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Результаты 241-250 из 2,498
Characterization of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans, dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls, and polychlorinated naphthalenes in the environment surrounding secondary copper and aluminum metallurgical facilities in China
Hu, Jicheng | Zheng, Minghui | Liu, Wenbin | Nie, Zhiqiang | Li, Changliang | Liu, Guorui | Xiao, Ke
Unintentionally produced persistent organic pollutants (UP-POPs) were determined in ambient air from around five secondary non-ferrous metal processing plants in China, to investigate the potential impacts of the emissions of these plants on their surrounding environments. The target compounds were polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs), dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (dl-PCBs), and polychlorinated naphthalenes (PCNs). The PCDD/F, dl-PCB, and PCN concentrations in the ambient air downwind of the plants were 4.70–178, 8.23–7520 and 152–4190 pg/m3, respectively, and the concentrations upwind of the plants were lower. Clear correlations were found between ambient air and stack gas concentrations of the PCDD/Fs, dl-PCBs, and PCNs among the five plants, respectively. Furthermore, the UP-POPs homolog and congener patterns in the ambient air were similar to the patterns in the stack gas samples. These results indicate that UP-POPs emissions from the plants investigated have obvious impacts on the environments surrounding the plants.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Impact of urbanization level on urban air quality: A case of fine particles (PM2.5) in Chinese cities
Han, Lijian | Zhou, Weiqi | Li, Weifeng | Li, Li
We examined and compared PM2.5 concentrations in urban and the surrounding regions, and further investigated the impact of urbanization on urban PM2.5 concentrations at the Chinese prefectures. Annual PM2.5 concentrations in most prefectures were greater than 10 μg/m3, the air quality guideline of the World Health Organization. Those prefectures were mainly distributed along the east coast and southeast of Sichuan province; The urban PM2.5 concentrations (UrbanPM2.5) in 85 cities were greater than (>10 μg/m3) those in the surrounding area. Those cities were mainly located in the Beijing–Sichuan and Shanghai–Guangxi belts. In addition, UrbanPM2.5 was less than (<0 μg/m3) that in surrounding areas in only 41 prefectures, which were located in western China or nearby mega cities; Significant positive correlations were found between UrbanPM2.5 and urban population (R2 = 0.99, P < 0.05), and between UrbanPM2.5 and urban second industry fraction (R2 = 0.71, P < 0.05), suggesting that urbanization had considerable impact on PM2.5 concentrations.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Particle-bound PAHs quantification using a 3-stages cascade impactor in French indoor environments
Liaud, Céline | Dintzer, Thierry | Tschamber, Valérie | Trouve, Gwénaëlle | Le Calvé, Stéphane
Cascade Impactor is a powerful sampling method to collect airborne particles as a function of their size. The 3-stages Cascade Impactor used in this study allowed to sample simultaneously particles with aerodynamic diameter Dae > 10 μm, 2.5 μm < Dae < 10 μm, 1 μm < Dae < 2.5 μm and Dae < 1 μm. Once collected individual concentrations of the 16 US-EPA priority Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) bound to particles were quantified for 8 different indoor environments located in Strasbourg area in France. All the heavy PAHs owning between 4 and 6 aromatic rings were detected in all of the 8 sampling sites. The total PAHs concentration varied from 0.44 to 2.09 ng m−3 for a low-energy building school and a smoking apartment, respectively. Results revealed also that high molecular weight PAHs were mainly associated to the finest particles. Our data are consistent with those measured elsewhere in European indoor environments.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Spatial and temporal trends in brominated flame retardants in seabirds from the Pacific coast of Canada
Miller, Aroha | Elliott, John E. | Elliott, Kyle H. | Guigueno, Mélanie F. | Wilson, Laurie K. | Lee, Sandi | Idrissi, Abde
Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and hexabromocyclododecane (HBCDD) are bioaccumulative flame retardants. PBDEs increased in many ecosystems during the late 20th century, but recently have declined in some environments. To examine trends in the northern Pacific, we analysed PBDEs, HBCDD and carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes (δ13C and δ15N) to account for dietary effects in archived eggs of three seabird species from British Columbia, Canada, 1990–2011 (rhinoceros auklets, Cerorhinca monocerata; Leach's storm-petrels, Oceanodroma leucorhoa; ancient murrelets, Synthliboramphus antiquus, 2009 only). PBDEs increased until approximately 2000 and then decreased, while HBCDD increased exponentially throughout the examined period. No significant changes in dietary tracers were observed. HBCDD and ΣPBDE levels varied among species; ΣPBDE also varied among sites. Temporal changes in contaminant concentrations are unlikely to have been caused by dietary changes, and likely reflect the build-up followed by decreases associated with voluntary phase-outs and regulations implemented in North America to control PBDEs.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Exposure to air pollutants and mortality in hypertensive patients according to demography: A 10 year case-crossover study
Wong, Martin C.S. | Tam, Wilson W.S. | Wang, Harry H.X. | Lao, X.Q. | Zhang, Daisy Dexing | Chan, Sky W.M. | Kwan, Mandy W.M. | Fan, Carmen K.M. | Cheung, Clement S.K. | Tong, Ellen L.H. | Cheung, N.T. | Tse, L.A. | Yu, Ignatius T.S.
This study evaluated whether short term exposures to NO2, O3, particulate matter <10 mm in diameter (PM10) were associated with higher risk of mortality. A total of 223,287 hypertensive patients attended public health-care services and newly prescribed at least 1 antihypertensive agent were followed-up for up to 5 years. A time-stratified, bi-directional case-crossover design was adopted. For all-cause mortality, significant positive associations were observed for NO2 and PM10 at lag 0–3 days per 10 μg/m3 increase in concentration (excess risks 1.187%–2.501%). Significant positive associations were found for O3 at lag 1 and 2 days and the excess risks were 1.654% and 1.207%, respectively. We found similarly positive associations between these pollutants and respiratory disease mortality. These results were significant among those aged ≥65 years and in cold seasons only. Older hypertensive patients are susceptible to all-cause and respiratory disease-specific deaths from these air pollutants in cold weather.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]The Danube so colourful: A potpourri of plastic litter outnumbers fish larvae in Europe's second largest river
Lechner, Aaron | Keckeis, Hubert | Lumesberger-Loisl, Franz | Zens, Bernhard | Krusch, Reinhard | Tritthart, Michael | Glas, Martin | Schludermann, Elisabeth
Previous studies on plastic pollution of aquatic ecosystems focused on the world's oceans. Large rivers as major pathways for land-based plastic litter, has received less attention so far. Here we report on plastic quantities in the Austrian Danube. A two year survey (2010, 2012) using stationary driftnets detected mean plastic abundance (n = 17,349; mean ± S.D: 316.8 ± 4664.6 items per 1000 m−3) and mass (4.8 ± 24.2 g per 1000 m−3) in the river to be higher than those of drifting larval fish (n = 24,049; 275.3 ± 745.0 individuals. 1000 m−3 and 3.2 ± 8.6 g 1000 m−3). Industrial raw material (pellets, flakes and spherules) accounted for substantial parts (79.4%) of the plastic debris. The plastic input via the Danube into the Black Sea was estimated to 4.2 t per day.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Exploitation of deep-sea resources: The urgent need to understand the role of high pressure in the toxicity of chemical pollutants to deep-sea organisms
Mestre, Nélia C. | Calado, Ricardo | Soares, Amadeu M.V.M.
The advent of industrial activities in the deep sea will inevitably expose deep-sea organisms to potentially toxic compounds. Although international regulations require environmental risk assessment prior to exploitation activities, toxicity tests remain focused on shallow-water model species. Moreover, current tests overlook potential synergies that may arise from the interaction of chemicals with natural stressors, such as the high pressures prevailing in the deep sea. As pressure affects chemical reactions and the physiology of marine organisms, it will certainly affect the toxicity of pollutants arising from the exploitation of deep-sea resources. We emphasize the need for environmental risk assessments based on information generated from ecotoxicological trials that mimic, as close as possible, the deep-sea environment, with emphasis to a key environmental factor – high hydrostatic pressure.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Ingestion and transfer of microplastics in the planktonic food web
Setälä, Outi | Fleming-Lehtinen, Vivi | Lehtiniemi, Maiju
Experiments were carried out with different Baltic Sea zooplankton taxa to scan their potential to ingest plastics. Mysid shrimps, copepods, cladocerans, rotifers, polychaete larvae and ciliates were exposed to 10 μm fluorescent polystyrene microspheres. These experiments showed ingestion of microspheres in all taxa studied. The highest percentage of individuals with ingested spheres was found in pelagic polychaete larvae, Marenzelleria spp. Experiments with the copepod Eurytemora affinis and the mysid shrimp Neomysis integer showed egestion of microspheres within 12 h. Food web transfer experiments were done by offering zooplankton labelled with ingested microspheres to mysid shrimps. Microscopy observations of mysid intestine showed the presence of zooplankton prey and microspheres after 3 h incubation. This study shows for the first time the potential of plastic microparticle transfer via planktonic organisms from one trophic level (mesozooplankton) to a higher level (macrozooplankton). The impacts of plastic transfer and possible accumulation in the food web need further investigations.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Fe biogeochemistry in reclaimed acid mine drainage precipitates—Implications for phytoremediation
Rojas, Claudia | Martínez, Carmen Enid | Bruns, Mary Ann
At a 50-year-old coal mine drainage barrens in central Pennsylvania, USA, we evaluated the biogeochemistry of acidic, Fe(III)oxy(hydr)oxide precipitates in reclaimed plots and compared them to untreated precipitates in control areas. Reclaimed plots supported successional vegetation that became established after a one-time compost and lime treatment in 2006, while control plots supported biological crusts. Precipitates were sampled from moist yet unsaturated surface layers in an area with lateral subsurface flow of mine drainage above a fragipan. Fe(II) concentrations were three- to five-fold higher in reclaimed than control precipitates. Organically bound Fe and amorphous iron oxides, as fractions of total Fe, were also higher in reclaimed than control precipitates. Estimates of Fe-reducing and Fe-oxidizing bacteria were four- to tenfold higher in root-adherent than both types of control precipitates. By scaling up measurements from experimental plots, total Fe losses during the 5-yr following reclamation were estimated at 45 t Fe ha−1 yr−1.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Predicting nitrogen and acidity effects on long-term dynamics of dissolved organic matter
Rowe, E.C. | Tipping, E. | Posch, M. | Oulehle, F. | Cooper, D.M. | Jones, T.G. | Burden, A. | Hall, J. | Evans, C.D.
Increases in dissolved organic carbon (DOC) fluxes may relate to changes in sulphur and nitrogen pollution. We integrated existing models of vegetation growth and soil organic matter turnover, acid–base dynamics, and organic matter mobility, to form the ‘MADOC’ model. After calibrating parameters governing interactions between pH and DOC dissolution using control treatments on two field experiments, MADOC reproduced responses of pH and DOC to additions of acidifying and alkalising solutions. Long-term trends in a range of acid waters were also reproduced. The model suggests that the sustained nature of observed DOC increases can best be explained by a continuously replenishing potentially-dissolved carbon pool, rather than dissolution of a large accumulated store. The simulations informed the development of hypotheses that: DOC increase is related to plant productivity increase as well as to pH change; DOC increases due to nitrogen pollution will become evident, and be sustained, after soil pH has stabilised.
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