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Environmental monitoring of Domingo Rubio stream (Huelva Estuary, SW Spain) by combining conventional biomarkers and proteomic analysis in Carcinus maenas
Montes Nieto, Rafael | García Barrera, Tamara | Gómez-Ariza, José-Luis | López-Barea, Juan
Element load, conventional biomarkers and altered protein expression profiles were studied in Carcinus maenas crabs, to assess contamination of “Domingo Rubio” stream, an aquatic ecosystem that receives pyritic metals, industrial contaminants, and pesticides. Lower antioxidative activities – glucose-6-phosphate and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenases, catalase – were found in parallel to higher levels of damaged biomolecules – malondialdehyde, oxidized glutathione –, due to oxidative lesions promoted by contaminants, as the increased levels of essential – Zn, Cu, Co – and nonessential – Cr, Ni, Cd – elements. Utility of Proteomics to assess environmental quality was confirmed, especially after considering the six proteins identified by de novo sequencing through capLC-μESI-ITMS/MS and homology search on databases. They include tripartite motif-containing protein 11 and ATF7 transcription factor (upregulated), plus CBR-NHR-218 nuclear hormone receptor, two components of the ABC transporters and aldehyde dehydrogenase (downregulated). These proteins could be used as novel potential biomarkers of the deleterious effects of pollutants present in the area.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Endophytic bacteria improve phytoremediation of Ni and TCE co-contamination
Weyens, Nele | Croes, Sarah | Dupae, Joke | Newman, Lee | Lelie, Daniel van der | Carleer, Robert | Vangronsveld, Jaco
The aim of this work was to investigate if engineered endophytes can improve phytoremediation of co-contaminations by organic pollutants and toxic metals. As a model system, yellow lupine was inoculated with the endophyte Burkholderia cepacia VM1468 possessing (a) the pTOM-Bu61 plasmid, coding for constitutive trichloroethylene (TCE) degradation, and (b) the ncc-nre Ni resistance/sequestration system. Plants were exposed to Ni and TCE and (a) Ni and TCE phytotoxicity, (b) TCE degradation and evapotranspiration, and (c) Ni concentrations in the roots and shoots were determined. Inoculation with B. cepacia VM1468 resulted in decreased Ni and TCE phytotoxicity, as measured by 30% increased root biomass and up to 50% decreased activities of enzymes involved in anti-oxidative defence in the roots. In addition, TCE evapotranspiration showed a decreasing trend and a 5 times higher Ni uptake was observed after inoculation.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]The impact of wood smoke on ambient PM2.5 in northern Rocky Mountain valley communities
Ward, Tony | Lange, Todd
During the winters of 2006/2007 and 2007/2008, PM2.5 source apportionment programs were carried out within five western Montana valley communities. Filter samples were analyzed for mass and chemical composition. Information was utilized in a Chemical Mass Balance (CMB) computer model to apportion the sources of PM2.5. Results showed that wood smoke (likely residential woodstoves) was the major source of PM2.5 in each of the communities, contributing from 56% to 77% of the measured wintertime PM2.5. Results of 14C analyses showed that between 44% and 76% of the measured PM2.5 came from a new carbon (wood smoke) source, confirming the results of the CMB modeling. In summary, the CMB model results, coupled with the 14C results, support that wood smoke is the major contributor to the overall PM2.5 mass in these rural, northern Rocky Mountain airsheds throughout the winter months. This manuscript describes how woodsmoke is the largest source of PM2.5 in the Northern Rocky Mountains of the US.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Metabolic diversity of the heterotrophic microorganisms and potential link to pollution of the Rouge River
Tiquia, S.M.
The heterotrophic microbial communities of the Rouge River were tracked using Biolog Ecoplates to understand the metabolic diversity at different temporal and spatial scales, and potential link to river pollution. Site less impacted by anthrophogenic sources (site 1), showed markedly lower metabolic diversity. The only substrates that were utilized in the water samples were carbohydrates. Sites more impacted by anthrophogenic sources (sites 8 and 9) showed higher metabolic diversity. Higher functional diversity was linked to the physico-chemical and biological properties of the water samples (i.e. higher concentrations of DO, DOC, chlorophyll, and bacterial density). Biolog analysis was found to be useful in differentiating metabolic diversity between microbial communities; in determining factors that most influence the separation of communities; and in identifying which substrates were most utilized by the communities. It can also be used as an effective ecological indicator of changes in river function attributable to urbanization and pollution.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Tissue S/N ratios and stable isotopes (δ34S and δ15N) of epilithic mosses (Haplocladium microphyllum) for showing air pollution in urban cities in Southern China
Xiao, Hua-Yun | Tang, Cong-Guo | Xiao, Hong-Wei | Wang, Yan-Li | Liu, Xue-Yan | Liu, Cong-Qiang
In urban cities in Southern China, the tissue S/N ratios of epilithic mosses (Haplocladium microphyllum), varied widely from 0.11 to 0.19, are strongly related to some atmospheric chemical parameters (e.g. rainwater SO42−/NH4+ ratios, each people SO2 emission). If tissue S/N ratios in the healthy moss species tend to maintain a constant ratio of 0.15 in unpolluted area, our study cities can be divided into two classes: class I (S/N > 0.15, S excess) and class II (S/N < 0.15, N excess), possibly indicative of stronger industrial activity and higher density of population, respectively. Mosses in all these cities obtained S and N from rainwater at a similar ratio. Sulphur and N isotope ratios in mosses are found significantly linearly correlated with local coal δ34S and NH4+–N wet deposition, respectively, indicating that local coal and animal NH3 are the major atmospheric S and N sources.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Development of models for predicting toxicity from sediment chemistry by partial least squares-discriminant analysis and counter-propagation artificial neural networks
Alvarez-Guerra, Manuel | Ballabio, Davide | Amigo, José Manuel | Bro, Rasmus | Viguri, Javier R.
There is strong interest in developing tools to link chemical concentrations of contaminants to the potential for observing sediment toxicity that can be used in initial screening-level sediment quality assessments. This paper presents new approaches for predicting toxicity in sediments, based on 10-day survival tests with marine amphipods, from sediment chemistry, by means of the application of Partial Least Squares-Discriminant Analysis (PLS-DA) and Counter-propagation Artificial Neural Networks (CP-ANNs) to large historical databases of chemical and toxicity data. The exploration of the internal structure of the developed models revealed inherent limitations of predicting toxicity from common chemical analyses of bulk contaminant concentrations. However, the results obtained in the validation of these models combined relevant values of non-error classification rate, sensitivity and specificity of, respectively, 76, 87 and 73% with PLS-DA and 92, 75 and 97% with CP-ANNs, outperforming the results reported for previous approaches. Models for predicting toxicity based on amphipod tests, derived using PLS-DA and CP-ANN, can be useful aids for screening-level sediment quality assessment.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Bioavailability of residual polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons following enhanced natural attenuation of creosote-contaminated soil
Juhasz, Albert L. | Smith, Euan | Waller, Natasha | Stewart, Richard | Weber, John
The impact of residual PAHs (2250 ± 71 μg total PAHs g−1) following enhanced natural attenuation (ENA) of creosote-contaminated soil (7767 ± 1286 μg total PAHs g−1) was assessed using a variety of ecological assays. Microtox™ results for aqueous soil extracts indicated that there was no significant difference in EC50 values for uncontaminated, pre- and post-remediated soil. However, in studies conducted with Eisenia fetida, PAH bioaccumulation was reduced by up to 6.5-fold as a result of ENA. Similarly, Beta vulgaris L. biomass yields were increased 2.1-fold following ENA of creosote-contaminated soil. While earthworm and plant assays indicated that PAH bioavailability was reduced following ENA, the residual PAH fraction still exerted toxicological impacts on both receptors. Results from this study highlight that residual PAHs following ENA (presumably non-bioavailable to bioremediation) may still be bioavailable to important receptor organisms such as earthworms and plants. Residual PAHs in creosote-contaminated soil following enhanced natural attenuation impacted negatively on ecological receptors.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Mercury transport between sediments and the overlying water of the St. Lawrence River area of concern near Cornwall, Ontario
Delongchamp, Tania M. | Ridal, Jeffrey J. | Lean, David R.S. | Poissant, Laurier | Blais, Jules M.
Contaminated sediments in the St. Lawrence River remain a difficult problem despite decreases in emissions. Here, sediment and pore water phases were analyzed for total mercury (THg) and methyl mercury (MeHg) and diffusion from the sediment to the overlying water was 17.5 ± 10.6 SE ng cm−2 yr−1 for THg and 3.8 ± 1.7 SE ng cm−2 yr−1 for MeHg. These fluxes were very small when compared to the particle-bound mercury flux accumulating in the sediment (183 ± 30 SE ng cm−2 yr−1). Studies have reported that fish from the westernmost site have higher Hg concentrations than fish collected from the other two sites of the Cornwall Area of Concern, which could not be explained by differences in the Hg flux or THg concentrations in sediments, but the highest concentrations of sediment MeHg, and the greatest proportions of MeHg to THg in both sediment and pore water were observed where fish had highest MeHg concentrations.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Relationship between heavy metals pollution and genetic diversity in Mediterranean populations of the sandhopper Talitrus saltator (Montagu) (Crustacea, Amphipoda)
Ungherese, G. | Mengoni, A. | Somigli, S. | Baroni, D. | Focardi, S. | Ugolini, A.
Trace metals are one of the groups of pollutants that reduce genetic variability in natural populations, causing the phenomenon known as "genetic erosion". In this study we evaluate the relationship between trace metals contamination (Hg, Cd and Cu) and genetic variability, assessed using fluorescent Inter-Simple Sequence Repeats (fISSRs). We used eight populations of a well-established biomonitor of trace metals on sandy beaches: the amphipod Talitrus saltator. The trace metals analysis confirmed the ability of sandhoppers to accumulate Hg, Cd and Cu. Moreover, populations from sites with high Hg availability had the lowest values of genetic diversity. Our results validate the use of fISSR markers in genetic studies in sandhoppers and support the "genetic erosion" hypothesis by showing the negative influence of Hg contamination on sandhopper genetic diversity. Therefore, genetic variability assessed with fISSR markers could be successfully employed as a biomarker of Hg exposure.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Decrease of labile Zn and Cd in the rhizosphere of hyperaccumulating Thlaspi caerulescens with time
By using a rhizobox micro-suction cup technique we studied in-situ mobilization and complexation of Zn and Cd in the rhizosphere of non-hyperaccumulating Thlaspi perfoliatum and two different Thlaspi caerulescens ecotypes, one of them hyperaccumulating Zn, the other Zn and Cd. The dynamic fraction (free metal ions and small labile complexes) of Zn and Cd decreased with time in the rhizosphere solution of the respective hyperaccumulating T. caerulescens ecotypes, and at the end of the experiment, it was significantly smaller than in the other treatments. Furthermore, the rhizosphere solutions of the T. caerulescens ecotypes exhibited a higher UV absorptivity than the solution of the T. perfoliatum rhizosphere and the plant-free soil. Based on our findings we suggest that mobile and labile metal-dissolved soil organic matter complexes play a key role in the rapid replenishment of available metal pools in the rhizosphere of hyperaccumulating T. caerulescens ecotypes, postulated earlier.
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