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Contamination of beech and oak by pollutants in area of magnesite plant
Mankovska, B. | Tucekova, A. (Forest Research Institute, Zvolen (Slovak Republic)) | Novak, J.
The magnesite plants Jelsava and Lubenik emitted in the 80s 30 000 tons of magnesite dust and heavy metals and 4000 tons of SO2 per year, what caused an extreme damage to the vegetation in the area around of about 500 km2. For the determination of 3 zones of endangerment we used pollution index values. In each pollution zone we demarcated experimental plots and carried out soil analyses. Forest stands polluted by magnesite dust belong to alkaline air pollution type
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Changes in forest ecosystems under the influence of alkalizing the environment pollutants
Armolaitis, K. | Stakenas, V. | Raguotis, A. (Lithuanian Forest Research Institute, Kaunas (Lithuania))
The alkalinization has a positive influence on soil microflora abundance. The number of ammonifiers nearby the plant is greater by 2-4 times than in relatively unpolluted soils of the same type, while the amount of denitrifiers and anaerobic nitrogen-fixing microorganisms even by 20-50 times. Alkalinization has induced biological soil activity. The data obtained are compared with the data of analogous studies conducted on forest ecosystems affected by acidifying pollutants
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Chloroplast microsatellite markers monitoring genetic differentiation of Picea Abies [L.] Karst. in response to air and soil pollution
Schubert, R. | Muller-Starck, G. | Metzger, H. G. | Riegel, R. (Technical University of Munich, Freising (Germany). Weilhestephan Center of Life and Food Sciences)
The chloroplast genome has been widely addressed to describe genetic diversity in tree species with regard to phylogeographic studies. In contrast, there is little information on the pattern of genetic differentiation in tolerant and sensitive tree populations, responding to different types of environmental stress. The results demonstrate that chloroplast microsatellites markers are useful tools for elucidating and for testing the pattern of genetic differentiation in stress-exposed populations of Norway spruce, offering to prove the feasibility of marker-aided selection in future
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Evaluation of Norway spruce forest plantation under air pollution load after the application of a slow-release forest tablet fertilizer Silvamix MG
Sarvas, M. | Tucekova, A. | Seben, V. (Forest Research Institute, Zvolen (Slovak Republic))
Fertilization plays an essential role in forest management on the site being under air pollution load in last years. The soil acidity due to the acid fall-out is markedly worse and at the same time the concentration of calcium, phosphorous, potassium and magnesium are decreasing. The fertilization besides positive influence on height increment could help in adaptation process of plants establishment after transplanting and it can eliminate negative ifluence of anthropogenic conditions of the environmnet
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Spatial variability of some topsoil character in a declining forest site (Krkonose National Park, Czech Republic)
Zanini, E. | Caimi, A. | Santoni, S. | Bonifacio, E. (DIVAPRA-Chimica Agraria, Grugliasco (Italy))
45 sites were selected and sampled on the transects and according to the first results of the spatial analysis, 15 more sites were added where useful for the optimal interpolation. Topsoils were sampled including both the soil organic horizons and the more superficial mineral horizon, frequently E, if reached. The depth of the organic horizons, the grass cover, ranked by its hydrophilic character, related to the incipient hydromorphy visible where Norway spruce is more declining, and the Norway spruce health status were systematically recorded
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Long-term changes of soil chemical parameters in forests of Saxony (Germany)
Raben, G. | Symossek, F. | Katzschner, W. | Gemballa, R. | Karst, H. | Kohler, S. | Nowatzki, O. (Saxon State Institute of Forestry, Pirna (Germany))
Taking into account the results of environmental monitoring in forest ecosystems (European Level I- and II-Programme) showing high degrees of soil acidification and still a widespread exceedance of critical loads by deposited sulphur and nitrogen compounds, the programme of differentiated forest protection liming should continue with site specific doses. On the other hand the programme to restore forest ecosystems with higher stability and to a large extent balanced nutrient cycles has to be carried out in order to minimize internal acid-generating processes
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Fine root status and element contents in three stands of Norway spruce in the Krkonose mountains
Godbold, D.L. (University of Wales, Bangor (United Kingdom). School of Agricultural and Forest Sciences) | Fritz, H.W. | Cudlin, P. | Bonifacio, E.
Fine root distribution was estimated in three spruce stands with different stages of forest decline. At all 3 sites in the 0-5 cm layer the density of living fine root mass exceeds the necromass. However, in the deeper soil layer necromass exceeds biomass by a factor of 2-4 at Modry Dul, ca. 3 at Alzbetinka and by more than 8 at Mumlavska Hora. The distribution of root density was reflected in the distribution of root length and the number of root tips in each soil layer for the 3 sites
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Depositions from precipitation in the forest ecosystem of pedunculate oak and their possible impacts on the stability of the lowland forests in Croatia
Tikvic, I. (University of Zagreb, Zagreb (Croatia). Faculty of Forestry) | Seletkovic, Z. | Sojat, V. | Znidaric, G.
The paper deals with the results of chemical analyses of the precipitation collected with the bulk method in and out of the pedunculate oak forest near Lipovljani in Croatia, for the period 1997-2001. A considerable higher total annual deposition of the majority of analysed determinants has been found in the forest. The results point to the importance and influence of the forest cover on the reception and distribution of dry and wet pollution in the forest ecosystem of pedunculate oak
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Effects of big polluters on biodiversity of northern terrestrial ecosystems
Kozlov, M.V. (University of Turku, Turku (Finland). Section of Ecology)
Impacts of big polluters on adjacent ecosystems can be seen as long-term unintentional experiments. Contrary to the common guess, results of these experiments may be used to address basic ecological problems, like diversity - stability and diversity - productivity relationships, as well as evaluate general effects of disturbance on ecosystem structure and functioning. Toxicity of pollutants plays a leading role at early stages of forest decline, while transformation of forests into birch woodlands and industrial barrens is accelerated by positive feedback's acting primarily via changes in microclimate
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Restoration of functioning forest ecosystems in the Krusne Hory Mts.
Podrazsky, V. | Karas, J. (University of Agriculture, Prague (Czech Republic). Faculty of Forestry)
Research project main aims are coordinating, summarizing and making interpretation from the research results from the region of interest. Further targets are to focus, concentrate and promote research activities of relevant departments of the Faculty of Forestry in this area. Intention of organising institution is to create a material, grouping together research results available from the Ore Mts., forming a basis for results exchange and launching the data as well as for results utilisable in the forest practice in this region
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