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Quantifying source and dynamics of acidic pollution in a coastal acid sulphate soil area
Phong, N.D. | To Phuc Tuong | Phu, N.D. | Nang, N.D. | Hoanh, Chu Thai
The in-depth knowledge on management and reducing annual acidic pollution is important for improving the sustainable livelihood of people living in areas with acid sulphate soils (ASS). This study involved a long-term (2001-2006), large-scale canal water quality monitoring network (87 locations) and a field experiment at nine sites to quantify the dynamic variability of acidic pollution and its source in a coastal area with ASS in the Mekong River Delta of Vietnam. Widespread acidic pollution (pH <5) of surface water occurred at the beginning of the rainy season, while pH of the canal water remained high (7-8) at the end of the rainy season and during the dry season. The study identified canal embankment deposits, made of ASS spoils from canal dredging/excavation, as the main source of acidic pollution in the surrounding canal network. The findings suggested that there was a linkage between the amount of acidic loads into canal networks and the age of the embankment deposits. The most acute pollution (pH ~ 3) occurred in canals with sluggish tidal water flow, at 1-2 years after the deposition of excavated spoils onto the embankments in ASS. The amount of acidic loads transferred to the canal networks could be quantified from environmental parameters, including cumulative rainfall, soil type and age of embankment deposits. The study implied that dredging/excavation of canals in ASS areas must be carried out judiciously as these activities may increase the source of acidic pollution to the surrounding water bodies.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Processing of fecal sludge to fertilizer pellets using a low-cost technology in Ghana
Nikiema, Josiane | Cofie, Olufunke O. | Impraim, Robert | Adamtey, Noah
This paper describes a study that was aimed at optimizing the pelletization of fecal sludge-based fertilizers for agricultural use. The process developed is easy to implement and increases the marketability of the products while also addressing a serious health and environmental challenge. The study took place during the period 2011-2012 in Ghana. The fecal sludge, rich in nutrients and organic matter, was dried and used to produce five different fertilizers (i.e., four formulations of compost and one with gamma irradiated material). Each material was then pelletized using locally constructed machinery. Key operating parameters, such as moisture content (10-55% in mass), binder type (clay or starch) and concentration (0-10% in mass), were varied and their impacts on the characteristics of pellets (e.g., amount of fine materials generated, length distribution or stability of pellets, and pellet disintegration rate) were also followed. Given the low analyzing capabilities of developing countries, some simple analytical methods were developed and used to compare pellets produced under different conditions. The results confirmed that the addition of 3% of pregelatinized starch is recommended during pelletization of fecal sludge-based fertilizers. Applicable moisture contents were also identified per fertilizer type, and were found to comprise between 21 and 43%.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Temporal changes in environmental health risks and socio-psychological status in areas affected by the 2011 tsunami in Ishinomaki, Japan
Makita, K. | Inoshita, K. | Kayano, T. | Uenoyama, K. | Hagiwara, K. | Asakawa, M. | Ogawa, K. | Kawamura, S. | Noda, J. | Sera, K. | Sasaki, H. | Nakatani, N. | Higuchi, H. | Ishikawa, N. | Iwano, H. | Tamura, Y.
On March 11 2011, a tsunami caused by a magnitude 9.0 earthquake devastated the northeastern coast of Honshu, Japan.The present study was conducted to assess environmental health risks of the areas affected and socio-psychological status of the dislocated people in Ishinomaki. Samples of sludge, water, flies and rodents were collected in 20 urban neighborhood associations affected by the tsunami in July and August 2011, and in August 2012. A socio-psychological survey was conducted in two urban and one rural temporary housing complexes in 2012. Animal feed concentrates and fish from damaged factories were scattered along the coast which caused a strong odor and great number of flies. Removal of fish and feed along with spraying insecticides reduced the odor and the number of flies by August 2011. The sludge and water samples contained potentially hazardous bacteria, but none were highly pathogenic. Heavy metals in sludge were not in alarming quantities. A rodent was captured in one unit in August 2011, and monitoring in two units found that the log number of rodents captured increased significantly over time (slope=0.08, p = 0.005). In temporary housing complexes, those who originally lived in rural fishing villages wished to return to their homes more (64.2%, 9/14) than in urban areas (30.6%, 11/36, p = 0.06). Risk factors for depression included absence of friends (p = 0.011) or trusted person to counsel in the housing complexes (p = 0.003) and illness of the respondent or a family member (p = 0.003). In conclusion, overall environmental health risk was acceptable for living, and monitoring of rodents population was recommended. In addition, psychological and economical support was needed for evacuees in temporary housing complexes.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Relative bioavailability of tropical volcanic soil-bound chlordecone in laying hens (Gallus domesticus)
Jondreville C. | Bouveret C. | Jannoyer-Lesueur M. | Rychen G. | Feidt C.
The former use of chlordecone (CLD) in the French West Indies has resulted in long-term pollution of soils and of food chains. CLD may be transferred into eggs of hens reared outdoors, through polluted soil ingestion. Tropical volcanic soils display variable capacities of pollutant retention: CLD is less available and more persistent in andosol than in nitisol. The impact of soil type on CLD bioavailability to hens was tested through a relative bioavailability study. The deposition of CLD in egg yolk and in abdominal fat was measured in 42 individually housed laying hens fed with diets containing graded levels of CLD from polluted andosol, nitisol, or spiked oil during 23 days. Within each ingested matrix, the concentration of CLD in yolk and in abdominal fat linearly increased with the amount of ingested CLD (P<0.001). However, the response to andosol diets and to nitisol diets was not different from the response to oil diets (P>0.1), indicating that CLD was equally bioavailable to laying hens, irrespective of the matrix. This suggests that the hen's gastrointestinal tract efficiently extracts CLD from the two tropical volcanic soils, regardless of their retention capacity. Thus, hens reared on polluted soils with CLD may lay contaminated eggs. (Résumé d'auteur)
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Effects of silicon and copper on bamboo grown hydroponically
Collin B. | Doelsch E. | Keller C. | Panfili F. | Meunier J.D.
Due to its high growth rate and biomass production, bamboo has recently been proven to be useful in wastewater treatment. Bamboo accumulates high silicon (Si) levels in its tissues, which may improve its development and tolerance to metal toxicity. This study investigates the effect of Si supplementation on bamboo growth and copper (Cu) sensitivity. An 8-month hydroponic culture of bamboo Gigantocloa sp. "Malay Dwarf " was performed. The bamboo plants were first submitted to a range of Si supplementation (0-1.5 mM). After 6 months, a potentially toxic Cu concentration of 1.5 ?M Cu2+ was added. Contrary to many studies on other plants, bamboo growth did not depend on Si levels even though it absorbed Si up to 218 mg g?1 in leaves. The absorption of Cu by bamboo plants was not altered by the Si supplementation; Cu accumulated mainly in roots (131 mg kg?1), but was also found in leaves (16.6 mg kg?1) and stems (9.8 mg kg?1). Copper addition did not induce any toxicity symptoms. The different Cu and Si absorption mechanisms may partially explain why Si did not influence Cu repartition and concentration in bamboo. Given the high biomass and its absorption capacity, bamboo could potentially tolerate and accumulate high Cu concentrations making this plant useful for wastewater treatment. (Résumé d'auteur)
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Impacts of land uses on mercury retention in long-time cultivated soils, Brazilian Amazon
Comte I. | Lucotte M. | Davidson R. | Reis de Carvalho C. | de Assis Oliveira F. | Rousseau G.X.
Many studies have shown the relationship between fire clearing and mercury contamination of aquatic ecosystems in the Brazilian Amazon. This study aimed at quantifying mercury content in long-time cultivated soils and at assessing the potential of a fire-free alternative clearing technique on mercury retention for long-time cultivated soils compared to traditional slash-and-burn. This case study included five land uses: one crop plot and one pasture plot cleared using slash-and-burn, one crop plot and one pasture plot cleared using chop-and-mulch, and one 40-year-old forest as a control. Low mercury concentrations were recorded in the surface horizon (24.83 to 49.48 ng g?1, 0–5 cm depth). The long-time cultivation (repeated burnings) of these soils triggered large mercury losses in the surface horizon, highlighted by high enrichment factors from surface to deeper horizons. The predominant effect of repeated burnings before the experimental implementation did not let us to distinguish a positive effect of the chop-and-mulch clearing method on soil mercury retention for crops and pastures. Moreover, some processes related to the presence of the mulch may favor mercury retention (Hg volatilization decrease, cationic sites increase), while others may contribute to mercury losses (cationic competition and dislocation, mobilization by the dissolved organic matter). (Résumé d'auteur)
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Relative bioavailability of tropical volcanic soil-bound chlordecone in laying hens (#Gallus domesticus#)
Jondreville C. | Bouveret C. | Jannoyer-Lesueur M. | Rychen G. | Feidt C.
The former use of chlordecone (CLD) in the French West Indies has resulted in long-term pollution of soils and of food chains. CLD may be transferred into eggs of hens reared outdoors, through polluted soil ingestion. Tropical volcanic soils display variable capacities of pollutant retention: CLD is less available and more persistent in andosol than in nitisol. The impact of soil type on CLD bioavailability to hens was tested through a relative bioavailability study. The deposition of CLD in egg yolk and in abdominal fat was measured in 42 individually housed laying hens fed with diets containing graded levels of CLD from polluted andosol, nitisol, or spiked oil during 23 days. Within each ingested matrix, the concentration of CLD in yolk and in abdominal fat linearly increased with the amount of ingested CLD (P<0.001). However, the response to andosol diets and to nitisol diets was not different from the response to oil diets (P>0.1), indicating that CLD was equally bioavailable to laying hens, irrespective of the matrix. This suggests that the hen's gastrointestinal tract efficiently extracts CLD from the two tropical volcanic soils, regardless of their retention capacity. Thus, hens reared on polluted soils with CLD may lay contaminated eggs. (Résumé d'auteur)
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Assessing ecotoxicity and uptake of metals and metalloids in relation to two different earthworm species (Eiseina horterzsis and Lumbricus terrestris)
Leveque , Thibaut (Université de ToulouseEcolab Laboratoire d'écologie fonctionnelle, Castanet-Tolosan31326 Castanet-Tolosan (France). INP-ENSATUMR 5245 CNRS-INP-UPS) | Capowiez , Yvan (INRA , Avignon (France). UR 1115 Unité de recherche Plantes et Systèmes de Culture Horticoles) | Schreck , Eva (Géosciences Environnement Toulouse, Toulouse(France). UMR 5563 CNRS/UPS/IRD/CNES) | Mazzia , Christophe (Institut Méditerranéen de Biodiversité et d'Écologie Marine et Continentale(France). UMR CNRS 7263) | Auffan , Mélanie (Centre Européen de Recherche et d'Enseignement des Géosciences de l'Environnement, Aix-en-Provence(France). Europôle méditerranéen de l’Arbois) | Foucault , Yann (Université de ToulouseEcolab Laboratoire d'écologie fonctionnelleSociété de Traitement Chimique des Métaux, Castanet-Tolosan31326 Castanet-Tolosan Toulouse(France). INP-ENSATUMR 5245 CNRS-INP-UPS) | Austruy , Annabelle (Université de ToulouseEcolab Laboratoire d'écologie fonctionnelle, Castanet-Tolosan31326 Castanet-Tolosan (France). INP-ENSATUMR 5245 CNRS-INP-UPS) | Dumat , Camille (auteur de correspondance) (Université de ToulouseEcolab Laboratoire d'écologie fonctionnelle, Castanet-Tolosan31326 Castanet-Tolosan (France). INP-ENSATUMR 5245 CNRS-INP-UPS)
Due to diffuse atmospheric fallouts of process particles enriched by metals and metalloids, polluted soils concern large areas at the global scale. Useful tools to assess ecotoxicity induced by these polluted soils are therefore needed. Earthworms are currently used as biotest, however the influence of specie and earthworm behaviour, soil characteristics are poorly highlighted. Our aim was therefore to assess the toxicity of various polluted soils with process particles enriches by metals and metalloids (Pb, Cd, Cu, Zn, As and Sb) collected from a lead recycling facility on two earthworm species belonging to different ecological types and thus likely to have contrasted behavioural responses (Eiseina hortensis and Lumbricus terrestris). The combination of behavioural factors measurements (cast production and biomass) and physicochemical parameters such as metal absorption, bioaccumulation by earthworms and their localization in invertebrate tissues provided a valuable indication of pollutant bioavailability and ecotoxicity. Soil characteristics influenced ecotoxicity and metal uptake by earthworms, as well as their soil bioturbation.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Atmospheric polychlorinated biphenyls in Indian cities: Levels, emission sources and toxicity equivalents
Chakraborty, Paromita | Zhang, Gan | Eckhardt, Sabine | Li, Jun | Breivik, Knut | Lam, Paul KS | Tanabe, Shinsuke | Jones, Kevin C
Atmospheric concentration of Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were measured on diurnal basis by active air sampling during Dec 2006 to Feb 2007 in seven major cities from the northern (New Delhi and Agra), eastern (Kolkata), western (Mumbai and Goa) and southern (Chennai and Bangalore) parts of India. Average concentration of Sum25PCBs in the Indian atmosphere was 4460 (+/-2200) pg m-3 with a dominance of congeners with 4-7 chlorine atoms. Model results (HYSPLIT, FLEXPART) indicate that the source areas are likely confined to local or regional proximity. Results from the FLEXPART model show that existing emission inventories cannot explain the high concentrations observed for PCB-28. Electronic waste, ship breaking activities and dumped solid waste are attributed as the possible sources of PCBs in India. Sum25PCB concentrations for each city showed significant linear correlation with Toxicity equivalence (TEQ) and Neurotoxic equivalence (NEQ) values. | acceptedVersion
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Disinfection by-products and ecotoxicity of ballast water after oxidative treatment – Results and experiences from seven years of full-scale testing of ballast water management systems
Delacroix, Stephanie | Vogelsang, Christian | Tobiesen, August | Liltved, Helge
Since 2005, five different ballast water management systems (BWMS) based on chlorination treatment have been tested by Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA) according to guidelines from the International Maritime Organization (IMO). 25 % and >50 % of all the tested discharge samples exhibited acute and chronic toxic effects on algae, respectively. In most cases this toxicity was plausibly caused by a high free residual oxidant (FRO) level (>0.08 mg Cl/l). Of the 22 disinfection by-products (DBPs) that were identified in treated water at discharge, four compounds were at times found at concentrations that may pose a risk to the local aquatic environment. However, there seemed to be no clear indication that the measured DBP concentrations contributed to the observed algal toxicity. The addition of methylcellulose instead of lignin in the test water to comply with IMO requirements seemed to limit the formation of DBP.
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