AGRIS — международная информационная система по сельскохозяйственным наукам и технологиям

[ Опубликовано в: Pollution ]
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Результаты 181-190 из 738

Environmental monitoring of Domingo Rubio stream (Huelva Estuary, SW Spain) by combining conventional biomarkers and proteomic analysis in Carcinus maenas


Montes Nieto, Rafael | García Barrera, Tamara | Gómez-Ariza, José-Luis | López-Barea, Juan

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Endophytic bacteria improve phytoremediation of Ni and TCE co-contamination


Weyens, Nele | Croes, Sarah | Dupae, Joke | Newman, Lee | Lelie, Daniel van der | Carleer, Robert | Vangronsveld, Jaco

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

The impact of wood smoke on ambient PM2.5 in northern Rocky Mountain valley communities


Ward, Tony | Lange, Todd

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Metabolic diversity of the heterotrophic microorganisms and potential link to pollution of the Rouge River


Tiquia, S.M.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Tissue S/N ratios and stable isotopes (δ34S and δ15N) of epilithic mosses (Haplocladium microphyllum) for showing air pollution in urban cities in Southern China


Xiao, Hua-Yun | Tang, Cong-Guo | Xiao, Hong-Wei | Wang, Yan-Li | Liu, Xue-Yan | Liu, Cong-Qiang

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Development of models for predicting toxicity from sediment chemistry by partial least squares-discriminant analysis and counter-propagation artificial neural networks


Alvarez-Guerra, Manuel | Ballabio, Davide | Amigo, José Manuel | Bro, Rasmus | Viguri, Javier R.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Bioavailability of residual polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons following enhanced natural attenuation of creosote-contaminated soil


Juhasz, Albert L. | Smith, Euan | Waller, Natasha | Stewart, Richard | Weber, John

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Mercury transport between sediments and the overlying water of the St. Lawrence River area of concern near Cornwall, Ontario


Delongchamp, Tania M. | Ridal, Jeffrey J. | Lean, David R.S. | Poissant, Laurier | Blais, Jules M.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Relationship between heavy metals pollution and genetic diversity in Mediterranean populations of the sandhopper Talitrus saltator (Montagu) (Crustacea, Amphipoda)


Ungherese, G. | Mengoni, A. | Somigli, S. | Baroni, D. | Focardi, S. | Ugolini, A.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Decrease of labile Zn and Cd in the rhizosphere of hyperaccumulating Thlaspi caerulescens with time



National Agricultural Library - United States of America