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Extent and implications of incorrect offspring-sire relationships in pastoral production system in Kajiado District, Kenya
Maichomo, M.W. | Gitau, G.K. | Gathuma, J.M. | Ndung'u, J.M. | Kosura, O. | Olivier, H.O.
The aim of this study was to evaluate accuracy of farmer's paternity identification which determines success of future breed selection and hence genetic gain. Paternity of 269 Orma/zebu and Sahiwal/zebu calves was evaluated using genetic markers and the likelihood based method. Results indicate that only 6.7% farmer alleged paternities were confirmed, 88% parent-offspring relationships were rejected and 18% parent-offspring relationships were undetermined. However, 82% of offsprings were assigned at least 80% confident paternities to one of the sampled candidate males. These results suggest that there is need to institute proper breeding program in the pastoral area if farmers are to benefit from their current efforts of breed improvement.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Hypotheses on inland valley development for smallholder dairy production in three West African countries Côte d'Ivoire, Mali and Nigeria
Agyemang, K. | Yapi-Gnoare, C.V. | Ouologuem, B. | Barje, P.P. | Adediran, S.A.
A set of pre-formulated hypotheses about the potentials of inland valleys to agricultural production in general, and livestock (dairy) - based enterprises in particular, were tested with data collected from five regions comprising 71 villages/towns and 630 households in three countries (Nigeria, Mali and Côte d'Ivoire). The study was undertaken to test hypothesis concerning the potentials of the inland valleys systems to agricultural production, and those pertaining to the intensification of livestock production in the valleys systems and their relationships with demand for livestock (dairy) products. Results from the analysis showed that many of the previously held views about inland valley and their potential were supported by the data from the three countries. Most of the hypotheses relating directly with inland valley potentials were accepted in the majority of locations. However, there were few hypotheses which were not supported by data from all countries and study sites. The overall assessment from the surveys is that the potentials of the inland valleys towards dairy production are currently good in all the countries and could be better if the resources available in the inland valley environments (for example crop residues) are better managed and utilized. Intensive use of inland valleys was related more to population density than access to market. Similarly consumption levels of domestic dairy products were influenced by population concentration. Instead access to market influenced positively farmers' practices towards specialization and intensification of dairy production. Increase demand for milk and dairy products is met by intensification and not by increase in herd size. Efforts to ensure continued milking through feeding was not related to herd size. As revenues (sales and home consumption) increased, more lands were left to fallow. These results confirm the assertion that the presence of inland valley systems for cropping and livestock rearing promotes diversification of agriculture, and presumably reduces farmers' production risks.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Production aspects of intensification and milk market quality in Amhara region, Ethiopia
Addisu, B. | Mesfin, B. | Mekonnen, Kindu | Duncan, Alan J.
The study was carried out in June 2010 in selected villages of Amhara region of Ethiopia, representing three levels of market quality (high, medium and low), with the general objective of developing a systematic understanding of the links between market opportunities and productivity increases in livestock, with a focus on dairy production. The present report focuses on production aspects of dairy intensification in Amhara region. Findings showed that feeding of concentrates for dairy cattle was more prominent in high market quality sites compared to medium and low market quality sites, which indicated the level of feed intensification as the market quality improved. The contribution of grazing to total diet was higher for indigenous than crossbred cows. Indigenous cows were allowed to graze freely throughout the year and were expected to meet their feed requirement from grazing, especially in the wet and harvest (crop aftermath grazing) seasons, and supplemented during the dry season when the condition of grazing pasture deteriorated. Crossbred cows that demanded better nutrition for better milk production were only allowed to graze for a limited number of hours in a day when grazing pasture was in better condition. They were mostly kept indoors during the dry season to meet their feed requirements through stall feeding. The proportion of crossbred cows exceeded that of indigenous cows in high market quality sites but the reverse applied in medium and low market quality sites. Milk yield data indicated that there is room for increasing average productivity by improving management practices. Due consideration should be given to alleviate the problems in reproductive and milk yield performance to increase productivity and improve dairy-derived income.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Characterizing husbandry practices and breeding objectives of Sheko cattle owners for designing conservation and improvement strategies in Ethiopia
Bayou, E. | Haile, Aynalem | Gizaw, Solomon | Mekasha, Yoseph
A survey was conducted through single field visits and interviews with 360 respondents in selected districts of Bench Maji Zone, Southwestern Ethiopia to asses the Sheko cattle farming system, breeding practices, and identify cattle breeding goals and constraints for designing Sheko cattle conservation and improvement strategies. The total populations of Sheko cattle herd structure in the sampled districts within each PA obtained by counting directly on the field were estimated to be 2813.Under random mating, the inbreeding coefficient was higher in midland (1.72) than in lowland (1.35) agro ecological zones (AEZs). The mean Sheko cattle herd size per household was 1.09 in midland and 1.29 in lowland AEZs. About 93.9% and 88.3% of the households, respectively, in midland and lowland do not have breeding bull. Random mating predominates in both midland (87.2%) and lowland (85%) AEZs. The reported peak season of mixing of the different Sheko cattle herd within a village start after the crop aftermath (February to May) was picked from the cultivated land, whereas, beginning from main rainy season in June to the end of crop harvesting time usually on January smallholder farmers in both AEZs keep their cattle separately. The observed male to female mating ratio was 1:16.4 in midland and 1:8.6 in lowland. Sheko bulls were castrated at the age of 4.2 and 4.8 years in midland and lowland respectively. Appearance/conformation was the most important trait in choosing of breeding male for both midland and lowland small holder Sheko owners. Whereas, milk yield was the most important trait for the choice of breeding cows in both AEZs. The purpose of keeping Sheko cattle in midland area was for draught followed by milk, income, saving and dowry, in that order. In lowland agro ecology milk production, draught power, and income generation are the purposes for keeping Sheko cattle. In both AEZs feed shortage, disease and labor shortage were the most important cattle production constraints in that order. It has been found that an integrated system approach to breed conservation and improvement needs to incorporate traits sought by the cattle keepers, the multiple roles of cattle, and the existing traditional herding and breeding practices.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]On farm characterization of Horro cattle breed production systems in western Oromia, Ethiopia
Mekonnen, A. | Haile, Aynalem | Dessie, Tadelle | Mekasha, Yoseph
he survey was carried out in Horro district of Horro Guduru zone, west part of Ethiopia. The objectives of the survey were: to describe cattle production system, trait preferences, breeding practices, and constraints in utilization of the breed and to use the information generated as baseline data to design breeding strategy of the breed. Data were collected through in-depth interviews, group discussions and secondary data collections from different sources. Statistical Package for Social Science was employed to analyze data. Horro cattle are kept in a mixed crop-livestock production system and are the dominant livestock species in the area. Cattle have multi-functional roles in the production systems. Among reason of keeping cattle, draught power was ranked first followed by milk production. Farmers prefer composite traits from their male and female cattle. Draught power performance, body size, hump size, adaptability and coat color were among the higher ranked preferred traits for male cattle in that order. Preferred traits for female cattle include milk yield, fat yield, calving interval, adaptability and coat color.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]The potential influence of social networks on the adoption of breeding strategies
Pali, Pamela N. | Zaibet, L. | Mburu, S.K. | Ndiwa, Nicholas N. | Rware, H.I.
Smallholder livestock farmers face challenges such as lack of appropriate fora and networks which can motivate and influence the adoption of breeding strategies in West Africa. Efforts to ensure participation of livestock owners in breeding programs such as performance recording, the use of village herd stocks for breeding programs have been documented as has the creation of livestock producer organizations to enhance effective participation of farmers in breeding programs. The study was conducted in southern Mali where livestock such as the N’dama cattle are endemic. We explored baseline characteristics from a household and community survey to determine the potential effects of individual, household and network characteristics on the knowledge and use of livestock breeding strategies. We assume that interaction amongst stakeholders results in transfer of knowledge between stakeholders. Results from the stakeholder analysis of the types of stakeholders present at the site level were used in the Probit and Seemingly Unrelated Regression (SUR) models. Farmers’ organisations were commonly found at the village level. However, despite the presence of these organizations across sites, they do not interact with the technical organisations as often as they should hence a lower incidence of use of livestock breeding technologies across sites. Results from the models confirm the importance of networks as key determinants to improve the adoption of breeding technologies.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Gender aspects in the dairy value chain in Tanzania: A review of literature
Sikira, A.N. | Waithanji, Elizabeth M. | Galiè, Alessandra | Baltenweck, Isabelle
Survival, growth and reproductive performance in F1 crossbred cattle produced and managed on station in the Gambia
Diack, A. | Sanyang, F.B | Corr, N.
In a trial whereby a large number of cows were needed to calve at approximately the same time, opportunity was taken to establish a crossbred cow population at the International Trypanotolerance (ITC). A slight improvement in the traditional husbandry system revealed a great productivity potential of these crossbreds. Their survival rate to one year (i.e., 90.0%for the Jersey X N’Dama (J X N) and 71.2% for the Friesian X N’Dama was proved satisfactory in the local environment, though conclusions are that more attention is needed for rearing Friesian type F1 calves in the tropical environment. With an overall mean birth weight of 17.7±4.1 kg and an overall mean daily weight gain (DWG) of 0.220±0.104 kg they attained an average weight of 100.6±29.9 kg at one year. Their relatively retarded growth recommended a better management. Puberty was attained at 478.2±13.9 days, age at first calving 970.5±94.1 days and the overall mean calving interval and open period were 400±82.5 and 117±83.2 days, respectively.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Economic values of Begait cattle breeding-objective traits under low and medium input production systems in northern Ethiopia
Mezgebe, Gebretnsae | Gizaw, Solomon | Urge, Mengistu
The study was conducted to estimate the economic values (EV) of Begait cattle breeding-objective traits and their effects on the returns to investment in breeding programs using bio-economic model. Production systems were described according to their level of input and sale age, namely, low input herd management (LIHM) and medium input herd management (MIHM) based on fixed herd size for genetic improvement of multiple traits. Results showed that all considered traits have positive economic values across production systems except pre weaning daily body weight gain (PrDG). However, production systems had significant influence on the magnitude of EV of traits. The MIHM was superior by 100 to 9% to the LIHM system. Regardless of the two production systems, calving interval (CI) had the highest EV followed by dressing percentage (DP) and mature weight (MWT). Although, the overall change of beef trait EV influenced the marginal profit through price and production variable changes at constant MY, the more sensitive change was observed with the changes of MY EV. Traits of milk yield had 1 to 12% increment on profit with 1 to10% improvement in its EV by rising milk price, reduced weaning and reduced culling rates. However, beef traits only made 5.1×10-7 to 2.3×10 -6% raises on profits with 18 to 50% increment in its EV by beef price increment and reduced age at first calving. The higher increments of profit parallel to the EV of milk production trait and mostly simultaneous improvements on CI have a great indication to give priorities on milk yield traits than beef traits in any Begait cattle improvement program. Therefore, improving milk production traits and fecundity traits simultaneously with their market outlet is better to increase the profitability of farmers and sustains the valuable breed in their habitat.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Genetic parameters for reproduction traits and correlation with pre weaning growth traits of Fogera cattle at Metekel ranch, north west Ethiopia
Bekele, A. | Wuletaw, Z. | Haile, Aynalem | Gizaw, Solomon | Mekuriaw, Getinet
The objective of this study was to estimate genetic parameters of reproduction traits of pure Fogera cattle at Metekel Ranch. Metekel cattle Breeding and Improvement Ranch has so far been engaged in maintenance of Fogera cattle population outside their adapted environment (ex-situ conservation). The breeding program has two components: selection and crossbreeding. The establishment of the pure breed unit is meant for the improvement of the Fogera breed and for providing heifers to cross- breed to exotic dairy sires (by Artificial insemination). In cross breeding program; crossbred animals are produced through artificial insemination of Fogera cows with Friesian semen. Around three to six months of pregnancy, the F1 cross heifers are sold to farmers for milk production (Melaku et al., 2011a, b). Very recently the ranch started to distribute non pregnant F1 cross heifers. WOMBAT software was used to estimate genetic parameters. The variance components and heritability were estimated using a Uni-variate animal model using four models which fitted direct additive, dam genetic and permanent environmental effect as a random effect and the fixed effects (year, season, sex and parity). Parameter of age at first calving (AFC) were estimated using Model 1 (Y= Xb + Z1a + e), Model2 (Y= Xb + Z1a + Z3c + e), Model3 (Y= Xb + Z1a + Z2m + e (cova, m = 0), and Model4 (Y= Xb + Z1a + Z2m + Z3c + e (cova, m = 0) whereas parameters of reproductive traits including gestation length (GL), calving interval (CI) and days open (DO) were estimated using model 2 and 4 which fit permanent environmental effect due to repeated records per cow. Correlations (genetic and phenotypic) among the different traits were estimated from bi--variate analysis by using model 1 for growth traits and AFC and model 2 to estimate the correlation between CI, GL and DO and birth weight (BWT) and GL. Correlation between birth weight and gestation length were estimated by treating gestation length as a trait of calf. Due to record limitation correlation between AFC with other reproductive traits were not estimated. Estimates of direct heritability of reproductive performance traits from the best model were 0.003 ± 0.05 for AFC, 0.00 ± 0.03 for GL and CI and 0.013 ± 0.03 for DO. The phenotypic correlations between reproductive traits were 0.003 ± 0.034 for CI and GL, 0.37 ± 0.041 for CI and DO and 0.167 ± 0.036 for DO and GL and the genetic correlation between reproductive traits ranged from -0.94 ± 0.2 for DO and GL to 0.83 ± 0.579 for CI and DO. Genetic correlation between growth and AFC ranged from 0.77 ± 0.24 for BWT and AFC to 0.87 ± 0.03 for pre-weaning average daily gain (PADG) and AFC. The phenotypic and genetic correlations between BWT and GL were 0.03 ± 0.05 and -0.84 ± 0.013 respectively. The results of genetic correlation between considered traits was ranged from moderate to high and it indicates that selection for one trait would have a significant effect on the other traits not considered however selection must be done with caution. The heritability estimates confirmed the presence of high environmental effect among the study population and it masks the individual animal genetic difference. Given the low heritability estimates obtained, effective improvement in reproduction performance of Fogera cattle could be achieved by improving the production conditions and through crossbreeding.
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