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Wastewater characterization: evaluation of a bio-chemical method and preliminary results
Stricker, Anne Emmanuelle | Heduit, A. | Lessard, P.
This paper presents some preliminary results on the implementation of a biodegradability batch test to fraction different types of wastewater samples to assess the variability of the WWTP influent composition.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-][Evaluation of air pollution exposition: needs in epidemiology and for executives] | Evaluer les expositions: les besoins des epidemiologistes et des decideurs
Zmirou, D. (Universite de Grenoble 1, La Tronche (France). UFR de Medecine, Laboratoire de Sante)
The measurement of exposure to air pollution: concepts, methods and stakes | [La mesure de l'exposition a la pollution atmospherique: concepts, methodes et interet]
Brunekreef, B. (Wageningen University and Research Centre (Pays Bas). Department of Environmental Sciences, Environmental and Occupational Health Group)
[Reduction of ammonia emissions] | Reduction des emissions d'ammoniac: inventer la vache nucleaire?
Jagusiewicz, A.
La reduction des emissions d'ammoniac pour atteindre des objectifs environnementaux tels que stopper la diminution de la superficie des ecosystemes non proteges contre l'acidification et l'eutrophisation va occuper une place de plus en plus importante dans la strategie de lutte contre la pollution. En raison de la reduction des emissions d'oxydes de soufre et d'azote operee au cours des 20 dernieres annees dans le cadre de la Convention sur la pollution atmospherique transfrontiere a longue distance, il est fort probable qu'en 2010 c'est l'ammoniac qui contribuera le plus aux emissions gazeuses responsables de l'eutrophisation et de l'acidification. D'ou l'importance de prendre des maintenant des mesures efficaces contre ce polluant, et ce a l'echelle continentale
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Accumulation of cadmium by some crops around a factory producing phosphate fertilizers in Sfax (Tunisia) | Accumulation du cadmium par quelques especes vegetales cultivees aux environs d'une usine d'engrais phosphates a Sfax (Tunisie)
Mezghani, I. (Faculte des Sciences de Fax (Tunisie). Departement de Biologie) | Boukhris, M. | Chaieb, M.
La pollution des ecosystemes terrestres par du cadmium d'origine industrielle (usine d'engrais phosphates) se traduit par des taches necrotiques au niveau des feuilles et par une accumulation importante de cet element dans ces feuilles et dans les horizons superficiels des sols. A proximite de la source d'emission, les taux de cadmium dans le sol depassent 10 fois les valeurs normales. Au niveau des feuilles, elles sont 10 a 30 fois plus elevees que chez les temoins et dependent de la nature de l'espece, de la distance (correlation negative) et des conditions topographiques
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-][History of the "Control of air pollution society"] | Historique de l'APPA [Association pour la Prevention de la Pollution Atmospherique]
Sommer, M. (Association pour la Prevention de la Pollution Atmospherique, Paris (France))
Factors Affecting Microbial Degradation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Phenanthrene in the Caribbean Coastal Water
Zaidi, B.R. | Imam, S.H.
Studies were conducted to assess factors that may influence the rate and extent of biodegradation of polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in waters of Guayanilla Bay (latitude, 18°N; longitude, 66.45°W) Puerto Rico. Phenanthrene was used as a model PAHs compound. Both the rate and extent of phenanthrene degradation by natural microbial flora present in seawater samples from Guayanilla Bay were quite slow. Addition of KNO3 as a source of inorganic nitrogen (N) resulted in a 10-fold increase in the rate of phenanthrene degradation within a 125 h period, whereas, addition of K2HPO4 as a source of inorganic nutrient phosphorus (P) had no effect. Phenanthrene degradation was strongly inhibited when seawater pH was adjusted to 10.0. Phenanthrene in seawater samples degraded rapidly when first pretreated with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and then inoculated with a known indigenous phenanthrene degrading bacterium, Alteromonas sp. Pretreatment of phenanthrene with Triton-x-100 had little or no effect on its degradation by the same bacteria, whereas, degradation in samples preheated at 60°C was somewhat inhibited.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Storm water pollution control
Dodson, Roy D.
Throughfall deposition of nitrogen and sulfur in a Jeffrey pine forest in the San Gabriel Mountains, southern California
Fenn, M.E. | Kiefer, J.W. (US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station, Forest Fire Laboratory, 4955 Canyon Crest Drive, Riverside, CA 92507 (USA))
Levels of polychlorinated biphenyls, organochlorine pesticides, mercury and lead in relation to shell thickness in marsh harrier (Circus aeruginosus) eggs from Charente-Maritime, France
Pain, D.J. | Burneleau, G. | Bavoux, C. | Wyatt, C. (The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, The Lodge, Sandy, Bedfordshire SG19 2DL (United Kingdom))