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Development and situation of trout culture in Turkey
Canyurt, M.A., Ege Univ. (Turkey) | Akhan, S., Rize Univ. (Turkey)
The production of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) is developing and it is most cultured finfish species in Turkey. It was first introduced in Turkey in the mid 1970s from Italy. In the following years, culture studies of native trout strains, mainly Black Sea trout; Salmo trutta labrax and Abant Lake trout, Salmo trutta abanticus started in late 1990. Market size trout production was performed in two main categories, inland areas (mainly concrete ponds by flow through fresh water and cages) and in sea (offshore cages). Total trout production was 61.173 tons in 2007.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Analysis of entry barriers in highly concentrated sectors of Latvian economy: case of grain processing industry
Jasjko, D., Riga International School of Economics and Business Administration, Riga (Latvia) | Pancenko, E., Riga International School of Economics and Business Administration, Riga (Latvia) | Ivanova, T., Riga International School of Economics and Business Administration, Riga (Latvia)
Encouraging of competitive relations and strengthening of competitive position of domestic producers on both national and EU common market of products and services become one of the main priorities of national economic policy. Latvian national interests are closely related to the maintenance of the competitive environment as an important factor for increase of competitiveness of separate commodity, enterprise or industry, which is able to provide economic growth in the circumstances of declining the business activity and strong competition on internal and external markets. However, fair market competition takes place only on the markets where there are no any essential obstacles and barriers for potential entry of new market actors. That is why the present article is prepared on the basis of case study carried out for Latvian grain processing sector with the purpose to describe and qualitatively assess the effects of various entry barriers, which really exist on the domestic market.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Competitiveness of Latvian dairy sector: productivity and export
Krievina, A., Lithuanian Univ. of Health Sciences, Kaunas (Lithuania) | Hazners, J., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania) | Melece, L., Lithuanian Univ. of Health Sciences, Kaunas (Lithuania)
The objective of the research paper is to explore the competitiveness of Latvian dairy sector from the aspect of productivity and export indicators, as well as to examine some of the possibilities to improve the sector competitiveness. The authors explore the productivity and export indicators of Latvian dairy sector, and the link between productivity and export (within the EU context), as well as analyse the impact of farm investment support within RDP 2007 – 2013. Value added per labour unit has been chosen as the productivity indicator; suitable qualitative and quantitative research methods have been applied to the studies. Based on the introduced indices of relative position of dairy industry productivity and exports, dairy processing in Latvia has strong inter-branch position in the domestic food industry. However, the inter-country comparison shows that Latvian dairy processing is behind the EU average level, when its productivity and export volume are considered. It has been found that productivity and export of dairy processing are positively related; rather strong positive correlation also exists between productivity in dairy farming and dairy processing. Therefore, the development of Latvian dairy sector, which mainly depends on the development of exports, can be more successfully achieved by the increase in its productivity; and relatively the largest productivity gap to close is in the dairy farming in Latvia. The direct investment support effect on NVA/AWU of dairy farms is found to be significant and positive, indicating that farm modernisation support of RDP 2007 – 2013 has facilitated the improvement of overall dairy farm productivity in Latvia.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Analysis of tree felling, regeneration, import and export dynamics in Latvia
Bertaite, L., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Liepa, I., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
Forest resources are Latvian national treasure that plays an important role in both ecology and economics of Latvia. Although a number of studies give summaries of statistical data, they have also been used as the basis for this study. Therefore, statistical analysis of the data on acquisition, regeneration, import and export of forest resources in Latvia has been carried out in this study. The aim of the study is to identify the available statistical information on the forest resources in Latvia by ascertaining the amount of available information, types of statistical data used in identifying information on tree felling, annual afforestation, import and export, and to carry out analysis of the acquired data. The statistical information has been obtained from the websites of the State Forest Service and the Statistical Office of the European Communities (Eurostat). As a result of the study, we have obtained the dynamics of tree felling and forest regeneration by dominant tree species. The study also reveals the dynamics of import and export of timber resources of the main products. The study was carried out in 2011, in Latvian.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Geographical trends in export market of Latvian fisheries production
Berjoza, A., University of Latvia, Riga (Latvia) | Paiders, Ju., University of Latvia, Riga (Latvia)
Since joining the European Union Latvian fish industry has undergone a serious process of change and reform. Not all of them were welcomed by people working in the industry or those related to it. Consequently, the reform backed by the European institutions and legislature changed the dynamics and consistency of Latvian fish industry. As of 2004 many Latvian fishing vessels were scraped and even greater number of smaller fishing boats followed the same fate. Fishing and processing of the catch for Latvian shore regions is not only one of common and basic occupations, but also provides a large spectre of other services, as fishing in general is a complex industry providing a lot of jobs for seashore residents, primarily in primary, and secondary sectors of economy, and in smaller extent in tertiary, more precisely in distribution, trade and food services. This paper focuses on a research conducted on the expansion of Latvian fish industry product export market from a spatial, geographic perspective and analyzes the volumes and directions of outflow of goods to the recipient countries worldwide in period from 2000 to 2011. The analysis was done using correlation of yearly cargo flows and the spatial relations of major export directions, by historic and modern economic tendencies of the industry. Results give a picture of modern trends in export market geography and its changes during the first decade of the new century that is the ongoing transformation of East-oriented processed goods market into diverse one, which in future will largely depend on Western countries.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Integration effect on Baltic States' dairy sector export performance
Ozolins, J., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
Baltic States’ dairy sectors are important to their economies. All Baltic States have had substantial current account deficits that exceeded acceptable thresholds until the year 2009. The States are dairy product exporters. Export capability largely depends on international competitive position of dairy processing companies. Several factors, inter alia, company size determine the position. Largest companies have been formed by horizontal integration. At Baltic scale dairy processing is still fragmented. The aim of this paper is to evaluate economic effect aspects of integration related to exports in the Baltic States’ dairy sector secondary level. As the subject has not been explored earlier at company level, the author researched data of 188 annual reports of 53 Baltic dairy processing companies over the period 2003 to 2009. Descriptive statistics, time series analysis and regression analysis methods were primarily used. The author establishes that among dairy companies which generate significant exports turnover two-thirds are horizontally integrated and include all largest dairy processing firms in the Baltic States. A few smaller firms have succeeded in exporting due to suitable channel management. Among a large group of companies that generate less than 1% turnover from exports, 77% are non-integrated and all are small. Using regression analysis the author estimates that 1% increase in net turnover in the exporting dairy company group is expected to create 0.93 – 0.94% increase in net turnover from exports. Policies promoting mergers of some companies may thus lead to increased dairy exports, higher milk production and fuller realisation of economic potential of the sector.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]High-technology industries competitiveness and regional allocation by nuts 3 regions in Latvia
Auzina-Emsina, A., Riga Technical Univ. (Latvia) | Ozolina, V., Riga Technical Univ. (Latvia)
Competitiveness is the key factor in order to reach the economic transformation, smart growth, governance and legal framework for the state and society for sustainable development that are stated as the major goals in the current planning period in Latvia. High-technology industries are the main drivers of economic activity in developed economies. To ensure data comparability, the official definition of the high-technology industries by Eurostat is applied in this research including two industries: manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations and manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products. The research aims to analyse high-technology industries in Latvia taking into account the competitiveness and the regional allocation using a set of several indicators. According to NUTS 3, Latvia is subdivided into 6 regions; however, the high-technology industries are regionally allocated mainly in two regions, Riga and Pieriga regions. Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products etc. employs 99% of employees in these two regions, manufacture of computer etc. products – 81% despite the fact that only 54% of employees reside in these two regions. The research confirms that the high-technology regional allocation depends on available labour resources and also education and professional training facilities in the region. We conclude that the high-technology industries are competitive in the global market as the share of the high-tech products in total exports is several times higher than the share of these industries in the manufacturing sector or in total economy. The global competitiveness of Latvia’s high-tech industries is stable and gradually rising.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Opportunities for Latvian export of medical services
Grizane, T., Turiba Univ., Riga (Latvia) | Jurgelane, I., Riga Technical Univ. (Latvia) | Jankova, L., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava (Latvia) | Sannikova, A., University of Economics and Culture, Riga (Latvia)
Historical and current development tendencies of medical tourism in Latvia, economic and geographical accessibility of Latvia for medical tourists, the high acknowledgement by the European Parliament Committee on Transport and Tourism on the potential of Latvia of becoming one of the largest medical tourism destination points, allow us to evaluate the potential for medical tourism among the priority countries for Latvia. Unfortunately, the lack of further analysis of potential limits the development of medical tourism strategy and monitoring. The research goal: determination of export potential of medical tourism services in the priority countries for Latvia. The research showed that there is a potential in every of the given countries: in Norway – rehabilitation and insert of acrylic implants; in Sweden – endovenous laser surgery and eyelid surgery; in Finland – rehabilitation and breast enlargement; in Ireland – rehabilitation and eyelid surgery; in Great Britain – rehabilitation and eyelid surgery. Results of the SWOT analysis indicated that in order to reach the export goals the existing drawbacks to the provision of medical tourism services in Latvia have to be averted while amplifying the use of the comparative advantages of Latvia.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Agricultural development in Latvia after joining the European Union
Zdanovskis, K., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Pilvere, I., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
Since 1990 significant structural changes have taken place in Latvia. First of all, it was the reestablishment of an independent state in 1991 and secondly - the accession to the European Union (EU) in 2004. Joining the EU provided free flow of goods, finances and individuals, a single system of legal acts as well as a trustful image of the state for foreign investors. In Latvia, 60% of the EU funds are allocated for agriculture and rural development, thus achieving the objective of producing food adequate for consumers’ purchasing power and ensuring agricultural commodities are available for their processing. Financial aid for primary industries also results in support for the whole society and other industries from which necessary resources and commodities are purchased. After joining the EU, the growth of the agricultural industry was observed owing to support payments. As a result of the EU policy, the size distribution of farms changed in Latvia, the output and exports of food increased as well as agricultural productivity rose. The research aim is to analyse the changes in and gains for Latvia’s agriculture after the accession to the EU. The following research methods were employed: the monographic and descriptive methods, analysis and synthesis and the logical and constructive methods.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Impact of the war on the export of Ukrainian organic agricultural products
Sirenko, Natalya | Burkovska, Alla | Melnyk, Olha | Bodnar, Olena | Mikulyak, Kateryna
One of the promising areas of creating a competitive market environment is the development of organic production. Under martial law, organic producers faced not only problems related to the export of organic products, but also other challenges caused by the military actions of the aggressor. The purpose of the study is to assess the impact of the war on the export of organic products by domestic agricultural enterprises. The article reveals the general state and changes in the dynamics of export of organic agricultural products by domestic organic producers; the challenges faced by producers of organic products in the conditions of martial law are presented; the impact of the war on the export of organic agricultural products by producers of organic products is determined; the forecast of the value of agricultural products exported by Ukraine for the period until 2025 was made (with the help of retrospective and statistical research methods); directions for supporting exporters of organic products for their development in the future are given. As a result of the authorsʼ research, it should be noted that export operations of organic products will increase, which will allow to ensure the strategic goals of Ukraine regarding development in the market environment.
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