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Inactivation of phosphorus in the sediment of the Lake Taihu by lanthanum modified zeolite using laboratory studies
Li, Xiaodi | Xie, Qiang | Chen, Shouhui | Xing, Mingchao | Guan, Tong | Wu, Deyi
Release of phosphorus (P) from sediment to overlying water has to be dealt with to address algal blooms in eutrophic lakes. In this study, the sediment from the Lake Taihu was amended with lanthanum modified zeolite (LMZ) to reduce P release under different pH, temperature and anaerobic conditions. LMZ performed well, to decreasing P concentration in Lake Taihu water in the presence of sediment. The EPC₀ value, the critical P concentration at which there was neither P adsorption nor P release, was lowered by adding LMZ, suggesting that amendment with LMZ could diminish the risk of P release from the sediment. From the Langmuir isotherm model, the adsorption capacity of phosphate by LMZ was estimated to be 64.1 mgP/g. The LMZ-amended sediment had a higher content of stable P forms (HCl-P and Res-P) and a lower content of P forms with a high (NH₄Cl-P and BD-P) or medium-high (NaOH-P and Org-P) risk of release, when compared with the original sediment. The fractionation simulates conditions which release potentially mobile P which can then be simply re-bound to LMZ. At high pH (>9.0), anaerobic condition or high temperature promoted the liberation of P from sediment. However, P release could be greatly inhibited by LMZ. In addition, although Mn²⁺ and NH₄⁺ ions were released from sediment under the anaerobic condition, the release could also be hindered by adding LMZ. LMZ is a promising P inactivation agent to manage eutrophication in the sediment of Lake Taihu.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Environmental exposure to non-essential trace elements in two bat species from urbanised (Tadarida teniotis) and open land (Miniopterus schreibersii) areas in Italy
Andreani, Giulia | Cannavacciuolo, Annunziata | Menotta, Simonetta | Spallucci, Valentina | Fedrizzi, Giorgio | Carpenè, Emilio | Isani, Gloria
Bats are particularly suited as bioindicators of trace element pollution due to their longevity and their position in the trophic chain. In this study, the concentrations of ten non-essential trace elements (Al, As, Ba, Cd, Hg, Pb, Sb, Sr, Th, Tl) were determined in the tissues (whole body, skin-fur, skinned body, liver, kidney and bone) of lactant Tadarida teniotis from a nursery colony in Rome. A large number of bats from this nursery died before fledging and had bone deformities and fractures. The concentrations of non-essential trace elements in bone and whole body were also analysed in adult specimens of Miniopterus schreibersii from a colony located in a natural park in Northern Italy. In lactant T. teniotis, the Pb concentration decreased in the following order: bone>liver>skinned body>whole body>skin-fur>kidney, and exceeded the toxic threshold associated with negative effects reported for different mammalian species. The levels of the other non-essential trace elements were within a range indicative of low environmental contamination in both species. Significant interspecies differences (P < 0.05) were observed for concentrations of Pb and Ba, higher in the bones of T. teniotis, and of Cd, Hg and Sr, higher in the bones of M. schreibersii. In lactant T. teniotis, the different sources of Pb exposure, through inhalation and/or food, may represent a potential threat to the colony of this synanthropic European bat.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]What is the most ecologically-meaningful metric of nitrogen deposition?
Payne, Richard J. | Campbell, Claire | Britton, Andrea J. | Mitchell, R. J. (Ruth J.) | Pakeman, R. J. (Robin J.) | Jones, Laurence | Ross, L. C. (Louise C.) | Stevens, Carly J. | Field, Christopher | Caporn, Simon J.M. | Carroll, Jacky | Edmondson, Jill L. | Carnell, Edward J. | Tomlinson, Sam | Dore, Anthony J. | Dise, Nancy | Dragosits, Ulrike
Nitrogen (N) deposition poses a severe risk to global terrestrial ecosystems, and managing this threat is an important focus for air pollution science and policy. To understand and manage the impacts of N deposition, we need metrics which accurately reflect N deposition pressure on the environment, and are responsive to changes in both N deposition and its impacts over time. In the UK, the metric typically used is a measure of total N deposition over 1–3 years, despite evidence that N accumulates in many ecosystems and impacts from low-level exposure can take considerable time to develop. Improvements in N deposition modelling now allow the development of metrics which incorporate the long-term history of pollution, as well as current exposure. Here we test the potential of alternative N deposition metrics to explain vegetation compositional variability in British semi-natural habitats. We assembled 36 individual datasets representing 48,332 occurrence records in 5479 quadrats from 1683 sites, and used redundancy analyses to test the explanatory power of 33 alternative N metrics based on national pollutant deposition models. We find convincing evidence for N deposition impacts across datasets and habitats, even when accounting for other large-scale drivers of vegetation change. Metrics that incorporate long-term N deposition trajectories consistently explain greater compositional variance than 1–3 year N deposition. There is considerable variability in results across habitats and between similar metrics, but overall we propose that a thirty-year moving window of cumulative deposition is optimal to represent impacts on plant communities for application in science, policy and management.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Exposure to tris(1,3-dichloro-2-propyl) phosphate (TDCPP) induces vascular toxicity through Nrf2-VEGF pathway in zebrafish and human umbilical vein endothelial cells
Zhong, Xiali | Qiu, Jiahuang | Kang, Jianmeng | Xing, Xiumei | Shi, Xiongjie | Wei, Yanhong
The growing production and extensive use of organophosphate flame retardants (OPFRs) have led to an increase in their environmental distribution and human exposure. Developmental toxicity is a major concern of OPFRs' adverse health effects. However, the impact of OPFRs exposure on vascular development and the toxicity pathway for developmental defects are poorly understood. In this study, we investigated the effects of exposure to tris(1,3-dichloro-2-propyl) phosphate (TDCPP), a frequently detected OPFR, on early vascular development, and the possible role of nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor (Nrf2)-dependent angiogenic pathway in TDCPP's vascular toxicity. TDCPP exposure at 300 and 500 μg/L impeded the growth of intersegmental vessels (ISV), a type of microvessels, as early as 30 hpf. Consistently, a similar pattern of decreased extension and remodeling of common cardinal vein (CCV), a typical macrovessel, was observed in zebrafish at 48 hpf and 72 hpf. Developing vasculature in zebrafish was more sensitive than general developmental parameters to TDCPP exposure. The expression of genes related to VEGF signaling pathway dose-dependently decreased in TDCPP-treated larvae. In in vitro experiments using human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs), the increased cell proliferation induced by VEGF was suppressed by TDCPP exposure in a dose-dependent fashion. In addition, we found a repression of Nrf2 expression and activity in TDCPP-treated larvae and HUVECs. Strikingly, the application of CDDO-Im, a potent Nrf2 activator, enhanced VEGF and protected against defective vascular development in zebrafish. Our results reveal that vascular impairment is a sensitive index for early exposure to TDCPP, which could be considered in the environmental risk assessment of OPFRs. The identification of Nrf2-mediating VEGF pathway provides new insight into the adverse outcome pathway (AOP) of OPFRs.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]The preparation of bifunctional electrospun air filtration membranes by introducing attapulgite for the efficient capturing of ultrafine PMs and hazardous heavy metal ions
Wang, Bin | Sun, Zhiming | Sun, Qing | Wang, Jie | Du, Zongxi | Li, Congju | Li, Xiuyan
The comprehensive sources of particulate matter (PM) require air purification materials to possess both high filtration efficiencies and low air resistances in an effort to provide healthcare. However, the assembly of multiple-layered filters with different functions leads to high pressure drop and high operating cost. Therefore, a multifunctional air filter that can provide excellent air filtration capacity and healthcare is highly desired. Here, a novel bifunctional polyacrylonitrile/attapulgite hierarchical-structured filter with low air resistance and high adsorption capacity was designed and fabricated by embedding attapulgite nanorods during a facile electrospinning process. The hierarchical polyacrylonitrile/attapulgite membranes showed only a ∼64 Pa resistance for 0.1 μm PM. Another benefit of using the attapulgite nanorods is an adsorption effect for hazardous heavy metal ions that accompany airborne ultrafine PMs. Thereby this hierarchical membrane simultaneously exhibits an enhanced filtration performance and hazardous protection ability. Furthermore, due to the electret effect of the attapulgite nanorods, the surface potential of the membrane remains at above 2.2 kV after 600 min of continuous use, which could improve the air filtration efficiency and ensure the long-term service life of the filters. This work may provide a new approach for the design and development of multifunctional air filters for simultaneously capturing ultrafine PMs and any other accompanying hazardous chemicals.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Non-coplanar and coplanar polychlorinated biphenyls potentiate genotoxicity of aflatoxin B1 in a human hepatocyte line by enhancing CYP1A2 and CYP3A4 expression
Chen, Yuting | Liu, Yungang
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are persistent organic pollutants and hazardous to human health. Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) is a strong carcinogen dependent on activation by cytochrome P450 (CYP) 1A2 and 3A4. Humans in some regions may be exposed to both PCBs and AFB1. Since PCBs are CYP inducers, we were interested in their combined genotoxicity. In this study, the effects of non-coplanar 2,3,3′-tri- (PCB 20), 2,2′5,5′-tetra- (PCB 52), 2,3,3′,4′-tetrachlorobiphenyl (PCB 56), and coplanar 3,3′,4,4′,5-pentachlorobiphenyl (PCB 126) on protein levels of CYP1A1, 1A2, and 3A4, and nuclear receptors AhR, CAR and PXR in a human hepatocyte (L-02) line were investigated. Moreover, the combined effects of each PCB and AFB1 for induction of micronuclei and double-strand DNA breaks (indicated by an elevation of γ-H2AX) were analyzed. The results indicated that PCBs 20, 52 and 56 reduced the expression of AhR, while elevated that of CAR and PXR, with thresholds at low micromolar concentrations. However, they were less potent than PCB 126, which was active at sub-nanomolar levels. Overexpression of human splice variant CAR 3 in the cells increased CYP1A2 and 3A4 levels, which were further enhanced by each non-coplanar PCB, suggesting a role of CAR in modulating CYPs. Pretreatment of cells with each test PCB potentiated both micronuclei formation and DNA damage induced by AFB1. This study suggests that both non-coplanar and coplanar PCBs may enhance the genotoxicity of AFB1, through acting on various nuclear receptors; the potentiation of AFB1 genotoxicity by PCBs and the potential health implications may deserve concerns and further investigation.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Short-term geochemical investigation and assessment of dissolved elements from simulated ash reclaimed soil into groundwater
Wang, Jiao
A soil column migration trough was used to study the leaching behavior and geochemical partitioning of fifteen elements Al, As, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Sn, Sb, Zn, V, Co, Mn, Pb, Ni and Cd in simulated ash reclaimed soil. According to the results of cluster analysis for the sampling stations, there were three clusters: Cluster 1 of 7 wells with relative good groundwater quality originated from the background control area, Cluster 2 of 9 wells with worst groundwater quality in the downstream parts of the simulated ash reclaimed soil, and Cluster 3 of 2 wells with representative of samples influenced by the combined effect of injection of leaching solution and the main current. Statistical analysis identified five factor types that accounted for 83.055% of the total variance, which declined in the order: ash-soil rate > leaching intensity > water depths > flow velocity > leaching time. As, Sb, Cd, Pb and Ni were the dominant contaminants. The water around ash reclaimed soil was unsuitable for drinking. As, Mn, Cd, Sb, Co and V were the largest contributors to health risks. Soils reclaimed with fly ash can consequently be a long-time source for the transfer of toxic elements into groundwater.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Metabolic responses and their correlations with phytochelatins in Amaranthus hypochondriacus under cadmium stress
Xie, Mengdi | Chen, Wenqing | Lai, Xicong | Dai, Haibo | Sun, Hui | Zhou, Xiaoyong | Chen, Tongbin
Phytochelatins (PCs) play a vital role in the tolerance and enrichment of cadmium (Cd) in higher plants by chelating with Cd2+. The aim of this study was to perform a full-scale metabolomics analysis of metabolic responses highly correlated with PCs generation. These metabolites and metabolic pathways were expected to promote PCs generation and further optimize Cd absorption in plants. In the current study, Amaranthus hypochondriacus, a potential species for phytoremediation, was first adopted to investigate physiological responses to Cd stress via LCMS/MS-based metabolomics and the HPLC based determination of thiol compounds. The results showed that the leaves of A. hypochondriacus under high Cd stress accumulated 40 times the amount of Cd compared to the leaves of the plants not under Cd stress and had an increased content of three types of PCs. Metabolomics qualitatively identified 12084 substances in total, among which 41 were significantly different metabolites (SDMs) between the two groups and involved in 7 metabolic pathways. Among the SDMs, 12 metabolites were highly linearly correlated with PCs involved in three pathways (Val, Leu and Ile biosynthesis; Ala, Asp and Glu metabolism; and Arg and Pro metabolism). These results provide an innovative method to promote PCs synthesis for the restoration of Cd-contaminated-soil.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Occurrence and distribution of parabens and bisphenols in sediment from northern Chinese coastal areas
Liao, Chunyang | Shi, Jianbo | Wang, Xiaoyun | Zhu, Qingqing | Kannan, Kurunthachalam
Despite high production and usage of parabens and bisphenols, little is known about their spatiotemporal distribution in the marine environment. In this study, we determined the concentrations of several parabens and their metabolites as well as bisphenol analogues in sediment collected from coastal areas of northern China. All sediment samples, including surface sediment and sediment cores, contained at least one of the parabens analyzed, and the total concentrations of parabens (ΣPBs; sum of six parabens) ranged from 1.37 to 24.2 ng/g dw (geometric mean: 3.30–6.09 g/g dw), which was comparable to or slightly higher than those found for the total concentrations of five detectable bisphenols (ΣBPAs; geometric mean: 2.18–4.61 ng/g dw). 4-hydroxybenzoic acid, a common metabolite of parabens, was found in all samples at concentrations in the range of 6.85–437 ng/g dw, which was one order of magnitude lower than those found for benzoic acid. Methyl-, ethyl-, and propyl-parabens were the predominant paraben analogues, collectively accounting for >88% of ΣPBs. Bisphenol A and bisphenol F were the two major bisphenols, collectively accounting for >86% of ΣBPAs. We also examined vertical profiles in concentrations of target analytes in sediment cores. The sediment core from the Shandong Peninsula showed a gradual increase in the concentrations of several parent and metabolic parabens as well as bisphenols during the past decade. Relatively higher concentrations of parabens and bisphenols were found in sediment cores collected from industrialized areas. Significant positive correlations were found among the concentrations of parabens in sediment, which suggested the existence of similar sources for these compounds. Overall, our findings suggest that the Bohai Sea coast is moderately contaminated with parabens and bisphenols in comparison to other coastal areas in China or elsewhere.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Linking hydrophobicity of biochar to the water repellency and water holding capacity of biochar-amended soil
Mao, Jiefei | Zhang, Kun | Chen, Baoliang
Biochar addition to soil may change the hydrophobicity of amended soil and influence soil hydraulic properties. Soil hydrophobicity, i.e. soil water repellency (SWR) can interrupt water infiltration and form preferential flow leading to a potential risk of soil erosion or groundwater pollution. Up to date, the effect of different biochars on soil hydrophobicity remains unclear and the association of SWR with soil hydraulic properties is still unknown. To link the biochar hydrophobicity to SWR and soil water holding capacity (WHC), the surface structure and chemical composition of 27 biochars with different feedstocks and pyrolysis temperatures were characterized, and the SWR and soil WHC of biochar-added soil were investigated. Carboxylic groups on the biochar surface, surface area and pore volume were mostly influenced by pyrolysis temperature, which suggested the dominant factor determining the severity of biochar hydrophobicity was pyrolysis temperature. Hydrophilic soil became hydrophobic after biochar amendment. A higher addition rate led to a stronger SWR of hydrophilic soil. Biochar addition increased soil WHC of hydrophilic soil with low total organic carbon (TOC) content. Biochar did not have significant influence on SWR and soil WHC of hydrophobic soil with high TOC content. It implied that the influence of biochar on SWR and soil hydraulic properties mainly depended on soil original hydrophobicity and TOC content. Therefore, the properties of biochar and influence on soil hydrophobicity and hydraulic properties should be considered before processing biochar application.
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