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Characteristic of grain physical traits of spring barley
Bleidere, M., State Stende Inst. of Cereal Breeding, Dizstende, Talsu reg. (Latvia)
The objective of this study was to examine the range of variation and correlation relationships of some grain physical traits of different barley types. Field experiments were carried out at the State Stende Cereal Breeding Institute from 2004 to 2006. Grain samples of 52 spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) genotypes were analysed for 1000 grain weight, test weight, relative hardness index and hull content. The mean value of 1000 grain weight and test weight for two-row barley was significantly higher than for six-row barley. Test weight for hull-less barley was significantly higher than for covered ones (mean values - 774.6 g lE-1 and 669.8 g lE-1 respectively). The hull content was higher for six-row barley type (10.4%) than for two-row (8.6%) barley. There was no significant difference in relative hardness index between different types of barley. The coefficient of variation for grain hardness ranged from 13.7% for six-row barley to 18.7% for hull-less barley. Among varieties bred in Latvia relative hardness index ranged from 47.1 for two-row variety ‘Sencis’ to 80.4 for only six-row variety ‘Druvis’. Significant (p is less than 0.05) positive correlation was detected between grain hardness index and β-glucans for covered two-row head types of barley (r2-row, covered =0.418 is greater than r25; 0.05=0.396).
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Influence of agroecological factors on winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) autumn growth
Balodis, O., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
Sowing area under oil-seed rape (Brassica napus L.) has increased during last decade in Latvia and has become more or less stable since 2007. Lack of research on impact of sowing date, sowing rate, fungicide as growth regulator application and other agroecological factor issues on rape autumn growth is observed. The aim of our research, started in autumn 2007 in Research and Study farm Vecauce, was to investigate the influence of applied agroecological factors (five sowing dates, four sowing rates and fungicide (as growth regulator in autumn) application on two type winter rape varieties development in autumn. Winter rape biometrical parameters, dry matter content and dry mass per square m of leaves were estimated. Sowing date affected height of growth point, root neck diameter, plant and root mass, main root length significantly (p is less than 0.05). Sowing rate affected only some indices significantly in autumn 2007. Fungicide (juventus 90 s.c. - metconasol 90 g LE-1) application also affected rape plant biometric parameters during autumn depending on conditions of research year - height of growth point decreased only in year 2007, effect on number of leaves per plant was observed in both trial years, plant weight (2007) and root length (2008) were affected for hybrid variety. Sowing date showed effect on dry matter content in leaves as well as on dry matter mass of leaves per 1 square m. Fungicide application increased dry mass of leaves per 1 square m in two earlier sowing dates. Results are important also for outline of further research directions evaluating significance of above mentioned factors for winter rape wintering in Latvia.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]The evaluation of Rhizobium leguminosarum strains effectiveness in field beans (Vicia faba L.) at different soil microbiological activity
Ansevica, A., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Alsina, I., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Steinberga, V., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
The inoculation of the legume seed material with active nitrogen fixing bacteria strains before sowing has a significant role for the increase of the legume yield. Inoculation can improve crop yields in cases where appropriate rhizobia are not present in the soil or the soil contains a significant proportion of non-nodulating or ineffective nitrogen-fixing strains. The aim of the investigation was to detect the effectiveness of Rhizobium leguminosarum strains in field beans at different soil microbiological activity. The experiment was conducted at the Institute of Soil and Plant Sciences of the Faculty of Agriculture of the Latvian University of Agriculture from the 5th of June till the 17th of October 2008. The field bean (Vicia faba. L) cultivars - 'Ada', 'Lielplatones', Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. vicia strains No. 110; 408; 501 and 2 types of soils (with different microbiological activity) were used in vegetation pot experiment. The highest shoot dry matter was observed in cultivars cultivated in soil with higher microbiological activity. The highest pod dry matter was observed in cultivars cultivated in soil with higher microbiological activity. The highest total nitrogen amount was in field beans cultivated in soil with lower microbiological activity. Rh. leguminosarum strain resistance to streptomycin decreases with the plants age, from anthesis forward in both soil types and both cultivars. The fingerprinting showed significant difference between Rh. leguminosarum strains.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Stability of morphological traits in Latgale's melon lines
Balins, A., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Alsina, I., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Lepse, L., Pure Horticultural Research Centre, Tukuma reg. (Latvia)
The investigation was carried out from 2006 to 2008 with the aim of observing the stability of morphological traits in Latgale's melon (Cucumis melo L.) lines in the Tukums region of Latvia. Four lines of Latgale's melons ('8', '14', '5(2)', and '4(3)') were grown in high plastic tunnels: five plants from each line. The following parameters were measured to determine stability of morphological traits in melons: fruit petiole and flower scar diameters (cm), length and wide of melon fruit (cm), and thickness of flesh (cm). Results showed that there was a significant difference in fruit petiole scar diameter between the years 2006 and 2007 for all lines. The melon line '14' was stable in all parameters from 2006 till 2008 except fruit flower scar diameter. The melon line '4(3)' was less stable in all parameters between all melon lines in all years of investigation.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Diversity of non-starter lactic acid bacteria in Latvian semi-hard cheeses
Mikelsone, A., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Ciprovica, I., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
The most non-starter lactic acid bacteria (NSLAB) isolated from semi-hard cheeses are heterofermentative and handled as one of the reasons of cheese off-flavours and yield defect but at the same time majority of researches argued positive effect of NSLAB on cheese flavour formation and diversification due to rendered compounds of chemical reactions. The amount of NSLAB in cheese varies from 10 at the beginning of ripening to 105 cfu mlE-1 within 6-8 weeks. The aims of this paper were to establish diversity of NSLAB in commercial samples of Krievijas and Holandes cheeses, and to evaluate the effect of ripening temperatures on NSLAB in the trials of Krievijas cheese. A total of 12 commercial cheese samples from seven different Latvian manufacturers and trials from one cheese manufacturer were examined. The trials were ripened for 60 days at different temperatures - 6 deg C and 12 deg C. Serial dilutions of each cheese sample (1:1000 and 1:10 000) in saline were made. NSLAB were cultivated using MRS media. Strain identification was performed by the API 50 CHL system (BioMerieux, Marey l'Etoile, France). In commercial samples of Krievijas cheese dominance of L. curvatus was observed, simultaneously L.plantarum and L.paracasei subsp. paracasei were isolated. Whereas in Holandes cheese samples dominance of L.paracasei subsp. paracasei was noted and L.plantarum, L.curvatus, L.rhamnosus and L.acidophilus were isolated. In the trials ripened at different temperatures prevalence of L.curvatus was noted. Concentration of Lactobacillus spp. varied from 104 cfu mlE-1 on the first day of ripening and reached the highest concentration (106 cfu mlE-1) after 6 weeks of ripening.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]The theoretical and legal aspects of area payments in Latvia
Klava, S., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Pilvere, I., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
The study summarises the theoretical and legal aspects of the main types of area payments in Latvia. From the point of view of theoretical and legal arrangements, the area payments may be broken down in two large groups: direct payments and area payments foreseen under Rural Development Programs. The legal package regulating Area Payments consists of the EU regulatory enactments (Council or Commission Regulations) and regulatory enactments of Latvia (Laws and the Cabinet (MK) Regulations). The institutional implementation system of each group of Area Payments is relevant and distinct. The present study analyses 11 different types of Area Payments. Over the period 2004 - 2007, farmers have received LVL 430 million in different Area Payments constituting 58.5% of the total amount of support.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Results and legal restrictions of debt recovery in Latvia
Filipovica, A., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
Credit is an important impellent of economics and promoter of welfare that is the reason why government politics supported credit accessibility to legal and physical persons, which has led to the delayed payments in every business sector. The amounts of crediting in late years has sharply risen, wherewith increases the amount of inhabitants and enterprises, who can't repay their civil liability commitment. It is important to recover commitments to get finance for other investments. The amount of debt recovery is rising in Latvia peripheral economical breakdown that proves demonstrated information in the article about the situation at present. Only in year 2008 banks slacked the speed of lending, but amount of debt recovery is just rising. There was not all civil liability commitment entered that has appeared to legal and physical persons in Latvia, in Register of Debtors. Now when the Credit Register has come to the operation, the situation is clearer than it was before. One of the ways for creditors to return their funds is through court. Between years 2003 and 2008 approximately 11% of plaintiff actions have been satisfied already in court, terminating them. 61% of plaintiff actions have been satisfied with judgment of court. Take a note, that requirements in debt recovery change, as well as the interpretation of the laws and regulations. Whereby the debt collectors change contract regulations unhesitatingly provide positive result in courts.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]The theoretical model of activity-based budgeting in agricultural enterprises
Pockeviciute, R., Alytus City Municipality Administration (Lithuania)
Business activity of an enterprise is almost inconceivable without planning. Therefore today there are many discussions about the importance of activity planning of the enterprise and forecasting of the resources, necessary to reach the set tasks. For this reason the scientists and practicians offer to implement the budgeting system in the enterprises. This paper introduces the new budgeting model - Activity-Based Budgeting (ABB) model. It also contains the survey of advantages of this model and its applicability in theoretical aspect. The key objective of this paper is to present Activity-Based Budgeting (ABB) as an important means of planning and coordination of activity of the agricultural enterprise (or any other type of an enterprise). After performance of analysis of the main principles of Activity-Based Budgeting (ABB) model the reasoned conclusions can be drawn that application of this model in the agricultural enterprises could be the alternative means against the variable and changing economical and business conditions. It should be emphasized that contrarily to the traditional budgeting models; ABB can help to establish the connections between the incurred costs and the company processes. The paper contains ABB analysis based upon the scientific studies and the fragments of practical application of the model.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Beef consumption trends in Latvia
Popluga, D., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia);Latvian State Inst. of Agrarian Economics, Riga (Latvia)
Over the last few years, the increase of society stratification and inequality of income that has favoured significant shifts in household dietary patterns and a growing demand for products of animal origin, particularly meat and milk can be observed. On the consumption side, meat plays an important role in improving the nutritional status of low-income households by addressing micro and macro nutrient deficiencies. In this context, this paper investigates beef consumption trends and aims to corroborate theoretical expectations with empirical findings. The aim of the research was to characterize main tendencies of beef consumption and to find out factors affecting beef consumption in Latvia. In order to achieve the set aim, the following research objectives were defined: 1) to characterize household expenditure for purchasing beef; 2) to describe overall beef consumption in Latvia; 3) to investigate beef consumption in households with different income level. The study was based on annual statistical data, statistical bulletins covering results of the Household Budget Survey from 2002 to 2007, scientific publications and special literature. To carry out the research, adequate research methods were used. The results of this study showed that beef consumption in the country has been more or less stable, although in relatively small amounts. The main factor that influences beef consumption and expenditure on beef is income level. The results also suggested that higher beef consumption is characteristic of urban households, which have higher income level than rural ones. Therefore, within increase of income level of Latvia's inhabitants, beef consumption and demand for beef could significantly increase.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Impact of Angiriai Hydropower Station on the ecosystem of the River Šušvė
Vaikasas, S., Lithuanian Univ. of Agriculture, Kaunas (Lithuania). Water Management Inst. | Palaima, K., Lithuanian Univ. of Agriculture, Kaunas (Lithuania). Water Management Inst.
After a 16-m high dam was constructed and a 297-ha pond was arranged in the River Šušvė nearby Angiriai in 1980, the previous natural flow regime of the river has changed: 15500000 m3 of water accumulated above the dam is not discharged via a natural bed, but through two 1.5x1.5 m bottom orifices, and flood discharges (up to Q1% = 296 m3 sE-1) are directed into the lower reach through a 16-m high shaft spillway of floods. Such arrangement of the Angiriai dam ensured it to become an essential obstacle for migrating fish. In 2000, after the arrangement and operation of Angiriai hydro-electric power station, the water regime downstream the dam has been changed and new hydrological pulses as well as ecosystem biodiversity are to be adapted. Thus, the operation of Angiriai HPS on the River Šušvė generating hydroelectric power can have adverse effect on the river habitats and hydro ecological connectivity. To evaluate the effect, the eco-hydraulic water regime measurements in 2005 in a lower stretch with and without turbines operating were made. The study results showed that artificial water levels fluctuation (≈ 4 m hrE-1) induced by Angiriai hydro-electric power station as well as the discharge flowing through the bottom orifices due to high velocities (13–14 m sE-1) and temperature differences could create stressful situations for young fish in the lower bank. According to the data of soil texture of the Šušvė River, the bed armoring process is going on below the Angiriai HPS is quasistable and no impact of HPS operation is found.
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