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Uranium in the Groundwater of Permo-Triassic Aquifers of the Visok Region, Stara Planina, Eastern Serbia
Nikic, Zoran | Kovačević, Jovan | Papic, Petar
An elevated concentration of uranium in the water of some springs in the Permo-Triassic sedimentary rocks of the Visok region, south-eastern slopes of the Stara Planina, eastern Serbia, is interpreted based on geological, hydrogeological and hydrochemical data. Uranium concentration in groundwater was first examined whilst exploring for uranium minerals as an energy resource. The purpose of a later hydrogeological investigation was assessment of a safe drinking water supply to a planned ski-centre hotel. The maximum contaminant level for uranium, recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO), is 15 μg/L. This work reviews and interprets the naturally elevated uranium in springs from the Permo-Triassic sediments of Visok, focusing on geological, hydrogeological, hydrogeochemical and other factors of uranium contamination. Uranium distribution in groundwater from Permo-Triassic aquifers was studied by taking groundwater, spring sediment and rock samples. The varied mobility of uranium depends largely on lithology, which also controls the chemistry of groundwater. The investigation results have shown that sulfate-calcium groundwater is a suitable facilitator of uranium mobility with a high migration coefficient of 0.77. Uranium concentrations in this water were up to 41 μg/L, with a Sa/Sr mass ratio of around 20, and a mineral content of about 0.5 g/L. The hydrochemistry was characteristically transitional Eh and pH neutral. Elevated uranium in groundwater has been reported globally and may be compared.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Mitigation of Diffuse Phosphorus Pollution during Rewetting of Fen Peat Soils: A Trans-European Case Study
Meissner, R. | Leinweber, P. | Rupp, H. | Shenker, M. | Litaor, M. I. | Robinson, S. | Schlichting, A. | Koehn, J.
Intensive cultivation of fen peat soils (Eutric Histosols) for agricultural purposes, started in Europe about 250 years ago, resulting in decreased soil fertility, increased oxidation of peat and corresponding CO₂-emissions to the atmosphere, nutrient transfer to aquatic ecosystems and losses in the total area of the former native wetlands. To prevent these negative environmental effects set-aside programs and rewetting measures were promoted in recent years. Literature results and practical experiences showed that large scale rewetting of intensively used agricultural Histosols may result in the mobilisation of phosphorus (P), its transport to adjacent surface waters and an accelerated eutrophication risk. The paper summarises results from an international European Community sponsored research project and demonstrates how results obtained at different scales and from different scientific disciplines were compiled to derive a strategy to carry out rewetting measures. A decision support system (DSS) for a hydrologically sensitive area in the Droemling catchment in north-eastern Germany was developed and is presented as a tool to regulate rewetting in order to control P release. It is demonstrated that additional laboratory experiments to identify essential processes of P release during rewetting and the site-specific management of the water table, the involvement of specific knowledge and experience of the stakeholders are necessary to develop an applicable DSS. The presented DSS is practically used to prevent freshwater resources from diffuse P pollution.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Wet Deposition of Nitrogenous Pollutants and the Effect of Storm Duration and Wind Direction: A Case Study from Inland Southern California
Padgett, Pamela E. | Minnich, Richard A.
Meteorological factors affecting concentration of dissolved inorganic nitrogen in rain were examined. Rain samples were collected on an event basis from a location 100 km east of the Los Angeles Basin. Analysis of the data demonstrated a double decay function where small increases in rain volume resulted in large decreases in nitrogen concentration. In separate time series collections of individual storms, storm wind direction also influenced nitrogen concentrations
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Arsenic Concentration in Tobacco Leaves: A Study on Three Commercially Important Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) Types
Lugon-Moulin, Nicolas | Martin, Florian | Krauss, Marc R. | Ramey, Patrice B. | Rossi, Luca
In recent years, arsenic (As) has received increased attention as humans may be exposed to it through occupational and environmental exposure. Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) like other crops can uptake this element from the soil, which may lead to human exposure. Here, we report on a survey on arsenic in cured or processed tobacco leaves obtained from Africa, Asia, Europe, South and North America. A total of 1,431 leaf samples of flue-cured, burley, and Oriental tobaccos were obtained from various sampling locations during 2002 to 2004. Arsenic concentration in the samples averaged 0.4 ± 0.6 μg g⁻¹ as determined by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. Recorded values from most samples showed that concentrations of arsenic were usually found at the lower end of the distribution. Significant differences were found among tobacco types, sampling locations, and crop years. Arsenic concentrations were rather low in the majority of regions investigated, which is compatible with data from the literature. However, sample size was small and sampling geographically restricted. Our results would need to be validated with a larger dataset.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Sodium Fluoride Induced Growth and Metabolic Changes in Salicornia brachiata Roxb
Fluoride, a common phytotoxic air, water and soil pollutant is commonly released to the environment by a number of industrial processes. Agricultural soils high in fluoride are common due to long term accumulation of fluoride from multi-sources and extensive application of phosphate fertilizers. The effect of sodium fluoride (0, 50,100,150 mM) on growth, pigments content, changes in biochemical parameters, along with fluoride and other ions accumulation was investigated in Salicornia brachiata grown in solution cultures under controlled conditions. With fluoride treatment growth as fresh or dry mass accumulation increased marginally. However, higher concentrations decreased the biomass and shoot tip became blunt; margin of the shoot changed its colour to reddish brown and developed necrotic spots. Photosynthetic pigments (chlorophylls and carotenoids) content decreased, while, anthocyanin content increased significantly with fluoride treatment. Peroxidase (POX), superoxide dismutase (SOD), ATPase and acid phosphate activities were negatively regulated. In addition F-, Na⁺, Mn²⁺ and Fe²⁺ ions concentration increased while, K⁺, Ca²⁺ and Mg²⁺ contents decreased with fluoride treatment. To our knowledge this is the first report on fluoride tolerance in a marshy halophytes using as high as 150 mM concentration and the results suggest that S. brachiata is a moderately fluoride tolerant annual halophyte and may be useful to vegetate the fluoride contaminated marshy lands.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Trace Element Concentrations in Saltmarsh Soils Strongly Affected by Wastes from Metal Sulphide Mining Areas
Soil and water samples were analysed for trace metals and As in two watercourses and 14 sampling plots in a salt marsh polluted by mine wastes in SE Spain. Groundwater levels, soil pH and Eh were measured 'in situ' for a 12-month period in each sampling plot, and total calcium carbonate was also determined. Low concentrations of soluble metals (maximum Mn 1.089 mg L-¹ and maximum Zn 0.553 mg L-¹) were found in the watercourses. However, total metal contents were extremely high in the soils of a zone of the salt marsh (maximum 1,933 mg kg-¹ of Mn, 62,280 mg kg-¹ of Zn, 16,845 mg kg-¹ of Pb, 77 mg kg-¹ of Cd, 418 mg kg-¹ of Cu and 725 mg kg-¹ of As), and soluble metals in the pore water reached 38.7 mg L-¹ for Zn, 3.15 mg L-¹ for Pb, 48.0 mg L-¹ for Mn, 0.61 mg L-¹ for Cd and 0.29 mg L-¹ for As. Variable concentrations with depth indicate a possible re-mobilisation of the metals, which could be related to spatial and temporal variations of water table level, pH and Eh and to the presence of calcium carbonate. A tendency for the Eh to decrease in the warmest months and to increase in the coldest ones was found, especially, in plots that received water with a high content of dissolved organic carbon. Hence, the existence of nutrient effluent-enriched water may modify the physical-chemical conditions of the soil-water system and influence metal mobility.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]POPs in Mountain Soils from the Alps and Andes: Suggestions for a 'Precipitation Effect' on Altitudinal Gradients
POPs are still a priority environmental problem, but can be used as a scientific tool for understanding the distribution phenomena. Both high mountains and polar areas are seen as priority zones for contamination studies. In this context, two altitudinal series of soil samples were analysed for several classes of Persistent Organic Pollutants (PCBs, DDTs, HCHs, HCB and chlordane). Two transects were carried out - one in the Peruvian Andes (Cordillera Blanca) and the other in the Italian Alps (Mount Legnone). In these two areas, POP composition and levels both gave different results, linked to regional emission history. The Italian samples were characterized by high levels of industrial type compounds, and by surprisingly high DDT contamination, due to a defined consistent local source in Northern Italy. The Peruvian samples, on the other hand, were characterized by generally low POP levels with relatively high DDT contamination. The concentration increase in line with elevation was evident only in the Italian transect, where higher precipitation intensities and an increasingly higher precipitation gradient in accordance with altitude was found present. Precipitations are considered a key factor for enhancing the condensation effect at high altitudes and for reducing summer revolatilisation, as they lower soil temperature. In the Italian altitudinal gradient, evidence of fractionation processes, with a shift of the PCB composition towards less chlorinated congeners, and a vegetation effect with a mean woodland/grassland enrichment factor between 2 and 4 were also observed.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Whole-year-round Observation of N₂O Profiles in Soil: A Lysimeter Study
Reth, S | Graf, W | Gefke, O | Schilling, R | Seidlitz, H. K | Munch, J. C
Despite many studies of the N₂O emission, there is a lack of knowledge on the role of subsoil for N₂O emission, particularly in sandy soils. To obtain insight into the entrapment, diffusion, convection and ebullition of N₂O in the soil, the N₂O concentration in the soil atmosphere was measured over a period of 1 year in 4 lysimeters (agricultural soil monoliths of 1 m2 x 2 m) at 30, 50, 80, 155, and 190 cm depth with altogether 86 gas probes. Additionally the N₂O emission into the atmosphere was measured in 20 closed chambers at the soil surface. Concurrently the soil temperature and soil water content were recorded in order to quantify their effects on the fate of N₂O in the soil. Results of the continuous measurements between January and December 2006 were: N₂O concentrations were highest in the deeper soil; maximum concentration was found at a depth of 80 cm, where the water content was high and the gas transport reduced. The highest N₂O concentration was recorded after 'special events' like snowmelt, heavy rain, fertilization, and grubbing. The combination of fertilization and heavy rain led to an increase of up to 2,700 ppb in the subsoil.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Composition, Distribution, and Characterization of Organochlorine Pesticides in Sandstorm Depositions in Beijing, China
Fu, S. | Li, K. | Yang, Z. Z. | Xu, X. B.
Sandstorms which distribute a great number of particles are a special atmospheric occurrence and are uncommon in northern China. This study was conducted to determine, for the first time, the concentration of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in sandstorm depositions. Samples were collected from urban areas of Beijing and a total of eight OCPs were measured. All samples contained OCP residues. The total hexachlorocyclohexane (HCHs) concentration ranged from 20.6 to 59.8ng g⁻¹ and the total dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDTs) concentration ranged from 12.0 to 14.3ng g⁻¹. Furthermore, increasing HCH contamination was observed from the northwest to the southeast and a uniform distribution of DDT contamination was discovered in Beijing. Analysis of the sources of contamination showed that HCHs in the sandstorm depositions were derived from a relatively old source of lindane, and DDTs mainly originated from an old source of dicofol in Beijing. The preliminary pollution assessment of the samples indicated that HCH levels might be categorized as low pollution and DDT levels might be categorized as no pollution. The present study suggests that sandstorm depositions may not produce the special risk of adverse health effect from OCPs for the residents of Beijing, China.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Utilization Potential of Peats - a Study on Peat Biodegradability Determined by Respirometric Method
Roppola, Katri | Kuokkanen, Toivo | Kujala, Kauko | Kuokkanen, Matti
The biodegradation of different peat types was studied with a manometric respirometric test. Compaction peat and sphagnum peat samples were analysed, and the effect of peat pH on biodegradation behaviour was evaluated. Only minor (BOD/ThOD < 0.4%) biodegradation was observed with compaction peat samples, and the stable state, in which biodegradation stopped, was achieved during a two month period. As expected, sphagnum peat samples with a lower decomposition rate degraded more than compaction peat samples. Alkalinity (pH between ca. 4-9) of the peat was noticed to reduce the degree of biodegradation and accelerate the achievement of the stable state.
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