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Effect of short–time variations of wind velocity on mass transfer rate between street canyons and the atmospheric boundary layer
Murena, Fabio | Mele, Benedetto
2D URANS CFD simulations were conducted to study the effect of short–time variations of wind velocity on mass transfer rate between street canyons and the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL). A street canyon with a height–to– width ratio (aspect ratio) of three was considered as a case study. The study is of practical interest since it illustrates a skimming flow regime, the regime where pollutants are less effectively exchanged between the canyon and the above atmosphere, typically found in many urban areas in Mediterranean countries. Short–time variations of wind velocity magnitude were simulated assuming a sinusoidal function with average magnitude = 4m s−1; amplitude ±2m s−1 and period from 1 to 40 s, and subsequently with short–time averaged (0.1 s, 1 s and 10 s) real world data measured with an ultrasonic anemometer (50Hz). Mass transfer rate between the canyon and the ABL was evaluated as the rate of reduction of spatially averaged concentration of a passive pollutant, carbon monoxide (CO), in the street canyon. Results show that mass transfer rate increases with the frequency of short–time variations. In CFD studies pertaining to pollutant dispersion in street canyons, wind hourly average velocity is usually assumed as a reference value to simulate real world cases. Our results show that this input data must be completed with additional information about the extent of variation in wind intensity and its frequency in the hour.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Vertical distribution and source identification of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in southwest of the Caspian Sea: Most petrogenic events during the late Little Ice Age
Varnosfaderany, Mohammad Nemati | Bakhtiari, Alireza Riyahi | Gu, Zhaoyan | Chu, Guoqiang
In this study, 75 samples of two 210Pb-dated cores from the southwest of the Caspian Sea were analysed for 30 compounds of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The TPAH29 flux of the last six centuries ranged from 16.3 to 177.3 and 22.3 to 426.2ngcm−2y−1 in the Rezvanshahr and Anzali core sediments, respectively. Prior to 1840, four distinct maxima in PAH fluxes (61–426.2ngcm−2y−1) with a low weathered petrogenic pattern were found in each of the core sediments. Simultaneity of distinct peaks of PAH fluxes before 1840 and Caspian Sea level high-stands during the Little Ice Age (LIA), revealed the high importance of this phenomenon in washing and transport of land-based oil pollution into the Caspian Sea. An overall increase in some diagnostic ratios (Flu/202, IP/276 and BaA/228), especially after 1940, indicated increase of pyrogenic PAHs as a result of industrial development in the catchment area.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Occurrence of Enterococcus species with virulence markers in an urban flow-influenced tropical recreational beach
Ahmad, Asmat | Dada, Ayokunle Christopher | Usup, Gires | Lee Yook Heng,
Median enterococci counts of beach water samples gradually increased at statistically significant levels (χ2: 26.53, df: 4; p<0.0001) with increasing proximity to river influx. The difference in proportion of antibiotic resistant enterococci in beach water and river water samples was statistically significant (p<0.05) for the tested antibiotics with river isolates generally presenting higher resistance frequencies. Virulence genes cyl, esp, gelE and asa were detected at varying frequencies (7.32%, 21.95%, 100% and 63.41% respectively) among river isolates. On the other hand, the prevalence of these genes was lower (0%, 20%, 67.27% and 41.82% respectively) among beach water isolates. Multi-Locus-Sequence-Typing analysis of Enterococcusfaecalis presented four sequence types (ST) one of which shared six out of seven tested loci with ST6, a member of the clonal complex of multi-drug resistant strains associated with hospital outbreaks.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]The usefulness of transplantation studies in monitoring of metals in the marine environment: South African experience
Greenfield, R. | Brink, K. | Degger, N. | Wepener, V.
Due to their close proximity to the point sources of pollution, estuaries and harbours are exposed to metals. Mussels are used worldwide to monitor marine pollution due to their ability to take up contaminants and the ease of transplantation. Mussels were collected from two reference sites and transplanted in Richards Bay Harbour (2006 and 2010) and in three harbours. Transplanted and resident mussels were removed after 6weeks exposure and metal concentrations were analysed using ICP-MS techniques. Transplanted mussels had higher metal concentrations than the resident mussels. This was attributed to regulation of metals by the resident mussels. Metal regulation was greater in mussels that are continuously submerged as opposed to those that undergo tidal influences. For monitoring it is essential that the reference population for transplantation is considered carefully as upwelling events in the pristine reference location results in significant increases in metal bioaccumulation.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Litter survey detects the South Atlantic ‘garbage patch’
Ryan, Peter G.
A distance-based technique was used to assess the distribution and abundance of floating marine debris (>1cm) in the southeast Atlantic Ocean between Cape Town and Tristan da Cunha, crossing the southern edge of the South Atlantic ‘garbage patch’ predicted by surface drift models. Most litter was made of plastic (97%). Detection distances were influenced by the size and buoyancy of litter items. Litter density decreased from coastal waters off Cape Town (>100 itemskm−2) to oceanic waters (<10 itemskm−2), and was consistently higher (6.2±1.3 itemskm−2) from 3 to 8°E than in adjacent oceanic waters (2.7±0.3 itemskm−2) or in the central South Atlantic around Tristan (1.0±0.4 itemskm−2). The area with high litter density had few seaweeds, suggesting that most litter had been drifting for a long time. The results indicate that floating debris is accumulating in the South Atlantic gyre as far south as 34–35°S.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Spatial variability of total dissolved copper and copper speciation in the inshore waters of Bermuda
Oldham, V.E. | Swenson, M.M. | Buck, K.N.
Total dissolved copper (Cu) and Cu speciation were examined from inshore waters of Bermuda, in October 2009 and July–August 2010, to determine the relationship between total dissolved Cu, Cu-binding ligands and bioavailable, free, hydrated Cu2+ concentrations. Speciation was performed using competitive ligand exchange-adsorptive cathodic stripping voltammetry (CLE-ACSV). Mean total dissolved Cu concentrations ranged from 1.4nM to 19.2nM, with lowest concentrations at sites further from shore, consistent with previous measurements in the Sargasso Sea, and localized Cu enrichment inshore in enclosed harbors. Ligand concentrations exceeded dissolved [Cu] at most sites, and [Cu2+] were correspondingly low at those sites, typically <10−13 M. One site, Hamilton Harbour, was found to have [Cu] in excess of ligands, resulting in [Cu2+] of 10−10.7 M, and indicating that Cu may be toxic to phytoplankton here.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Heavy metal concentrations in sediment cores from the northern Baltic Sea: Declines over the last two decades
Vallius, Henry
The Baltic Sea has received considerable loads of pollutants due to industrialization in Eastern Europe. Concern for the Baltic’s ecological health eventually led to legislation and voluntary measures to limit pollution during the last decades of the 20th century. Heavy metal concentrations in open sea surface sediments reflected these steps to limit contaminant loads almost immediately, suggesting the possibility that the trend would continue in the ensuing years. Recent seafloor samples reveal that the declines have persisted over the past two decades. Currently, almost all heavy metal species have declined in surface sediments to levels approaching the safe limits for humans and the environment. Cadmium and mercury however remain at relatively high concentrations in many areas. Arsenic concentrations, which occur at safe levels within the Gulf of Finland persist at unacceptably high levels in surface sediments of the Bothnian Bay, and thus pose a potential threat to marine life in the area.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Driving factors behind the distribution of dinocyst composition and abundance in surface sediments in a western Mediterranean coastal lagoon: Report from a high resolution mapping study
Fertouna-Bellakhal, Mouna | Dhib, Amel | Béjaoui, Béchir | Turki, Souad | Aleya, Lotfi
Species composition and abundance of dinocysts in relation to environmental factors were studied at 123 stations of surface sediment in Bizerte Lagoon. Forty-eight dinocyst types were identified, mainly dominated by Brigantidinium simplex, Votadinum spinosum, Alexandrium pseudogonyaulax, Alexandrium catenella, and Lingulodinum machaerophorum along with many round brown cysts and spiny round brown cysts. Cysts ranged from 1276 to 20126cystsg−1dry weight sediment. Significant differences in cyst distribution pattern were recorded among the zones, with a higher cyst abundance occurring in the lagoon’s inner areas. Redundancy analyses showed two distinct associations of dinocysts according to location and environmental variables. Ballast water discharges are potential introducers of non-indigenous species, especially harmful ones such as A. catenella and Polysphaeridium zoharyi, with currents playing a pivotal role in cyst distribution. Findings concerning harmful cyst species indicate potential seedbeds for initiation of future blooms and outbreaks of potentially toxic species in the lagoon.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Sediment PAH: Contrasting levels in the Caspian Sea and Anzali Wetland
Yancheshmeh, Rokhsareh Azimi | Bakhtiari, Alireza Riyahi | Mortazavi, Samar | Savabieasfahani, Mozhgan
A comparative study of 23 PAH congeners in sediment of the Caspian Sea coast and Anzali Wetland was conducted in 2010. Surface sediment was analyzed using chromatography and mass spectrometry. Total PAH concentrations ranged between 212 and 9009ngg−1dw. Spatial distribution maps revealed that PAH levels were higher in the coastal areas of the Caspian Sea where oil related activities have been common since 1800’s. Diagnostic ratios analysis indicated that PAHs largely originated from petrogenic processes. PAH toxicity level was assessed using sediment quality guidelines and toxic equivalent concentrations to determine toxic effects on marine organism. Based on these investigations, in our study areas, the probability of toxicity for benthic organisms is “low to medium”. The toxic equivalent concentrations of carcinogenic PAHs varied between 11 and 231ng TEQ/g; higher total toxic equivalent concentrations values were found in the coastal areas of the Caspian Sea.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Human health risk of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from consumption of blood cockle and exposure to contaminated sediments and water along the Klang Strait, Malaysia
Tavakoly Sany, Seyedeh Belin | Hashim, Rosli | Rezayi, Majid | Salleh, Aishah | Rahman, M. Azizur (Mohammad Azizur) | Safari, Omid | Sasekumar, A.
The concentration of carcinogenic poly aromatic hydrocarbons (c-PAHs) present in water and sediment of Klang Strait as well as in the edible tissue of blood cockle (Anadara granosa) was investigated.The human health risk of c-PAHs was assessed in accordance with the standards of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA). The cancer risks of c-PAHs to human are expected to occur through the consumption of blood cockles or via gastrointestinal exposure to polluted sediments and water in Kalng Strait. The non-carcinogenic risks that are associated with multiple pathways based on ingestion rate and contact rates with water were higher than the US EPA safe level at almost all stations, but the non-carcinogenic risks for eating blood cockle was below the level of US EPA concern. A high correlation between concentrations of c-PAHs in different matrices showed that the bioaccumulation of c-PAHs by blood cockles could be regarded as a potential health hazard for the consumers.
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