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Optimization of recreational site selection using multi criteria evaluation and functional relationship diagram (Case study: Miankaleh wildlife sanctuary)
Masoodi, Maliheh | Salman Mahiny, Abdolrasoul | Mohammadzadeh, Marjan | Mirkarimi, Seyed Hamed
Today, ecotourism is a major tourist activity around the world. It is based on environment potential through which suitable utilization and conservation of sites under management practices including considering accurate planning, potential, and peoples’ preferences are realized. The present study was conducted to determine people’s recreational preferences using questionnaires to evaluate the ecotourism potentials (recreational activities that choice in questioner by visitors) for site selection and land use planning, and to analyze the functional relationships among zones in the MianKaleh wildlife sanctuary, south of the Caspian Sea in Mazandaran and Golestan Provinces of Iran. Recreational preferences of people were found to be bird watching, swimming, camping, sightseeing, horse riding, and boating. Multi Criteria Evaluation was used to assess the ecotourism potential. For land use planning, the Multi Objective Land Allocation function included environmental suitability maps, zone weighting, and a set of desirable areas for each zone. Post processing functions (filters, zone size, and distance to other zones) and functional relationship diagrams were applied to amend the zoning maps. The functional relationship diagram concept was applied to the amended maps for optimizing access and identifying the relationships among zones. Overall, the results revealed that MCE and MOLA methods are capable of evaluating and zoning the wildlife sanctuary. Furthermore, post-processing and functional relationship diagrams were effective in selecting recreational sites. The results of this research revealed the recreational potential of MianKaleh wildlife sanctuary. Land planning for ecotourism can now be implemented using the results of this study that will upgrade the conservation status in the area.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Photocatalytic Degradation of Benzene and Toluene in Aqueous Medium
Singh, Pardeep | Borthakur, A. | Srivastava, N. | Singh, R. | Tiwary, D. | Mishra, P.K.
The resource intensive human activities (such as mining and extraction of mineral oils for betterment of life and modernization of society) have increased environmental pollution several folds. Products of mining and petrochemical industries are advantageous for the modern society. But waste generated such as BTEX from such industries are carcinogenic, toxic and causes adverse effects on environment and human health. These wastes are classified as hazardous waste which cannot be used further. Pollution of soil-water interface due to the release of hydrocarbons in environment is a major public health concern, and therefore, remediation of these pollutants is needed to reduce risk to human and environment. Various methods such as biological, chemical and physical method are used to degrade these pollutants from wastewater. In the present works photochemical degradation of toluene and benzene in wastewater are studied using activated Carbon−TiO2 composites as catalysts in the presence of UV irradiation in photochemical reactor. Composites are prepared by sol-gel method and further characterized by X-ray diffractometry (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM) and Fourier transformed-Infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). The Photocatalytic efficiencies of the synthesized composites were determined by the mineralization of toluene and benzene under UV irradiation in photochemical reactor.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Plant-Aid Remediation of Hydrocarbon-Contaminated Sites
Daryabeigi Zand, Ali | Hoveidi, Hassan
Phytoremediation is an emerging green technology that uses plants and their associated microbes to remediate different environments contaminated with various pollutants. Phytoremediation, as an effective soil remediation technology, has gained popularity in the past ten years both in developed and developing countries. The main goal of the current article is to improve the understanding of phytoremediation of organic pollutants with emphasis on hydrocarbons. To design phytoremediation systems and also enhancement of their efficiency, either in laboratory or in field experiments, there is a serious need for better knowledge of phytoremediation mechanisms and also of factors affecting phytoremediation. In addition to phytoremediation applications, advantages, and limitations, its mechanisms and related new developments have been discussed in this article.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Metal Signature of Atmospheric Aerosol from Kochi, the Queen of Arabian Sea, Kerala, India
K, Gayathree Devi | P.S., Akhil | C.H., Sujatha
The present research article highlights the metal (Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn and Fe)distribution pattern in the RSPM generated in different hot spot sites located at Kochi, theQueen of Arabian Sea. These sampling sites are categorized under three different zonesas estuarine, riverine, and coastal. Two sampling phases are selected in order to check theconsistency in pollution trend after a two year gap and are described in Phase I and PhaseII, respectively. Metals are noticed to be intensely concentrated in the post monsoonmonths in both phases. Among the metals, Fe is revealed as the prominent metal at theestuarine sites. Estuarine and riverine zone expresses the overall enrichment pattern withslight difference at coastal regime in phase I. In phase II, insignificant metal load withirregular pattern is observed. Source apportionment study reveals that major sources ofmetals are from automobile exhausts and the estuarine zone is entangled with 45.9%.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Quality Analysis of Drinking Water Provided for the Readymade Garment Workers in Dhaka, Bangladesh
Hassan, Mahmud | Islam, S. M. Didar-Ul | Ahmed, Fahad | Rahman, Mirza A.T.M. Tanvir
Readymade garment industries are the prominent economic sector for Bangladesh as well as scoping the huge working area for workers. But health condition of workers, drinking water quality, and proper maintenance of the environmental parameters are not well monitored. This study aims to assess the physio-chemical and bacteriological quality of drinking water provided for the garment workers in Dhaka. Ten garment industries were pre-selected for the water quality analysis and three drinking water samples from each industry were taken for further analysis. Physio-chemical parameters viz pH, TDS were measured by probe method and Total harness and Chloride of the water samples were measured by titrimetric method, respectively. Biological parameters viz Total coliforms, Fecal coliforms, Total aerobic bacteria count, Fecal streptococci, Pseudomonas spp., and Vibrio Cholerae were determined through standard procedure. Results show that pH (6.7±0.05 to 7.4±0.20), TDS (126.2±8.42 to 217.9±3.60 mg/L), Total Hardness (92±7.07 to 275±21.22 mg/L), and Chloride (8.5±0.95 to 46.5±3.27 mg/L) are within the acceptable limit. Bacteriological results show that Total coliform (1.05×103±0.071×103 to 2.16×103±0.084×103 CFU/100 ml), Fecal coliforms (145±2.828 to 249±21.213 CFU/100 ml), and Total aerobic bacteria count (2152.5±399.51 to 5540.5±185.97 CFU/100 ml) are higher than the standard limits. Pseudomonas spp. was also present in all drinking water samples but Fecal streptococci and Vibrio Cholerae were absent in all water samples. Bacteriological analysis shows that sources of drinking water are contaminated and proper maintenance and screening facilities should be improved.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Assessing Heavy Metal Contamination in the Bottom Sediments of Shitalakhya River, Bangladesh; Using Pollution Evaluation Indices and Geo-spatial Analysis
Islam, S. M. | Bhuiyan, Mohammad | Rume, Tanjena | Mohinuzzaman, Mohammad
The contamination of riverbed sediments by heavy metals has assumedserious problems due to their toxicity and accumulative behavior. The present studyinvestigated the concentrations of heavy metals from the bottom sediments of ShitalakhyaRiver to understand the level of contamination and their distribution. The averageconcentrations of heavy metals Al, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, As, Cu, Co, Cr, and Zn are 30432.41,10929.21, 391139.13, 23148.14, 38697.37, 14.02, 143.69, 13.37, 74.82, and 200.59mg/kg respectively in river sediments, and their abundance decreased in the followingorder: Ca (79.05%)>Fe (7.82%)>Al (6.15%)>Mg (4.68%)>K (2.21%)>Zn (0.04%)>Cu(0.03%)>Cr (0.015%)>As (0.0028%)>Co (0.0027%). In most cases, the meanconcentrations of the heavy metals exceed the permissible limit. Significantly higherconcentrations of Ca, Mg, Zn, and Cu were found in sediment samples. The heavy metalscontaminations in the sediments were also evaluated by applying index of geoaccumulation(Igeo), contamination factor (Cf), degree of contamination (Cd), and pollutionload index (PLI) etc. These indices indicated that most of the samples were moderate tostrongly pollute by heavy metals and the spatial distribution showed that the northern andsouthern parts of the study area are more contaminant than middle portion.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Assessing Indoor Air Pollution within Different Areas of Female Beauty Centers and Exploring Their Relation to Various Respiratory Symptoms
Almarshad, Saja
The staff working at beauty centers are exposed to various chemicalproducts used daily in their working environment. Both hair dressers and nail techniciansare exposed to chemicals that are known to have an influence on the respiratory system.In order to evaluate such influence, this cross-sectional observational study wasconducted on a randomly selected 14 beauty centers in Dammam City, Saudi Arabia. Atthe investigated salons, both of respiratory symptoms and the quality of air wereevaluated and data were analyzed statistically. 40.5% out of the 79 subjects included inthe study were hairdressers, 17.7% were nail technicians and (41.8%) were working inboth of the previously mentioned areas as part of their everyday practice. The staffcomplained of respiratory symptoms which include dyspnea, cough, phlegm, wheeze, andshortness of breath. Both hairdressers and nail technicians developed respiratorysymptoms while working in the salons. Indoor Air pollution was assessed and many datawere out of the normal standard ranges which include: relative humidity (RH), volatileorganic compounds (VOC), carbon dioxide (CO2), and ammonia (NH3). We conclude thatgood ventilation is required to reduce the influence of such substances on the respiratorysymptoms of the staff working at salons.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Status and preparation of prediction models for ozone as an air pollutant in Shiraz, Iran
Masoudi, Masoud | Ordibeheshti, Fatemeh | Rajaipoor, Neda | Sakhaei, Mohammad
In the present study, air quality analyses for ozone (O3) were conducted in Shiraz, a city in the south of Iran. The measurements were taken from 2011 through 2012 in two different locations to prepare average data in the city. The average concentrations were calculated for every 24 hours, each month and each season. Results showed that the highest concentration of ozone occurs generally in the afternoon while the least concentration was found in the morning and at midnight. Monthly concentrations of ozone showed the highest value in August and June while the least value was in December. The seasonal concentrations showed the least amounts in autumn while the highest amounts were in spring. Relations between the air pollutant and some meteorological parameters were calculated statistically using the daily average data. The wind data (velocity, direction), relative humidity, temperature, sunshine periods, evaporation, dew point, and rainfall were considered as independent variables. The relationships between concentration of pollutant and meteorological parameters were expressed by multiple linear regression equations for both annual and seasonal conditions using SPSS software. Root mean square error (RMSE) test showed that among different prediction models, stepwise model is the best option.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Status and evaluation of the selected soil nutrients irrigated by unconventional water (Case study: Qom)
Arast, Mina | Zehtabian, Gholamreza | Jafari, Mohammad | Khosravi, Hassan | Jabalbarezi, Bahareh
Population’s exponential growth along with drought has increased water resources limitation, especially in arid and semi-arid area. Therefore, the use of non-conventional water is an important tool for water resource management. If unconventional water has no negative impact on soil properties and water, it can be used for irrigation coupled with desertification projects. So, this paper tries to present the effect of irrigation with municipal wastewater, salt water, brackish water, and combination of salty water and wastewater on some soil properties including nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in Qom plain. Soil samples were taken from agricultural land treated by wastewater, saline water, brackish water, combination of salty water, and wastewater and range land as control in five treatments from depths of 0-30 and 60-90 centimeter. The results showed that wastewater has increased the amount of N, P, and K to other treatments and control area. The concentration of potassium in surface layer of area treated by combination of salty water and wastewater with amount of 459.39 ppm has the most significant difference to control and other treatments. Also, the maximum amount of nitrogen was observed in sub layer of saline and brackish water treatment with amount of 0.08 percent.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Public health risk assessment of chromium intake from vegetable grown in the wastewater irrigated site in Bangladesh
Ahmed, Fahad | Hossain, Md. Shakhaoat | Abdullah, Abu Tareq | Akbor, Md. Ahedul | Ahsan, Md. Aminul
There are many potential risks to human health from heavy metal contamination of vegetables resulting from wastewater irrigated sites. This study was carried out to assess the concentration of chromium (Cr) and the risk to human health by chromium through the intake of locally grown vegetables collected from wastewater irrigated agricultural fields. Twenty-seven samples of 9 (nine) different types of vegetables were analyzed by an Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (AAS) (Varian AAS 240 F S). The range of chromium concentration in wastewater irrigated vegetables was ND (Not detected) -4.14mg/kg. The highest mean concentration of chromium (4.14 mg/kg) was detected in radish. The mean concentration of chromium in all the vegetables was within the safe limits of WHO/FAO except radish which was much higher than the standard. Health risk index for chromium contamination in all vegetables was less than 1 for both adults and children which cause no risk to the local population. Among all vegetables tested, the highest intake value of chromium was from consumption of radish for both adults and children. The lower values of health risk index indicated chromium contamination in the wastewater irrigated vegetables that cause less negative impact on human health.
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