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Research of open inlets for surface water of drainage systems
Saulys, V., Lithuanian Univ. of Agriculture, Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania);Vilnius Gediminas Technical Univ. (Lithuania)
The research of the draining surface water from drained areas has become relevant with an increase of drainage system areas. In order to maintain sufficient drainage efficiency by the draining surface water from the drained fields the density of open inlets for the surface water had to be increased to 5.5 u 100 haE-1. That was determined by the density decline of the open ditches. The observations of the technical condition of open inlets for the surface water in the drained fields of the country have been performed since 1986. It was established that prevalent type of the inlets is F-5 design. Such inlets amounts over 90% of all tested ones. The article discusses the condition of the inlets of such type, evaluates the selection of the installation location, conditions of surface water running to an inlet and the condition of water inlet openings. The research demonstrated some disadvantages of inlet designs, quite a few mistakes of installation and breakdowns during operation. A clear increasing tendency of water inlet openings being blocked by the ground and vegetation was established: in 1986 11.1% of water inlet openings were completely blocked, in 1996 the percentage was 20.8% and in 2007 it was 42.9%. On the basis of this it can be stated that the inlets with halfway blocked openings will stop functioning soon as well if the maintenance work is not carried out in good time and an appropriate way.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]The impact of controlled drainage on water quality
Bastiene, N., Lithuanian Univ. of Agriculture, Kaunas (Lithuania). Water Management Inst. | Sauliene, A., Lithuanian Univ. of Agriculture, Kaunas (Lithuania). Water Management Inst.
Eight-year (2000-2007) field studies on the effectiveness of controlled drainage in loam sandy soil were carried out in the Lowland of Middle Lithuania. The plot, which has existing subsurface water removal systems operated as conventional drainage was readjusted for the water table management. Two separate systems - 4.9 hectares free drainage (FD) and 5.4 hectares controlled drainage (CD) were arranged. A water level control structure with a riser column and hand operated rigid flap door was installed in the outlet of drainage collector in the manhole at the junction of two collectors. The water table level was allowed to rise to the maximum of 68 cm above the drains. Measurements to record the water table depth, drain outflow quantity and quality were performed. It was determined that in the CD system the annual drainage outflow lasted shorter by 40-62%, at the same time it was reduced by 25% and nitrate leaching - by 20-28% lower in comparison with the drainage operating in an ordinary regime. These indicators varied depending on weather conditions. The water table control in single-acting drainage systems is feasible and has a positive hydrological and environmental impact.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]The impact of land drainage on Nevezis River flow
Taparauskiene, L., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania) | Maziliauskas, A., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania) | Miseckaite, O., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania)
Most of the regulated rivers are situated in the middle part of Lithuania. Approximately 90% of all agricultural lands are drained in the Basin of Nevezis River, which is one of the most sensitive basins in Lithuania due to the lack of water and potential anthropogenic pollution. The goal of the research is to assess the impact of drainage on Nevezis River flow. Following the data series of 62 years, it was determined that water balance of Nevezis Basin is characterized by negative water balance during May-September due to higher evapotranspiration than average precipitation amount of the same period. It was stated that the average annual flow coefficient of the whole 10th hydrologic region of Lithuania was 0.3 till reclamation. It decreased to 0.28 during the period of intensive reclamation; however, the average annual flow was 0.35 from the year 1980, i.e., it increased in comparison with the period till reclamation. The average flow coefficient of warm period was 0.10 till reclamation, and remained the same during the period of 1956-1980, while the data of 1981-1995 show that the average flow coefficient increased – 0.11. After assessing the meteorological conditions and soil water balance of the Basin of Nevezis River it might be stated that the primary reason of water lack in the basin is climatic conditions. Drainage systems can hardly have a significant impact on wateriness of Nevezis River.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]The influence of different humus layers on the drainage runoff during different seasons
Miseckaite, O., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania) | Kincius, L., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania)
Hydro-physical properties of heavy or presses soil as well as water regime may be improved by various ways, taking into account the texture of soil and climatic conditions. Drainage is the tool for productive farming and economic benefit generation. Hydrological activity of drainage typically depends on project installation quality, anthropogenic and climatic factors. It is important to assess drainage activity under different meteorological conditions. One of methods to improve drainage performance is its installation with thickened humus layer. Lithuanian soil humus layer is close to arable layer and is equal to approximately 20–25 cm. The impact of humus on heavy-textured soil is multiple, since not only moisture regimes, biological activity, sorption capacity, chemical and biological characteristics, stability of plant nutrition are related with its quantity. The dynamics of drainage activity in soil with thickened (up to 40–50 cm) humus layer and with humus layer of natural thickness (20–30 cm) during various seasons of period of 1989–2009 is reviewed. Especially important indicator of drainage functioning – water runoff dynamics. The present article analyses the variation of climatic conditions and drainage runoff in the object. It is determined that the lowest quantity of precipitation in the researched territory during the research period is in spring and winter but the highest – in summer and autumn. During the research period the highest drainage runoff in the field I was during winter season (46.3%), in the field II – in winter and spring almost the same (32–33%).
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Regulated streams rehabilitation using bioengineering methods
Maziliauskas, A., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania) | Baublys, R., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania) | Geguzis, R., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania)
Within several decades many natural Lithuanian rivers were straightened and adapted for needs of soil drainage. By 1998, 63.4 thousands kilometres of trenches of which approximately 46 thousands kilometres were regulated rivers and streams were excavated. It is calculated that trenches of regulated rivers and streams currently cover 82.6, and natural – only 17.4% of total rivers network. While straightening rivers, their channels were extended, their slopes were changed, and bends were removed. Thus, it ensured a fast removal of excess water from drained areas of ground. However, as in the straightened rivers an equal stream was present, unfavourable conditions arouse for ichthyofauna, as well as for settlement and evolution of the invertebrates. Furthermore, possibilities for selfpurification of water running through the channel were reduced. In order to restore morphological, hydraulic, and especially ecological conditions, close to natural ones, of the straightened rivers, it is necessary to renaturalize them. The analysis of river naturalization and renaturalization ways and means was performed on the basis of the reviewed projects carried out in foreign countries. Four renaturalization methods were identified: self-naturalization, soft naturalization, partial and full renaturalisation. The possibility to use these naturalization methods were evaluated taking into account environmental conditions of Lithuania. The analysis of naturalization projects implementation showed that the best way to rehabilitate Lithuania‘s straightened rivers is to use partial renaturalization method that lets form more favourable ecological environment of rivers. The object of the research was - to evaluate the most suitable naturalization methods for Lithuanian conditions.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Soil carbon stock changes in transitional mire drained for forestry in Latvia: a case study
Lupikis, A., Latvian State Forest Research Inst. Silava, Salaspils (Latvia) | Lazdins, A., Latvian State Forest Research Inst. Silava, Salaspils (Latvia)
The aim of the study is to evaluate the impact of drainage on soil carbon stock in a transitional mire drained for forestry. The study site is located in the central part of Latvia representing hemiboreal vegetation zone. Site was drained in 1960. It is located in a catchment area of the river Veseta. An undrained site at the same catchment area was chosen for control (ca. 2.5 km between sites). In both sites, the depth of peat is 4 – 4.5 m. Drained site is dominated by coniferous trees. Soil samples collected in 2014 were used to determine bulk density and carbon content, and to calculate soil carbon stock. Samples were collected down to 80 cm depth. Ground surface elevation was measured before and several times after the drainage to determine peat subsidence. Carbon stock has increased by 0.3 tons haE-1 yr**1 after drainage, although peat has subsided on average by 26 cm (13 – 48 cm). Subsidence was mainly caused by physical shrinkage of peat not by organic matter oxidation. Drainage was followed by compaction of aerated soil layer, which has caused most of the subsidence, especially during the first years after drainage. Soil bulk density has increased almost twice at soil surface layer 0 – 10 cm (from 75 kg m**3 to 141 kg m**3). Differences decrease at deeper sampling depths. It is concluded that drainage is not always followed by reduction of carbon stock in soil. Increased above and below ground litter production rates may offset accelerated decomposition of organic matter after drainage.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Investigation and evaluation of the state of protective belts and inflow of erosion products into drainage channels
Ragauskas, S.(Lithuanian Univ. of Agriculture, Kaunas (Lithuania). Water Management Inst.)E-mail:valentines@water.omnitel.net
As the result of the studies on the condition of protective belts of drainage channels (PB) have shown, due to improving maintained and mechanical damaged protective belts large amounts of erosion products contained in surface water inflows the channel bed. Disorderly condition of protective belts does not correspond to the requirements of environment protection. Mechanical damages are often related to unsustainable human activity in the adjacent zone of a drainage channel. According to the principles of soil occurrence in the channel bed, four groups of damages might be distinguished: soil entrance into the channel during the tillage of a protective belt; inflow of washout products from the basin; scours of protective belts and washout of turf flumes of surface water discharge. The most frequent damages enhancing the washout of flumes and inflow of erosion products are total or partial tillage of the protective belt of a drainage channel. From the point of view of erosion process, the inflow of erosion products from the basin is considered as the most dangerous damages, which is inevitable when the width of protective belt is insufficient, particularly in places with deep turf flumes arranged.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]The investigation on the evaluation of drained land
Bastiene, N.(Lithuanian Univ. of Agriculture, Kaunas (Lithuania). Water Management Inst.)E-mail:vegelyte@delfi.lt | Saulys, V.(Lithuanian Univ. of Agriculture, Kaunas (Lithuania). Water Management Inst.)E-mail:vegelyte@delfi.lt
Agricultural development based on the laws of market economy enhances a change in the point of view on land as real property and search for optimal variants of its possible usage. As a large part of all agricultural land has been drained, efficient functioning of water regime regulation means is one of the essential factors determining the possibilities of land use as well as its value. Land areas where land reclamation structures are in good condition and do not needs to be repaired or reconstructed will always be of higher demand under the conditions of market economy. Present prices of agricultural land do not show the value of land reclamation systems. Therefore a complex land assessment is needed in respect of the present condition of land reclamation structures, its age and probabilities of failures.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Mapping of soil salinity predicted by Drainmod for drained and undrained conditions in irrigated lands
Kale, S., Suleyman Demirel Univ., Isparta (Turkey) | Karabulut, A., Soil, Fertilizer and Water Resources Central Research Inst., Ankara (Turkey)
The purpose of this study was to predict and compare salt accumulation in the soil profile under drained and undrained conditions. The water management simulation model, Drainmod (Ver. 6.1) was used to determine the optimal drainage system design parameters, which will decrease soil profile salinity and provide maximum crop yields in Ankara-Bala Basin of Turkey. Soil sampling points were coordinated with the Global Positioning System (GPS). Soil, crop and site parameters were obtained as an input. The model was run for 5 years from 2005 to 2010 to simulate optimum drainage design parameters (drain depth, drain spacing) while controlling soil salinity in the root zone. Soil water conditions and soil salinity level were simulated for crop rotation of corn (Zea mays) and winter wheat (Triticum). Yield of individual crops was predicted for each growing season. The results of the simulations were analyzed to identify alternatives of subsurface drainage system that would satisfy maximum crop productions. According to the simulation results, the drain spacing of 130 m and drain depth at 160 cm are recommended for Bala Basin. Soil salinity maps were created for undrained and drained conditions. Results showed that the soil salinity level and salinity stress can be reduced and yield increased by installing a drainage system.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Influence of ecological factors on the pine increment dynamics in drained forests
Indriksons, A. (Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia). Faculty of Forestry. Dept. of Silviculture)
The paper reports on annual pine increment dynamics during the period of last 30 years in the Vesetnieki Station of Permanent Ecological Research with a different drainage level: transitional bog, tree stand between the drainage ditches, tree stand adjacent to ditch. The increment of basal area of annual rings has been found to be considerably higher in the site adjacent to ditch with the most intensive drainage level. The increment of annual rings of individual trees proved to be non-synchronic, therefore trees can be suggested to have different response to have different response to the influence of the same meteorological factors (amount of precipitation, for example). The annual increment data for the last four years (1997-2000) have been compared to the results of biogenous substance circulation measurements during the given period.
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