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Removal of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium with summer pruning of apple trees
Surikova, V., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Karklins, A., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
The objective of the research was to study the removal of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium with summer-pruned branches of apple-trees grown on dwarfing rootstocks under the influence of applied moisture regulation methods. The investigation was done at the Latvia State Institute of Fruit-Growing in Dobele, on the basis of an existing field experiment planted in 1997 with cultivar 'Melba' (rootstock B9) at 1.5 - 4 m trees spacing distances. Three different treatments of soil moisture management were compared: control (without moisture regime regulation), sawdust mulch and fertigation. Inter-row strips were covered by grass vegetation (Lolium perenne L. and Poa pratensis L., in proportion 1:3). Pruning of apple-trees was done in mid-July. The results of the research showed that the applied soil water regulation treatments (mulch and fertigation) had significant influence (p is less than 0.05) on the apple-tree biomass (leaves, one-year and older wood) removed by summer pruning, as well as on the content of dry matter in biomass. The contents of N and K were influenced both by the treatment and age of tree vegetative parts, but the content of P did not differ significantly among treatments or tree parts (p is greater than 0.05). Removal of N with summer-pruned leaves and branches was 30 kg haE-1 N in the mulch treatment and 16 - 17 kg haE-1 in control and fertigation treatments (p is less than 0.05). Removal of K in the control treatment was 19 kg haE-1, in the mulch treatment 40 kg haE-1, but in the fertigation treatment 27 kg haE-1 (p is less than 0.05). Removal of P varied from 5.04 to 9.84 kg haE-1, no significant differences were found among treatments (p is greater than 0.05).
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Nitrogen removal with apple-tree fruits
Surikova, V., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Karklins, A., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
The investigation was done at the Latvia State Institute of Fruit-Growing in Dobele in 2009, on the basis of an established field experiment planted in 1997 with apple (Malus domestica Borh.) cultivar 'Melba' (rootstock B9) trees spaced at 1.5 × 4 m distances. Three different treatments of soil moisture management were compared: control, sawdust mulch and fertigation. Soil of the experimental plot was Haplic Luvisol (Hypereutric), sandy loam, interspaced with Cutanic Luvisol, sandy loam. Organic matter – 25 g kgE-1, soil reaction pH – 6.5. Plant available P was 130.9, K – 157.7, and Mg – 102.2 mg kgE-1. The aim of the investigation was to determine nitrogen removal with fruit yield taking into consideration the used soil moisture regulation method – sawdust mulch or fertigation. The applied soil moisture regulation methods (mulch and fertigation) had significant influence on the content of dry matter in apple fruits (p is less than 0.05). The highest content of dry matter was found in the control treatment. A significantly higher nitrogen concentration (47 g kgE-1) in apple dry matter was in the control treatment, whereas in mulch and fertigation treatments nitrogen concentrations were lower (36 and 42 g kgE-1). The highest nitrogen concentration in dry matter was found in fruits with the biggest mass (r=0.61). A negative significant (p is less than 0.05) correlation was found between nitrogen concentration and trunk diameter (r=–0.85), and between nitrogen concentration and yield (r=–0.84). Removal of N was 24.4 kg haE-1 in the control, 22.3 kg haE-1 in the mulch, and 25.0 kg haE-1 in the fertigation treatment.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Potassium removal with grass in an apple orchard under influence of mulch and irrigation
Surikova, V., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Karklins, A., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
Potassium (K) is one of the most important nutrients necessary for many life functions of plants, like shoot growth, fruit and flower bud set, and fruit size. The aim of this study was to determine the content of potassium in orchard lawn for reduction of potassium fertilizer application and to include the potassium from mown grass into K balance and turnover calculation. The investigation was done at the Latvia State Institute of Fruit-Growing in Dobele in 2009, on the basis of an established field experiment planted in 1997 with apple (Mains domestica Borh.) cultivar 'Melba' (rootstock B9), trees spaced at 1.5 x 4 m distances. Three different treatments of soil moisture management were compared: control, sawdust mulch, and fertigation. Soil of the experimental plot was Pisocalcic Cutanic Luvisol (Hypereutric, Hyposkeletic); loam. Organic matter - 25 g kgE-1, soil reaction pH - 6.5. Plant-available P was 130.9, K - 157.7, and Mg - 102.2 mg kgE-1. Inter-row strips were covered with grass vegetation (Lolium perenne L. and Poa pratensis L.). Grass samples were collected during cutting, 3 times per season of 2009: May 19, June 20, and August 11. The uptake and removal of potassium was calculated as kilograms per hectare area. The concentration of potassium in the lawn and the height of grass growth were significantly influenced by the mowing time and the soil moisture treatment. These results can be a base for further studies of potassium turnover in an orchard, as well as for fertilizer planning and management.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Assessment of apple cultivar quality and selection of the most suitable apple cultivars for fresh cut salad production
Krasnova, I., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia);Latvian State Inst. of Fruit-Growing, Dobele (Latvia) | Karklina, D., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Seglina, D., Latvian State Inst. of Fruit-Growing, Dobele (Latvia) | Juhnevica, K., Latvian State Inst. of Fruit-Growing, Dobele (Latvia) | Kviesis, J., Latvian State Inst. of Fruit-Growing, Dobele (Latvia)
Apples (Malus domestica L.) are the most consumed fruits in Latvia. Apples are used as one of ingredients for the fresh cut fruit salad preparation. The evaluation of physical, chemical and sensory properties is important; they could influence the nutritional value of fruit salads. The objective of this research is to select for fresh cut salad production the most appropriate apple cultivars grown in Latvia and evaluate their physical, chemical and sensory properties. Ten commercial apple cultivars grown in Latvia were selected for experiments: ‘Zarya Alatau’, ‘Saltanat’, ‘Belorusskoe Malinovoe’, ‘Auksis’, ‘Antei’, ‘Sinap Orlovskii’, ‘Orlik’, ‘Korichnoe Novoe’, ‘Alesya’, ‘Kovalenkovskoe’. The research was carried out in the Latvia State Institute of Fruit Growing (LSIFG), the years 2010 – 2011. The apple physical indices (average mass, diameter of fruit, flesh consistency and colour) and chemical parameters (total sugar, soluble solids content, titratable acidity ratio between soluble solids and titratable acidity) were analyzed as well. The sensory properties were determined using quantitative descriptive analysis and affective method by hedonic scale. The physical and chemical properties of fruits were analyzed and for fresh cut fruit salad production as the best the following apple cultivars: ‘Zarya Alatau’ and ‘Sinap Orlovskii’ were selected; however, the cultivars ‘Antei’, ‘Auksis’ and ‘Alesya’ could be successfully used for mentioned aim as well.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Leaf optical properties reflect changes of photosynthetic indices in apple trees
Lauzike, K., Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry, Akademija, Kedainiai distr. (Lithuania) | Samuoliene, G., Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry, Akademija, Kedainiai distr. (Lithuania);Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania)
The impact of light penetration into crown and the effect of rootstocks and distance between trees on photosynthetic behaviour were analysed. Apple cultivar ‘Auksis’ was grafted onto dwarfing rootstock P60 and super-dwarfing rootstock P22 and planted at different distances (3 × 1 m, 3 × 0.75 m and 3 × 0.5 m). Nitrogen balance index and photochemical reflectance index were measured at two heights: 0.8 m above ground inside the canopy and 1.5 m above ground outside the canopy; specific leaf area, fresh and dry weight were evaluated from all canopy. The significantly positive effect of dwarfing rootstock P60 on all tested indices was observed comparing to P22 rootstock. Increasing density between trees lead to a decreased specific leaf area and increased nitrogen balance index. The dry and fresh weight ratio and photochemical reflectance index were also significantly affected, but no general tendency was identified. Photochemical reflectance index was not affected by light penetration into canopy, but the nitrogen balance index significantly decreased in the upper part of the canopy. Summarizing, it can be stated that decreasing light penetration into the crown results in an increase in the specific leaf area and photochemical reflectance index, and leads to a decrease in dry and fresh weight ratio and nitrogen balance index.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Flue gas analysis of apple and grey alder wood pellets in a meat smokehouse chamber
Zandbergs, Jānis | Champion, Jordane Jean-Claude | Zeps, Mārtiņš
The use of the smoke released during the wood burning process to prepare food products is a centuries-long tradition, practically all over the world. However, during the combustion process, a group of compounds called polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are formed in the flue gases, which are carcinogenic and condense during the smoking process and diffuse into the smoked food product. Therefore, permissible PAH norms have been set for food producers, which significantly complicate the use of wood. In the study, using a gas analyser, we measured the flue gases released during the burning of specially made, apple and grey alder wood pellets, with and without enrichment of the supplied air with ozone. The use of ozone does not ensure a higher burning temperature of pellets, but it stabilizes it – temperature fluctuations are significantly wider using non-ozonised air (697 to 817 and 611 to 817 ℃, respectively). The content of CO2, CO, as well as CH4 and N2O increases significantly in apple wood flue gases using ozonised air, while CH4 increases and N2O decreases in grey alder smoke. Which generally indicates specific reactions with ozone during combustion. Comparing the flue gases released during the burning of apple and grey alder wood pellets, grey alder smoke contains significantly more N2O and CO2 than apple wood pellet flue gases. On the other hand, using ozonised air in the combustion process increases N2O significantly in the flue gas of apple tree pellets compared to white alder.
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