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From taboo to commodity: history and current situation of cavy culture in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Maass, Brigitte L. | Metre, TK | Tsongo, F | Mugisho, AB | Kampemba, FM | Ayagirwe, R.B.B. | Azine, PC | Bindelle, J. | Chiuri, Wanjiku L.
International Livestock Research Institute - Kenya
Importance of gender analysis in shifting cultivation
Gurung, C. (Resources Himalaya, Kathmandu (Nepal))
University Library, University of the Philippines at Los Baños - Philippines
Gender and agrobiodiversity management among the Lepchas in Sikkim, India
Gurung, C. (Resources Himalaya, Kathmandu (Nepal))
University Library, University of the Philippines at Los Baños - Philippines
Homestead agriculture and food processing: Lessons learnt and their replicability [in Bangladesh]
Banu, T.
Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council - Bangladesh
Equity, disparity and gender perspectives in Bangladesh: A case study of two villages [in Bangladesh]
Kabir, N.N.
Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council - Bangladesh
Participation of women in the CVDP of BARD: A case study of two Comilla villages [in Bangladesh]
Choudhury, M.A.
Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council - Bangladesh
Gender and environment: some methods for extension specialists
Spring, A. (Florida Univ., Gainsville (USA))
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - Italy
Assessing the benefits of rural women`s participation in natural resource management: Proceedings of the Natural Resource Management (NRM) Small Grants End-of-project workshop, Cali, Colombia 13-17 November 2001 [on line]
Sanginga, Pascal C. | Lilja, Nina | Gurung, Barun
International Livestock Research Institute - Kenya