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Adsorption, Desorption And Mobility of Fomesafen in Chinese Soils
Guo, Jiangfeng | Zhu, Guonian | Shi, Jianjun | Sun, Jinhe
Fomesafen, 5-[2-chloro-4-(trifluoromethyl)phenoxy]-N-(methylsulfonyl)-2-nitrobenzamide, is used widely for weed control in soybeans since its introduction to China. Little information is available on its adsorption, desorption and movement in Chinese soils. The adsorption, desorption and mobility of fomesafen in six Chinese soils was studied. Adsorption isotherms agreed with the Freundlich equation very well. The results of regressionanalysis indicated that soil pH was more important than organic matter for fomesafen adsorption. Fomesafen was more readily desorbed from soils with 0.01 M CaSO₄solution. Soil TLC and column leaching studies showed that fomesafen and its metabolites was less mobile in Chinese soils. About 89.82% of applied fomesafen and its metabolites still remained in upper 5 cm layer 60 days after treatment under field conditions.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]An Application of Geographic Information System (GIS) to a Fictitous Thermal Power Plant in Mersin, Türkiye: An Application of Dispersion Modelling Coupled with GIS
Oguz, Mustafa
In this study, local air quality impacts of a proposed conventionalcoal-fired power plant in the İçel region has been investigated using numerical dispersion modeling studies coupled with a GIS application. Within the impact area of the facility, Industrial Source Complex Short Term (ISCST2) dispersion model has been used to estimate ground-level concentrations of air pollutants originating from the power plant. For the same impact area, GIS applications have been utilised to determine the agricultural yield distribution. For this purpose, relevant satellite images were digitised, classified and statistically analyzed. Based on the predicted ground-level pollutant concentrations and sensitivity of the agricultural crops to the pollutants, agricultural yield loss was estimated for the impact area.The results have been quantified and valuated in monetary terms for the purpose of performing an environmental cost benefit analysis. Comparison of the conventional cost benefit analysis with the environmental cost benefit analysis showed the significance of the external cost of the proposed facility, resulting from the environmental damages.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Removal of Mercury Ions from Mixed Aqueous Metal Solutions by Natural and Modified Zeolitic Minerals
Gebremedhin-Haile, T. | Olguín, M. T. | Solache-Ríos, M.
Research works on the removal of mercury from water by zeolitic mineralshow that small quantities of this element are sorbed. In this work the mercury sorption from aqueous solutions in the presence and absence of Cu(II), Ni(II) and Zn(II) onto a Mexican zeolitic mineral unmodified and modified with cysteamine hydrochloride or cystamine dihydrochloride was investigated in acidic pH. The zeolitic minerals were characterized by thermogravimetric analysis, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and FTIR. The sorption kinetics behavior and the retention isotherms for mercury were determined in the natural and treated zeolitic mineral samples. It was found that the amounts of sulfur on the modified zeolitic minerals were 0.375 (cysteamine hydrochloride) and 0.475 (cystamine dihydrochloride) mmol g⁻¹, which were not saturated to their total capacities of adsorption for the maximum concentration used (0.310 mM). Under the experimental conditions, the retention of mercury was the highest for the zeolitic minerals treated with the organic compounds, with adsorption capacities ranging from 0.0107 to 0.0509 mmol Hg g⁻¹.The retention was not affected by the presence of others heavy metals studied in this work as expected.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Urban Snow Residuals Generated from Traffic Activities
Sansalone, John J. | Glenn III, Donald W. | Tribouillard, Thierry
Urban transportation activities generate a wide gradation of anthropogenic solids with varying physical and chemical properties. These solids accumulatein urban highway snow and remain as residual deposition material after the melting and recession of the snow from the pavement shoulder. This study analyzed the physical characteristics of these residuals and the associatedheavy metals for 10 urban highway sites located throughout metropolitan Cincinnati. Results from the residuals analyses indicate that for all sites particle gradations ranged from greater than 5000-μm to less than 25-μm with a mean d₅₀of 1225-μm. Specific gravity (ρₛg) of residual solids ranged from 2.5 to 3.2 as evaluated for intervals across thegradations, with the lower specific gravity associated with particles less than 100-μm. For each gradation, specific surface area (SSA) generally increased with decreasing particle size while the predominance of total surface area (SA) was associated with the coarser size fractions. Cumulativeanalysis for Pb, Cu, Cd and Zn associated with snow residuals indicated that more than 50% of the heavy metal mass was associated with particles greaterthan 250-μm and more than 80% was associated with particles greater than 50-μm. Results provide guidance for management of urban snow residuals and design of treatment strategies focused on these residuals.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Application of Bioassays for Risk Characterisation and Remediation Control of Soils Polluted with Nitroaromatics and PAHs
Rila, Jean-Paul | Eisentraeger, Adolf
Six soil samples taken from three contaminated sites have been assessed using chemical, ecotoxicological and genotoxicological methods. From two of these sites, samples were characterised after remediation. An overall assessment of the soil samples was done with a scheme consisting of two phases. Remediation of main pollutants in these samples, did in general not lead to a risk reduction of the water-extractable ecotoxic and genotoxic potential. It was concluded, that the assessment and remediation of contaminated sites without consideration of biological test systems is not sufficient. Focussing on single hazardous compounds does in many cases not lead to a reduction of the ecotoxic or genotoxic potential. Consequently, effects of accompanying hazardous compounds, which are not routinely quantified, might be underestimated. It was pointed out, that the assessment of contaminated soil samples on the basis of LID-values applying dual dilution series seems to be sufficient for the evaluation, if there is no need for a quantitative comparison of toxic potentials.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]AgriBMPWater - system approach to environmentally acceptable farming : results in the perspective of potential users as farmers, land managers and water directors
Turpin, N. | Laplana, R. | Strauss, P. | Kaljonen, M. | Barlund, I. | Benigni, G. | Bioteau, Thierry | Birgand, François | Bontems, Philippe | Bordenave, Pierre | Eklo, O.M. | Feichtinger, F. | Garnier, M. | Haverkamp, R. | Leone, A. | Piet, Laurent | Romstad, E. | Rotillon, G. | Tattari, S. | Zahm, Frédéric | Lo Porto, Antonio | Lescot, Jean-Marie | Ripa, M.N. | Gestion environnementale et traitement biologique des déchets (UR GERE) ; Centre national du machinisme agricole, du génie rural, des eaux et forêts (CEMAGREF) | Aménités et dynamiques des espaces ruraux (UR ADBX) ; Centre national du machinisme agricole, du génie rural, des eaux et forêts (CEMAGREF) | IKT PETZENKIRCHEN AUT ; Partenaires IRSTEA ; Institut national de recherche en sciences et technologies pour l'environnement et l'agriculture (IRSTEA)-Institut national de recherche en sciences et technologies pour l'environnement et l'agriculture (IRSTEA) | SYKE HELSINKI FIN ; Partenaires IRSTEA ; Institut national de recherche en sciences et technologies pour l'environnement et l'agriculture (IRSTEA)-Institut national de recherche en sciences et technologies pour l'environnement et l'agriculture (IRSTEA) | Università degli studi della Tuscia = Tuscia University [Viterbo] (UNITUS) | Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA) | Norwegian Crop Research Institute ; Plant Protection Centre | IRSA BARI ITA ; Partenaires IRSTEA ; Institut national de recherche en sciences et technologies pour l'environnement et l'agriculture (IRSTEA)-Institut national de recherche en sciences et technologies pour l'environnement et l'agriculture (IRSTEA) | Université Grenoble Alpes [2016-2019] (UGA [2016-2019]) | AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY OF NORWAY AAS NOR ; Partenaires IRSTEA ; Institut national de recherche en sciences et technologies pour l'environnement et l'agriculture (IRSTEA)-Institut national de recherche en sciences et technologies pour l'environnement et l'agriculture (IRSTEA) | Université Paris Nanterre (UPN)
[Departement_IRSTEA]EEE [Departement_IRSTEA]GT [TR1_IRSTEA]31 - RURAMEN / TERREAU | A comparison between different existing or simulated BMPs has been carried out through a cost/effectiveness assessment along with the study of their acceptability by farmers on eight European watersheds in a multidisciplinary framework involving eleven research teams. Water quality problems encountered and dealt with in this project for all eight watersheds include: high nitrate loads and concentrations at the outlet of the two western French watersheds associated with dairy production, high loads of phosphorus into lake Vico (Italy) associated with hazelnut plantations, high nitrate concentration in groundwater for two watersheds in Austria and Italy, high sediment loads at the outlet of a second Austrian watershed, acid water associated with artificial drainage of moraine soils in Finland, pesticide contamination in Norway.The comparison of different BMPs for a given watershed is built as a 6 steps framework :step 1 : describing the watershed, the general problematic (including the objective of the different actors) and of the main water quality problems. .step 2 : describing and computing the hydrology. Description of the model used, calibration and validation of the model, definition of critical areas and risky practices, assessment of their impact on total fluxes or concentrations, deduction of proposed BMPs, assessment of the ex ante effectiveness of each BMP.step 3 : describing the economics. Description of the diversity of farms, choice of the model to represent this diversity, results of model implementation (does this model provide an acute description of the statu quo situation ?), assessment of the consequences on introducing BMPs and ex ante cost of this introduction.step 4 : assessing the results of steps 2 and 3 to a cost/efficiency ratio for each BMP.step 5 : interviewing the farmers to assess the acceptability for each BMP.step 6 : comparing of the cost/efficiency ratio and the acceptability to build a selection grid.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Chemical degradation methods for wastes and pollutants
Tarr, Matthew A.
Summertime evolution of ozone in the high Arctic
Schulz, Astrid | Krieg, J. | Notholt, Justus | Lehmann, Ralph
Assessment of industrial pollution
In the Indian context.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Agriculture non-point source pollution control | Agriculture nonpoint source pollution control
Cestti, Rita | Srivastava, Jitendra | Jung, Samira
Annotation This publication aims to draw the attention of professionals and practitioners working in agricultural and environmental sectors to the experience and successes of the environmentally friendly good agricultural practices being used in the Chesapeake Bay Region of the United States to reduce nutrient loads in water. | Annotation Over the last few decades the quality of many international water bodies has deteriorated, resulting in economic losses from declines in the fishing industry and in tourism, as well as a loss of biodiversity and health impacts from contaminated water. This deterioration has been caused by many factors including nutrient run-off from agriculture, insufficiently treated sewage, drainage of wetlands, coastal erosion, introduction of exotic species, eutrophication and inadequate resource management. One of the most significant sources of degradation has been form excessive discharge of nitrogen and phosphorus compounds (nutrients), due to the poor management practices used in agricultural, domestic and industrial activities. This publication aims to draw the attention of professionals and practitioners working in agricultural and environmental sectors to the experience and successes of the environmentally friendly good agricultural practices being used in the Chesapeake Bay Region of the United States to reduce nutrient loads in water.
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