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Результаты 51-60 из 219
Preliminary investigation on the use of natural zeolites for pig slurry odor control
Balsari, P. | Bertolotto, C. (Turin Univ. (Italy). Inst. of Agricultural Mechanics)
Effects of the recirculation on the anaerobic digestion of cow manure in a biofilm reactor
Sanchez Hernandez, E.P. (National Center for Scientific Research, La Habana (Cuba). Environmental Pollution Dept.) | Weiland, P. | Travieso Cordoba, L.
Energy from crop-grown biomass
Stewart, D.J. (Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Dunedin (New Zealand). Invermay Agricultural Centre)
Microbiological treatments of cheese whey with fatty acids and hydrogen recovery
Daffonchio, D. (Milano Univ. (Italy). Dipt. di Scienze e Tecnologie Alimentari e Microbiologiche) | Ranalli, G. | Sorlini, C.
Energy, liquid mineral ammonium fertilizer and potting compost out of liquid manure : a first full-scale demonstration plant
Vom Baur, M. | Baack, H. (Schwarting GmbH, Flensburg (Germany))
The composting of organic residues in agriculture
Schuchardt, F.
Merseburg Technical College [Microbial desulphurization]
Neumann, W. (Technische Hochschule Leuna-Merseburg, Merseburg (Germany). Inst. fuer Biotechnologie)
Altered feeding preference of beech weevil Rhynchaenus fagi L. for beech foliage under ambient air pollution
Hiltbrunner, E. | Fluckiger, W. (Institute for Applied Plant Biology, CH-4124 Schonenbuch (Switzerland))
Pollution in the upland environment
Crossley, A. | Wilson, D.B. | Milne, R. (Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, Bush Estate, Penicuik, Midlothian EH26 0QB (United Kingdom))