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Species-specific accumulation of polybrominated diphenyl ether flame retardants in birds of prey from the Chesapeake Bay region, USA
Compared to organochlorines, little is known about polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) contamination of birds of prey breeding in the Chesapeake Bay, the largest estuary in the U.S. This study examined and compared PBDE contamination in eggs of osprey, double-crested cormorant, brown pelican and peregrine falcon from this area. Several legacy persistent organic pollutants such as PCBs and DDE were also investigated. The level of urbanization of the landscape appeared to influence the level of PBDE exposure. PBDE congener distribution patterns varied between piscivorous and terrestrial-feeding birds. This suggests individual congeners may be subject to differences in bioaccumulation, biomagnification or metabolism in the aquatic and terrestrial food webs. Biomagnification of PBDEs was studied in the Bay aquatic food chains for the first time. A biomagnification factor of 25.1 was estimated for ΣPBDEs for the fish - osprey egg food chain. Hazard quotients, applied as a preliminary evaluation, indicated that PBDEs may pose a moderate hazard to ospreys and peregrine falcons through impairment of reproductive performance.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]The impact of ambient ozone on mountain spruce forests in the Czech Republic as indicated by malondialdehyde
Hůnová, Iva | Novotný, Radek | Uhlířová, Hana | Vráblík, Tomáš | Horálek, Jan | Lomský, Bohumír | Šrámek, Vít
Malondialdehyde (MDA), a product of lipid peroxidation and biomarker of oxidative stress, is measured over the long term in spruce Picea abies needles under real conditions in three Czech mountain border areas. The trends presented collate the MDA content in spruce needles with ambient ozone, temperature and precipitation as casual, and defoliation as a subsequent factor for the period 1994-2006. We have found the overall decreasing trends in MDA and defoliation. The highest MDA and defoliation are recorded in the Jizerske, the lowest in the Krusne hory Mts. Out of the examined variables the MDA is predicted best by mean temperature in vegetation season, median of O3 concentrations and AOT40; these three variables account for 34% of MDA1 and 36% of MDA2 variability. Our hypothesis that higher ambient O3 exposure results in higher MDA contents in P. abies needles under real conditions has not been approved.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Accumulation of free and covalently bound microcystins in tissues of Lymnaea stagnalis (Gastropoda) following toxic cyanobacteria or dissolved microcystin-LR exposure
Lance, Emilie | Neffling, Milla-Riina | Gérard, Claudia | Meriluoto, Jussi | Bormans, Myriam
Accumulation of free microcystins (MCs) in freshwater gastropods has been demonstrated but accumulation of MCs covalently bound to tissues has never been considered so far. Here, we follow the accumulation of total (free and bound) MCs in Lymnaea stagnalis exposed to i) dissolved MC-LR (33 and 100 μg L−1) and ii) Planktothrix agardhii suspensions producing 5 and 33 μg MC-LR equivalents L−1 over a 5-week period, and after a 3-week depuration period. Snails exposed to dissolved MC-LR accumulated up to 0.26 μg total MCs g−1 dry weight (DW), with no detection of bound MCs. Snails exposed to MCs producing P. agardhii accumulated up to 69.9 μg total MCs g−1 DW, of which from 17.7 to 66.7% were bound. After depuration, up to 15.3 μg g−1 DW of bound MCs were detected in snails previously exposed to toxic cyanobacteria, representing a potential source of MCs transfer through the food web. The study concerns accumulation and elimination of both free and bound microcystins (MCs) in tissues of a gastropod exposed to MCs producing cyanobacteria or dissolved MC-LR.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Synthesis of core-shell magnetic molecular imprinted polymer by the surface RAFT polymerization for the fast and selective removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals from aqueous solutions
Li, Ying | Li, Xin | Chu, Jia | Dong, Cunku | Qi, Jingyao | Yuan, Yixing
In this study, we present a general protocol for the making of surface-imprinted core-shell magnetic beads via reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) polymerization using RAFT agent functionalized iron oxide nanoparticles as the chain transfer agent. The resulting composites were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) analysis, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The surface-imprinted magnetic beads were demonstrated with a homogeneous polymer films (thickness of about 22 nm), spherical shape, and exhibited magnetic property (Ms = 0.41 mA m2 g−1) and thermal stability. Rebinding experiments were carried out to determine the specific binding capacity and selective recognition. The as-synthesized surface-imprinted core-shell magnetic beads showed outstanding affinity and selectivity towards bisphenol A over structurally related compounds, and easily reach the magnetic separation under an external magnetic field. In addition, the resulting composites reusability without obviously deterioration in performance was demonstrated at least five repeated cycles.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Correlations of Eisenia fetida metabolic responses to extractable phenanthrene concentrations through time
McKelvie, Jennifer R. | Wolfe, David M. | Celejewski, Magda | Simpson, Andre J. | Simpson, Myrna J.
Eisenia fetida earthworms were exposed to phenanthrene for thirty days to compare hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin (HPCD) extraction of soil and 1H NMR earthworm metabolomics as indicators of bioavailability. The phenanthrene 28-d LC50 value was 750 mg/kg (632–891, 95% confidence intervals) for the peat soil tested. The initial phenanthrene concentration was 319 mg/kg, which biodegraded to 16 mg/kg within 15 days, at which time HPCD extraction suggested that phenanthrene was no longer bioavailable. Multivariate statistical analysis of 1H NMR spectra for E. fetida tissue extracts indicated that phenanthrene exposed and control earthworms differed throughout the 30 day experiment despite the low phenanthrene concentrations present after 15 days. This metabolic response was better correlated to total phenanthrene concentrations (Q2 = 0.59) than HPCD-extractable phenanthrene concentrations (Q2 = 0.46) suggesting that 1H NMR metabolomics offers considerable promise as a novel, molecular-level method to directly monitor the bioavailability of contaminants to earthworms in the environment.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]The profile of antibiotics resistance and integrons of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase producing thermotolerant coliforms isolated from the Yangtze River basin in Chongqing
Chen, Hao | Shu, Weiqun | Chang, Xiaosong | Chen, Ji-an | Guo, Yebin | Tan, Yao
The spreading of extended-spectrum β-lactamases (ESBL)-producing thermotolerant coliforms (TC) in the water environment is a threat to human health but little is known about ESBL-producing TCs in the Yangtze River. We received 319 ESBL-producing stains obtained from the Chongqing basin and we investigated antibiotic susceptibility, bla gene types and the presence of integrons and gene cassettes. 16.8% of TC isolates were ESBL-producing bacteria and blaTEM+CTx-M was the predominant ESBL type. 65.2% of isolates contained class 1 integrons, but only 3 carried intI 2. Gene cassettes were amplified and sequenced. aadA, drfA, cmlA, sat1, aar3 and two ORF cassettes were found. In conclusion, Yangtze River is heavily polluted by ESBL-producing TC bacteria and the combined bla gene type could enhance antibiotic resistance. Class 1 integrons were widespread in ESBL-producing isolates and play an important role in multi-drug resistance. Characterization of gene cassettes could reveal the dissemination of antibiotic resistance genes.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Adaptation to osmotic stress provides protection against ammonium nitrate in Pelophylax perezi embryos
The negative effects of pollution on amphibians are especially high when animals are additionally stressed by other environmental factors such as water salinity. However, the stress provoked by salinity may vary among populations because of adaptation processes. We tested the combined effect of a common fertilizer, ammonium nitrate (0–90.3 mg N–NO3NH4/L), and water salinity (0–2‰) on embryos of two Pelophylax perezi populations from ponds with different salinity concentrations. Embryos exposed to the fertilizer were up to 17% smaller than controls. Survival rates of embryos exposed to a single stressor were always below 10%. The exposure to both stressors concurrently increased mortality rate (>95%) of embryos from freshwater. Since the fertilizer was lethal only when individuals were stressed by the salinity, it did not cause lethal effects on embryos naturally adapted to saline environments. Our results underscore the importance of testing multiple stressors when analyzing amphibian sensitivity to environmental pollution. Natural resistance to salinity minimizes the impact of chemical fertilizers on amphibian embryos.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Impact of dissolved organic matter on bioavailability of chlorotoluron to wheat
Chlorotoluron (Chl) is a phenylurea herbicide and is widely used for controlling weeds. While it has brought great benefits to crop production, it has also resulted in contamination to ecosystem. In this study, we investigated accumulation of chlorotoluron (Chl) and biological responses of wheat plants as affected by dissolved organic matter (DOM). Wheat seedlings grown under 10 mg kg−1 Chl for 4 d showed a low level of chlorophyll accumulation and damage to plasma membrane. The growth was inhibited by exposure of chlorotoluron. Treatment with 50 mg DOC kg−1 DOM derived either from sludge (DOM-SL) or straw (DOM-ST) attenuated the chlorotoluron toxicity to plants. Both DOMs decreased activities of catalase, peroxidase and superoxide dismutase in Chl-treated seedlings. However, an increased glutathione S-transferases activity was observed under the same condition. Wheat plants treated with Chl in the presence of DOM accumulated less Chl than those treated with Chl alone. Moreover, in the presence of DOM, bioconcentration factor (BCF) decreased whereas translocation factors increased. Analyses with FT-IR spectra confirmed the regulatory role of DOMs in reducing Chl accumulation in wheat. Dissolved organic matter (DOM) as a soil amendment can reduce herbicide accumulation in crops.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]A simple inexpensive gas phase chemiluminescence analyzer for measuring trace levels of arsenic in drinking water
Sengupta, Mrinal K. | Hossain, Zafreen A. | Ohira, Shin-Ichi | Dasgupta, Purnendu K.
An inexpensive sensitive gas-phase chemiluminescence (GPCL) based analyzer for arsenic is described; this device utilizes manual fluid dispensing operations to reduce size, weight and cost. The analyzer in its present form has a limit of detection (LOD, S/N = 3) of 1.0 μg/L total inorganic As (peak heightbased, 3 mL sample). The system was used to measure low level arsenic in tap water samples from Texas and New Mexico and compared with results obtained by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) as well as those from an automated GPCL analyzer. Good correlations were observed. Higher levels of As (50–500 μg/L, As(III), As(V) and mixtures thereof) were spiked into local tap water; the recoveries ranged from 95 ± 2% to 101 ± 1%. A single instrument weighs less than 3 kg, consumes <25 W in power, can be incorporated in a briefcase and constructed for <$US $1000. It is easily usable in the field. An inexpensive instrument capable of measuring down to 1 μg/L As is reported.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Response of stable carbon isotope in epilithic mosses to atmospheric nitrogen deposition
Liu, Xue-Yan | Xiao, Hua-Yun | Liu, Cong-Qiang | Li, You-Yi | Xiao, Hong-Wei | Wang, Yan-Li
Epilithic mosses are characterized by insulation from substratum N and hence meet their N demand only by deposited N. This study investigated tissue C, total Chl and δ13C of epilithic mosses along 2 transects across Guiyang urban (SW China), aiming at testing their responses to N deposition. Tissue C and total Chl decreased from the urban to rural, but δ13Cmoss became less negative. With measurements of atmospheric CO2 and δ13CO2, elevated N deposition was inferred as a primary factor for changes in moss C and isotopic signatures. Correlations between total Chl, tissue C and N signals indicated a nutritional effect on C fixation of epilithic mosses, but the response of δ13Cmoss to N deposition could not be clearly differentiated from effects of other factors. Collective evidences suggest that C signals of epilithic mosses are useful proxies for N deposition but further works on physiological mechanisms are still needed.
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