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Transaction costs of agri-environmental policy measures: the extreme bounds analysis applied to permanent graslands
Nilsson, F.O.L., Swedish Univ. of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala (Sweden). Dept. of Economics
It has been shown in previous studies that transaction costs (TC) of agri-environmental policy measures often are very large both in absolute terms and as a share of payments. As agri-environmental policy measures make up an increasingly large share of agricultural policies, not least within the European Union, it is becoming ever more important to improve the knowledge about the factors determining the level of transaction costs. This paper investigates the TC determinants of one Swedish agri-environmental policy measure. More specifically, it aims to investigate if the level of TC is attributable to economic factors, such as pasture density and distances, or if political factors, such as lobby groups and political majorities at the county level, influence the costs. To evaluate if the results are robust with respect to alterations in model specifications, a version of the extreme bounds analysis is applied. Although initial results indicate that political parties influence the level of transaction costs, the extreme bounds analysis reveals that those results are fragile. It shows that five of the economic variables are robust with respect to model specifications, but none of the political variables is.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Input-output analysis of rural private households
Balode, I.(Ventspils Univ. College (Latvia))E-mail:balode@venta.lv
In the article there are used statistical data about Latvia rural private households of the years 2001 and 2003. The distribution of natural households in Latvia countryside is investigated. The possibilities of the use of input-output models in the research of natural rural household economy are investigated. Making use of private household "Galakrogs" input-output tables for the years 1999, 2000, and 2001 published by A.Eglite, corresponding input-output models are compiled and their informative analysis is performed.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-][Methodological approaches in studing sociodemographic change in rural societies] | Enfoques metodologicos alternativos para el estudio del cambio sociodemografico en las sociedades rurales
Gutierrez Sanchez, Sergio
The mexican municipality: tensions between indigenous knowledge, sustainable livelihoods and bureaucratic strategies | [El municipio mexicano: tension entre conocimiento indigena, sustentabilidad y estrategias burocraticas]
Woodgate, Graham