AGRIS — международная информационная система по сельскохозяйственным наукам и технологиям

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Результаты 31-40 из 345

Sea-water quality and level pollution in the coastal Southern Adriatic [Montenegro, Yugoslavia]


Regner, D. (Institut za biologiju mora, Kotor (Yugoslavia)) | Vuksanovic, N. | Dutina, M. | Stjepcevic, B. | Sestovic, K.

Unassigned data from Yugoslavia - Antarctica

Measurement of concentration of some metals in tissues of mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) collected from Boka Kotorska gulf [Montenegro, Yugoslavia]


Zikic, R.V. (Prirodno-matematicki fakultet, Kragujevac (Yugoslavia)) | Mihajlovic, R.P. | Mandic, S. | Stajn, A.S. | Pavlovic, S.Z. | Ognjanovic, B.I.

Unassigned data from Yugoslavia - Antarctica

Contribution to the evaluation of usability of surface water from the "Gornji Banat" meliorated region [Serbia, Yugoslavia] for irrigation


Vidovic, M. (Zavod za zastitu zdravlja, Kikinda (Yugoslavia)) | Cupic, S. | Kilibarda, P. | Medarevic, S.

Unassigned data from Yugoslavia - Antarctica

Soil erosion as a factor of water contamination


Kostadinov, S. (Univerzitet u Beogradu, Beograd (Yugoslavia). Sumarski fakultet) | Topalovic, M. | Markovic, S. | Miletic, Z.

Unassigned data from Yugoslavia - Antarctica

Use of partially immobilized membrane ATPase in heavy metals determination


Nikezic, G. (Institut za nuklearne nauke Vinca, Beograd (Yugoslavia). Laboratorija za molekularnu biologiju i endokrinologiju) | Horvat, A. | Jovanovic, D. | Vasic, V. | Vujisic, Lj. | Nedeljkovic, N. | Radak, B. | Kopecni, M.

Unassigned data from Yugoslavia - Antarctica

[Muds - sediments influence on water quality and functioning of the Danube-Tisza-Danube hydrosystem [Yugoslavia]]


Bozinovic, M. (Poljoprivredni fakultet, Novi Sad (Yugoslavia). Institut za uredjenje voda) | Savic, R. | Pantelic, S.

Unassigned data from Yugoslavia - Antarctica

Influence of a soil base on water quality in the [water] reservoir "Grliste" [Serbia, Yugoslavia]


Milenkovic, P. (Zavod za zastitu zdravlja "Timok", Zajecar (Yugoslavia)) | Nakic, S. ("Vodovod", Zajecar (Yugoslavia))

Unassigned data from Yugoslavia - Antarctica

Water potential of the Goc mountain [Serbia, Yugoslavia] in the function of sustainable management of the forest ecosystems


Ristic, R. (Sumarski fakultet, Beograd (Yugoslavia)) | Macan, G. | Malosevic, D. | Nikic, Z. | Macan, I.

Unassigned data from Yugoslavia - Antarctica

Content of harmful and dangeous matter in waters for irrigation in the South Backa area [Serbia, Yugoslavia]


Stefanovic, S. | Zdravkovic, M. (Institut za zemljiste, Beograd (Yugoslavia))

Unassigned data from Yugoslavia - Antarctica

Water usability for irrigation on some irrigation systems in Vojvodina [Serbia, Yugoslavia]


Belic, S. | Savic, R. | Belic, A. (Poljoprivredni fakultet, Novi Sad (Yugoslavia). Institut za uredjenje voda)

Unassigned data from Yugoslavia - Antarctica