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Effect of Fulvic Acid on the Denitrification in Deep Subsurface Wastewater Infiltration System
Jingjing Lv, Jingjing Li, Yanyan Dou, Guoke Chen, Yubing Ye and Li’an Hou
This work aims to explore the impact of fulvic acid (FA) on denitrification within the purification process of sewage in the deep subsurface wastewater infiltration system (DSWIS). In the system, an organic glass column (height = 2.40 m; radius = 0.30 m) was filled with several layers of soil. Simulated domestic wastewater and extracted FA from landfill leachate were used in the experiments. It was found that before and after the addition of FA, COD, and NH4+-N were efficiently removed when a hydraulic load was 8 cm·d-1. Moreover, after FA addition, the removal efficiency of TN was enhanced from 67.74% to 78.01%. Organic matter transformation analysis indicated that in the under part, the shortage of carbon sources limited the denitrification prior to FA addition, resulting in a low TN removal efficiency. However, after adding FA, more FA-like substances were transferred into protein-like matters than before the addition of FA, which has helped produce more easily biodegradable organics for denitrification. So, the addition of FA could enhance the denitrification process in the system of DSWIS.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Influence of Yeast Bioinoculant Isolated from Indian Date Palm Tree (Phoenix sylvestris) Sap on the Health of Wheat Crop and Soil
M. S. Ambawade, N. V. Manghwani, P. R. Madhyani, A. M. Shaikh, D. D. Patil and G. R. Pathade
In this study, three promising yeast isolates were isolated from the sap of the Indian date palm tree (Phoenix sylvestris) and characterized by biochemical tests and 18S rRNA gene sequencing. They were confirmed as Saccharomyces cerevisiae and were designated as strains PYS-1, PYS-2, and PYS-3. These confirmed strains were used for the preparation of bioinoculants. Bioinoculant was prepared and applied to wheat crops, and the effect of Bioinoculant. Statistical analysis is carried out using analysis of variance (ANOVA), and it is found that the absorbance of chlorophyll, protein, and Indole Acetic Acid (IAA) content is significantly increased. The treatment of bioinoculant showed that crops significantly increased chlorophyll, protein, and IAA content. Further, we applied bioinoculant on the soil and measured the soil’s humus content before and after the treatment of bioinoculant. Then, a paired t-test was applied to check the effectiveness of the treatment, and it was found to significantly increase humus content in the soil. The use of bioinoculants is an economically feasible and eco-friendly method.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]The Effect of Government Subsidies on Innovation Capability of the New Energy Vehicle Industry
Guixing Yang
Countries all over the world are paying attention to the growth of the new energy vehicle industry and implementing various subsidy policies to stimulate industry development to enhance the new energy vehicle industry’s innovative capability. This study uses a network DEA model to analyze China’s new energy vehicle industry’s technological innovation capability, decomposing it into two stages: technology development and innovation transformation, and calculating the innovation capability level of China’s new energy vehicle industry from 2012 to 2017. The findings show that due to a disconnect between the efficiency of the technology development stage and the efficiency of the innovation transformation stage, innovation technology cannot serve business operations, resulting in China’s new energy vehicle industry’s overall low level of innovation capability. Based on this, an IT3SLS analysis of the factors influencing innovation capability and phase-by-phase efficiency reveals that while China’s new energy vehicle industry’s subsidy policy has historically failed to significantly improve innovation capability, there is a complementary/substitution effect between labor input, corporate capital, and government subsidies. Based on the findings of this study, important policy recommendations are made to further develop the technological capabilities of the new energy vehicle industry in the context of China’s present new energy policy.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Household Energy Fuel Choice in Nigeria Residential Urban Area
O. J. Ubani, A. Okosun, G. Chukwurah and Ivo Henry
In most Nigerian cities, there have been an increased number of trading in charcoals, firewood, and sawdust. Yet, the fast citing of cooking gas refilling stations in these areas requires much to be studied since their increasing number suggests great demand for cooking gas. The knowledge of the different household fuel choices and the drivers of this choice was lacking in Nigerian cities, thus the inability of energy policymakers to predict and plan household fuel agenda in Nigeria. The thrust of this paper was to analyze the household energy fuel choice and the pattern of consumption as well as analyze the household socioeconomic factors that influenced the fuel choice in the Abakaliki urban area of Ebonyi State, Nigeria. Stratified and simple random sampling was adopted in the study. Regression was used to consider the relationship between energy fuel choice and household socioeconomic factors. It was revealed that there was a mixture of traditional and modern energy fuel choices in the study area, with the modern energy fuel choices (gas and electricity) having higher patronage. There was a significant relationship between energy fuel choice and household socioeconomic factors. It was recommended, among others, that a clear energy fuel policy that will adopt the identified explorable household socioeconomic factors that influence the choice of energy fuel be developed.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Effects of Natural Radioactivity of Some Chemical and Organic Fertilizers on Gonads in Iraqi Kufa Markets
Abdulhussein A. Alkufi, Shaymaa A. Kadhim, Azhar S. Alaboodi and Shatha F. Alhous
This study assessed the hazard indicators of common chemical and organic fertilizers widely available in the markets of Najaf Governorate, Iraq. The concentrations of natural radionuclides were measured in thirteen types of fertilizers by Gamma spectrum using NaI(Tl) (3*3) detector. The average radioactivity of the nuclides 226Ra, 232Th, and 40K was (48.91, 37.04, and 702.4675) Bq.kg-1, respectively, for (Di-Aluminum Phosphate) the chemical fertilizers of the type (DAP) and the (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium) chemical fertilizers of the type (NPK) the average radioactivity of the nuclides 226Ra, 232Th, and 40K were (35.78, 42.356 and 1519.653) Bq.kg-1, respectively, while the average radioactivity of the organic fertilizers (Orga.) were 55.153, 23.148 and 1451.258 for the three studied nuclei. As for the average values for radium equivalent were 155.967, 213.363, and 200.0023 (Bq.kg-1) for (DAP), (NPK) and organic fertilizers, respectively. The values of the external severity index (Hex), gamma radiation hazard index (Iγ), and representative alpha index (Iα) were within the permissible limits determined by the UNCEAR 2000. The highest value of total annual effective dose equivalent(TAED) was 1.468 mSv.y-1, the lowest value was 0.302 mSv.y-1, and the mean values were 0.722 mSv.y-1. In contrast, the highest value for annual gonadal dose equivalent(AGED) was 1392.527 μSv.y-1, the lowest value was 275.361 μSv.y-1, and the average values for all models were 672.135 μSv.y-1. The Excess Lifetime Cancer Risk (ELCR), the highest value was 4.039 × 10-3, the lowest value was 0.833× 10-3, and the average value was 1.988× 10-3 for all fertilizers. The Pearson correlation between radioactive variables and cluster analysis was recognized for the three types of fertilizer samples despite it not being widely accepted. The study can be considered preliminary data for subsequent studies.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Economic Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture: A Study of India and its Neighbouring Countries Using ARDL Approach
Mashud Ahmed and Paramita Saha
This study aims to analyze the association between the share of agriculture in GDP and changes in climatic variables, notably per capita CO2 emissions and temperature change, using time series data of India, Bangladesh, and Nepal for the period 1961-2018. The ARDL bounds testing method was applied to analyze the relationships among the research variables for both short-term and long-term. The results revealed that in the long run, per capita CO2 emissions and temperature change have no statistically significant relationship with India and Nepal’s share of agriculture in GDP. However, temperature change has demonstrated a positive and statistically significant relationship with the share of agriculture in Bangladesh’s GDP. Temperature change has a significant and adverse impact on the share of agriculture in India’s GDP in the short run, whereas CO2 has no significant effect. In the short run, CO2 shows a positive and significant connection with the share of agriculture in Bangladesh’s GDP. Still, temperature change is negatively and significantly associated with the proportion of agriculture in the nation’s GDP. Different lag values of both CO2 and temperature change have significant relationships with the share of GDP in agriculture in the short run in Nepal. As agriculture is a key source of GDP for all three countries, it is vital to implement suitable policies and make plans and strategies to mitigate climate change’s harmful consequences in agriculture.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Palladium-Based Catalytic Treatment and a Rhizobacterial-Assisted Detoxification for the Enhanced Removal of Lindane
Rachana Sharma and Prabhu Thangadurai
This study aimed to assess the efficacy of a bimetallic system consisting of Mg0-Pd0 and the bacterium Acinetobacter sp. for the complete detoxification of lindane. Our results demonstrate that palladium immobilized on activated charcoal achieved a removal rate of >99% for 100 mg.L-1 of Lindane within 10 minutes, with the accumulation of trace amounts of intermediates. The reductive transformation of lindane followed 1st-order kinetics, with a calculated rate constant (kobs) of 0.77 min-1. The bimetallic system resulted in the formation of a non-toxic hydrocarbon as the end-product, indicating complete dehalogenation of lindane. Furthermore, Acinetobacter sp. effectively mineralized >98% of 100 mg.L-1 of Lindane after 26 h of cultivation without any accumulation of toxic metabolite(s) in the reaction medium, demonstrating the efficiency of the biological system. Integrating both chemical and biological systems could provide significant advantages for the treatment of lindane, reducing the treatment time and overall cost. This synergistic approach can significantly enhance the overall removal efficiency of lindane from contaminated soil and water.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Chemistry, Metabolism and Neurotoxicity of Organophosphorus Insecticides: A Review
Ashutosh Singh, Abhishek Singh, Akhilesh Singh, Priti Singh, Vivek Singh, Yogender Singh, Hardeep Singh Tuli, Hadi Sajid Abdulabbas and Abhishek Chauhan
Organophosphorus compounds (OPs) are phosphoric acid derivatives represented by the formula (R2XP=O/S), R as organic groups; however, they need not contain a direct carbon-phosphorus bond. The organophosphorus compounds can be categorized into three classes, viz., organophosphates, carbamates nerve agents. The OPs having application as insecticides are generally phosphorothioates (i.e., containing P=S bond). These sulfur analogs are first bioactivated (in vivo) and converted to oxygen analogs responsible for exerting toxic action. These organophosphorus compounds are esters, fluorides, anhydrides, and amides of phosphoric, phosphorothioate, and phosphorodithioic acids. The toxicity of OPs is related to their molecular structure, metabolism in the targeted organisms, concentration, mode of decomposition, application, ingestion in organisms, etc. Exposure to OPs leads to the appearance of neurological symptoms followed by acute poisoning by targeting the target primarily, acetylcholine (AChE). However, secondary targets and other harmful effects besides nerve system problems are also reported. Organophosphates poison insects and other animals, including birds, amphibians, and mammals. These chemicals can have neural effects (Neurotoxicity), non-neuronal effects, or acute toxicity, which may also result in fatality. Their uncontrollable widespread became a significant threat to the environment; thus, corrective measures have been essential to save living beings and the environment from further damage.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Predictability Augmentation by In-silico Study to In-vivo and In-vitro Results of Lung Doses of Airborne Fine and Ultrafine Particles Inhaled by Humans at Industrial Workplaces
M. Ali
This study correlates computational predictions with in vivo and in vitro experimental results of inhaled fine and ultrafine particulate matter (PM) transport, dissemination, and deposition in the human respiratory airways. Epidemiological studies suggest that workplace exposure to anthropogenic pollutant PMs is a risk factor for increased susceptibility to acute broncho-pulmonary illnesses. However, investigations on detailed human inhalation and PM transport processes are restrictive from time, cost, and ethical perspectives. Computational simulation based on the Multiple Path Particle Dosimetry (MPPD) model was employed to quantify the risks associated with workplace exposure of these PMs. Here, the physical, mechanical, and electrical properties of PMs of carbon black (CB) and ultrafine particles (UFPs) from wire-cut electrical discharge machining (WEDM), with mass median aerodynamic diameter (CMAD) in the range of 1 nm to 1000 nm, were used as input parameters of MPPD. Additionally, it mimicked occupational workers’ age, body mass index, and oronasal-combinational nose and mouth breathing exposure time. The deposition results were compared with several vivo and in vitro experimental data reported in the literature, and satisfactory agreements were found. For example, a total lung dose of CB-PMs of 100 nm is the highest (28%), while a 380 nm dose is the lowest (15%). Afterward, deposition increases with particle size, reaching 26% for 1000 nm. In the case of WEDM-UFPs, about 98% of all 1.0 nm inhaled particles remain in the lung. Subsequently, the deposition dose decreases with the particle size and reaches up to 28% for 100 nm particles. Approximately 51% of deposited WEDM-UFPs are of CMAD ≤ 5 nm. The images of lung geometry also observed the maximum deposited mass and mass flux rate in the head, tracheobronchial, and pulmonary airways.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]The Role of Stakeholders in Achieving Sustainable Agriculture: A Case Study in Sragen Regency, Indonesia
R. C. Sartika, Y. Purwaningsih, E. Gravitiani and P. Nitiyasa
Rice farming plays a crucial role in maintaining national resilience and stability. However, its sustainability is faced with complex and multidimensional challenges. One of the challenges agricultural sustainability faces is the reduction of farmland due to the construction of toll roads. The development of the Solo-Mantingan-Ngawi toll road has significantly impacted the reduction of agricultural land in Sragen Regency, the second-largest rice-producing area in Central Java after Grobogan. This issue will threaten national food security if left unaddressed without further intervention. The development of sustainable agriculture is expected to be a solution to promoting food resilience. However, stakeholder involvement is necessary for successful development. This research aims to identify the stakeholders involved in developing sustainable agriculture to promote food resilience in Sragen Regency. This study adopts a mixed-method approach with data collection through in-depth interviews. The analytical tool used in this research is MACTOR (Matrix of Alliance and Conflict: Tactic, Objectives, and Recommendation). The study identified the stakeholders influencing the development of sustainable agriculture in Sragen Regency as Farmer Groups, Farmers, Village Heads, Agriculture Extenders, and the Department of Agriculture and Food Security. These findings serve as a basis for developing collaborative patterns among all stakeholders required to develop sustainable agriculture to achieve food resilience in the Sragen Regency.
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