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Результаты 1871-1880 из 2,498
Behaviours of psychotropic substances in indoor and outdoor environments of Rome, Italy
Cecinato, Angelo | Balducci, Catia | Romagnoli, Paola | Perilli, Mattia
The intensive campaign conducted in March 2013 in Rome, Italy, at one coffee bar, one primary school and two homes revealed that in indoor environments, drugs can reach concentration levels exceeding orders of magnitude those recorded outdoors, even when the same substances are not consumed there. At homes, the gross average of cocaine reached 0.13 ng/m³indoors and 0.09 ng/m³outdoors (ratio ~ 1.6); Δ⁹-tetrahydrocannabinol was 6.6 ng/m³indoors and 1.1 ng/m³outdoors (ratio ~ 7); cannabidiol reached 0.30 and 0.07 ng/m³, respectively (ratio ~ 6); and cannabinol 2.3 ng/m³indoors and 0.7 ng/m³outdoors (ratio ~ 3). At the coffee bar, the average drug burdens were even higher, namely 0.33, 4.7, 14.3 and 2.5 ng/m³, respectively, for cocaine, cannabidiol, tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabinol. The school presented a special behaviour: the indoor/outdoor concentration ratios of cocaine, cannabidiol, tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabinol accounting for ~1.5, ~0, ~4 and ~0.5, in the order. Cocaine was more abundant on weekdays at all sites except one home indoors, whilst total cannabinoids prevailed on weekends at the other home and the school. Using the regional network stations as reference, all indoor locations except one were more contaminated by cocaine by a factor ≥1.5, whilst cannabinoids were, aside from the school, up to 100 times higher.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]A new method for modelling roofing materials emissions on the city scale: Application for zinc in the City of Créteil (France)
Sellami-Kaaniche, Emna | Gouvello, Bernard de | Gromaire, Marie-Christine | Chebbo, G. (Ghassan)
Today, urban runoff is considered as an important source of environmental pollution. Roofing materials, in particular, the metallic ones, are considered as a major source of urban runoff metal contaminations. In the context of the European Water Directive (2000/60 CE), an accurate evaluation of contaminant flows from roofs is thus required on the city scale, and therefore the development of assessment tools is needed. However, on this scale, there is an important diversity of roofing materials. In addition, given the size of a city, a complete census of the materials of the different roofing elements represents a difficult task. Information relating roofing materials and their surfaces on an urban district do not currently exist in urban databases. The objective of this paper is to develop a new method of evaluating annual contaminant flow emissions from the different roofing material elements (e.g., gutter, rooftop) on the city scale. This method is based on using and adapting existing urban databases combined with a statistical approach. Different rules for identifying the materials of the different roofing elements on the city scale have been defined. The methodology is explained through its application to the evaluation of zinc emissions on the scale of the city of Créteil.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Spatial and temporal distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in surface water from Liaohe River Basin, northeast China
Lv, Jiapei | Xu, Jian | Guo, Changsheng | Zhang, Yuan | Bai, Yangwei | Meng, Wei
Liaohe River Basin is an important region in northeast China, which consists of several main rivers including Liao River, Taizi river, Daliao River, and Hun River. As a highly industrialized region, the basin receives dense waste discharges, causing severe environmental problems. In this study, the spatial and temporal distribution of aqueous polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Liaohe River Basin from 50 sampling sites in both dry (May) and level (October) periods in 2012 was investigated. Sixteen USEPA priority PAHs were quantified by gas chromatography/mass selective detector. The total PAH concentration ranged from 111.8 to 2,931.6 ng/L in the dry period and from 94.8 to 2766.0 ng/L in the level period, respectively. As for the spatial distribution, the mean concentration of PAHs followed the order of Taizi River > Daliao River > Hun River > Liao River, showing higher concentrations close to large cities with dense industries. The composition and possible sources of PAHs in the water samples were also determined. The fractions of low molecular weight PAHs ranged from 58.2 to 93.3 %, indicating the influence of low or moderate temperature combustion process. Diagnostic ratios, principal component analysis, and hierarchical cluster analysis were used to study the possible source categories in the study area, and consistent results were obtained from different techniques, that PAHs in water samples mainly originated from complex sources, i.e., both pyrogenic and petrogenic sources. The benzo[a]pyrene equivalents (EBaP) characterizing the ecological risk of PAHs to the aquatic environment suggested that PAHs in Liaohe River Basin had already caused environmental health risks.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Effect of Zn toxicity on root morphology, ultrastructure, and the ability to accumulate Zn in Moso bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens)
Liu, Dan | Chen, Junren | Mahmood, Qaisar | Li, Song | Wu, Jiasen | Ye, Zhengqian | Peng, Danli | Yan, Wenbo | Lu, Kouping
The effects of zinc (Zn) on seed germination and growth of Moso bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens) were investigated. Under zinc stress, the seed germination rate did not show significant difference from that of the control. Hydroponics experiments indicated that Moso bamboo had a strong ability to accumulate Zn in the shoot and it reached its maximum value in the shoot at 100 μM Zn. The root Zn concentration ranged from 2,329.29 to 8,642.51 mg kg⁻¹, with the root Zn concentration at 10 μM Zn being 58.23 times that of the control. The root morphology parameters slightly increased at the lower Zn treatments, while growth restriction was evident at higher Zn treatments. Root ultrastructural studies revealed that the cell structure, root tips, and organelles were significantly changed under Zn stress as compared to those of the control. Some abnormalities were evident in the cell walls, vacuoles, mitochondria, plasmalemma, tonoplast, and xylem parenchyma of root cells. While Moso bamboo seems a suitable candidate for phytoremediation, its metal remediation ability should be further explored in future investigations.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles by microorganism using organic pollutant: its antimicrobial and catalytic application
Otari, S. V. | Patil, R. M. | Nadaf, N. H. | Ghosh, S. J. | Pawar, S. H.
A novel approach for the green synthesis of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) from aqueous solution of AgNO₃using culture supernatant of phenol degraded broth is reported in this work. The synthesis was observed within 10 h, and AgNPs showed characteristic surface plasmon resonance around 410 nm. Spherical nanoparticles of size less than 30 nm were observed in transmission electron microscopy. X-ray diffraction pattern corresponding to 111, 200, 220, and 311 revealed the crystalline nature of the as-formed nanoparticles. It was found that the colloidal solution of AgNP suspensions exhibited excellent stability over a wide range of ionic strength, pH, and temperature. The effect of pH and ionic strength indicated that stabilization is due to electrostatic repulsion arising from the negative charge of the conjugate proteins. The AgNPs showed highly potent antimicrobial activity against Gram-positive, Gram-negative, and fungal microorganisms. The as-prepared AgNPs showed excellent catalytic activity in reduction of 4-nitrophenol to 4-aminophenol by NaBH₄. By manufacturing magnetic alginate beads, the reusability of the AgNPs for the catalytic reaction has been demonstrated.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Development and application of a regional-scale atmospheric mercury model based on WRF/Chem: a Mediterranean area investigation
Gencarelli, Christian Natale | De Simone, Francesco | Hedgecock, Ian Michael | Sprovieri, Francesca | Pirrone, Nicola
The emission, transport, deposition and eventual fate of mercury (Hg) in the Mediterranean area has been studied using a modified version of the Weather Research and Forecasting model coupled with Chemistry (WRF/Chem). This model version has been developed specifically with the aim to simulate the atmospheric processes determining atmospheric Hg emissions, concentrations and deposition online at high spatial resolution. For this purpose, the gas phase chemistry of Hg and a parametrised representation of atmospheric Hg aqueous chemistry have been added to the regional acid deposition model version 2 chemical mechanism in WRF/Chem. Anthropogenic mercury emissions from the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme included in the emissions preprocessor, mercury evasion from the sea surface and Hg released from biomass burning have also been included. Dry and wet deposition processes for Hg have been implemented. The model has been tested for the whole of 2009 using measurements of total gaseous mercury from the European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme monitoring network. Speciated measurement data of atmospheric elemental Hg, gaseous oxidised Hg and Hg associated with particulate matter, from a Mediterranean oceanographic campaign (June 2009), has permitted the model’s ability to simulate the atmospheric redox chemistry of Hg to be assessed. The model results highlight the importance of both the boundary conditions employed and the accuracy of the mercury speciation in the emission database. The model has permitted the reevaluation of the deposition to, and the emission from, the Mediterranean Sea. In light of the well-known high concentrations of methylmercury in a number of Mediterranean fish species, this information is important in establishing the mass balance of Hg for the Mediterranean Sea. The model results support the idea that the Mediterranean Sea is a net source of Hg to the atmosphere and suggest that the net flux is ≈30 Mg year⁻¹of elemental Hg.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics in the first year following herbicide and scalping in a revegetation trial in south-east Queensland, Australia
Hosseini Bai, Shahla | Xu, Zhihong | Blumfield, Timothy J. | Wild, Clyde H. | Chen, Chengrong
During revegetation, the maintenance of soil carbon (C) pools and nitrogen (N) availability is considered essential for soil fertility and this study aimed to evaluate contrasting methods of site preparation (herbicide and scalping) with respect to the effects on soil organic matter (SOM) during the critical early establishment phase. Soil total C (TC), total N (TN), hot-water extractable organic C (HWEOC), hot-water extractable total N (HWETN), microbial biomass C and N (MBC and MBN), total inorganic N (TIN) and potentially mineralizable N (PMN) were measured over 53 weeks. MBC and MBN were the only variables affected by herbicide application. Scalping caused an immediate reduction in all variables, and the values remained low without any sign of recovery for the period of the study. The impact of scalping on HWETN and TIN lasted 22 weeks and stabilised afterwards. MBC and MBN were affected by both herbicide and scalping after initial treatment application and remained lower than control during the period of the study but did not decrease over time. While scalping had an inevitable impact on all soil properties that were measured, that impact did not worsen over time, and actually improved plant growth (unpublished data) while reducing site establishment costs. Therefore, it provides a useful alternative for weed control in revegetation projects where it is applied only once at site establishment and where SOM would be expected to recover as canopy closure is obtained and nutrient cycling through litterfall commences.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]In vitro exposure of Ostrya carpinifolia and Carpinus betulus pollen to atmospheric levels of CO, O₃ and SO ₂
Cuinica, Lázaro G. | Abreu, Ilda | da Silva, Joaquim C. G Esteves
Ostrya spp. and Carpinus spp. pollen was in vitro exposed to three atmospheric pollutants: CO, O₃ and SO₂. Two levels of each pollutant were used, and the first level corresponds to a concentration about the atmospheric hour-limit value acceptable for human health protection in Europe and the second level to about the triple of the first level. Experiments were done under artificial solar light with temperature and relative humidity controlled. The viability of the exposed pollen samples showed a significant decrease. Also, the germination percentage showed a significant decrease in both exposed pollens, and the effect was most pronounced for SO₂, followed by O₃ and CO. A general decreasing trend in the total soluble protein content of the exposed pollen samples when compared with the control was observed, but it was only statistically significant for the Ostrya spp pollen. The results showed marked effects were observed on the Ostrya spp. and Carpinus spp. pollen when exposed to air pollutant levels that can be considered safe for human health protection.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]A reactive transport model for mercury fate in soil—application to different anthropogenic pollution sources
Leterme, Bertrand | Blanc, Philippe | Jacques, Diederik
Soil systems are a common receptor of anthropogenic mercury (Hg) contamination. Soils play an important role in the containment or dispersion of pollution to surface water, groundwater or the atmosphere. A one-dimensional model for simulating Hg fate and transport for variably saturated and transient flow conditions is presented. The model is developed using the HP1 code, which couples HYDRUS-1D for the water flow and solute transport to PHREEQC for geochemical reactions. The main processes included are Hg aqueous speciation and complexation, sorption to soil organic matter, dissolution of cinnabar and liquid Hg, and Hg reduction and volatilization. Processes such as atmospheric wet and dry deposition, vegetation litter fall and uptake are neglected because they are less relevant in the case of high Hg concentrations resulting from anthropogenic activities. A test case is presented, assuming a hypothetical sandy soil profile and a simulation time frame of 50 years of daily atmospheric inputs. Mercury fate and transport are simulated for three different sources of Hg (cinnabar, residual liquid mercury or aqueous mercuric chloride), as well as for combinations of these sources. Results are presented and discussed with focus on Hg volatilization to the atmosphere, Hg leaching at the bottom of the soil profile and the remaining Hg in or below the initially contaminated soil layer. In the test case, Hg volatilization was negligible because the reduction of Hg²⁺ to Hg⁰ was inhibited by the low concentration of dissolved Hg. Hg leaching was mainly caused by complexation of Hg²⁺ with thiol groups of dissolved organic matter, because in the geochemical model used, this reaction only had a higher equilibrium constant than the sorption reactions. Immobilization of Hg in the initially polluted horizon was enhanced by Hg²⁺ sorption onto humic and fulvic acids (which are more abundant than thiols). Potential benefits of the model for risk management and remediation of contaminated sites are discussed.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Polychlorinated biphenyl (118) activates osteoclasts and induces bone resorption in goldfish
Yachiguchi, Koji | Matsumoto, Noriko | Haga, Yuki | Suzuki, Motoharu | Matsumura, Chisato | Tsurukawa, Masahiro | Okuno, Toshihiro | Nakano, Takeshi | Kawabe, Kimi | Kitamura, Kei-ichiro | Toriba, Akira | Hayakawa, Kazuichi | Chowdhury, Vishwajit S. | Endo, Masato | Chiba, Atsuhiko | Sekiguchi, Toshio | Nakano, Masaki | Tabuchi, Yoshiaki | Kondo, Takashi | Wada, Shigehito | Mishima, Hiroyuki | Hattori, Atsuhiko | Suzuki, Nobuo
To analyze the effect of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) 118 on fish bone metabolism, we examined osteoclastic and osteoblastic activities, as well as plasma calcium levels, in the scales of PCB (118)-injected goldfish. In addition, effect of PCB (118) on osteoclasts and osteoblasts was investigated in vitro. Immature goldfish, in which the endogenous effects of sex steroids are negligible, were used. PCB (118) was solubilized in dimethyl sulfoxide at a concentration of 10 ppm. At 1 and 2 days after PCB (118) injection (100 ng/g body weight), both osteoclastic and osteoblastic activities, and plasma calcium levels were measured. In an in vitro study, then, both osteoclastic and osteoblastic activities as well as each marker mRNA expression were examined. At 2 days, scale osteoclastic activity in PCB (118)-injected goldfish increased significantly, while osteoblastic activity did not change significantly. Corresponding to osteoclastic activity, plasma calcium levels increased significantly at 2 days after PCB (118) administration. Osteoclastic activation also occurred in the marker enzyme activities and mRNA expressions in vitro. Thus, we conclude that PCB (118) disrupts bone metabolism in goldfish both in vivo and in vitro experiments.
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