed using gamma spectroscopy to determine the concentration of ²²⁸Ra, ²²⁶Ra, and ⁴⁰ K. Average total activity concentration from these radionuclides were 0.9 ± 0.6, 1.6 ± 1.2, and 132 ± 57 Bq kg⁻¹ respectively, in the edible portion of wet weight samples. The results were consistent with previous studies for other bodies of water. A small but statistically significant increase in ²²⁶Ra was found in comparison to similar research performed 20 years prior. These measurements provide a reasonable baseline for the examined species from the Gulf of Mexico.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Distribution patterns and ecological risk of endocrine-disrupting chemicals at Qingduizi Bay (China): A preliminary survey in a developing maricultured bay
Wang, Lili | Yang, Xiaolong | Zhang, Anguo | Bidegain, Gorka | Li, Ruijing | Na, Guangshui | Yuan, Xiutang
The occurrence and estrogenic activities of seven phenolic endocrine-disrupting chemical (EDC) compounds (nonylphenol (NP), octylphenol (4-OP), 2,4-dichlorophenol (2,4-DCP), 4-tertbutylphenol (4-t-BP), 4-tert-octylphenol (4-t-OP), tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA), and bisphenol A (BPA)) in the sediments of Qingduizi Bay (NorthernYellow Sea, China) in superficial sediments were investigated to evaluate their potential ecological impacts on the health of aquaculture organisms. All compounds, except 4-OP and 4-t-BP, were recorded in most sampling sites (1.06–28.07 ng g⁻¹ dw in maricultural ponds (MPs), 1.98–8.22 ng g⁻¹ dw in outer bay (OB)). BPA and 4-t-OP were the predominant EDC compounds in MPs and OB, respectively. Correlation between BPA and 4-t-OP indicated these compounds may share a similar source or pathway. Analyzed estrogenic activity revealed a low risk of total EDCs. The ranking of risk quotient showed 4-t-OP posed a median risk and TBBPA posed a high risk to the aquatic ecosystem.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Evaluation of the artificial sweetener sucralose as a sanitary wastewater tracer in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island, USA
Cantwell, Mark G. | Katz, David R. | Sullivan, Julia | Kuhn, Anne
Narragansett Bay is an urban estuary that historically has been impacted by long-term discharge of sanitary wastewater (WW) effluents. High-density water sampling was conducted in Narragansett Bay, RI, USA, in an effort to understand the distribution and behavior of sucralose, an artificial sweetener that has shown utility as a sanitary wastewater tracer. Water samples were collected at sixty-seven sites and analyzed for sucralose, whose performance was compared to other tracers present in wastewater effluents. Concentrations of sucralose were much higher than the other tracers measured, carbamazepine and caffeine, ranging from 18 to 3180 ng/L and corresponded well with salinity (r² = 0.88), demonstrating conservative behavior throughout the Bay. Mapped interpolation data using an empirical bayesian kriging model clearly show the spatial trends of WW and how estuarine processes influence dilution and dispersion throughout the Bay. These findings provide further evidence of the efficacy of sucralose as a wastewater tracer in large urban estuaries where continuous high-volume discharge of WW occur.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Effects of salinity and temperature on seed germination and seedling establishment in the endangered seagrass Zostera japonica Asch. & Graebn. in northern China
Yue, Shidong | Zhou, Yi | Zhang, Yu | Xu, Shaochun | Gu, Ruiting | Xu, Shuai | Zhang, Xiaomei | Zhao, Peng
Seagrass meadows are recognized as critical and among the most vulnerable habitats on the planet. As a worldwide concern, there is an urgent need to develop techniques to restore and preserve these vital coastal ecosystems due to their alarming decline rate. To effectively preserve and restore seagrasses, more research is required on the germination ecology of seeds. The seagrass Zostera japonica Asch. & Graebn is an endangered species in its native range, the Northwestern Pacific Coast. The present study investigated the germination and seedling establishment in Z. japonica seeds (collected from northern China) under different temperature and salinity conditions to explore suitable seed germination and establishment conditions, as well as the seedling formation process. Results showed that salinity had a more significant influence on seed germination rate. Germination rate decreased with an increase in salinity, and seeds did not germinate when salinity was higher than 40 psu. Temperature was more likely to influence germination speed, which increased with an increase in temperature, with high germination rates and the most rapid germination speed observed at 30 °C. Therefore, the optimal culture conditions were 10 psu salinity at 30 °C for germination and 10–20 psu salinity at 20 °C for seedling establishment, with a seed germination rate of 45.6% after 6 days of germination culture and a seedling establishment rate of 14.3% after 6 days of seedling culture, respectively. A new seedling raising method with low salinity (5 psu) germination and high salinity (20 psu) seedling establishment was proposed and a flow chart of seedling formation of Z. japonica was created. The results provide insight into the seed germination and seedling establishment in Z. japonica, and will facilitate future large-scale seedling culture and field restoration activities for this seagrass species.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Marine litter on the Baltic seafloor collected by the international fish-trawl survey
Zablotski, Yury | Kraak, Sarah B.M.
Marine litter is a global concern. Since most of the litter sinks, understanding the composition of benthic marine litter is crucial for addressing this concern. However, high costs of seafloor monitoring inhibit such understanding. Consequently, benthic marine litter in the Baltic Sea has not been comprehensively addressed yet. Here we present data from 2377 hauls, which collected 6828 litter items and 2412 kg on the Baltic seafloor during six years of the Baltic International Trawl Survey (BITS) by seven nations. Our results show lower percentages of plastic (35%) than the widely cited world average (70%) and less fishery-originated litter (2.2–5.6%) than was previously reported for the Baltic Sea (4–24%). Natural products, mostly residuals of burnt coal, were identified as the most common litter category (42–57%) and were largely ignored in the past. Our results highlight the importance of using several evaluation metrics, particularly number of items, weight and encounter probability.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Distribution of petrogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in seafood following Deepwater Horizon oil spill
Fernando, Harshica | Ju, Hyunsu | Kakumanu, Ramu | Bhopale, Kamlesh K. | Croisant, Sharon | Elferink, Cornelis | Kaphalia, Bhupendra S. | Ansari, G.A Shakeel
A community-based participatory research was utilized to address the coastal community's concern regarding Deepwater Horizon oil contamination of seafood. Therefore, we analyzed polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), major toxic constituents of crude oil, in the seafood collected from gulf coast (Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi) during December 2011–February 2014. PAHs were extracted from edible part of shrimp, oysters, and crabs by the QuEChERS/dsPE procedure and analyzed by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. The total PAHs data were further analyzed using the General Linear Mixed Model procedure of the SAS (Version 9.3, SAS Institute, Inc., Cary, NC) statistical software. Brown shrimp showed statistically significant differences in PAHs levels with respect to time and locations while white shrimp showed differences at various time points. PAHs levels in oyster and crab samples were not statistically different at the Type I error of 0.05. Overall, the PAHs levels are far below FDA levels of concern for human consumption.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Associations between organohalogen exposure and thyroid- and steroid-related gene responses in St. Lawrence Estuary belugas and minke whales
Simond, Antoine E. | Houde, Magali | Lesage, V. | Michaud, Robert | Zbinden, Dany | Verreault, Jonathan
Elevated concentrations of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and emerging halogenated flame retardants (HFRs) have been reported in tissues of the endangered St. Lawrence Estuary (Canada) beluga population as well as in minke whales visiting that same feeding area. This study examined the linkages between blubber concentrations of POPs and emerging HFRs, and transcription in skin of genes involved in the regulation of thyroid and steroid axes in belugas and minke whales from the St. Lawrence Estuary. In belugas, concentrations of PCBs, OCs and hexabromobenzene (HBB) were positively correlated with the transcription of thyroid- and/or steroid-related genes, while Dec-604 CB concentrations were negatively associated with the transcription of glucocorticoid and thyroid genes. In minke whales, PBDE concentrations changed positively with Esrβ transcript levels and HBB concentrations negatively with Nr3c1 transcripts. Present results suggest that several biological functions including reproduction and energetic metabolism may represent potential targets for organohalogens in these whales.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Multi-annual survey of health status disturbance in the Bilbao estuary (Bay of Biscay) based on sediment chemistry and juvenile sole (Solea spp.) histopathology
Briaudeau, T. | Zorita, I. | Cuevas, N. | Franco, J. | Marigómez, I. | Izagirre, U.
The Bilbao estuary (SE Bay of Biscay) is a recovering ecosystem whose sediments are still contaminated. They represent a potential risk for the biota including benthic and demersal species living in direct contact with the sediment. In this context, the present study aims to survey trends of the health status of the Bilbao estuary based on sediment chemistry and sole (Solea spp.) histopathology. Monitoring campaigns were carried out every autumn from 2011 to 2017 along the estuary. Contaminant levels were measured in sediments; liver, gills and gonads of juvenile fish were collected for histopathology. Overall, contaminant levels fluctuated throughout the years, with highest values recorded in the earlier years of the study period. Sole histopathology showed alterations of mild severity. Results permitted to assess the environmental health status of the Bilbao estuary during 7 years, although no clear temporal trend was detected. Longer-term monitoring programmes are necessary to confirm the ecosystem recovery.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Inter-hemispherical shoreline surveys of anthropogenic marine debris – A binational citizen science project with schoolchildren
Honorato-Zimmer, Daniela | Kruse, Katrin | Knickmeier, Katrin | Weinmann, Anna | Hinojosa, Ivan A. | Thiel, Martin
Anthropogenic marine debris (AMD) is a global problem and the identification of its sources is essential for adequate mitigation strategies. Herein we examined whether AMD density and composition differed between two countries with contrasting socio-economic backgrounds and marine litter sources (i.e. Chile and Germany). In nationwide beach litter surveys, we used a citizen science approach with schoolchildren and their teachers. Litter densities were substantially higher in Chile than in Germany. The different geographic zones surveyed in both countries showed strong grouping tendencies according to their main economic activities (tourism, shipping, fisheries/aquaculture), major litter sources, and AMD composition, in terms of dominance and diversity of AMD types. The results suggest that beach litter composition can be used as a simple proxy to identify AMD sources, and also that law enforcement and education can help mitigate the problem; however, for efficient solutions, production and consumption of plastics must be reduced.
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