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Результаты 221-230 из 306
Biogeocycle of the pollutants in the Mediterranean Sea: environmental importance of humic acids
Balkas, T.A. | Basturk, O. | Gaines, A.F. | Salihoglu, I. (Middle East Technical Univ., Erdemli (Turkey). Marine Science Dept.) | Ozyildiz, G.
Arsenic, copper and vanadium in Mullus barbatus and Parapenaeus longirostris from Saronikos Gulf, Greece
Papadopoulou, C. | Zafiropoulos, D. | Grimanis, A.P. (Nuclear Research Center "Demokritos", Athens (Greece). Radioanalytical Lab.)
A preliminary benthic survey of an area in Oreos Channel (Greece)
Bogdanos, C. (Institute of Oceanographic and Fisheries Research, Athens (Greece))
[Use of correspondance factorial analysis and of automatic classification in the study of the repartition of metallic pollutants in the Rhone delta sediments]
Ringot, J.L.
Eutrophication and phytoplankton growth in the Saronikos Gulf of the Aegean Sea from 1973 to 1974
Wolff Gudenberg, H.J. von (Kiel Univ. (Germany, F.R.). Inst. fuer Meereskunde)
A comparison of trace element content in muscle (dark and white) and liver of Auxis rochei [tunas]
Andreotis, J.S. | Papadopoulou, C. (Democritos Nuclear Research Centre, Athens (Greece). Radioanalytical Lab.)
[Levels of pollution in the Balearic islands coastal waters, Spain]
Chacartegui, G. (Instituto Espanol de Oceanografia, Palma de Mallorca (Spain). Centro Costero de Baleares)
[Heavy metals contained in some organs of striped mullets (Mullus barbatus) and anchovies (Engraulis encrasicholus) of the Gulf of Genoa, Italy]
Capelli, R. | Cappiello, A. | Franchi, A. | Zanicchi, G. (Universita di Genova (Italy). Gruppo di Ricerca Oceanologica)
Comparison of two methods for analyses of chlorinated hydrocarbons in marine organisms [marine fishes]
Smodlaka, N. | Devescovi, M. | Ivancic, I. (Rudjer Boskovic Inst., Rovinj (Yugoslavia). Center for Marine Research)
Physico-chemical investigations: observations about coastal sea-waters pollution in the Gulf of Trieste [Italy]
Majori, L. | Nedoclan, G. | Daris, F. | Modonutti, G.B. | Campello, C. (Trieste Univ. (Italy). Inst. of Hygiene)