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Spatio-temporal trends of nitrogen deposition and climate effects on Sphagnum productivity in European peatlands
Granath, Gustaf | Limpens, Juul | Posch, Maximilian | Mücher, Sander | de Vries, Wim
To quantify potential nitrogen (N) deposition impacts on peatland carbon (C) uptake, we explored temporal and spatial trends in N deposition and climate impacts on the production of the key peat forming functional group (Sphagnum mosses) across European peatlands for the period 1900–2050. Using a modelling approach we estimated that between 1900 and 1950 N deposition impacts remained limited irrespective of geographical position. Between 1950 and 2000 N deposition depressed production between 0 and 25% relative to 1900, particularly in temperate regions. Future scenarios indicate this trend will continue and become more pronounced with climate warming. At the European scale, the consequences for Sphagnum net C-uptake remained small relative to 1900 due to the low peatland cover in high-N areas. The predicted impacts of likely changes in N deposition on Sphagnum productivity appeared to be less than those of climate. Nevertheless, current critical loads for peatlands are likely to hold under a future climate.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]A systematic evaluation of agglomeration of Ag and TiO2 nanoparticles under freshwater relevant conditions
Topuz, Emel | Sigg, Laura | Talinli, Ilhan
This study aims to investigate effects of freshwater components in order to predict agglomeration behavior of silver nanoparticles coated with citrate (AgNP-Cit), polyvinylpyrrolidone (AgNP-PVP), and of TiO2 nanoparticles. Agglomeration studies were conducted in various media based on combinations of ions, natural organic matter (humic, fulvic acid) and surfactants (sodium dodecyl sulfate, alkyl ethoxylate), at a constant ionic strength of 10 mM over time for up to 1 week. Agglomeration level of AgNP-Cit and TiO2 was mostly dependent on the concentration of Ca2+ in media, and their size strongly increased to micrometer scale over 1 week. However, AgNP-Cit and TiO2 were stabilized to particle size around 500 nm in the presence of NOM, surfactants and carbonate over 1 week. AgNP-PVP maintained their original size in all media except in the presence of Mg2+ ions which led to significant agglomeration. Behavior of these engineered nanoparticles was similar in a natural freshwater medium.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Interactions between biomass-burning aerosols and clouds over Southeast Asia: Current status, challenges, and perspectives
Lin, Neng-Huei | Sayer, Andrew M. | Wang, Shengxiang | Loftus, Adrian M. | Hsiao, Ta-Chih | Sheu, Guey-Rong | Hsu, N Christina | Tsay, Si-Chee | Chantara, Somporn
The interactions between aerosols, clouds, and precipitation remain among the largest sources of uncertainty in the Earth's energy budget. Biomass-burning aerosols are a key feature of the global aerosol system, with significant annually-repeating fires in several parts of the world, including Southeast Asia (SEA). SEA in particular provides a “natural laboratory” for these studies, as smoke travels from source regions downwind in which it is coupled to persistent stratocumulus decks. However, SEA has been under-exploited for these studies. This review summarizes previous related field campaigns in SEA, with a focus on the ongoing Seven South East Asian Studies (7-SEAS) and results from the most recent BASELInE deployment. Progress from remote sensing and modeling studies, along with the challenges faced for these studies, are also discussed. We suggest that improvements to our knowledge of these aerosol/cloud effects require the synergistic use of field measurements with remote sensing and modeling tools.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Phytoplankton community indicators of changes associated with dredging in the Tagus estuary (Portugal)
Cabrita, Maria Teresa
This work reports changes in suspended particulate matter, turbidity, dissolved Cr, Ni, Cu, Cd, Hg and Pb concentrations, and phytoplankton biomass and composition during a 5-month period dredging operation, in a trace element contaminated area of the Tagus estuary (Portugal). Phytoplankton biomass, diatom:other groups ratio, benthic:pelagic diatom ratio, Margalef's, Simpson's diversity, Shannon–Wiever's, and Warwick and Clarke's taxonomic diversity and distinctness indices, and individual taxa were investigated as indicators of dredging induced changes. Significant rise in sediment resuspension and trace element mobilisation caused by dredging influenced the community structure but not the overall biomass. Benthic diatom displacement into the water column maintained species diversity, and therefore, none of the indices highlighted community changes. Contrastingly, diatom:other groups ratio and benthic:pelagic diatom ratio were reliable indicators for the assessment of dredging induced changes. A shift in composition towards species less susceptible to trace elements was observed, disclosing some individual taxa as potential indicators.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Combining measurements and modelling to quantify the contribution of atmospheric fallout, local industry and road traffic to PAH stocks in contrasting catchments
Gateuille, David | Evrard, Olivier | Lefevre, Irène | Moreau-Guigon, Elodie | Alliot, Fabrice | Chevreuil, Marc | Mouchel, J.-M. (Jean-Marie)
Various sources supply PAHs that accumulate in soils. The methodology we developed provided an evaluation of the contribution of local sources (road traffic, local industries) versus remote sources (long range atmospheric transport, fallout and gaseous exchanges) to PAH stocks in two contrasting subcatchments (46–614 km²) of the Seine River basin (France). Soil samples (n = 336) were analysed to investigate the spatial pattern of soil contamination across the catchments and an original combination with radionuclide measurements provided new insights into the evolution of the contamination with depth. Relationships between PAH concentrations and the distance to the potential sources were modelled. Despite both subcatchments are mainly rural, roadside areas appeared to concentrate 20% of the contamination inside the catchment while a local industry was found to be responsible for up to 30% of the stocks. Those results have important implications for understanding and controlling PAH contamination in rural areas of early-industrialized regions.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Biodegradability of pharmaceutical compounds in agricultural soils irrigated with treated wastewater
Grossberger, Amnon | Hadar, Y. (Yitzhak) | Borch, Thomas | Chefetz, Benny
Pharmaceutical compounds (PCs) are introduced into agricultural soils via irrigation with treated wastewater (TWW). Our data show that carbamazepine, lamotrigine, caffeine, metoprolol, sulfamethoxazole and sildenafil are persistent in soils when introduced via TWW. However, other PCs, namely diclofenac, ibuprofen, bezafibrate, gemfibrozil and naproxen were not detected in soils when introduced via TWW. This is likely due to rapid degradation as confirmed in our microcosm studies where they exhibited half-lives (t1/2) between 0.2–9.5 days when soils were spiked at 50 ng/g soil and between 3 and 68 days when soils were spiked at 5000 ng/g soil. The degradation rate and extent of PCs observed in microcosm studies were similar in soils that had been previously irrigated with TWW or fresh water. This suggests that pre-exposure of the soils to PCs via irrigation with TWW does not enhance their biodegradation. This suggests that PCs are probably degraded in soils via co-metabolism.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Spatial variability of methane: Attributing atmospheric concentrations to emissions
Bamberger, I. | Stieger, J. | Buchmann, N. | Eugster, W.
Atmospheric methane concentrations were quantified along transects in Switzerland, using a mobile laser spectrometer combined with a GPS, to identify their spatio-temporal patterns and their controlling factors. Based on these measurements in complex terrain dominated by agriculture, three main factors were found to be responsible for the diurnal and regional patterns of atmospheric methane: (1) magnitude and distribution of methane sources within the region, (2) efficiency of vertical exchange, and (3) local wind patterns within the complex topography. An autocorrelation analysis of measured methane concentrations showed that nighttime measurements close to the ground provide information about regional sources (up to 8.3 km), while daytime measurements only carry information about sources located up to 240 m away in the upwind fetch. Compared to daytime concentrations, nighttime methane concentrations do also better reflect emissions obtained from a spatially explicit methane emission inventory and allowed the investigation of inconsistencies in this emission inventory.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Mechanistic considerations of photosensitized transformation of microcystin-LR (cyanobacterial toxin) in aqueous environments
Yan, Shuwen | Zhang, Danny | Song, Weihua
Microcystin-LR (MC-LR), one of the most common cyanotoxins, is produced by harmful cyanobacteria. The current study focuses on the photosensitized transformation of MC-LR in dissolved organic matter (DOM) enriched solutions under solar simulated irradiation. It appears that the direct energy transfer of triplet excited state DOM with MC-LR plays a key role and leads to photosensitized isomerization of Adda side chain. Furthermore a micro-heterogeneous mechanism has been proposed. Size exclude chromatograph (SEC) has been applied to explore the adsorption of MC-LR on the DOM. The adsorption phenomenon supported the fact that the pseudo first-order photodegradation rates showed positive correlation with the adsorption. The photo-transformation rate of MC-LR increases as pH decreases which is also the result of the adsorptive interaction of MC-LR with DOM. Finally two bulk water parameters (TOC and UV350 nm) have been applied to predict the photodegradation rates of MC-LR in the varied water matrixes.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Microplastics in bivalves cultured for human consumption
Van Cauwenberghe, Lisbeth | Janssen, Colin R.
Microplastics are present throughout the marine environment and ingestion of these plastic particles (<1 mm) has been demonstrated in a laboratory setting for a wide array of marine organisms. Here, we investigate the presence of microplastics in two species of commercially grown bivalves: Mytilus edulis and Crassostrea gigas. Microplastics were recovered from the soft tissues of both species. At time of human consumption, M. edulis contains on average 0.36 ± 0.07 particles g−1 (wet weight), while a plastic load of 0.47 ± 0.16 particles g−1 ww was detected in C. gigas. As a result, the annual dietary exposure for European shellfish consumers can amount to 11,000 microplastics per year. The presence of marine microplastics in seafood could pose a threat to food safety, however, due to the complexity of estimating microplastic toxicity, estimations of the potential risks for human health posed by microplastics in food stuffs is not (yet) possible.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Formation of brominated pollutants during the pyrolysis and combustion of tetrabromobisphenol A at different temperatures
Ortuño, Nuria | Moltó, Julia | Conesa, Juan A. | Font, Rafael
Tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) is the most widely used brominated flame retardant worldwide. A detailed examination of the degradation products emitted during thermal decomposition of TBBPA is presented in the study. Runs were performed in a laboratory furnace at different temperatures (650 and 800 °C) and in different atmospheres (nitrogen and air). More than one hundred semivolatile compounds have been identified by GC/MS, with special interest in brominated ones. Presence of HBr and brominated light hydrocarbons increased with temperature and in the presence of oxygen. Maximum formation of PAHs is observed at pyrolytic condition at the higher temperature. High levels of 2,4-, 2,6- and 2,4,6- bromophenols were found. The levels of polybrominated dibenzo-p-dioxins and furans have been detected in the ppm range. The most abundant isomers are 2,4,6,8-TeBDF in pyrolysis and 1,2,3,7,8-PeBDF in combustion. These results should be considered in the assessment of thermal treatment of materials containing brominated flame retardants.
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