AGRIS — международная информационная система по сельскохозяйственным наукам и технологиям

[ Опубликовано в: Thai Forest Ecological Research Journal ]
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Influence of environmental factors on the distribution of tree species in deciduous dipterocarp forest at San Sai Forest Reserve, San Sai district, Chiang Mai province | อิทธิพลของปัจจัยแวดล้อมต่อการกระจายของชนิดไม้ป่าเต็งรังป่าสงวนป่าสันทราย อำเภอสันทราย จังหวัดเชียงใหม่


Sutheera Hermhuk(Maejo University, Chiang Mai (Thailand). Faculty of Agricultural Production. Program in Agronomy) | Witchaphart Sungpalee(Maejo University, Chiang Mai (Thailand). Faculty of Agricultural Production. Program in Agronomy) | Pheeraphan Thongplew(Maejo University, Chiang Mai (Thailand). Faculty of Agricultural Production. Program in Agronomy) | Kriangsak Sri-ngernyuang(Maejo University, Chiang Mai (Thailand). Faculty of Agricultural Production. Program in Geosocial Based Sustainable Development)

Thai National AGRIS Centre, Kasetsart University - Thailand

Relationship between vegetation structure and soil factors in Ban Pee community forest, Phayao province | ความสัมพันธ์ของลักษณะโครงสร้างสังคมพืชและสมบัติดินบริเวณป่าชุมชนบ้านปี้ จังหวัดพะเยา


Chaiwat Saengsrichan(Maejo University. Phrae Campus, Phrae (Thailand). Department of Forest Management) | Wanna Mangkita(Maejo University. Phrae Campus, Phrae (Thailand). Department of Forest Management) | Kritsada Phongkaranyaphat(Maejo University. Phrae Campus, Phrae (Thailand). Department of Agroforestry) | Lamthai Asanok(Maejo University. Phrae Campus, Phrae (Thailand). Department of Agroforestry)

Thai National AGRIS Centre, Kasetsart University - Thailand

Vegetation structure of tree and edaphic factor in 40-year-old of restoration areas at Mae Sa Khon head-watershed area, Nan province | โครงสร้างสังคมพืชและปัจจัยดินในพื้นที่ปลูกป่าฟื้นฟูอายุ 40 ปี บริเวณต้นน้ำแม่สาคร จังหวัดน่าน


Anusorn Sasunti(Department of National Park, Wildlife and Plant Conservation, Bangkok (Thailand). Watershed Conservation and Management Office. Watershed Research Division) | Rungrawee Taweesuk(Maejo University. Phrae Campus, Phrae (Thailand). Department of Forest Management) | Pitakthai Pramosee(Maejo University. Phrae Campus, Phrae (Thailand). Department of Forest Management) | Anuphong Grapjun(Maejo University. Phrae Campus, Phrae (Thailand). Department of Forest Management) | Lamthai Asanok(Maejo University. Phrae Campus, Phrae (Thailand). Department of Agroforestry)

Thai National AGRIS Centre, Kasetsart University - Thailand