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Status and evaluation of the selected soil nutrients irrigated by unconventional water (Case study: Qom)
Arast, Mina | Zehtabian, Gholamreza | Jafari, Mohammad | Khosravi, Hassan | Jabalbarezi, Bahareh
Population’s exponential growth along with drought has increased water resources limitation, especially in arid and semi-arid area. Therefore, the use of non-conventional water is an important tool for water resource management. If unconventional water has no negative impact on soil properties and water, it can be used for irrigation coupled with desertification projects. So, this paper tries to present the effect of irrigation with municipal wastewater, salt water, brackish water, and combination of salty water and wastewater on some soil properties including nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in Qom plain. Soil samples were taken from agricultural land treated by wastewater, saline water, brackish water, combination of salty water, and wastewater and range land as control in five treatments from depths of 0-30 and 60-90 centimeter. The results showed that wastewater has increased the amount of N, P, and K to other treatments and control area. The concentration of potassium in surface layer of area treated by combination of salty water and wastewater with amount of 459.39 ppm has the most significant difference to control and other treatments. Also, the maximum amount of nitrogen was observed in sub layer of saline and brackish water treatment with amount of 0.08 percent.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Public health risk assessment of chromium intake from vegetable grown in the wastewater irrigated site in Bangladesh
Ahmed, Fahad | Hossain, Md. Shakhaoat | Abdullah, Abu Tareq | Akbor, Md. Ahedul | Ahsan, Md. Aminul
There are many potential risks to human health from heavy metal contamination of vegetables resulting from wastewater irrigated sites. This study was carried out to assess the concentration of chromium (Cr) and the risk to human health by chromium through the intake of locally grown vegetables collected from wastewater irrigated agricultural fields. Twenty-seven samples of 9 (nine) different types of vegetables were analyzed by an Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (AAS) (Varian AAS 240 F S). The range of chromium concentration in wastewater irrigated vegetables was ND (Not detected) -4.14mg/kg. The highest mean concentration of chromium (4.14 mg/kg) was detected in radish. The mean concentration of chromium in all the vegetables was within the safe limits of WHO/FAO except radish which was much higher than the standard. Health risk index for chromium contamination in all vegetables was less than 1 for both adults and children which cause no risk to the local population. Among all vegetables tested, the highest intake value of chromium was from consumption of radish for both adults and children. The lower values of health risk index indicated chromium contamination in the wastewater irrigated vegetables that cause less negative impact on human health.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Summer time variation and unexpected nocturnal peak in precursors related Surface ozone concentration in air over a tropical coastal regionof Southern Tamil Nadu, India
Krishna Sharma, R | Nagaveena, S
Surface ozone (Surface O3)is a secondary pollutant and there are only limited studies on ozone in South India. Studies have revealed a strong correlation between higher ozone levels and warmer days. Surface O3 along with its precursors like NO2, CO and CH4 are being measured at Kanyakumari (8.0780° N, 77.5410° E), TamilNadu, India and in this paper we present the summer time variation of ozone from 2010to 2014 . Surface O3 showed a clear diurnal variation, but an irregularity was observed during the night time for all the measuring days of Summer 2014.There was a formation of a well pronounced secondary peak in Surface O3 during 0230 hrs accompanied by relatively strong wind patterns. Since the normal diurnal variation cannot explain this phenomenon,this uncertain behavior is probably attributed tolow NOX titrations and the downward mixing of ozone in the ground layer.The daily mean of Surface O3showed an increasing trend in the study area during the summer monthsand a negative correlation was observed with its precursors. The correlation of Surface O3 with temperature and wind speed for the entire summer season was found as r= +0.68, p= 4.314E-05 and r= +0.63, p
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Nutrient uptake rate and removal efficiency of Vetiveria zizanioides in contaminated waters
Akbarzadeh, Abbas | Jamshidi, Shervin | Vakhshouri, Maryam
This research compares the performance of floating systems planted with Vetiveria zizanioides as a hydroponic approach for removing nutrients from two contaminated waters. For this purpose, two pilots with overall net volume of 60 litres were constructed and inoculated by secondary treated domestic wastewater (STDW) and irrigation water obtained from Minab reservoir (IWMR) in batch mode. Regarding the experimental results, the total nitrogen removal efficiency reaches more than 40 and 75%, in two and four days’ detention time, respectively, while these figures are 75 and 85% for phosphorus. The comparative statistical analyses verify that the results reveal significant differences in nitrogen removal, its uptake and the shoots’ dry weight. Conversely, phosphorus removal, its uptake and the roots’ growth are not significantly different. The regression analysis shows that the nitrogen uptake is well correlated with the shoots’ expansion rate as a matter of substrate type. The decay coefficient rates of nitrogen and phosphorus are calculated as 0.43 and 0.52 day-1, respectively. It is then concluded that this system should be used for wastewater treatment rather than for surface water purification. However, it can be recommended as an environmental friendly approach for both, because of the high efficiency in nutrients’ removal and the aeration capability.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Estimation of groundwater level using a hybrid genetic algorithm-neural network
Hosseini, Ziba | Nakhaie, Mohammad
In this paper, we present an application of evolved neural networks using a real coded genetic algorithm for simulations of monthly groundwater levels in a coastal aquifer located in the Shabestar Plain, Iran. After initializing the model with groundwater elevations observed at a given time, the developed hybrid genetic algorithm-back propagation (GA-BP) should be able to reproduce groundwater level variations using the external input variables, including rainfall, average discharge, temperature, evaporation and annual time series. To achieve this purpose, the hybrid GA-BP algorithm is first calibrated on a training dataset to perform monthly predictions of future groundwater levels using past observed groundwater levels and additional inputs. Simulations are then produced on another data set by iteratively feeding back the predicted groundwater levels, along with real external data. This modelling algorithm has been compared with the individual back propagation model (ANN-BP), which demonstrates the capability of the hybrid GA-BP model. The later provides better results in estimation of groundwater levels compared to the individual one. The study suggests that such a network can be used as a viable alternative to physical-based models in order to simulate the responses of the aquifer under plausible future scenarios, or to reconstruct long periods of missing observations provided past data for the influencing variables is available.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Consumer attitudes and perceptions on electronic waste: An assessment
Saritha, Vara | Sunil Kumar, KA | Srikanth Vuppala, NV
The electronics industry is one of fastest growing manufacturing industries in India. However, the increase in the sales of electronic goods and their rapid obsolescence has resulted in the large-scale generation of electronic waste, popularly known as e-waste. E-waste has become a matter of concern due to the presence of toxic and hazardous substances present in electronic goods which, if not properly managed, can have adverse effects on the environment and human health. In India, the e-waste market remains largely unorganized, with companies being neither registered nor authorized and typically operating on an informal basis. In many instances, e-waste is treated as municipal waste, because India does not have dedicated legislation for the management of e-waste. It is therefore necessary to review the public health risks and strategies in a bid to addressthis growing hazard. There is the strong need for adopting sustainability practices in order to tackle the growing threat of e-waste. In the present work, we attempt to identify the various sources and reasons for e-waste generation, in addition to understanding the perception of the public towards e-waste management. This study aims to induce an awareness of sustainability practices and sustainability issues in the management of E-waste, especially waste related to personal computers (PCs) and mobile phones. From the results of the study, we concluded that the majority (90%) of the public is ignorant about e-waste and its issues; hence, there is a strong requirement for spreading awareness about the growing hazard of E-waste.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Groundwater quality determination regarding major anions and cations (Case study of an aquifer in the Lut Desert, Iran)
Nasrabadi, Touraj | Baghvand, Akbar | Vosoogh, Ali
Groundwater quality regarding major anions and cations in the Birjand Plain located in the largest desert in Eastern Iran was monitored in this study. Fifteen boreholes were considered as sampling stations and the parameters pH, TDS, EC and major anions and cations were measured in groundwater samples. The dominant groundwater types can be introduced as sodium-chloride and magnesium-sulphate. The majority of samples were within the not-suitable category for drinking uses. Regarding agricultural use, around 80 and 50 per cent of samples indicated a very high salinity hazard and a very high sodium alkali hazard, respectively. Spatial distribution of salinity was also monitored within the study area. If the study area was considered to be a semicircle, the centre appeared to be the least polluted area, while towards the peripheral surroundings, an increasing behaviour was observed. Intrusion of salt water from eastern and western parts of the study area caused severe groundwater degradation. The relatively better quality of groundwater in southern areas may be attributed to a chain of mountains located along south of the study area. The prevention of uncontrolled groundwater withdrawal must be regarded to cease the salinization trend and to prepare the required infrastructure for implementing the artificial recharge projects.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Spectrophotometer-based student education program on health hazard assessment due to Cr(VI) and Pb contamination in surface and groundwaters of Hyderabad City, India
Das Sharma, Mala | Juyal, Archana | Karuna, Mantha | Das Sharma, Subrata
A student-centric research education program with the active participation of undergraduate students is initiated. The aim is to imbibe ―responsible citizenship behavior‖ in them so that each member becomes conscious and well trained to take up environmental-related issues and challenges for long-term sustainability of the ecosystem. In this work, we report spectrophotometer-based estimation of hexavalent chromium (57-268 gL-1) and lead (34–158 gL-1) concentrations in different surface waters and groundwater samples in and around the city of Hyderabad, India. Our results indicate that the studied surface water bodies and aquifers are contaminated to variable degrees and pose a serious threat to the ecosystem. In view of low geochemical baseline values for chromium and lead, the origin of heavy metal pollution is inferred to be anthropogenic, mainly originating from industrial effluents. The toxicological data are integrated with health data for risk assessment and impending health hazard. Finally, the novelty of this student-centric research program is highlighted.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Remote sensing technology for mapping and monitoring vegetation cover (Case study: Semirom-Isfahan, Iran)
Jabbari, Somayyeh | Khajedin, Seyed Jamaledin | Jafari, Reza | Soltani, Saeed
To determine the suitable indices for vegetation cover and production assessment based on the remote sensing data, simultaneous digital data with field data belonging to the spring rangeland of the Semirom-Isfahan province were analyzed. During two years of monitoring the annual, grass, forb, and shrub vegetation cover and the total production data from 86 were collected. The Global Positioning System (GPS) was used to measure the coordinates of plots and transects. Geometric correction and histogram equalization were applied in image processing, and image digital numbers were converted to reflectance numbers. In the next stage, all vegetation indices were calculated from the Advanced Wide Field Sensor (AWiFS) image data and compared with the vegetation cover estimates, at monitoring points, made during field assessments. A linear regression model was used to select suitable vegetation indices. The results showed that there were significant relationships between the satellite data and the vegetative characteristics. Among the indices, the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) consistently showed significant relationships with the vegetation cover. The estimation of the vegetation cover with the NDVI vegetation index was more accurately predicted within rangeland systems. Using the produced model from the NDVI index vegetation crown cover, percentage maps were produced in three class percentages for each image. Generally introduced indices provided accurate quantitative estimation of the parameters. Therefore, it was possible to estimate cover and production as important factors for range monitoring using the AWiFS data. The Remote sensing data and the Geographic Information System are the most effective tools in natural resource management.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Studies on removal of Zinc and Chromium from aqueous solutions using water Hyacinth
Swarnalatha, K. | Radhakrishnan, Bindhu
Phytoremediation is an eco-friendly method for removal of pollutants, which can be relied upon as a sustainable technology, if implemented under optimum conditions of plant growth. The effectiveness of water hyacinth, a topical weed, for the removal of Zinc (Zn) and Chromium (Cr) ions from aqueous solutions has been presented in this article. The potential of this plant in removing metals by phytoremediation was explored under various environmental factors such as pH, salinity, metal concentrations, available nutrients, and so on. The efficiency of metal removal was observed by varying the different parameters. It was found that the maximum removal of metals occurred at a neutral pH, low amount of salinity, lower metal ion concentrations, and lack of nutrients. The stress induced in a plant by metal absorption was visible from the health and growth pattern of the plants. The stress on water hyacinth due to metals was also assessed, by observing the changes in its chlorophyll and protein content.
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